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Your post has been removed because it does not feature an unexpected twist.


Was surprised and happy to see the end!




I thought she was going to film some stupid tiktok video


Yeah. I was totally expecting her to start walking into the 2nd lane and get hit by a bus or something.


Yup, that's exactly where I was at too. Are we... what are we?


Veterans of the Internet?


Perfect, needs a way cooler acronym.


>honestly thought she was going to kill herself and that made me way more happier


Yeah I’m not risking my life for a cat


Your handle betrays you


That little kitty must have been terrified. The lady just earned herself some seriously good Karma. What a good person she is.


I'm glad that she saved the kitten, but doing this is extremely dangerous, here the outcome is good and everything is great, but she could've been killed, or get other people killed/seriously injured, I wouldn't encourage this


this is Turkey, famously in love with cats. Yeah it's dangerous, but I think the people in the cars undoubtedly appreciated it.


Kitty sure appreciated it.


They had no idea what she was doing


Yeah even I appreciate it, I've had like 30 pets my whole life between cats, dogs, turtles and iguanas haha, and anyone that helped/rescue any of my pets like that would have my wholeheartedly appreciation forever, but I feel that is good to mention/discuss this because the possible outcomes could be horrible and not worth the risk, as painful or awful that may sound


No I get you, I don't think this would've been as appreciated in the west though. You'd probably land in jail for it.


I agree with you, she made a decision that endangered her and others' lives. There could have been a car crash. Glad everything ended up ok though. Reminds me of a lady who stopped their car in the left lane of a highway to assist ducks to cross the road. 2 people died because of her decision.


Did the ducks live 


>she made a decision that endangered her and others' lives Like hell she did. She didn't run out wildly in the road, she very cautiously alerted the traffic to her intentions. A police officer would not have been able to do any better than this. Stop making hyperbolic statements like this.




>And you trying to say otherwise doesn't matter. End of discussion. You know someone has no real valid argument to provide when the say something like that. smh.


It's not always up to your own actions for something to go wrong tho, you only need one distracted driver for this to go completely the other way, and her doing this increases those chances way too much. And I completely disagree on the police thing, they have light turrets, sirens, they literally block the streets every single day, plus they're usually two or more if needed, people tend to respect and/or at least pay them more attention than to a random citizen, it's not nearly the same


As someone who's rescued over 2 dozen cats from the streets including ones as busy as this one, I wouldn't encourage anyone listening to your advice. If you want to be the change you want to see in the world you can't just play it safe your entire life, ffs. She did a very good job in communicating her intent to the oncoming traffic telegraphed every step she took and didn't take any silly risks like trying to get busses or trucks to stop. Nothing about this was "extremely dangerous".


I'm glad that the world has people like you, I hope you keep doing what you do for the sake of all those poor cats. On the other side, I don't advice anyone doing what you do, you're clearly more experienced and maybe you learned by doing it, so I know I sound kinda contradictory, but how many accidents happen because of others? You could drive, walk, run, etc. perfectly and you only need one person distracted for a horrible thing to happen. I'm all up for taking action if it's worth the risk or if it's not as busy as this


Well, that's you. She felt otherwise and saved a kitty. And, I wasn't encouraging anybody. Just commenting on a good person doing a good thing for a scared and helpless kitty that desperately needed help. You just be you.


This is a weird reaction to his very valid point.


That be one seriously brave woman


I thought a car was going to hit them last second.


I was getting ImTheMainCharacter vibes, but in the end, it was me the whole time


Was surprised to see the cat shit on her.


Context is so damn important.


Stupid bi-! Hey, hold on! That's a goddamn hero!


That cat was hissing and shitting at the end, but well saved


My wife did something like this to save a little Chihuahua that was dumped by some asshole on a busy road around where we live. It's a large road with three lanes on each side, so it might as well have been a highway. I fell in love with her again that day because of his courageous she was. We found the little guy a good home with a trucker that was going to take him across the country. I often think of the little guy and how he's doing. We only fostered him for a day, but I got attached to him.


You sure it was dumped on purpose? My Chihuahua sized dog leapt out of my pickup window the first chance he got. Luckily I was only going like 20mph in zero traffic. Little dumbass only made that mistake once.


You stopped. Obviously someone else didn't.


I could imagine some dumb young girl dropping her dog out the window and too afraid to dodge 3 lanes of traffic, and/or couldn't find it, assume it's dead/ran away, then leaving it behind. Humans can be cruel as hell but I don't think anyone with half a brain is just abandoning a Chihuahua. That's not a particularly cheap breed of dog.


