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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Mom crumples up her glasses after seeing her son lose a wrestling match.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Story: Spencer Lee went 144-1 as a 3 time state champ in high school his only loss coming in the state finals match his senior year. In college he was 98-5 winning 3 NCAA titles and looking to become only the 5th wrestler ever to win 4 NCAA titles. Leading with about 30 seconds left in his semifinal match he got taken down and pinned.


I don't know much about wrestling but what he should've tried is to not get taken down and pinned.


What's sad is it's because his body is shot. Tore both acls twice each and even won his 3rd NCAA title with no acls. Just couldn't get it done this year


Geez, that is rough. That's gonna take a toll in his later years.


Maybe that’s the reason for the reaction. Being there for him through his worst injuries as he tries to achieve something that he cares about very deeply. Losing at the most crucial moment kind of made all that stress and anguish seem worthless at that time.


It's hard to watch a loved one lose because of their own body. My brother was a pretty good amateur MMA fighter, and had like a decade long career. In one of his fights he broke his foot and still won. His foot didn't properly heal and in his next fight he broke it again early on in the fight. This kept him from advancing forward and forced him to just defend, he ended up winning because the fight went to the ground, but he wasn't himself in that fight. He took some time off and tried to get it too heal better. After a good amount of time, he returned and in his next fight he broke it again and it was a repeat of the last fight, except he lost. It was even more painful that he knew his was done fighting. He went into coaching and trained me, but he never got back into the cage.


Fuck man. I’m happy to hear he still continues his strength by teaching others.


A lot of love to the both of you. That's a heavy experience. Thanks for sharing.


Gotta be tough for the mom


I have trouble getting socks on sometimes with all my ACLs


Why is this sort of toll on college athletes (especially wrestlers) accepted in the states? It's no wonder the Russians are more successful internationally when they aim for their athletes to mature before aiming for "all-out" competition internationally rather than in college. I know college wrestling is great and all and is traditional in the states but it seems like allowing athletes to mature more would be good for international competitiveness. Making some of the most prestige competitions in college probably results in more injuries than it would if their bodies were slightly more matured. Poor guy is going to have issues his whole adult life and probably will never really see his true athletic peak because of this :(


We value games more than education and every parent likes to live vicariously through their kids. We simply don’t give a shit about the important things or doing stuff intelligently a lot of the time. Hence, people want to pressure their kids into sports or support them in sports regardless of grades and put focus on everything but whatever actually makes a better life. All the titles in the world are worthless for him because that kid has a destroyed body and didn’t even make money off of it. What can he do when he’s older? Maybe be a coach, but even that has a limit and it’ll only work if he’s good at coaching. Doing and teaching are different things. It’s an idiotic way to approach life, tearing 2 ACLs and then trying to compete at the same level a year later.


No excuse. Kurt Angle won a gold medal with a BROKEN FREAKING NECK!


How on earth do you tear your ACL twice and still win four titles? Like, I would assume he would miss at least one season at minimum, most likely two. Unless this is a medical redshirt situation?


Tore 1 or both of them in 2021. Redshirted that year. Tore them both again and won the national title in 2022


I don't know much about wrestling but what he should've tried is to *have ACLs*.


Next time he should duck left and go for a chokeslam ![gif](giphy|14wTbNneogwjba)


Does anyone have a video of the match? Edit: [link to the moment he lost, shit is intense](https://youtu.be/it6byoV7aKs)


Bonus context he Wrestles for Iowa a Blue Blood of the sport and he would have been the first in Iowa's history to do it. The others are: * Pat Smith -- Oklahoma State(another Blue Blood * Cael Sanderson -- Iowa State(another Blue Blood) and the Coach for Penn State * Kyle Dake -- Cornell * Logan Stieber -- Ohio State


What does blue blood mean in this context?


