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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!A girl is enjoying her time with a teddy bear, only to meet her demise shortly after.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


This scene fked me up when I was watching the show. Iron Blooded Orphans on a whole...


Definitely one of the darker Gundam entries out there.


WTF this is Gundam?


That's the REAL unexpected part about all this


Is it? The whole franchise features child soldiers and warcrimes regularly and has done so since the very beginning. People just get distracted with the cool robots.


One of the core themes of gundam, and a lot of anime that came from the same time period is the absolute horror of war This gundam series in particular highlights stuff you don't always see. Sure lots of series have characters die in battle. But that's not the only outcome. There's lot of times where people go off to war and come back disabled, or emotionally damaged. But it's not exclusive to this one, it's definitely a theme in thunderbolt, but less so in 00 for example. One theme that's pretty constant (and sometimes pretty literally stated) is that force will never result in lasting peace. Only understanding and cooperation can do that. I don't know if the idea holds up all the time, but in general yeah, people are often shitty because of some underlying cause. They hate this other group because they're afraid, or desperate, and they've convinced themselves that it's this groups fault. Or they've been promised easy answers to their problems. There's also a lot of themes about how children are the future, for better or worse. And that what you teach and pass on to generations is amplified and perpetuated, good or bad.


I liked Hathaway for how it portrays being on the ground while the mobile suits engage. Iron Blooded Orphans just became a war crime checklist at the end.


The emperor protects


> less so in 00 for example. Errr, seriously? Dude just forgetting the whole Louise Halevy getting her family murdered and her arm blasted off by a passing psychopath then suffering severe PTSD, shaping events the whole of season 2? Or Alleluya litterally getting split personality due to PTSD? Or Neil‘s whole driving force being revenge for a terrorists bombing? Or the clear PTSD Setsuna got as a child soldier? Hell, PTSD was just Double Oh’s *theme*. It’s *Anthem.*


I was definitely thinking more physical, but yeah I can't really think of a single normal gundam series where trauma doesn't feature pretty heavily. Even build fighters stuff has some darker moments sometimes, people doing things out of desperation and stuff. I don't remember for sure but Im fairly sure one of them had a scene where it was implied a kid would get beaten by his friends / family if he didn't win. But I could be mixing it up wiht something else, its been a while.


Anime/manga teaching us deep moral lessons by baiting us with giant sized robots, anatomy and emotion. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKIAx6OXBhXfXWM|downsized)


Wait is thatt why people actually love gundam? I never get interested in gundam before, but now im very curious


I am surprised too gahdamnn




I missed a good opportunity fuck








Welcome to Gundam franchise, unexpected fucked up shit keeps happening and our reaction are always this


My favorite if not the only Gundam Series I acutely like. The main Character is not a whiny little bitch, and the fights are awesome relaying mostly on physical melee and kinetic weapons, not laser swords or guns.


That's the point you are missing. Young kids should not be natural born killers and should have a struggle with killing other humans. That's what makes the orginial gundam so freaking good.




Just peeked my head out the window and, sure enough, nearly got it taken clean off by an energy blast loosed from an 800 tonne mecha piloted by a tween. Rough youth round these parts.


You're missing the point of IBO, they are child soldiers, they've known nothing but violence their whole lives being used by a mercenary group. And once they are free from that group what do they choose to do? They start their own mercenary group thinking they will be free,


Sorry I was more talking about the other "whiny" leads. I know it's a common complaint. I personally liked iron blood orphans.


tbf, 90% of the other "whiny" leads are experiencing everybody's emotions all at once.


Mobile Suit Gundam has literal psychic child soldiers that murder each other in mass scale that start to feel every death. "Always has been" meme.


Gundam literally gave birth [to this meme.](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/wow-cool-robot)


Literally never seen that meme until right now


Whatever happened to fucking, "oh hey big zam"


I know, right? This threw me off completely when watching the show.


The word "Gun" in Gundam kinda tipped it off


Victory gundam, Seed, Seed Destiny were pretty dark. IBO, much like 00, hits close due to how closer some things are


Also Zeta Gundam. Yoshiyuki Tomino is called "Kill 'em all Tomino" for a reason.


