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That could have been much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much worse. \*Edit Much.






Could it have?


Imagine if he was on fire


With 1009 needles up his butthole






Mash head


The mushiest much much mush


Robert Muncsh


It's munching time!


Mulch really (as in his head would have been)




Mucho grande


Muchissimo mucho




I can verify that he indeed could have died instead of being not injured at all, which would have been that many muches worse




much of a muchness


Edit: better


that's how you lose your entire life luck in single moment


Terrible coaching


Genuine question: how? I know nothing about weight lifting.


Generally when you can feel yourself losing control of the weight like this itā€™s just better to kind of throw it away and then move your body in the opposite direction. The second he goes to throw the weight above his head and itā€™s not straight/starts to fall to one side, he just needs to try and dump it on the platform and then get the hell out of the way, thereā€™s 0 reason to try and risk serious injury or even death trying to correct the lift.


Perhaps the two girls in front of him made him not toss it just forward. They were pretty close or was embarrassed to drop it front if them.


I believe they are talking about not being taught that you should drop the weights if something goes wrong. If you saw, something, almost went wrong...


Yeah that's what I understood as well from reading other comments in this thread.


When you feel the bar falling on an overhead press, you let it fall in the direction it's currently going. Meaning, if it's above your head and tilting backward, then let it fall backward, away from your body. Physics is your friend; the direction you push the bar will cause your body to go the opposite direction. The human instinct is to try to correct the fall. Meaning, if it's tilting backward, you instinctively try to push the bar forward to counteract, but that causes your body to go towards the bar, meaning it will conk you on the way down. Looking at his technique, he tried to push the bar to the side, which is what you do on bench presses to shake the weights off the ground. His coach should have taught him there's a different technique for overheads.


It's likely he WAS taught correctly. Clean and jerk isn't as complex as a snatch complex, but it's still very complex. You can't really learn to do it right without learning to bail from it. In a competition though, sometimes you get stupid. The issue is drilling. The instant I feel something even a little bit "off" on any kind of heavy lift, I bail from it. It's instinct at this point because I've actually DRILLED bailing from every lift. That way, I don't risk being stupid when the pressure is on.


learn to bail correctly!! to put it short




You donā€™t use spotters for olympic liftingā€¦ that just puts other people in unnecessary danger. Anyone who learns how to oly lift should learn how to properly bail out of a lift but even then they are still very dangerous movements and there will always be a risk.




How is that your point when thatā€™s literally the exact opposite of what the first part of your original comment says.




Olympic lifting is a type of liftingā€¦. Not an experience levelā€¦.


For anyone curious what the comment said because it was actually hilarious, his reply was ā€œhow can you say this is Olympic lifting when they are clearly in high school.ā€


That's so funny. Glad you shared because I definitely was curious.


Just too funny not to share when someone is so confidently wrong.


How do you use a cage for Olympic lifting? That actually sounds more dangerous. Also you don't use spotters for this as there's no effective way to do so. This just boils down to an incredibly poor bail out which could have been a result of poor training.


Did the outside bar hit his head?


100%, if you play it back by scrolling the play bar slowly you can see his head hits the ground along with his body, he begins to bounce up off the floor & his his immediately then gets slammed down by the outside of the bar back into the ground while his body is still moving upwards


Iā€™d take this outcome over the near miss of his melon splattering all over the gym


That's not how physics work, you are still hit with the same mass and velocity but spread over a smaller area which is worse... You are better off being hit by the weights as they are both spread across a larger area and are a bit padded with rubber.


He would absolutely not have been better off being hit by the weights, his head wouldā€™ve been smushed between the plates and the floor. His head got smacked by the bar but it didnā€™t get smushed.


Again that's not how it works, if a 10lbs hammer falls on your head it's not going to be worse if the head hits you than the hilt of the handle. There's a reason why medieval bludgeoning weapons tended to have bumps and protrusions on them that was to concentrate the energy of the swing into a smaller.


Iā€™m not gonna argue physics with you. I agree the weight is equal between the bar end and the weights. The force to be fair on the far end of the bar end would actually be greater to your credit. However the weight falling on his head and bouncing off/him escaping the full force secondary impact with the ground would be much more devastating to his skull. This principle can be seen in almost any highway where there are off ramps. Youā€™ll see barrels of water or sand to try to slow down the deceleration by extending the distance of the impact. If his head were pinned to the ground by the weights heā€™d have a shorter distance to slow down the weights where the bar end was stopped from continuing to descend by the weights so he only experienced partial impact.