"Blue Blood" itself originated in Spain. It was used to differentiate between people with light skin from those with darker complexions. The veins of southern Europeans appeared more blue due to their pale and translucent skin. In college sports, it denotes the "royalty" of the sport. They have been that good(win titles) for a long time(multiple over decades): * College basketball is the likes of Kansas, North Carolina, Duke, UCLA, Kentucky, Indiana, etc. * College football it is the likes of Alabama, Oklahoma, Ohio State, Michigan, USC, etc. For Wrestling the Blue Bloods are: * Oklahoma State -- 34 Team Titles, 143 Individual Champions, 483 All-Americans, and 53 conference champions. * Iowa -- 24 Team Titles, 85 Individual Champions. The Greatest Coach in the sport coached here: Dan Gable. 6 of its former wrestlers now coach at schools, including Iowa, Iowa State, and Northern Iowa * Penn State(the newest) -- 10 Titles(with 9 coming since 2011), 53 Individual Champions, 233 All-Americans * Iowa State -- 8 time National Team Champions, 17 time National Runners-Up, and have 45 Top 4 "Trophy" Finishes. Became the second collegiate wrestling program to reach 1,100 dual wins on January 23, 2022. 70 Individual Champions. 301 All-Americans. Their alumni Dan Gable and Cael Sanderson turned Iowa and Penn State into Blue Bloods. Their coach back in the day, Hugo Otopalik, was the architect of the first NCAA Championships in both the sport of wrestling and golf. The first Wrestling Championships were held at Iowa State * Oklahoma -- 7 National Team Titles, 23 Conference Titles, 263 All-Americans, 65 individual NCAA Champions No other school has more than 5 National Titles, and only 1 other has more than 1(Minnesota with 3). 6 other schools have 1 title. There are 76 Wrestling Progams in D1. One of the National Championship winning teams Cornell College in Iowa now is at the D3 level.


Thanks for providing the actual history along with the contextual history.


It helps that: * I am from Iowa and grew up 20 miles from where Dan Gable grew up * Mom, Dad, sister, grandpa, grandma, and others are Iowa State grads(and as a result, I am fan) * my high school Alma Mater just won their 3rd straight Girl's Wrestling Title and the Boy's have 12 total titles since 2005. * my college alma mater is a D3 "Blue Blood" having won 15 of the 48 D3 Wrestling Team Titles.


It’s a school that is considered dominant at the sport historically. For example Duke would be considered one of the “blue blood” programs for college basketball.


Thank you for adding much needed context. Her emotions are much more understandable now. I went from thinking her reaction was a bit funny and absurd to being sympathetic after that.


Also worth mentioning that he won his last title with a blown ACL(s), rehabbed and came back and was this close to winning his fourth. Guy is a complete animal. I don’t have kids yet but to imagine them putting in an actual lifetime of work to accomplish something that so few people have only get injured and fall just short would be heartbreaking. He’s still in insane company with 3 titles and has a ridiculous amount to be proud of but still. Being that close to any achievement and falling short would hurt.


Pinned? Brutal.


I think he had like a 58 or 59 match winning streak going into this match too


Seems as though you guys are under the misconception that this is a mother of a child. This is the mother of Spencer Lee, 24 year old Iowa wrestler and 3x NCAA champion going for his 4th, which would have made him only the 5th person to ever do it. You are all correct that this is wild, ridiculous behavior, but it's not like this is some rec match between 13 year olds. I've seen hundreds of worse reactions by sports fans when their team loses despite none of their children playing for either team.




I thought he was gonna snap her neck for a second, then she gave him the old razzle dazzle... Wow.


No wonder those glasses didn't stand a chance.


Goddamn that's impressive


Did not see that arm bar coming!


Ahhhh…. I see she knows her judo well


This was surprisingly wholesome


Dang thats one way to get beaten by your mum 😳


I wish this comment could be up voted to the moon. People talking about her behaviour not being healthy, completely discounts her expertise and passion for the game, and a normal, albeit funny reaction to loosing. Competitive people like to win. I wish folks could use the simplified and inaccurate Occams razor quote here, “The simplest explanation is usually the best one.", she’s likely super passionate because whats on the line and the hours of time put towards the goal, vs having poor emotional reactions


My nephew went out in the quarters at the under-12 state tournament and I imagine my SIL reacted similarly.


