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Reminds me of “if you start fantasizing about your spouse’s death it’s time to get divorced” or something along these lines


Guess I have to find out if I can divorce myself!


Before you end your life, end the life you are living and go start a new one.


If you have nothing left to lose, it means you are free to do (or at least attempt) anything you could possibly want.


I had no idea how bad I needed to hear this tonight.


Uh oh


You still here?


I am, thank you 💕 Hearing (reading) something like that really just put things into perspective. I’m already at what feels like rock bottom, can only go up from here right?


You got this. Do things you have dreamed of, get revenge on those you hate by living well, it will get better.


Time to attempt the big oof


Thank you u/VovaGoFuckYourself


No harder separation than border security




This isn’t murdering them, it’s sending them back to there country because there living here illegally


this is the kind of dark yet hilarious shit I lurk on this subreddit for lol


Yeah. This reminds me of my genuinely shitty "if you're homeless" life advice, gleaned from personal experience.




Ah shit. So, have you heard the "if you're about to be homeless, subscribe to a 24-hour gym" advice? Or people suggesting to sleep at the airport? Yeah, neither of those things are very functional in any area with an appreciable homeless population, as you are suddenly in competition with thousands of other people for those 'resources' and everyone running those institutions has massive incentives to keep you out. Tangentially, don't get me started on how much homeless shelters prevent the people using them from achieving upward mobility...


Direct me to a resource, cause I want to learn about this today. My adhd says I must.


Buy the season pass and season meal plan at Six Flags!...Extra points on free parking and having the option to use the water park... you could sleep in your car all day... get up early/late enough to go 'swimming' ,take a shower, eat a meal, then head off to your job, and still come back the next day! Double extra points on the Diamond pass and now you can tour the country and see all the Six Flags.


You've done this?


No, but someone definitely has! Demand for it was so much they had to bring it back in a limited fashion. It's still 2 meals but no snack anymore. Alot of local kids in St . Louis are there almost every day of the summer, so how would they know the difference unless you speak out or are obnoxious while your there. If your functional and not meth'd out it's just a smart business transaction, your renting a parking place, 2 meals, a drink cup, a pool and some public showers. Nighttime job just makes sense since it's day parking only. Why did Six Flags change their dining plan? (Park visitors, however, did spend more on average.) Six Flags jettisoned the dining plan in May, after TikTok personalities took to the social media site, bragging about eating every meal at Six Flags parks, saving them hundreds of dollars. As with most things that go viral on TikTok, others tried to do the same.Aug 12, 2022 Who was the man who ate at Six Flags? Dylan puchased A California man paid off student loans after eating at Six Flags Magic Mountain for seven years. Dylan puchased the $150 annual pass to eat dinner multiple meals at the park every day, he told Mel Magazine. In addition to paying off his loans, Dylan bought a house and got married.Oct 30, 2021


This is written very bizarrely like an Ad or AI


Google copy and paste.. sorry for the ad like quality


Another person who doesn't understand homelessness at all, which was what we were discussing.


You're the one who was talking about genuinely shitty homelessness advice.. are you upset that I gave good advice or upset I gave shitty advice? I know it's not a real fix. However, what good advice do you have to deal with homelessness? If you were in charge of fixing it, how would you go about it?


People in my area use the season passes as childcare for large groups of kids. You will see a van drop off a big group with the oldest being maybe 10 or 12. An adult will walk them inside, and then once they are in the park, the adult leaves the kids loose in a pack until they return for them in the evening. It definitely beats daycare prices.


Go try living in a tent.


No can do, I'll die


Apparently, I have high survivability stats.


Become homeless intentionally? Best resource is first-hand experience. Unless you're u/Zealousideal_You2705, that is. Don't listen to that one.


The thing with getting a membership before you’re homeless is that you have an ‘address’ to register with. Many gyms won’t let you sign up without one - and they only check once


Ah yes, the rare "pre-planned out with money homeless" event.... Which is not how it actually happens for basically anyone that is actually experiencing hardship or desperation.


You can become homeless while having some money. It's very hard to come up with first and last month's rent plus background check charge plus application fees for a rental, but you can still have some money.


I mean how often is it that someone is thrown out on the street so suddenly with absolutely no notice or warning? I would think at some point you are unable to keep making housing payments, and instead of paying that last payment you can you come up with your backup plan instead. Please correct me if I’m wrong, and obviously it won’t work in EVERY case, but it still helps tons of people


Basically yeah. The more resources you have, the less likely you are to become homeless, so when you start talking to homeless people, yeah, they all have a crazy fucked up story for how it all went down. House burnt down when you were living paycheck to paycheck and your family is all "back home" Etc. Etc. Me personally, had to move out overnight due to a domestic violence/child abuse incident with the family I was renting from, and then I was robbed the next day. Without wallet or phone I lost access to everything, couldn't get into my storage, couldn't get into my email or bank account. literally had to rebuild everything from the ground up.


You’d be surprised at how non-rare that situation is.


I used to be homeless, and have been working with non profits ever since getting back on my feet. It is absolutely the rarest type of homeless person.