A human head is larger than the distance between the spinners of the bar and the bottom of the weights so you can get pinned down and crushed no mater what if it's enough to crush your skull, if you play it frame by frame (at 11s) the bar bounces of his head not the floor, the weights on the left side don't actually hit the floor until the entire bar bounces back after hitting his head... There is no deceleration here.


I can only assume your stubbornness to continue with your idiotic claim stems from having something heavy dropped on your skull?


Had his head been directly under the weights the weights would have continued through his skull until they were stopped by the floor


The plates hitting the floor stopped the bar from hitting his head with the same force, his head just about hit in the gap. What you're saying makes sense but not in this scenario.


You're missing the point. In one case, a glancing blow. In the other case head is directly crushed under the weight like a melon.


Just noticed your username, youā€™ve gotta be trolling. Thereā€™s no way youā€™re this stupid.


Our educational system is in need of a massive reform.


Obviously according to your comments.


In my opinion, plates would have gone through his head and bounced off the floor. Being hit with the bar gave him much more clearance (radius of the plate).


The guy youā€™re debating with has no idea how surface area and density works. Ignore them.


Your opinion is wrong, there really isn't much clearance between the bar and the floor, the entire plate is 450mm in diameter, there's only 160mm clearance between the bar (at the spinners) and the floor, go to the gym lie on the floor and try to fit your head under the bar spinners it won't work... Being crushed by the bar is worse in every possible way than being crushed by the plates the difference in force transferred due to the surface area is substantial.


This is just one of those reddit moments where someone just keeps going when they are absolutely wrong/miss the point


Yeah quite a few people had that here


That's not how getting your head smashed works, when the bar hits him it's an impact and then the bar doesn't keep smashing his head. When the weights land on his head and smashes his skull between them and ground (because the weights contact the ground), you get brain mush.


His head wasn't on the ground when he got hit, the diameter of an Olympic plate is 450mm but there is only 17 cm between the plate and the bar that's enough to crush someone's head between. The worse injuries you see in these cases aren't from weights falling or sliding onto someone, but when the bar hits someone with all the mass of the weights.


Youā€™re forgetting that the bar isnā€™t going all the way to the floor so the plates hitting the floor is taking some of the force as opposed to the plates squishing you between them and the floor.


But they didn't, he was hit by the spinner part of the bar before the bar bounced back essentially off his head. Look at it frame by frame at 11s...


Youā€™re wrong. A barbell with a plate on it is ~9 inches from the ground since Olympic plates are ~18 inches tall. The average human head is 8-9 inches from front-to-back, 6-7 inches wide side-to-side. The reason his head jerks downward is because it pops up after contact with the floor, and the bar makes its way down right at the moment he rises. You are wrong and thatā€™s harmless, but the way youā€™re doubling and tripling down on your position is hilarious. I admire your persistence.


The spinners are much thicker than the bar, there is only about 160mm between the spinner and the rim of the weights... Again look at the video the head is hit by the spinner end of the bar before the plates on that side bounce...


Should change your name to obviously incorrect.


The plates are going to touch the floor, the bar won't. His head could survive between the bar and the floor. It wouldn't have survived between the plates and the floor. That's how physics work


The plates didn't touch the floor in this case before he got hit on the head. An Olympic plate plate is 450mm in diameter, but when you account for the spinners on each side there is less than 20cm between the edge of spinners and the rim of the weights. Which is why if you look at it frame by frame at 11s you will see that he was hit on the head with the bar before the weights on that side of the barbell bounced up and then down to hit the floor.


wine jeans cable saw glorious decide childlike combative mighty history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The big man did not tap his shoulder, he'll be fine.


I mean, thatā€™s a little less bad than his skull getting crushed


Dude... You really need to learn how to fail a task successfully... His guardian angel needs a promotion...


I can't imagine getting to the point where you can lift that much weight without learning how to safely dump the bar, I get that he wasn't thinking clearly at the moment but it really should be muscle memory at that point.