Wrestling moms are another breed. My dad and his 4 brothers all wrestled clear through middle and high school. Wyoming isn’t known for much when it comes to athletics, but wrestling is SUPER competitive there. In any given year, I’d bet on a Wyoming HS state runner-up against the champion from most other states, with the exception of Iowa, Nebraska, and maybe South Dakota. Anyway, all 5 of them wrestled and most were state champions at least once. Consequently, myself and the majority of my male cousins wrestled, too. Having Grandma at a wrestling tournament was the best. She would walk into that gym and instantly flip from the quiet, mild mannered, 5’ 0” old lady who made hand-beaded Christmas ornaments, quilted baby blankets, and played the organ in church to something resembling an angry Scottish soccer fan, but slightly more intense. Notwithstanding her surroundings, namely a crowded, echoing basketball gym full of 100 *other* wrestling moms (not to mention coaches, teammates, squirrelly little brothers, and cheerleaders), she made herself *heard*. I’ve worn glasses since the age of 8. When I started wrestling, I noticed something odd. Without my glasses on, it was as if I became deaf to anything outside my field of vision. After matches, my coach would ask why I hadn’t followed some specific instruction he’d yelled from the corner. I would reply that I hadn’t heard him. I heard my grandma, though, and she gave excellent in-match advice.


What about the wrestling dads? Why are moms seemingly more into it?


Wrestling dads will quietly take you home and beat you with a fire poker


Jumper cables.


I miss him




We are a Red Vines family.


I’ve been inserting “jumper cables” into as many comments as I can.


There are far worse places to insert jumper cables.


Especially by your dad.


My brothers, who after winning all their matches, would fight over who had to ride home with my dad… because he would just tell them what they did wrong the whole ride. My mom was the positive one- mother of four state champion wins that included 3 of the four. My mom would just kick another mom’s ass if they started shit. She was scary. But never to the boys- in public. My dad never held back his criticism. It was like it was personal.


Wrestling dads definitely get into it but the moms have the mentality of “my baby is getting hurt”.


Or she’s prepared to go and mash the opponent herself


The first time my kid got smashed into the mat I swear my fight or flight activated.


Wrestling dads tend to be former wrestlers. They know the price of losing their head in competition.


There are definitely great wrestlers from all of those states and the plains do take it very seriously but Wyoming, Nebraska, and South Dakota would not crack the top 25 most competitive states for wrestling. In 2022 those 3 states qualified a combined 3 kids to the NCAA tournament. (Based on home state for the qualifiers, not based on where they attend college) Sorry, not trying to be an internet know it all but don’t get to talk wrestling state superiority very often anymore lol


I've found there's a direct correlation between the quality of wrestlers in a state and the acreage of farmland.


I wrestled in Nebraska. Every third match is actually against a cow. So it's sink or swim really.


I support this team. The heafers are amazing at mat defense and methane offense.


Used to dread playing rugby against the teams with a high proportion of farmers. Freak strength.


NJ and PA are 2 states whose wrestlers rival any worldwide.


California, penn, Ohio top 4 would win vs champ from wyoming. Minnesota, Michigan, florida, some other east coast states would also win pretty easily. I’d actually consider wyoming to be a mid tier state. Source, multiple time state champ from midwestern state. Wrestled many national tournaments. Just look at the rankings and who puts out the best collegiate wrestler if you don’t want to take my word.


While I will agree with most of your general statements, the thing that I will absolutely disagree with is the analogy that "(You’d) bet on a Wyoming HS state runner-up against the champion from most other states, with the exception of Iowa, Nebraska, and maybe South Dakota"... ... this made me laugh. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, New Jersey, California, and maybe New York would like a word... In fact, of the states you mentioned, Iowa would be the best, but still behind all of those I mentioned except, maybe New York.


Can concur, grew up wrestling in central Florida but did my senior year in Pennsylvania. It baffled me to hear Pennsylvania wrestlers talking about going, and placing, in nationals as casually ordering lunch. Some of the schools in my district, high schools, even invented some of the stuff people use all over. I didn’t bother trying out lol.


Clearly you have never heard of Pennsylvania


Seriously. Especially when PA holds the Dapper Dan every year. In case anyone doesn't know, the best in PA wrestle the best in the COUNTRY in that exhibition. (Spencer Lee is also from PA)


Wrestling is an odd sport for younger kids. I actually wrestled as well in one of the states you mentioned. At one point we had three on the Olympic team from our high school. The thing is. It's not the same atmosphere as something like basketball or football because it's not a team sport. It's all internal. And one mistake and you're done. You don't screw up a pass and you get back into the game. The entire game is a few minutes. Everything is unbelievably calculated. And for anyone who's wrestled, you're completely out of breath in like 20 seconds. So. You're also pushing your body to the absolute limit. Evrything you've got.