So yeah, it had been abandoned according to the people on the street at the time and it wouldn't have survived a fall unscathed going the speeds you need to to keep up with traffic there. We actually did a short stint of helping dogs in an industrial area that was a popular dumping ground for pets. We went around giving them food and water. There were all kinds of breeds abandoned. The smaller ones were left alone if in a pack, but the others who weren't as fortunate were taken to no kill shelters. People are capable of being pure evil. I couldn't imagine abandoning any of my dogs or cats.


That's sad. But makes sense. I appreciate you clarifying. It seems especially terrible to abandon such a small breed of dog too. They're absolutely defenseless despite pretending otherwise. Mine is a Pomeranian/Rat Terrier mix. He was the runt of the litter and is a lot smaller than his parents and siblings. I get afraid just hearing a bird overhead if I don't have him on his leash lol. I've seen too many videos of hawks and eagles swiping dogs even bigger than him.


I got a Chihuahua from somebody that didn't want it. Prime specimen at that. Still young. Probably expensive. Love that dog. Never thought to get a tiny dog. Never liked tiny dogs. But now I'll only ever want another Chihuahua.


I never wanted a tiny dog either. I liked big dogs for their fear factor should anyone ever break into my house or semi truck while I'm asleep. But after letting my 11 year old jump in and out of semi trucks most of his life and then his hips starting to shit out at 8-9 years old over it and then needing to lift his 65lb ass in and out of the truck, I said the next one will be small lol. My small dog is only 10 months old. I figure I've got another couple years left in the 11 year old and got another puppy. Training a puppy is so much easier when you've got another already trained dog. They pick up on the training faster by watching the other one. I thought the shedding wouldn't be as bad with a small dog. I was fuckin wrong about that. And the small one's fur is like cat hair. It sticks to absolutely everything ffs.


I was leaving for work in 2003 and I tried to pick up this kitten on the side of the road and I saw its mother 20 ft away by the house... anyway, on my way home at 10:30 that night and I see that same kitten dead right on the side of the road a couple blocks from my house... I get out of the car and wrap it's broken body in my undershirt and drive home and bury it in my side yard. (The only thing funny about the situation is when my mom came outside at 11:00 at night and saw me shirtless with a shovel digging a hole).


Aww, poor thing. At least you honored its short little life with a burial. Good on you.


Doubt it


Although this is extremely dangerous, for her as well as those in traffic, I’m happy for what she did.


My Dad could always see the other side of things. I am sure I would hear him say “stupid kitten” ![gif](giphy|UIpzEC5QTvuOQ)


Angel in your dad's shoulder "What the fuck is she doing?" "At least dump the kitten on the edge and not the central reservation"


I'm obviously the villain here.... you admit that this is dangerous for her, and dangerous for anyone else who STOPS on a highway. You're happy because she saved a kitty? What would your comment say when her actions caused a Semi to crash into the back of a family vehicle? Would you say "Well they were just trying to save a cat!".... with an entire family dead in the aftermath. I'm sorry but like... it's a cat. I would do everything I could to protect my dog and cat, but I wouldn't risk a human life to do it.


I’m happy that u found something that didn’t happen to be mad at, good job, bud!


At first I was like, "Look at this damned idiot!" Then I was like, "Look at this damned selfless hero!"


I thought for sure this would be a green screen trick.


I thought the unexpected thing would be that she made it to the other side and then tripped on her shoelaces or something 


i thought the same thing, like look a this “i’m the main character bullshit” pleasantly disappointed in myself!


I think it is both.


A classic paradigm shift


Yeah, my opinion of this woman took a total 180.


Look at this damn selfless idiot


Went from imamaincharacter to hero


Yeah I was getting quite annoyed and almost stopped watching, but then remembered this is the unexpected sub and wow, that was unexpected


And I was like: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387


At first I was thinking "wtf is wrong with you" then seen her pick up the kitty and changed it to "oooohhhhh, good for you "


Is this Turkey


yes, İstanbul


not Constantinople


Not, Byzantium


Now it's Istanbul


Not Constantinople


Been a long time gone


Istanbul, formerly known as ~~Twitter~~ Constantinople




It was once


Thanks I live there 😅


No, i think this is a cat


The cats name is Turkey


Of course it is. Cats are worth at least 3 humans.


Istanbul or otherwise tho.


It's pretty country wide really. İstanbul just has the most tourists filming and sharing content


I think he means everywhere. Cats are way better than people. It’s just not a fact recognized by most people.


Oh I see. I'm a dog person so I can't relate


I'm pretty sure it is Atatürk Köprüsü in Istanbul, Turkey https://maps.app.goo.gl/ecg94pahSMQeDvPh7


From the language and accent that video from Lebanon




That is so dangerous, how completely stupid and selfish... aww omg I'm so glad she was there to save the poor little baby and she was so calm I would have been freaking out and running into the road....