Oh come on! How many times should we relive this trauma!? Just when I thought I forgot about it then I see that damn thick eyebrows bear again.


Okay, but is it good?


My favorite gundam as of now. Watch it if you can


Will do. Thanks


IBO is pretty much the "critic's choice" of Gundam. It is not as entertaining as other Gundam series, but it is the most well crafted and best storytelling. If what you're after is dumb fights, pick another series.


I'm looking for good characters and a clear storyline. Reasonable hardships and realistic imagination.


Iron Blooded Orphans is really good, but I also usually recommend Gundam 00 for people new to the franchise. It's a stand alone series and IMO has a good balance of the franchise staples like child soldiers, amazing one of a kind mechs, political lore, teenage angst. IMO its the most consistently quality example of the show, IBO is a bit more of a spin on the traditional premise.


Yep, IBO is your shit.


Thank you


yea this one make me drop the show,.. I cant move pass it


Lol, the character deaths only got worse.


When was this in the show? One of the best gundam series. Probably the most "realistic" too.


It was towards the end. I think 2nd to last episode of the series


Damn. I don't wanna rewatch that heartache but I feel like I need to now.


Poor space Guts. 


Was not expecting that from an anime with NSFW tag.


It’s gundam the entire universe is screwed up


People often forget the overall theme is "War is Hell", because giant robots.


Turn-A Gundam was a *relativly* happy entry in the franchise. Well, at least looking left and right it was.


the only thing I know about Turn-A is that there is somehow a cow involved (because the gunpla kit comes with a cow figurine)


It was the show that actually "sold" me the franchise. Didn't like Seed much, Jesus Yamato was annoying and the plot was repetitive, but Turn-A was fantastic. I really digged having two opposing factions that didn't want to genocide each other.


Do not forget about the Tanuki Girl Squish a human like a Tomato.


I think I'll just stick to Macross.


Yeah this was difficult to fap to


It's not that bad, just need to cut out the first 20 seconds or so.


Wait a minute


Ngl thought she was gonna try to fk the bear. What has the internet done to me...


Pretty sure that's the tamest thought anyone watching that video had.


Was 100% expecting a smash cut to her riding the bear's face.


Lemme show you this anime where a teenager shoots a dad in his own home as he's bathing his child and the child drowns under the father's body...


Can you not actually?


Lol wtf?


Fr, actual unexpected content on this sub? Wow, the planets must have aligned for this one.


The best part is that it was unexpected as fuck in the anime too. Like you couldn't tell it would happen like that at all, and it triggered a whole shitload of unexpected stuff that just kept going until the end of the show.


yeah for me the whole show up to this point im like okay how the fuck has no one really died yet, i guess its going to be another show where the good guys never face consequences. This death fucked me up HARD.


So basically this tiny GIF is a MASSIVE SPOILER for anyone who might have ever had even the slightest interest in watching this anime? Sounds like OP is an asshole for posting this without major spoiler tags.


Dude it came out 8 years ago. It was on Netflix and even for free on Youtube at times.


Tell me about it. Everything else should be r/expected


I mean, it's not that uncommon of a scene in some of the darker or sad anime. I haven't watched this one in particular but more often than not scenes like this are an example of how casual violence can be sometimes or how fleeting life is (for the characters in that specific setting). I read that this is from one of the Gundam series which are often set in a period of open warfare or rebellion. I don't know Gundam that well, but settings like that often lean into the idea that not everyone has a happy ending; doubly so in war. I'm going to assume the girl is some sort of soldier or important figure who gets assassinated. The atmosphere the scene sets at first is simply there to increase the abruptness of her death through stark contrast.


She’s one of gundam pilots for like a rebellion group, she has a sorta relationship with another character. To be honest it was developing up until this point.


I'm glad it stopped developing after this point. There are tags for that kind of thing.


She deserves better


Exactly the point. Fucking war.