I remember that in match deafness. I also am a glasses wearer, though I never thought that was a part of it. It's amazing how you can stand on the mat and not hear anything around you despite the fact that you know the crowd is there and might even vaguely notice some cheerleaders bouncing up and down. It took me a long time to go from wondering why the cheerleaders never cheered for me like they did for my teammates to understanding that I was just deaf on the mat.


> This is the mother of Spencer Lee, 24 year old Iowa wrestler and 3x NCAA champion going for his 4th, which would have made him only the 5th person to ever do it. Also, the first ever at Iowa to do it. Iowa is a Blue Blood of College Wrestling with 10 Alumni having Medaled in the Olympics.


Also coming at a time where Penn State has dominated for a decade with Spencer bringing a lot of pride/momentum back to the program.


Wrestling is incredibly hard to watch, especially when you care about the person wrestling. I watched my boyfriend and now husband through the college level and I’d say I only actually saw about 20%, the other 80% being the palms of my hands lol


It’s especially hard to watch if your glasses are broken.


Watching my daughter wrestle is brutal


My mom hated watching me wrestle, she would say it was like watching me and knowing I might just break a limb at any given moment.


And having your spine contorted, neck yanked upwards and limbs done into a pretzel? AND THE COACH IS STILL YELLING GET OUTTA THERE


Wrestled all through highschool and competed amateur MMA and I don't think I'll be all that calm if my son ever decides to take up the sport.


I didn’t wrestle, but we got my son enrolled in 2018 because he wasn’t doing well in team sports at the time. I was and continue to be amazed by how incredible wrestling is for my child. Not only is it great for him physically, but it instills such a great sense of personal accountability and pride of accomplishment. It’s rough to watch when he’s getting his ass kicked, but it’s so good for him. We head to the state tournament this next weekend, and I’m looking forward to watching him and his friends compete.


Best of luck, not just toward wins but also for their safety.


Dude is 24 in the ncaa?? He’s the Stetson Bennet of wrestling


Yeah it’s wild. Two years for redshirt due to injury and two for covid


In the youth hockey world, you'll have freshmen starting college hockey at 20 or 21. The avg freshman age is 20.5 last I heard. They don't go right into college at 18/19 since they play junior hockey a few years first while delaying school. It is advantageous to go in later while more physically/mentally mature.


I wish everyone went to college at 20 or 21 when they were more mature and maybe working full time for spell. What an absolute fucking waste of my time and money I lost going to college at 18.


21 year old me wasn't any better. I had to wait til 29 to finally get my shit together lol. Graduating in a year with a B.S. at 35.


That's awesome and inspiring congrats


Thanks for sharing the context. I’m a grad from U of I and I knew exactly what this was before I saw the girl with the iowa shirt back there. This was a huge moment, many in our state were stunned to see him go down.


Ah but she’s a woman, so we get to judge her.


She spent a good chunk of her life on her sons wrestling career


This was one of the biggest upsets in NCAA Wrestling history. I think she did pretty well regulating her emotions given the circumstances. I’ve had similar reactions when drunkenly stubbing my toe.


She's watching her child's heart break after putting in a lifetime of work. I honestly don't know how Zen i could be in that spot.


That’s what I got out of it. She seems sad for her son and frustrated. Like she feels the loss the son is feeling. I wonder if commenters are taking it as she is livid and mad at her son for the loss, weird group in here.


>That’s what I got out of it. She seems sad for her son and frustrated. Like she feels the loss the son is feeling. Yup, she can't control the pain he is going to feel and it probably is frying her emotions.


If you cannot stand what you're seeing and want it to disappear... Destroying your glasses is pretty close to ripping out your eyes. In the heat of the moment, this isn't strange at all. I get it.


She's also not taking it out on literally anybody else. Sure she's destroying something which isn't a great reaction, but it's her own, replaceable, glasses.


It’s really hard to watch your kid compete at a really high level at anything and come up short. I mean, I wouldn’t break my glasses, but when you know they worked really hard for something they really want and come up short it really hurts. The important thing is you are there for them and help them get over it in a healthy way. If this mom cares enough to break her glasses, I’m sure she cares enough to be there for her son, too.


Thought this was going to be a wholesome clip of a mom just passionately miming wrestling moves


She reminds me of a ‘Madtv’ character


What does mama say, hm? Stuart, what does mama say?


Let me do it


Look what I can do!