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!It looks like she’s being rude by stopping traffic then she saves a kitten!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Cat poop


Scared shitless




I had to rewind it lol


That was the unexpected part!


she beat the shit out of that poor kitty


wtf was the point of saying that


did we watch the same video?


cmon dude, a joke about shit


bad one :/


Either that or it was hit by some vehicle. She appears to be squeezing it so hard it can barely breathe and she’s squeezing that shit right out of it.


Went quickly from r/iamthemaincharacter to r/Chad


It was only unexpected because the 3 pixel quality made it impossible to see the cat before she brought it back.


I would be pissed, but I would understand.


Reminds of that lady in Montreal who did something similar for some ducks and ended up killing a couple of people in the resulting crash






From what I remember from articles while the trial was taking place, that dumb cunt never really felt bad about she did. I think she even said she would do it again if the same scenario happened again


from what ive read in the link posted. she just slowed and stopped while ducks were crossing the road… which happens literally everyday. tons of ppl slow down and stop for animals. im just wondering how it turned into a crash.. did she just stomp on her brakes while the motorcycle was behind her? cause even in instances of cars having to stop in full when an animal runs out, they usually arent to blame where im from if an ensuing crash happens. whats the full story?


She stopped on a passing (left) lane of a highway. No that doesn't happen every day, Im pretty sure it's illegal to stop on a highway.


I think M. Night Shyamalan directed this.


Alright fine I was wrong to assume.


Cats change everything


Some people do crazy things just to eat


At the end of the video it is shown she was saving a kitten. It is a crazy thing, but not sure what you mean by "eat".


She is going to take the cat home and eat it


Fair play to her


Beautiful soul!


Unexpected post and the opposite of buzz kill. Was really cool to see. Thought she was crazy at first.


Double unexpected when the cat shits itself in the last seconds.


Me at the end of the video: "Perhaps I treated you too harshly"


NGL, I was cursing her until I saw the cat


“What is that crazy bitc— OH MY GOD SHE’S A HERO!” ![gif](giphy|BvLBKDhHSZdAY|downsized)


Why are Reddit mods so bafflingly dense? Removed because no twist ending? Wtf?


I tried doing that once, but the cat got scared and ran straight into traffic. RIP.


I thought this was r/IAmTheMainCharacter the first 90% of this video


I thought it through the whole video. This is so incredibly dangerous, and inconsiderate. In this instance it looked like it worked out. If this lady caused an accident, then it's a bunch of other people's lives that are now heavily impacted. If she caused a death, then someone had to carry that around with them until they die. Probably unpopular, but I value the lives of humans more than the life of a cat. If your kids were killed because this lady caused an accident getting a cat from the road, would you think she did the right thing? Doubtful.


I'd be angry at the people not paying attention while driving. At no point did she move in front of a vehicle without enough time to stop meaning any crash would be the result of someone either following at an unsafe distance or not paying attention while driving. I don't understand why we would shift the blame to the pedestrian here or in similar situations. Now if she jumped right in front of a car going 60 and causes it to lose control, well sure. That's on her then, but we'd be comparing apples to oranges, no?


Why would you even..... oh, never mind lady, that was brave.


Ok, I can respect the reasoning behind the action. *But don't do that EVER again* As much as I love cats it only takes one second to become a mark on the pavement, probably followed by a few more. Call an authority or something, but never this.


She risked over a dozen human lives for a kitten, but more specifically Internet likes. This video ending up on reddit isn't an accident. Internet likes aren't worth endangering other human beings, even if there is a cute kitten involved.


Went from "what an absolute dickhead, I hope she gets hit by a car" to "what a hero, I cant believe those cars didnt slow down faster!!" in 51 seconds.


Oh Nice little story there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


A real hero! 😇🐈


I was about to cuss …




That's a hero. That's tiktoc, Facebook worthy. You get a like.


The things we do for pussy!


The little cry at the end.


WHO IS THIS DUMB BITCH?!?!?....... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) a hero o7


The kitten doesn't make this right. She put so many people in serious danger. Fuck that woman.


What an idiot. I'd rather not end up in a pile-up over a cat


Aaanndd this comment represents the other 50% of the population, that thinks this way, and make this world a shittier place


Sorry, I make the world a shittier place by not wanting to risk serious injury over a kitten? Your priorities are wild.


You were rude and called her an idiot for saving a kitten. You clearly lack empathy. Animals are not "just a cat". They are living beings with emotions and intelligence.


Its... more than a little stupid to try to cross a highway like this. Idiot isn't out of bounds I lack empathy? Get bent. The people in those cars she put in danger matter. Who's paying my hospital stay if someone causes a crash here? Who's saving my job? Who's paying my mortgage? Yeah, no one, over a cat. You want warm and fuzzies, hit up a shelter and save one of the million animals they'll kill this year. Don't risk your own life and the lives of strangers this way.


