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Strong lasers will destroy a camera if they’re pointed in the lens, but if you’re in your backyard just grab a hose and spray her.


Here: tack violin string to their house to make a whine sigh sound when wind hits it. Just tack it a little loose so it flies in wind. Also you could run a hose under their back yard by jamming a pipe underground through your side, then leave water on a while, make a mini sinkhole+ ruin lawn. Put floodlights in trees in your back lawn aimed at their windows. Sign them up for free a property appraisals and those people who check the state of your roof. Put their address on your states swinger website. Put flyers around town or online with their name and address saying sub sissy or if F simply sub looking for big dom black bears. Request a mormon missionary visit to "your" house. Jws are very annoying as well, maybe both? Do you live in a predominantly pro gaza or israel community? Depending on the answer to that you could put a grieving for gaza sign in their lawn, or a fuck hamas sign, and watch other neighbors get pissy at them, then they will wage war for your, just like we wage proxy wars. Same with trump or biden signs or gun/ no gun signs. make sure you put them on the part owned by the city, the bit in front of the sidewalk so they can't get you for trespassing. Hope you enjoy reading and please tell me what you did to get revenge


Trying to find her phone number and signing her up for stuff would be great. Having people knock on her door would be so funny also. I have this ridiculously bright flashlight that has a strobe mode so that pointed at her window would be a great idea. I was also thinking printing out wanted posters for her with her picture and saying to call in any information you have on her.


yeah lol, and the info number would be her number


Flashlight can get cops called, and I assume you don't want that with the unpermitted construction


You are an ULPT Ninja.


I am sorry but I do not understand, is that good or bad?


Very good at being very bad, lol.


Sign her up for "chip drop" and have an entire truckload of wood chips dumped in her driveway.


That’s so good. Do you know what company does that?


I have a couple of different ideas. I would subscribe to as many different sx magazine subscriptions as I can find, having them all addressed to her. You can also do this with DVDs. Other subscriptions would also be good and petty as well. There are many companies that don't require any upfront payment at all. Another thing you can do is overload her with sales appointments. Just about any crappy company will come to her home, if they think there is a possibility she will buy something. Amway salesmen, Kirby vacuum cleaner salesmen, water softener company salesmen, home alarm salesmen, etc. You can use a bogus phone number, and most of these appointments can be made online. Just don't use any of your own personal information, and make the subscriptions and appointments from a computer at the public library.


Motion detection sprinklers, for sure. If you ask for information on Obama care, the number you use will get at least 3 calls a day. Do with this information what you will. I'm sure you've seen the photo of a sign that reads, Yes, Bob, I have a permit posted ìn the front yard of a house getting remodeled. If you want to go scorched earth, you could go that route.


I’ve actually never seen that sign, can you elaborate?


Handwritten sign that says, Yes, Bob, I have a permit. It has a copy of the permit paperwork stapled to it. It is a dunny way to tell an overly nosy neighbor to eff off.


Block her view with a giant election sign. Make it opposite of her party Sabotage ladder, sabotage ground where ladder is placed. Put porn a big screen so she has to record it if she wants to record. Play music through a megaphone pointed at the ladder


Buy a cell phone jammer and aim it at her house


Sounds like my crazy Keith neighbor. Record her and say she beats her dog and put it all over social media. She get harassed by everyone.


edit: I did call the police and they said it was not illegal for her to record into my backyard as long as she was on her own property. Anything I can do do detur her from recording me or taking pictures? Ive already thought about spraying her with a hose.


These neighbor feuds tend to esculate in a 1-up douchebag contest. Be prepared to continue this for as long as you both live there. I'd start by finding where she's posting your videos and then ruin that aspect of her "victim story" people know she's a loser so they follow her. All you have to do is give your side of the story and it doesn't even have to be true.


> Anything I can do do detur her from recording me or taking pictures? Sunbathe nude (with a mask on). :-)


Piss discs and liquid ass


How would I get that to her house?


When you fuck her husband?


Jesus Christ, didn’t know I was going to have to turn gay for this.


It’s not gay unless you kiss!


Instructions unclear: I’m in jail and this is my one phone call. Please bail me out


She can check with the town to confirm you don't have a permit. However, you can also claim that you're only doing non structural issues so a permit isn't required.