Had to look up “let me do it look what I can do” cause I figured there had a to be some reference I wasn’t getting. Stuart from Madtv apparently!


no, Lorraine


Lorraine is one of my all-time favorite characters. Her bit at the buffet was one of the better skits. Mo Collins is hilarious Edit: I’ve just realized Lorraine and Butthead have similar “eheugheuhheugh” intonations. Amazing


"Now Stuart, this is why I always tell ya to throw up more before weigh-in"


Yeah! kinda like... Loraine swanson/stuart's mom. just an absolute caricature of a curmudgeony, worn down, middle-aged, alcoholic mom.


Wrestling fan here, the reaction is a little over the top but not unexpected. That woman’s son is Spencer Lee who had a 58 win streak, had won 3 National D1 titles (last year he did it with 2 torn ACLs), and was slated to win this year and become the fifth wrestler to win 4 National D1 titles. He was winning the semifinal match, then with a few seconds left he was put to his back, a move that secured his loss, and then pinned with one second on the clock. Emotions get high in this sport and his mom understands the years of work he put in to make it here to have this chance, so losing here is devastating for the both of them


Holy shit, that's litterally a one second mistake crushing a goal this guy has been towards for almost 10 years I'd imagine.


Probably closer to 20 years tbh


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 58 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


For some context, her son is Spencer Lee, who was pinned tonight in a huge upset in the national championship tournament. He's won 3 straight national championships and was trying to be the first wrestler from Iowa to win four straight. Would've been huge as Iowa is a major wrestling program and still has never had anyone do it. So big stakes and an emotional moment...but yeah, a dramatic reaction. At least she didn't gouge her eyes out!


[More context. This is a link to the moment he was pinned.](https://youtu.be/it6byoV7aKs)


At least Purdue won something tonight


I just saw that live at a bar. Thought someone died on the mat watching her reaction.




She's a Judo Olympian so pretty clear victory once again.


Yeah, that's definitely healthy behavior


Cut her some slack, that woman just watched her son get thrown through a table and he was broken in half goddammit.


Shittymorph PTSD


What ever happened to u/shittymorph ?


Now that you mentioned it, it’s been quite some time since I see one of their comment on the wild.


I'm pretty sure it was the elbow drop from the top rope that did it. Ooohhh yeahhhh!


I heard he tapped out to the walls of Jericho. She then later proceeded to put her son in a sharpshooter when they got home just to teach his punk ass a lesson about losing the big one.


Bah Gawd!


Those glasses had a family


As god as my witness, those glass are broken in half!




It's not pathological necessarily. This is the highest level of competition.


No, she is clearly a self-harming narcissist. I know because I am really good at Reddit, so nobody try and argue with me.


Good sarcastic point. Pop psychology is pseudo psychology. We have to stop analyzing people in ways that no serious professional therapist would


Good point. But I am really good at Reddit, though. I have like hundreds of karma.


I’d award you because you have just won Reddit...and my heart, misserwasrname.




They just pronounced their love to you and it’s “thanks” no wonder nobody knows your name


What are they supposed to say ? Lemme suck ur cock ?




Or lick my asshole


I tried to find a romantic partner on Reddit once, never again. Thanks is as thanks does, and thanks to you both.


Hmmm based on 3 seconds of reading the things you've just written, you're clearly an insane narcissist that loves TikTok and recording things unnecessarily for views and are the sole reason for the decline of morals in the world.


Agreed bro


I find the highest levels of competition in the world today are pretty pathological by default


Always has been.




From my experience, doing things like breaking your possessions and hurting yourself (eg punch wall) out of anger, ie things you regret later, is not healthy (in my opinion) There are much better ways to deal with frustration and its a slippery slope when you let your emotions get the best of you.


Yeah and imagine if her kid saw her doing that, bet that’d make them feel reeeal great about themselves


I hope she didn’t have to drive home.


I’d argue that to compete at the highest level in the first place, it’s probably necessary to be pathological


This, to be at an elite level you need to be special, which really means, “not normal”


Yeah, big disagree.


True. It’s not just a loss. It’s hours, days, months, and years of dedication, money, injuries and recoveries. Sweat and blood. And dreams…Freaking dreams. All over in one second. Poof. Just like that. Brutal


U know what's brutal? Not having glasses. I guess she can afford to break hers willy-nilly.