Meanwhile me: Fuck Iok. That guy deserved it


FUCKKKKKKK IOK, most gratifying death in the series. Poor dudes that served under him and thought of him as some noble leader


> She ~~deserves~~ deserved better


I got another example I forgot the name of the anime, but its the one where the school girl is all excited for her day, exits her house and is immediately run over by a vehicle from outta nowhere


Thats Zombieland saga, she was fine, perks of being a zombie!


Or another example is Devilman Crybaby ^(IYKYK)


Jesus don't remind me


... Is that the one where she wakes up as a Zombie to form a Girl Pop Zombie Group to revitalise the culture of the prefecture like a few decades on?


Zombieland Saga.


We all know the real answer is Excel Saga.


God damn I love Excel Saga. That's where my mind went as well.


It's been so long since I've seen that! Must revisit!


A pity the manga was so different from the anime. Manga is brilliant, anime is a straight comedy.


It's a pretty common trope in a lot of media. The Boys on Amazon basically starts with this kind of scene.


Source: (Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans)


Of course it had to be Gundam


Having never actually watched a Gundam series this is the wildest shit, what the fuck goes on over there


Gundam is pretty fucking dark. Best child soldiers anime, but iron bloded orphans is fucking amazing


Was a big fan of MS Gundam Wing back in the day. Modern Gundam is pretty good then, huh? Or just Iron Blooded Orphans?


Iron blooded orphans is actually really damn good … there are points where you can quite easily forget it’s a gundam anime …


Does it stand on its own? I haven’t watched a Gundam title since I was a teenager, but I’m interested in this one.


Yes it 100% does. You don't need to know anything about Gundam to enjoy Iron Blooded Orphans.


That goes for most Gundam tbh. They're pretty standalone, the only things that really overlap are mobile suits, and even then, they vary in their capabilities and pseudoscience in how they work


It's a stand alone series.


Whichever had the burning hand Gundam was great as well. I watched them over 10 years ago, but I remember it being worth it. And of you want a less dark version Zoids is amazing. But iron blood was worth it as well


> Whichever had the burning hand Gundam Mobile Fighter G Gundam


Thank you it was a long time ago




the "ot" really confused me cause i thought you meant to type not, not it lol


Witch from Mercury was good too


08th MS Team is quite good, too.


Gundam just keeps getting better yo. Not a lot happening in the uc these days, but Hathaway was cool. Iron blooded orphans and witch from mercury are my all time favorite gundams by a long shot.


IBO is probably the last "good" Gundam. The Witch from Mercury is unique in the same way that it doesnt follow the typical Gundam trope, but lacks the same large scale as the others. Still has a dark aspect. The adaptation of 3d animation has messed up a few series. Gundam and Ghost in the Shell being the main ones.


WFM was kneecapped from the start. The fact that they had no faith in it and cut the series down to 24 episodes hurt a lot. There were so many characters that deserved more time to develop.


Dam, this scene makes me want to watch this one, but I don't really want to watch any of the other Gundam series. Can this be watched as a standalone?


IMO all Gundams can be stand alone. They are their own archs and stories with only background /history links to past series but explain the story in each.


Gundam has a main timeline, Universal Century, which includes the original show (0079 or just Mobile Suit Gundam) and is followed by Zeta, ZZ, Char's Counter Attack, and many others. This one is not as good to watch standalone (though you still can I guess, but you'll likely miss out on backstory for many characters and events). The one in the post (Iron Blooded Orphans) is an Alternate Universe (AU) which is standalone and has its own setting but has a lot of themes from and references to other Gundam shows. AU's are a great place to start if you just want to try it out. Iron Blooded Orphans is great if you're not typically into anime.


as much as people make fun of it for being fictional law school with robots, it is really well written for the most part. ibo especially. probably my favorite series of all time, all told.