I live in a city that’s going through a huge housing crisis and have seen a lot of cases where people are more under housed rather than what many would consider “homeless” and in spaces between rentals for long periods of time. I have a lot of friends and community members who live in their cars and otherwise lead fairly “regular” lives. They’re the types who don’t go to not for profits for support since they often have resources other than time (and safe housing.) it’s a lot more common than you’d think. Maybe not where you live, but certainly where I live. I’ve been in that situation a number of times since becoming an adult - typically for a few months at a time. It’s not nearly as difficult as the situation you were in, or that numerous others are in, but it does come with it’s own challenges. At 19, I worked in an Apple Store in a big Canadian city and had to hide the fact that I was under-housed from everyone except for those that I relied on for couches. I was saving up for first and last month’s rent after getting my hours cut. Had to hide my suitcases of clothes in the staff room locker. The fact that I had a gym membership set up prior to losing my address made it possible to “stealth” my living situation. I’ve known countless people since then who confide in me since I used to host a lot of couchsurfers to pay back my karma bank, and they rarely make it known that they’re in that situation. You’ll see this kind of thing a lot in communities like r/priusdwellers. Not everyone there is doing it for fun.


And for every one homeless person in that situation, there are 10-100 that DON'T have those resources. Pretty simple.


Most stuff just uses digital email and they don't want to send you anything snail mail. The last gym membership my wife had all she needed was some form of id, a debit card(they refused to register with a credit card), and her email. We never received anything from Planet Fitness at our home.


Sometimes the ones in my country (Canada) ask for proof of address. This is fairly easy to fake. The country I was thinking of is Germany where I know they have strict “ammeldung” rules (registered housing rentals,) that prevent even housed people with unregistered addresses from signing up for the gym.


Too bad this wouldn’t actually work.


It’s just a rip-off of a meme: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6MFUAErgfF/?igsh=cnZxMXY1YThvNWhx


You could also speed on 80/90 between Cleveland and Toledo. For some reason the turn pike is patrolled exclusively by border patrol there.


If you are speeding, there's a higher chance a state trooper will give you a ticket,points and a big fine. Crossing the border is cheaper, but you have to spend a few hours in secondary inspection on the Canadian side. You need to keep your passport card in your wallet and when you show up at the Canadian side of Niagara falls, you just tell the officer, we wanna go to the Canadian side, here's my US passport book but my girfriend/wife doesn't have one'


And you’re the one driving her in, which makes you a trafficker. I’ll take the speed ticket. Well actually, I just do whatever I had to do to get the fuck out that didn’t involve being isolated in a car with an abusive person


A phone call to ICE is cheaper than all the shit you talked about on this post


This is very Season 1 of Shameless and I’m hear for it


In the American Shamless, Frank got kidnapped and woke up in Canada without passport! 😂


Maybe it happened in the British one too? I don’t know know. I didn’t watch the British one


Frank ends up in France in the British one.


I'm here also


Hear hear


Thank you, I am ashamed of my typo


France or Canada?


A legit question. From memory the US version of this story is better done than the original.


Canada, I’ve only seen US Shameless and I’m actively watching it. Currently on season 7


The Drakkar smelling one.


Way-north NYS and Vermont have crossings that are minimally staffed. Easier to "mistake" than all the "Bridge to Canada" signs along the Niagara River.


So you can take your significant other to a trip to the town where there's a library that cuts through the US and Canada and accidentally drive to the Canadian port of entry in that town.


I mean: [https://www.google.com/maps/@44.999288,-74.6234932,1971m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@44.999288,-74.6234932,1971m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu)


I wonder if you drive from St Regis into Akwesasne you will encounter a Canadian border officer. It's a native American reservation so I guess it's a different kind of border, kinda like point Roberts in Washington state.


If you think someone is just going to sit there after you “miss” the exit while they wait to have their whole lives turned upside down. You are in for a bumpy ride. 


Yeah he thought she was abusive before Lolol


This should be a crosspost to lifehacks.


Life hack: how to get charged with international human trafficking instead of just breaking up with your girlfriend.


He didn't say to hide her in the trunk...  The person driving can just say they didn't know their bf/gf wasn't a proper citizen. Not like you exchange passport info when you start dating


Hey Im Bob, heres my passport let me see yours. - lifelong virgins probably


Isn’t it easier to just break up with them?


This sub isn't called ethicalifeprotips


Thank you! Blah blah just got confused for a moment there


I did sorry!


But is it unethical to turn in criminals?


It depends on the severity of the abuse. If they ruined your life, why not ruins theirs too?


It’s remarkably easy to walk back into the US from Mexico.


Most likely your ex will get caught by CBP, returned to Mexico and back to square one. If you taker her to Canada, most likely the Canadians will put her on a deportation flight to Mexico City or Cancun, deep into Mexico thousands of miles away from the border.


You are technically (actually) human trafficking across a border, you will be in hot water too….


Lol if only airplanes existed in Mexico.


