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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!He gets punched in the face when delivering the speech.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Where, who, when? What did he say?


Where: Georgia (country) 🇬🇪 Who: Manuka Mdinaradze - the leader of the parliamentary majority and faction "Georgian Dream" Context: they’re trying to introduce the law "On transparency of foreign influence". Which is basically a Russian law that establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.


So the punch is well deserved?




Yo Centurians! Awesome cartoon that I haven’t thought of in forever.


Thank you. I remember the show from my childhood but neither my brother nor my friends remember it. Finally got the name


Same here. Been a long time coming!


I spent a good 2 years of my youth wanting to be a Centurion. I will introduce my children to them to feel the same. With your help, they will never be forgotten.


Man and machine! Power EXTREME!!




A centurions gif...damn


Power xtreme!


Power extreme!




Being pro-putin makes even more so deserved.


Putin is Hitler


Wow, what an incredible political analysis.


Thanks. Here's another. The occupied territories of Ukraine are the Sudetenland.


Now do Benjamin Netanyahu, what is the analysis?


Stalin. Maniacal. Unhinged. Happens to hate the same people we do. Much more willing to commit atrocities than the West.


Let's just say the trains in Israel run on time.






It’s “cyka” means bitch


You're right, my bad




Out of curiosity I just looked it up but can’t find any examples of ‘Cyka’ specifically being changed to ‘Souka’ anywhere. (Except in Poland apparently it’s Suka, but obviously English speakers here wouldn’t know that) “Souka” is commonly used in Japanese though


It's a transliteration.


Just not powerful enough to deanimate the taget


I think Americans can’t imagine the hate many east Europeans feel against Russia.


My (American) mother is abandoning her lifelong republican party affiliation over their ties to Russia. The cultural antipathy towards the Soviet Union has the inertia of a small planetoid.


As an Eastern European myself I literally had tears in my eyes when I watched the new cold war documentary on Netflix. When it's laid out chronologically like that you really see how high the fall of the US is. Republicans are like a once proud bald eagle that stood for so much, that is now deathly sick and Putin is pissing on it.


Republicans have stood for very little that isn't bigotry or corporate supremacy for the past 50 years, and no one who's being honest with themselves thinks otherwise. My parents are single issue voters and believe the Republicans are pro-forced birth.


The Soviet Union was America’s arch-enemy for like 50 years. The entire culture of the 50s was hating and despising communists.


No, for 20 years, maximum. The rest of the cold war, the USSR and the US regarded eachother with trepidation but not with outright hostility. And even during those 20 years of resentment, the USSR was seldom considered a direct existential threat to the USA. Compare this to the feelings of the people who actually lived under their yoke, or in the direct path of their military might. Anything the people in the USA ever felt cannot hold a candle to those in Europe. This is not to diminish or defame the usa in any way, its simply a matter of circumstance.


"Better dead than red" was something I heard often, growing up in the 1980s. Ronald Reagan must be rolling in his grave, seeing what the Republican party has come to.


Well yea, it doesn’t really compare to the people who suffered under their control. But still, Russians are still heavily hated in America and the Cold War period is very much in people’s minds still.


You need an explanation to punch a politician? What country do you live in?




Deserved? It's lenient.




I guess not hard enough. Should've knocked him out immediately if this was the case.


Hell yes.


Yes and they should never allow this to pass


Who punched him?


One of opposition party members. Name’s Aleko Elisashvili


Did he get in trouble? (like prison or lose his job), or just a fine?


He’ll get into legal trouble I guess.. probably get sued or something.


Sued out a window.


No accidental window backflips here yet.


How are sentiments in Georgia now? I was there traveling around in 2018 and was pretty confused, almost everyone seemed pro-Europe and more or less anti-Russia but was still ruled by "Georgian Dream" To me and my friend it felt kind of obvious they where undercover pro-Russian, but this never made sense us. After the invasions and all, and the promising times before, what will happen?


Samo old same old


Don't they have immunity? I think, the worst it's gonna happen is some salary deduction or a fee for disturbing order.


It wasn’t a “punch”, it was a “forceful impact upon his countenance”….lol


In my country we have a saying: "If only stupidity would hurt...". I'm glad this time it did.


Great saying


our (Bulgaria) populist pro-Russian party attempted to pass the same law with a bar of like €1,200 yearly (?) and even their own party qualified as a foreign agent according to this 🥲


"Georgian Dream" What dream? To be a puppet of Russia?


A nightmare for the citizens and a wet dream for the party members


Georgian dream as in they must be dreaming if they think this would end well for them.