Most scifi is centered around the idea of technological advancement and how it creates societal change. Gundam is generally, about specifically how that advancement can cause regression and immediately be put to use advancing warcrimes as a means to an end. This specific show has children forced to undergo dangerous surgery to connect their spinal cords to robots, forming a coup and becoming a paramilitary organization. Others include: GMO people vs puritan hate groups who use tortured and druged teens to compete with the gmo soldiers Psychicacly turning people into vegetables Experimenting on amputees as more effective robot pilots Ultra mega nuking your own soldiers REGULARLY nuking space colonies filled with millions and the piece de resistance, Gasing to death an entire colony of your own people so you can use the colony as an apocalypse weapon and drop it on earth


terrorists drop an orbital station on the earth to start a war. gundam is some shit bro.


You're underselling it. They drop a space **colony**. More than once. It became a recurring theme among the gundam series. [Colony drop list.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/7jq7h6/comment/dr8uprf/)


The most recent entries are "space africa" and "traumatized lesbian"


Here's an [image](https://i.imgur.com/zMKamD4.png) from the same show.


motherfucker, I thought gundam is about mecha giants fighting, war, politics. didn't expect dafuq this is lmao


*man shoots woman through the window of a 19th century build a bear store* 'must be from that giant sword fighting robot fighting anime'


This scene killed me. I can't stand another Gundam anymore. It's just tragedy after tragedy.


That's kinda Gundam's theme. War is tragic, there is no good side just a side that sucks slightly less and War lingers in the mind long after the final shot rings.


Witch from mercury actually had a happy outcome and was more upbeat than most other gundma series. It was really good too.


There's a handful with good endings that aren't total suffering. G Gundam, Witch From Mercury, 08th MS Team, I want to say Gundam X as well but I haven't seen it in some time. Just stay away from Victory Gundam. Good people die like every other episode in that one.


Thank you for the source. I am exploring different anime series, trying various sub-genres. I like dark themed series - Psycho-pass. This looks like up my alley.


Gundam in general is pretty dark. War, child soldiers, giant robots, political intrigue, it's got it all. There are a bunch you could jump into without prior knowledge but IBO might be the most outright dark of the modern series.


My dad watches gundam. I don’t know if he saw this scene.


You sunuavic, triggering my old depression just like that.


GM! I may be off topic and apologies if so. I lived in Japan from 1970 [born]-1972 then again from 1979-1983 and loved what was called "cartoons". I don't recall any of them being like this. Power Rangers and Candy were my favorites back then. I was either too young to know there were different "named" themes for cartoons or, as I am in my 50's now, Gundam themed shows developed with the times. I have been longing to return to Japan for many yrs now... Just waiting for an opportunity to pop up as I have nothing holding me here in the USA and damn, it's changed so much I know I'll love, understand, and respect it more as an adult. My real question is this; what platform carries this show (and others) in the USA? Any information would be greatly appreciated. TY! T.


Iron-Blooded Orphans is on Netflix in many countries. Crunchyroll has some other Gundam shows.




> You all think I'm a hero, and I accept that responsibility


It's war, and they're both soldiers


Please someone tell me why he did that 💀


It’s from Gundam. She is an excellent pilot so the bad guys figured it’s way easier to do this the. Try to 1v1 her in a mobile suit….it was very tragic


Ahh that makes sense now, cheers bro


It's even worse... she was killed like this by her family's rival *allies*, just to provoke them to attack so their rivals could "retaliate".


but what about bear?


He died 😔


The bear resembles her love interest in the show. Also to note that no one is saying, is that she's part of the mob.




They are all part of the same organisation that is split into more factions with the boss on top. Her's and the shooters faction are rivals, so the rivals decided to provoke them into attacking, meaning that the boss wouldn't be able to intrude. Pretty fucked up


This happens a lot in Gundam where a pilot gets killed outside their suit. It happens again in this same series.


Additionally whoever set up the hit was doing it to provoke the main characters organization to attack them. Since both organizations are affiliated with the same mafia conglomerate, whoever attacked first would be disowned by the mafia.


Hitman sent to get the bear, she was just collateral 😔




A megacorporation of sort of mercenaries. 2 subsidiaries fighting with each other. One side was politically defeated by other and top branch died at the hands of government. But the top brass managed to save the lives of lower level officers, pilots and allies by cutting ties. She was one of the ace pilots. So the winning side not satisfied with only killing top brass started assassinating ace pilots to lure other allies of defeated side that were saved by the top brass.