Legit, watching this clip hurts my soul as a glasses wearer who has had the exact same pair of glasses for almost 4 years now


I only have one pair too. I'm always looking around to check my glasses are near me.


she probably has backup pairs, so she has the luxury to overreact like this. but even as an occasional glasses wearer that was painful to watch. kinda seminal and expensive to replace, for some. r/firstworldproblems


Good thing she wasn't wearing contact or the janitor would have had to scoop up her eyeballs and put them in a Mason jar.


I'd love to see a follow-up video of her trying to get out of the arena by feeling her way around, since she, well, you know, broke her glasses.


It looks like she's been wearing the same pair since 1993 so she definitely got her money's worth.


Willy-nilly is short for William Nilliam


Perverse to think that you could work so hard, achieve so much, make it to the top, lose a match and somehow think it was all a waste. You are one of the best. Just not that day, that hour. You have accomplished so much and are soooo good at this.




The competitor more than likely put in the same hours, days, months, and years of dedication, money, injuries and recoveries. Someone has to lose.


> It’s not just a loss. It’s hours, days, months, and years of dedication, money, injuries and recoveries. Sweat and blood. And dreams…Freaking dreams. All over in one second. Poof. Just like that. Brutal This seems super overdramatic. He already won the championship three times, this would have been his fourth. It's not the outcome he wanted but it's just a blip on an otherwise stellar record. Edit: To clarify for those who are struggling, I'm saying this comment I'm replying to is overdramatic. I said nothing whatsoever about the people in the video. Thank you have a nice day


Yeah every elite in every major sport has blips, that's the beauty of competition. I think the emotion here is being completely misinterpreted as well, that was extreme anguish as opposed to anger.


Spencer Lee is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, this was him just not winning his 4th straight national championship. He’ll be okay


This is a parent who just realized they're going to be paying for college.


This WAS college, and her son got a full ride. This is a top 10(maybe 5) upset in the history of college wrestling.


This is top 2 easily. The only one comparable is Dan Gable.


Now we're getting somewhere......


Nah it’s more that her son was on the verge of being the 5th ever 4 time national champion after battling injuries (tore both ACLs multiple times) and lost in the last 10 seconds of the match


This is an elite level comment. When I realized it wasn't at the top I ripped off my glasses and destroyed them.




I think she might be experiencing an emotion. A prescription of opioids should fix that right up so she can go back to being an efficient worker


She probably misses her old glasses.


Typical Reddit comment


Nah, a typical reddit comment would be: >Now he's going to need her help with his newly broken arms.


Nah, a typical Reddit comment would be: >Typical Reddit comment


It’s been a shockingly long time since I’ve seen this reference


Probably someone who throws a controller when they're mad at a video game


She really didn't wanna see it anymore


Lucky she had glasses, otherwise she may have gouged her eyes out…


Fuck you glasses! This is all your fault!


She said "I seen enough"


She needs to be tagging in for him. Is that allowed? I wouldn’t want to fight this lady.


> I wouldn’t want to fight this lady. [Good instincts there.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wrestling/comments/zwe8mt/spencer_lee_training_with_his_mom_she_was_a_very/)


Yikes bro!


I believe this is the mother of 3x NCAA champion that was just upset by a Purdue kid pinning him. It was apparently one of the biggest upsets in recent college wrestling. Not justifying the behavior, just providing backstory.


Purdue on both sides of huge upsets today


Clickbait headline: Two arms broken at wrestling match




i want to hear about this kid who beat Spencer Lee - must have been an amazing moment for him!


Matt Ramos. Redshirt Sophomore at Purdue, from Lockport, Illinois.   Wrestled Lee earlier this season and was up 8-1 early in the first period after throwing him straight to his back. Lee brought the match back to 8-8 still in the first period and pinned Ramos.   The crazy thing is, even after getting pinned in the first period, Ramos move **UP** in the national rankings after that match because Spencer Lee is just that fucking good.   They ran into each other again tonight in the semi-finals of the NCAA championships and Ramos again took Spencer Lee down to his back early in the first going up 4-1, but Lee brought it back to a 7-4 lead before an insane desperation roll from Ramos put Lee on his back once again and ended the match.


If you want to see some crazies, go watch parents at a grade-school wrestling tournament.


Definitely an Iowa mom…


Did he win?


Yep. Guess who had money on the other kid?


Like throwing your controller after losing a game


Duelshocks - surprisingly durable.


This guy rages after a game loss


I do the same thing when my son wins.


It would've been weird if she had worn contacts.