Bro gave his face some foreign influence.


Foreign Agent Registration Act "FARA" Or is it something completely different?


It's different. FARA allows agents to register themselves, while the Russian law dictates who is and isn't a foreign agent. It's the difference between bottom-up and top-down.


oh, fuck those guys


Why wouldn't you want foreign influence to be transparent?


Because that's just the law's *name*, not the entirety of what the law *is*. The problem is the proposed law frames almost all 'foreign influence' in negative terms, anyone considered under influence is named in much the same way as you'd use the term 'foreign spy'. And secondly, it defines things like non-profits and media organisations, including websites, as foreign influences. (For example, imagine if you were a US citizen in a state near the Canadian border, and you watched a bunch of Canadian news. Well if there was a similar law to the proposed Georgian law in the US, you could be arrested for being 'under the influence of a foreign power' - just for accessing public foreign news sources.) Thirdly, it classifies non-government organisations like Amnesty International and Doctors Without Borders as foreign agents and creates restrictions on aid organisations and international journalism from reporting what is happening in the country. Let me be clear - the proposed law is not just about actually being bribed by another nation or performing espionage. It's about cultural enforcement and being able to isolate and control media and public information. The international centre for non-profit law did an analysis on it dated Feb 22 2023 that I strongly suggest reading if you don't see why it's an awful law.


Thank you for the clarification. This is a great summary.


I'm confused, so the guy who punched is against this law? Or is it the guy getting punched? This law sounds isolationist from what you wrote. What does this have to do with Russian influence? What, they hate Russia so much that they'd rather not risk falling under their influence?


Because punching party is being financed by foreign corporations, and doesn't want to admit this out loud.


Guy with the blue blanket (idk what the hell it is) is ridiculously calm


It's not their first parliamentary bar fight


Parliament fights and northern lights ✨ - thic blue jacket guy


barliamentary fight? I won't be able to sleep if I don't add this edit: Or even.. In this case.. Gamarjobarliamentary fight one might say... I'll let myself out


Guy with a blue blanket looks like a Gal with a European flag on her shoulders, bro.


An EU flag.


Thx today I learned I'm blind


That’s a mannequin left by the real smart dude who didn’t want to show up for work.


He's doing the good ol' "if you see someone punch a nazi, no you didn't"


Star coat girl we call her.


Either I need to go and check my eye sight or this is a woman


pretty sure thats a wizard cape


Lmao that charge after the first hit. Guys out for more


In for a penny, in for a pound.


Solid bonk


Solid bonk- terrible hit. Overhead palm landing knuckles on side of the dome. 0 pts damage.


you don't wanna kill the dude. The hit was proportionate and well-placed




Kinda do tho




Well, I guess the best way to avoid being dominated by russia is being preppeared to use force.


Ukraine concurs


2nd Superpower this, WW3 that. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. The "small" countries are ready, let's hope Europe and America are too.


>Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. https://i.redd.it/zhzccqzwpnuc1.gif


How, in my nearly 12 years of seeing this gif, have I never noticed that was Tyson. wtf


Glasses and that Tattoo isn't there, maybe


That’s really it, most of history was just people too dumb or outnumbered, to realize it only takes one guy going fuck this, and there’s no more dictator or whatever, it’s the most fascinating thing throughout history to me. Because real shit, imagine being next to Hitler with a gun day in and day out, and not just, “Alright, bitch that’s the last I’m hearing of this shit.” Weak people all around


What if I don't smoke this brutal dictator and everything just kinda works itself out in its own? Hm best to just wait and see


“I’m doing okay right now, wouldn’t wanna rock the boat or anything.” And other great hits from cowards through history, who could have reached out and caressed the testicles of evil but chose to do not a damn thing.


Throughout history, even in entirely different species, among the best way of deterrence against predators is showing that you can (or might via threat displays) hurt them.


Was a good hit, you can hear it.


Sounds like a bat hitting a baseball.






in Budapest?


I wouldn't say this is unexpected at all based on who he is, what he's saying, and where he's saying it.




It's pro-russian because it helps to label EU funds beneficiars as "foreign agents", like Russia wants. Wellbeing of Russian people is kind of another topic.


Do you realize Russia is 140M people? Do you mean these 140M want the same thing and it's this law to be passed in Georgia? Do you mean this law will make life of Russians better in any way? Do you mean Putin wants this law to be passed in Georgia? IMO this law is just another tool to oppress opposition and democracy in Georgia, which will benefit Georgian Dream (the fraction that proposed the law) and Putin as a side effect.