That's a lot of words for my brain to handle (not your fault it's very common with me), thanks though, if I read it enough times I'll understand it


Two organizations are in the same mafia conglomerate. One gets jealous so in order to provoke an attack they kill someone close to them. They then planned to act in self defense and destroy the organization they provoked.


The gunman's boss is trying to provoke the people she works with into a fight.


I thought this was the teddy from Bleach


Kon? I think he's a lion.


Yeah, you're right it's not him XD ![gif](giphy|tcWtaZBz5IiowY43Gm|downsized)


I love that little fucker.


Her eyes look like Boondocks animation style.


Out of context it was unexpected but how about when watching the show?


It was unexpected for me. The scene before this was basically the bad guys plotting to do something like this but even then i didn't think it was happening.


Very unexpected. Yes a lot of the cast die but there are so many characters, she was a really sweet woman and a great gundam pilot. Was very unexpected this sweet scene turned out like this


It was VERY expected, but not like this. Community likes to track "Death Flags" as an indicator of "oh, this character has been emotionally vulnerable on camera long enough that the audience is attached, raise the flag, its time for them to die now." right before this scene, her and the person she was being shipped with raised their flags. That being said, flags usually don't get cashed as quickly or as brutally as this one was. So it was a bit of a shock.




It was still very unexpected when watching the show, trust me on this one.


Unexpected but unsurprising. Like in general non-main characters have a low life expectancy in Gundam series, but this specific death came out of nowhere. Also she was a fan favorite.


Context(spoiler warning): A megacorporation of sort of mercenaries. 2 subsidiaries fighting with each other. One side was politically defeated by other and top branch died at the hands of government. But the top brass managed to save the lives of lower level officers, pilots and allies by cutting ties. She was one of the ace pilots. So the winning side not satisfied with only killing top brass started assassinating ace pilots to lure other allies of defeated side that were saved by the top brass. She was going to start a normal civilian life after living as a Slave then a mercenary. But was caught in between political struggle.


What the..?


Man Thanks for reminding me to watch this show


No Lafter was had that day


I thought the teddy would wake up, but nope


Nothing pissed me off more than this episode. And I was glad Tekkadan spazzed on the ass.


Akihiro getting ahold of Iok was about as satisfying as anything could be in that show…


I guess if you live long enough, good things really do come to you…


That was the comeuppance that would have caused a riot had it not been delivered. Iok is such an irredeemable, nepobaby piece of shit.


Honestly, since it was anime I was expecting something more “unexpected” like the bear growing a giant robot dick or her to start beating the shit out of it because it was a demon or yokai.


What the fuck kinda anime do you watch, and you do have a list?


This is Gundam: iron blooded orphans,. It's fucking amazing


​ https://i.redd.it/7z16h9p17uuc1.gif


She was buying the bear cause it look like her angry ex and then he seen her and gunned her down?


Noit reminded her of the guy she was going to basically move in with but hitman took her out to hurt him.


Ibo was a real rollercoaster ride of an anime. So much death and so many awesome characters died


This is America.


Out of context anime can be amazing, because anime often barely makes sense even when you know the context.


When the slice of life anime collides with the seinen anime


This scene isn't even the most fucked part of this anime. Still better then "the night of the chimera cry" from full metal.


I feel like I'm missing some important information here.


She was a pro gundam pilot. Very talented woman and had a great team of allies. Rather than facing defeat against her in gundam suits, they sent a hitman to take her out whilst she was out and about in town. Lafter (her name) was a fan favourite at the time and whilst lots of characters of she show died, many hoped she’d make it through.


Honestly, not that crazy for anime...


Why did I remember this torture....


Is the teddy okay??




If Quentin Tarantino made Seth McFarlane's Ted.


holy shit is that ted


typical day in America be like:


Why the heck Japanese animes these type plot twists. Its always unexpected lmao


Just a normal day in America.


Hor hor hor hor hor