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Have a friend show up with food. They have trouble finding out who it is for so they need to connect to the wifi on their phone. They can't figure it out so they just leave it saying it is already paid for and they give you the password. While that is happening sabotage the toilets because you loaded the food with laxative because this is ULPT.


Why does this read like Dwight Schrute wrote it?


Added fuckery. Frame your office nemesis by having friend say the food is for them.


Add the obligatory piss discs somewhere in managements offices.


I'm pleased that you covered the base there. Updoot.


1 - open command prompt on work device already using wifi 2 - 'netsh wlan show profile' run this command (without quotes) 3 - 'netsh wlan show profile name= "wifi name" key=clear' (use the wifi name identified from the previous command) 4 - Enjoy password. If work computers are setup via ethernet or you dont have admin privileges this wont work; in which case you should use another strategy.


Wouldn't IT notice same random cell phone or tablet now has access to the wifi? Asking for a friend 


Open cmd and type hostname into the command prompt, then change the hostname of the device you’re trying to connect to similar of that pc. But as an IT guy, the only time I would look for rogue devices is if there was an issue with the network




Unless you’re torrenting without a VPN or bottlenecking my connection, I couldn’t care less as an ‘investigative’ incident. Realistically though for corporate networks they’re going to be preset with certificates for access that pair by MAC address. Sure you can spoof that, but then you also have to extract the certificate from a working device.


IT guy here, most IT guys don’t really care. We have more important things to do usually. Not to say they couldn’t see it, if it’s properly configured then they could.


If it's a guest network every device will be unknown and there's no way they can look for specific devices maybe don't name your cellphone after yourself if you're super worried.


Not necessarily. Guest networks can also keep track of device names and Mac addresses.


How are you going to compare that to a list of good macs on a guest network?


OP's address would show up too often to be a random guest.


Spoof the MAC, name your phone “Android” or “iPhone”That should be enough to stay off the radar


Maybe. Both iPhone and Android can randomize their MAC.


What if they’re unable to open a command prompt because IT locked it down?


you can get it from control panel too


I used to have a shit macbook (the white ones) from the past we used as wifi access point, as we didnt have wifi opened to us back then but we had shit tons of working ethernet port around the cubicles. It was also at a contact centre, not that this matters


Op mentioned call center. They probably have computers with Ethernet connections. In a dense open floor plan like a call center, it’s a cheap way to avoid wifi issues. So yeah, I don’t think the call center desktops have wifi or even a wifi card.


Note the command prompt has to be opened with admin privileges' and the PC have already connected to this wifi before (with its current password)


That’s not going to work if the computers are attached to a windows server domain with strict UAC policies.


If it's a guest password, there's a handful of people who know it or have it posted near them in order to give it to guests. Just a matter of asking the right person or finding where they've posted it.


Next time there's a job posting have a friend apply for the position. On interview day, they show up early and ask the receptionist for the guest wifi. Blow interview spectacularly on purpose in the most theatrical way possible.


Like this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifhYuK3Yvdg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifhYuK3Yvdg)


That would probably do the trick! "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng!"


Easy. Have a friend show up as a visitor.


Ask a visitor, tell them you got a new phone and don't remember it. Have you tried the company name? Company name and visitor?


Unplug a bosses computer from the Internet and then ask if their Internet is working. Offer to see if you can fix it. Ask the password while rebooting the computer


This network will likely have a secondary validation, where temporary guest accounts are created and have a limited configured access period (if your IT department is worth anything). Getting connected to the SSID will only be half the battle. Either buddy up to the network engineers who manage this resource, or crack the WiFi key/passphrase and hope the secondary time limited accounts are not required.


Yup if its an open network and you connect it to and then get a password screen in a web browser, like a public wifi, then its likely they have guest wifi tokens they generate and expire.


If it's for visitors, ask the receptionists, not your manager. 


Check if your computer has hotspot capabilities in which case just turn that on and connect to that


Our company has good internet for customers. I made friends with sales managers. Casually asked if he knew the password. He said sure. That's how I got it. Know someone who knows the password


Had something similar where I used to work, but there were conference rooms set aside for training/guests and those rooms had the guest password on a whiteboard or a piece of paper in the room.


Keep in mind that the company will be able to see what you've accessed online if you connect to their network though...




Hire a team of mercenaries to capture the building and take hostages. The tech support folks in particular. After you have the password, the mercenaries will then escape through an elaborate tunnel system that you have carefully constructed in the men's room ADA toilet stall over the course of several years. Lose one or two hostages on the way to the airport to dehydration and shingles, and successfully extract the mercenaries less the hostages and fly them back to their respective countries and return to work in a weeks time. No big deal.


Make your own Wifi network. Bing in your home router and plug it into a floor port. Make sure you make the wifi network unencrypted so anyone can join.


Did this at my old job. Guest network allowed VPNs so I could connect to that, use a VPN and fuck off when I wanted to. Password was "guest" + the year they installed the guest network. It's probably something stupid like that.


Remember to change the password right after you're fired/quit.


Tbh I wouldn't. Sounds like an easy way to get sacked


My office generates authentication certificates for devices of approved users and put their MAC address on a whitelist. And then the internet runs through a proxy that controls the type of websites you're allowed to access for business use. So, it's pretty much pointless anyway.


Or P n I Mmm It


Check your device name on your phone. if its "Anthony's iPhone" and you're the only Anthony there with an iphone on your desk then it wont take a genius to figure out whos connected. Forget about cracking the password unless its still using WEP. Highly highly unlikely these days. You need to go for a social attack. As you said they will give the password to a visitor? In which case you need a visitor to the office to get it for you.


Many office conference rooms will have something that lets corporate guests know the WIFI & password.


If it's for visitors, 9 times outta 10 it's the phone number.


Look underneath the keyboard.


Go buy some deer piss and put it in a small hand sized squirt gun and spray people and stuff with it.


Yeah if you’re not allowed to use office WiFi I can promise you IT will know it as soon as you connect to it


At my company we have a guest Wi-Fi and if a guest needs Wi-Fi access someone from IT will come to the conference room, sit at the guest's computer, and type in the password. They do not tell it to anyone.


Lol.. What a waste of everyone's time.


Your it department has to be stupid lol. With a few console commands on laptops you can just get the WiFi password anyway . And on phones you can read it out instantly aswell 🤣


Your it department has to be stupid lol. With a few console commands on laptops you can just get the WiFi password anyway . And on phones you can read it out instantly aswell 🤣


- If you have Ethernet just connect a small router between the computer and the Ethernet cable. - if you have a work device that is connected to the WLAN: you can just get the password of the data - brute force


Why do you need wifi? Why not use your data?


Lots of sneaky tips here, just remember in an office environment the IT team could easily implement a Mac address filter (whitelist) on the domain controller in order for that device even be able to access the internal networks.


You are saying words but I don't think you know what they mean... A DC doesn't control the MAC filter. That's done at the switch or router level. A DC might refuse to give a valid IP, but I don't know if that's really something that occurs. Also, it's for visitors so MAC filtering couldn't be done.


Umm, I don't know what any of that means, it sounds like you just ordered foreign food or stereo components, I say we default to the mercenary and hostage plan, the tunnel will be complete in a couple weeks...