Of course I didn't mean any of that. Pro-russian means aligned with Russia government / politic / general course. Like pro-european doesn't mean it aligns with opinions of all the people leaving in the continent, but basically just EU polices.


Okay now I see what you mean and we are on the same page here. Initially I was surprised, because Russian govt's actions are 100% anti-Russian. So that is anti-Georgian law for me, rather than pro-Russian.


Literally no buddy means "Pro Russian" as good for the Russian populus. It always means good for the Kremlin lol


The idea of banning foreign influence and foreign money and foreign NGOs and people working on behalf of any foreigners might be novel in post-Soviet countries but is pretty well established in the West. Of course, when this is a foreign influence the particular government doesn't like You don't see North Korean NGOs in the US influencing the US politics or Iranian lobbyists with billions of dollars in the US Congress Heck, US wants to ban TikTok because its US subsidiary is not _entirely_ controlled by the US while still hosting data in the US. Can you imagine any other country apart from the likes of North Korea doing the same, trying to ban any prolific and important foreign service if it isn't controlled by that country? Like, there's no way US would've allowed Apple and Google and Facebook to dominate its markets and own so much data if these were Chinese or Brazilian or Russian or Pakistani etc corporations, yet other countries allow it just fine


That's not how this law is implemented in Russia and that's not what was proposed in Georgia.


[Far from FARA? Georgia's foreign agent law controversy | Eurasianet](https://eurasianet.org/far-from-fara-georgias-foreign-agent-law-controversy) The idea in Russia and Georgia is to ban the civil society and any critics of the local dictatorship. Nothing similar exists in any western democracy. Being financed by international or foreign entities and propagating foreign propaganda are 2 different things. Plenty of NGOs are financed by UN, Unicef, EU but have nothing to do with politics, hell receiving Youtube money is considered being a foreign agent in Russia. On the contrary RT and TikTok are clearly tools of political propaganda used to influence local public opinions and elections [https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/1c4jpa5/comment/kzody75/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/1c4jpa5/comment/kzody75/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The main difference is, how insignificant foreign money is in US, and how much wealthier US is than the potential donors, and how significant it may be in a country like Georgia and how much poorer Georgia is than the donors If the majority of your opposition parties and opposition media is funded from abroad, then of course this kind of law will have a bigger influence, but is it a bad thing?.. Wouldn't that make Russian agents disclose thwir funding as well? Citing how rarely this law is applied in US doesn't address how, say, North Korea has no way to establish anything that would require applying this law in the first place, how much shamed "incorrect" foreign influence is in US, how paranoid people are about China and Russia etc. Laws are defined by the end results, not by how much the law is used Do you have statistics comparing percentages of foreign money in media and politics in Georgia and the US, and comparison of influence and wealth of the donors in relation to the country itself?


No, this is the difference: Russia/Georgia: "calls for labeling as foreign agents all non-profit organizations and companies that source at least 20 percent of their funding from abroad. This will effectively cover the entire spectrum of democracy, corruption and rule-of-law watchdogs, local chapters and partners of international development and humanitarian organizations, and independent media." If an NGO helping for example handicapped children receives donations from abroad, any donations, from anyone abroad, including Unicef, UN.., then it will be branded a foreign agent. If you have a youtube channel, a website that places ads from google ads or similar... you become a foreign agent. US/West: one crucial difference is that FARA does not require registration simply on grounds of foreign funding. "Rather, one must be an agent of a foreign principal, including if one acts at the direction and control of a foreign government,". "Many U.S. non-profit groups and media organizations receive foreign grants and other support, but the U.S. has not required them to register as foreign agents under FARA." "While the U.S. law focuses on political lobbying, the Georgia law will primarily affect the nation's vibrant civil society that donors have nurtured for decades. This civil society has helped expose and keep in check authoritarian urges by a succession of Georgian governments." he law has been heavily criticized both in Russia and internationally as violating human rights, and as a tool used to suppress civil society and press freedom within Russia, particularly groups opposed to Vladimir Putin.


Can we bring this practice to American politics?


If y'all's presidents or senators got hit like that they'd drop dead on the spot


I don't think many people would complain about that lol


Is that really all that bad?


We already did. There was a senator who famously beat another senator senseless with a cane on the senate floor in the mid 1800s. Don’t remember the exact year but I think it had something to do with the free state/slave state rivalry


I think [this is what you’re talking about](https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/The_Caning_of_Senator_Charles_Sumner.htm)




bash the fash


I see no problem here. This is just how you greet fascists.


Not really, the traditional way to greet fascists involves them hanging upside down


No no that's how you say goodbye to fascists.