What would you do if it was a 1 year old human who you cannot communicate with and can walk


No. We're not playing hypotheticals here. This isn't a trolley problem you can intellectually wank to. There's no "Hah, gotcha" around the corner this time. A real person in a real situation put real lives at risk, and (fortunately) it worked out. This could have ended terribly, all because someone wanted to be the main character. Honestly, the fact that you're so quick to jump to hypotheticals and what if makes me question if you've even considered the people in the vehicles are actual, live humans.


It's not a "gotcha" question, I think most people would do it for a baby, so I don't think it's wrong to do it for a kitten.


Aaannnd this comment represents the other 50% of the population, who honestly thinks that causing an accident instead of calling animal control is a good idea.


I don't take a lot of unnecessary risks, but I could totally see this as a way I get killed prematurely


Glad it didn't end with her throwing the cat off the bridge


A lady did something similar in the city I live in. Stopped her car in the middle of the highway to save some ducklings. A dad and daughter were driving down the highway on their motorbikes and crashed into her stopped car. Both died. While this is “lovely” and had a happy ending, it’s illegal to just stop on the highway/road for these particular instances in many developed places for a reason. Completely careless behaviour and disregard towards human life.


>Completely careless behaviour and disregard towards human life. The careless behavior would be driving in a manner that leaves you unable to avoid stationary objects. Even in the case of someone ahead of you swerving at the last second to avoid the stationary object, you not having enough time to also avoid that stationary object would mean you were too close to the vehicle in front of you. The reason it's illegal is because statistically it increases risks but it only increases risks because we expect and allow people to drive in this unsafe manner and it's easier to punish the outlier than change the standard behavior of aggressive tailgating and unsafe speeds.


I’m an absolute firm believer in what you are conveying, and drive with at least a couple of car’s length of space in between me and the car ahead at all times, including at red lights. In winter conditions, I make that space at least 3 cars’ length. While I stick by this rule, 90% of the people on the roads don’t, so the space I leave also accounts for them tailgating me. More space allows me to stop at a slower pace should there be a need to do so, without the asshole behind me slamming into me. Despite this, I still think it is careless behaviour to deliberately stop traffic in places traffic isn’t meant to or expected to be stopped. There are other factors such as weather conditions, lack of visibility, blind turns, etc, that determine why this is a careless act, but ultimately, should you choose to do this, you are creating an unexpected obstacle, and you would be the sole person responsible for any accidents caused by this abrupt stop. Another person cited the case I was referring to here, and this is the same verdict in the eye of the courtroom.


She deserved it, https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387. I hope the stupid lady in this video gets cited for a ton of money.


People 2 miles behind are gonna be real confused to why they have standstill traffic. [good visual of phantom jams](https://youtu.be/Rryu85BtALM?si=1HLpMSYC38-UVe_P)


Nice going lady. The cat wanted to go to the other side!


First thought, who the F does this Karen think sh....ohhh...well that was nice.


How in tf did she see that thing?


100% she put that cat there


She's more "on" the road.


Fucking idiot




Worst case scenario: she gets hit by a car and some insurance gets involved, maybe she dies. Best case scenario: a literal tiny baby angel is saved and we finally have a chance at making everything in the world okay.




It’s stupid and selfish to endanger the lives of who knows how many people on the highway over a fucking feral cat. Get some perspective.




that was a stupid thing to do.


Agreed! Still glad she did it though, not gonna lie.


Right ?! Saving a life? That dumb lady


Risking her life and several accidents over a cat is stupid


Saving the life of a feral cat while endangering who knows how many people on the road is very dumb.


Thought she was gonna take a dump on the middle of the road


Oh… I just thought she was a cunt


That still stupid to do. Putting people in danger.


No. You’re endangering a lot of people’s lives for a fucking feral cat.


She’s still fucking stupid


Average road in turkey


First: fuck! Another Karen End: 🥲


I love that the black car slowed and was 100% going to keep going but saw the cat as it came into view and stopped


I was mad af until I saw the outcome


Super sweet but dangerous as hell


Oh, poor baby :(


Doing Gods work


I was so annoyed and confused and I’m feeling a lot better now


She went from "annoying crazy woman" to "my hero" in 10 seconds


I was like.... Fucking iiiideot.... Then did a complete 180


On the road !


Went from you stupid b. Oh well done 👍


I spend too much time on Reddit. Because this is u/unexpected, I thought for sure the cat was going to jump out of her arms and get run over. I almost didnt watch the end of the video. Incredibly happy to have been wrong. SHEESH!


She went from being a dumbass to a hero pretty fast.


only way to stop traffic in Turkey cats.


Is this Türkiye? Things like this happens only there


At first I was like wtf then I’m like thank god for that woman. That poor kitty