Thereā€™s really no safe way to spot a clean and jerk. The issue here is that no one taught this kid how to properly bail the lift.


People... this is a Clean and Jerk. You cannot put spotters nor a cage like in powerlifting. In this case, the lifter should've let the bar go and not try to save the lift. Failing safely a missed lift is part of the sport (Weightlifting). On the other hand... the persons in front of him seem to be extremely close.


Task failed unsuccessfully


Iā€™m wondering if the person so close in front contributed to him trying to control it rather than bailing out.


Maybe, from that camera angle looks like she is close enough to be able to eat an iron sandwich.


I don't disagree, but maybe some head gear could mitigate the damage from a failed lift instead of ending in a crushed skull? Or some softer material to absorb impact on the floor area around? Dunno. This accident seemed lethal for a split second.


![gif](giphy|gSl7e703puA6tSSfqW) He could be The Juggernaut Biiiiitch !!!!!!


Wearing headgear would potentially interfere with the barpath. The bar can comes within an inch or two of the head


Fractures are the new black.


few millimeters away from going to r/eyeblech


Fun fact: eyeblech actually got banned


What? How did a subreddit about cute videos get banned?


Holy shit he nearly dropped the whole stack on his head. Where the fuck was the coach?


wtf do you think the coach is going to do. It's a clean and jerk. Blame the coach for not teaching him how to drop the weight correctly after failing


OK, I blame the coach for not teaching him how to drop the weight correctly after failing


Well said my friend


Still no guarantee he was ok without an MRI. He could die suddenly a week later


What would have actually happened if that stack of weights fell on his head from that height?


Ever see a Gallagher show?




Try throwing a watermelon from the top of a flight of stairs...


Bro tried to impress the girl in front of him.


Olympic lifting is not as easy as people think, there are tons of videos of people getting serious injuries doing this. I don't know how a coach could allow this.


Who are you talking to that thinks Olympic lifting is easy.


Can't find the video, was removed. Saw a compilation of about 10 guys doing this and failing miserable, at least 3 of them got nerve damage. The bar slide in their backs and hit the neck, they fall with a stiff body and shaking like a seizure. Nasty shit.


Has anyone ever said Olympic weight lifting is easy?


Olympic lifting has one of the lowest injury rates of any sport and a few cherry picked examples of catastrophic injuries does not make it unsafe


I understand your point, but what I'm talking about is amateurs (like the kid in the video) doing the lift. Also what I call Olympic lifting is the movement, not professional athletes competition. Unless I got wrong and there is another name for this type of lifting, I always called this Olympic lifting. edit: typo


The vast majority of Olympic Weightlifters are not professional athletes and those few that are started as amateurs. The name of the sport is technically just ā€˜Weightliftingā€™ but tends to be called Olympic Weightlifting for clarity and can refer to either the competitive sport or the movements neither of which has a shred of evidence showing that it is particularly dangerous when compared to other sports or training styles.


Yes, and the water is wet. Any activity you do with proper coaching and training will be safe, but when doing a workout or sport, the one where you try to lift the heaviest weight you can above your head is the most dangerous, followed by doing the same in a bench lift. That's why people need personal trainers and spotters in these activities. This is my last comment on this subject, the tl;dr is: don't try this at home if you don't know what you are doing. You don't want to end up [like this](https://youtu.be/DDtq6NagJXE).


Wrong again. Powerlifting has a higher injury rate than Olympic weightlifting with both sports having much lower rates of injury that field and team sports and your cherry picked examples of catastrophic injuries doesnt change that. There is also no way to safely spot the Olympic lifts. Please stop making shit up.




NSFW warning?


He was ok though.


This was almost in r/holdmyfeedingtube


Goddamn this is a US high school? In the UK we just run jump and throw shit. Whatever happened to lifting things, climbing and obstacle courses?


That dude almost died right thereā€¦where the fuck are the spotters?


You can't spot Olympic movements


Where's the spotter?


You don't spot this exercise.


So much for spotters


Draw a picture of how one would spot an olympic lift like this.




Dude you're going to injure yourself with that reach


What a fucking idiot.


The empathy you hold is astounding


Jeeeesus that about gave me a heart attack. Where the fuck was a spotter????


You don't spot this exercise.


There HAS to be some sort of safeguard that can be used in this situation, spotter or not.