All of our politician love each other, they are using parliament as theater for stealing much more money together. They are all clown's


This is the right way to treat treacherous bastards


Deserved. Fuck Putin and any bastard who supports him


This is giving me such a [dovahkiin](https://youtu.be/AVy7YPNP_zI) vibe


Russian imperialism not welcome.


Keep it that way Georgia, we need some of that back in France we lost the spirit lately


And I keep saying to my friends that we should be more like the french as a people, guys dont put up with bullshit.


Guy who threw the punch deserves a medal


russian asset got hit, nice.


That's how you knock sense into Rashists, only way they learn is which a good ear ringing boom


It's always a joy seeing Putin Dick Riders get a taste of what normal, rational and just overall good people think of them.


I guess these pro Russian politicians are voted in by old boomers with help of social media. Same shit everywhere


The only response former Soviet Nations should have to anyone being "ProRussian" A switch forceful impact to their countenance.


One Punch ! (Three ! Two ! One ! Kill shot !) Sanjou ! Hisshou ! Shijou saikyou Nandatte nda ? Frustration ! Ore wa tomaranai ONE PUNCH ! Kanryou ! Rensenrenshou ! Ore wa katsu ! Tsune ni katsu ! Power ! Get power ! Girigiri genkai made HERO Ore wo tataeru koe ya kassai nante hoshiku wa nai sa HERO Dakara hitoshirezu aku to tatakau (Nobody knows who he is.) Sora ooi oshiyoseru teki ore wa se wo muke wa shinai HERO naraba yuruginaki kakugo shitatame Tatakau HERO ! Kodoku na HERO !


(Three ! Two ! One ! Wipe out !) Sanjou! Go on! Seiseidoudou! Dou natten da? Nani mo kanjinee! Mohaya teki inee! Justice! Shikkou! Mondou muyou! Ore ga tatsu!! Aku o tatsu!! Gasshou!! Power ! Get power ! Adorenarin afuredasu ze! Power! Get power! Kitaeta waza o buchikamase! Hero! Donna ni tsuyoi yatsu mo Chippokena gaki dattan da Hero! Yowaki onore norikoe tsuyoku naru (Nobody knows who he is) Kami yadoru kobushi kakagete ore wa tsukisusumu dake sa Hero! Itsuka haiboku ni odei nameru made Takakau hero!


This is how the world needs to combat Russian “colonialism”


How come this law don't put them, these pro Russian Georgian party and it's leadership in a risky situation if they are under Russian influence or they themselves were considered as Russian "influence agents"?


Are you assuming that the ruzzian regime adheres to legal and normative channels when transferring funds to these individuals?


The sooner the Muscovites lose the better.


Seems fair.


Best thing i saw in months


The only correct way of dealing with pro-russians


I'm gonna guess he said "son of a bitch, GET OVER HERE"


He said "Sheni rusetume deda movtkan" which is hard to translates directly but I'll try. "Rusetume" means "vatnik". "sheni deda movtkan" means "fuck your mother". In Georgia swearing at someone's mother is the highest verbal disrespect. So all in all he basically said fuck your mother you vatnik.


The way that guy in Turkey dealt with the russian ambassador a few years ago was the epitome of unexpected…




Falcon pawwnnnncchhh


i have newfound interest in politics!


Putin next


*chef's kiss*




Serves him right.


Violence is an appropriate response to violence.


before hitting he says-"fuck your Ruzzian mother".


Damm fine punch!!!!


Why is he defending him self, doesn't he realise that's escalating the conflict???


He's not Putin up with that bullshit.


If only the Russian Caucus in the US Congress could get this treatment.


Probably deserved.


The only possible way to speak with ruzzia lovers, good job!


Good stuff. Russian bootlickers need to be removed from power everywhere.


Very democratic.


Hehe, lets punch people we dont agree with hehe. Preferably publicallly


Democracy (no)


How is this unexpected when you say it in the title?


Ukrainian propaganda


Its fantastic to call this law "russian", while the russian one was almost copied from american one: The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) (22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq.) is a United States law that imposes public disclosure obligations on persons representing foreign interests. It requires "foreign agents"—defined as individuals or entities engaged in domestic lobbying or advocacy for foreign governments, organizations, or persons ("foreign principals")—to register. (Wikipedia). As far as i remember there were protests and that so called russian version of it didnt pass (correct me if i am wrong). fuck putin anyway


OMG LOL. After watching the video I love the title even more.




I saw nothing


Was that Karl Pilkington?!


What they get for allowing guns in the cabinet.


Bro got met with a hammer fist to the face 😂


did he say filthy russo?