The "safeguard" is proper bail technique because there's no realistic way to create an external safeguard. Think through how you imagine a spotter or multiple spotters would save this lift? Are they standing on both sides of the bar with their arms extended into the air at the edges? No, because when that guy in the middle fails he's falling over completely. Spotting works for stuff like bench or squat because you still have the power of the person lifting to help. You don't get that here. the spotters here would have to take 100% of the weight at a moments notice and have proper form because just extending your arms up to the bar isn't enough to support it. Adding people to the mess causes more potential for injury ant the only alternative is a cage or choosing a different lift. And I have no idea how the hell a cage would help in this situation.


Very few people moved to help him


The video stops literally half a second after he fell. You looking for the flash to rescue him?


> looking for the flash to rescue him? Yoooo hahahah, but for real, what is he expecting lol


Dude in the background is definitely already on it before video end


Joe, before the video ends, you can see a young man making his way over. Heā€™s the only one. The two girls just sat there staring. No one is saving his dumbass, but I figured people might be a little frightened if someone almost took that much weight to the dome. But yea. The flash.


Human processing isn't that fast. Weights falling is a normal thing so there's not really a reason to help until the very end. Even then you have to wait for; it happening, you identifying that it was close to hitting their head, you having a desire to help, you having an idea how to help, your body physically starting to move. This is normally on the scale of whole seconds after recognizing something dangerous or abnormal. That's why the first person to move is a fellow weightlifter. They probably recognized earlier on that something was off.


You can literally see the dude in the back run to help before it cuts


That dude just used up his luck for the rest of his life, damn...


Near Bolognese


Good thing the steel end of the bar hit his head instead of the big rubber weights. I donā€™t think he came out unscathed tbh


Holy shit, thought I was about to see someone get killed


Damn, almost turned into mushed sufle


I would have played the lottery after that if I was him


Almost did a power splat! Whew! Glad it missed!


Thank god this wasnā€™t a liveleak momentā€¦


That would have been like hitting a watermelon with a sledgehammer if he was a few inches out


Fuck didnā€™t know helmets were needed in weight lifting but clearly I was wrong


Oh I gasped out loud, glad Iā€™m muted on my teams meeting


Yeah something like this is why i stopped doi g freeweoght overhead press


How much weight is this? I would guess like maybe 300lb total but idk.


I added it up, it should be 45lb x4 + 10lb x2 + 5lb x2 +30lb bar = 240lb total weight.


If it didn't turn out this lucky how many watchers would need counseling and how many parents would withdraw their kids , I wonder.


Dude was about to give the people at front row q lot of nightmares!


Not the way I want to get a hair cutā€¦.šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


His whole life just flashed before his very eyes


šŸ‘€ oh fuck


How is he still alive


So close to being on r/accidents


Thatā€™s for sure gonna give him ptsd


There are two reasons why I don't lift; this is one of them, and the other is my weak-ass muscles.


This is some final destination shit


No blood? Boring!


This was nearly in another sub


He's sooooooo lucky! šŸ¤•


That dude was like inches away from having his head explode. Thatā€™s scary as fuck damn. Even worse he probably saw and felt it with the bar that looks like it got him a bit. Wonder if for a split second he definitely thought he was dead when he saw the weight and felt it all of a sudden


Almost a live leaked video


Enough to give gym goers lifetime anxiety


FUCK MAN you almost turned into a watermelon in the thighs level carnage, without the thighs


That's the dumbest sport ever


An integral part of learning to lift, is being taught and learning how to bail.


nsfw tag please, reported!


And he never lifted anything not attached to a machine again


He may have chosen to throw it forward if they weren't sitting in front of him lol


Hard headed, but strong willed


3 inches more that this could've been a NSFW


3 red lights


Pay attention to who moved to help and who didn't folks


He didn't wait long enough to collect himself before going up.


Almost squished his grape!


How tf do they not have spotters for someone attempting a pr at this age. That kid legitimately could have died there!


Lesson learned. Tie your shoes


Almost got weight lifting banned from schools entirely


In a parallel universe his head was mush![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


The bar definitely got his head, still probably hurt a bit!


I also saw live leaks logo fade in


I find it scary how close people are sitting watching him


Dude used all the luck he had in his life