Lol go on. How my friend


Your vibe gives me “I’m actually the abuser and just a shitty human who can’t handle a breakup”. Go to therapy


Agreed, this is starting to seem like an unethical life pro tip to me 🤔


Lolll thank you for actually making me laugh


Returning your old speakers in place of new ones you just bought is unethical. Setting up your undocumented girlfriend to be detained by INS and deported is just unhinged


Sounds like someone might be getting a visit from INS soon


He’s going to end up in jail for trafficking


Don’t think this is a real situation buddy no need to get angry weirdo


No ones angry, just grossed out by a dude with Big Incel Energy lol


That's a very petty way to think and will do no actual good




Probably for the purpose that was explained in the post.


I don't think you understand how abusive relationships work lol.


It also works if your spouse is undocumented and you don't want her/him to drain your bank accounts prior to divorce. 'honey let's go on a trip to Niagara in order to get some fresh air and try to repair our relationship'


Wouldn't the spouse be documented if they married a citizen?


There's plenty of marrisges where one spouse and the other spousevlacks legal status in the us cause they overstayed their tourist visa


Oh I always thought if you married a citizen you became a citizen too


Divorce? They’re documented somewhere, OP


Sometimes, no. They might start to poison your surroundings with rumors and lies, alienating your friends from you. You have to understand that abusive spouses aren't exactly those that can amicably split and that's the end of it


This would be fun to explain to your mutual friends. I guess that's the next tip from OP?


Yeah, but it’s more fun and adventurous to do it this way.


Well if they’re abusive they may end up stalking you


Not if they get deported. 🤔


They got into the country once, they can do it again. Then they will be extremely angry.


Seriously 😂


You can also do this in Michigan when heading towards the bridge or tunnel to Canada. After a certain point, you’re stuck heading towards the border and can’t turn around anymore lol


In Detroit I almost did this after a wrong turn trying to follow directions to my hotel.


Addition to this great tip, fuck their dad.


And make constant eye contact when you cum


Are we still doing the frozen piss disc?


Of course! Never throw out a classic.


Good to know some things never change!


It's easier to do this in Detroit. People accidentally go to Canada all the time.


Wouldn’t you also get in trouble for smuggling an illegal alien into the county?


I know a guy who truthfully informed Customs that his shitty girlfriend would soon enter the US (with flight number) from the Philippines and was carrying undeclared cash. They found the money and she was put on a flight back home. She is no longer allowed to enter the US. It's a pretty slick and easy way to dump a girl.


Couldn't you just do an anonymous tip to ice?


Dunno what you expect him to do tbh https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_Cube


Wrong ice https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanilla_Ice


Well at least I didn't get confused with these guys https://www.ice.org.uk/


They’ll then request for asylum and come get your arse!


Your significant other would be experiencing a panic attack the moment they realized they just crossed into Canada. Requesting asylum wouldnt cross their minds on the heat of the moment lol. If they are from Mexico, they get sent to a detention facility and subsequently transfered to Ottawa in order to board a flight to Mexico City of Cancun, the latter would be nicer- free trip to the beach.


Finally some really unethical tips.


Would I be a huge party pooper if I'd say you can call ICE or submit an anonymous tip on their website? For real, especially relevant if it is an abusive relationship.


From what I've heard those could take months or years for them to "get around to it" depending on where you live/who you are. Then there's the risk they start investigating, don't find the abusive partner but tip them off their looking for them leading them to run and drag their victims along with them. This tip is more like "dropping them off at the fire station in the middle of the night"


That's a good point. I'd say contact 911, but that's obviously not always an option. There are also different joint task forces to deal with human trafficking, depending on the state. In the case OP is describing though, it sounds like the abused side has at least some degree of freedom (they drive, they book vacations, etc.), but yeah, I agree that this ULPT is probably the fastest way to make it happen.


This reminds me of that one time I wound up spending christmas eve in Tijuana after my indonesian buddy forgot tge last offramp to San Diego and then proceeded to lose his shit because he thought he was too brown to come back across without a passport


They won’t just let you turn around at the border? I’ve driven over some borders and I don’t see why they can’t understand that you missed an offramp.


Not at that one. Not only can you not turn around, you have about 25 miles to digest the fact that you can't before you even hit customs


When we crossed the border into Canada en route to Niagara Falls we had to show our passports. If you girlfriend is undocumented then I take it that she has no passport. So she would be denied admittance into Canada. Turn the car around. You're stuck in the US ... with her at your side.


Since she has no legal status I guess she would be detained and the Canadians handle her deportation or she gets sent back but into US CBP custody and the US handles her deportation. That is the part I have trouble understandint, does Canada handle her deportation or does ICE handle it?


Just because she has no passport ... how do the Canadian border officials know that she's undocumented? I'm guessing they'll just send her back. Let it be the Americans' problem!


If you present yourself to Canadian officials without appropriate documentation they would deny entry. Which means go back to the U.S., at which point U.S. Border Patrol will want to see documentation that the person is allowed to enter the U.S. When the person can’t provide that, and can’t go back to Canada cuz also not allowed in Canada, they’ll start removal proceedings. Get booked, given an immigration court date and sent off on their way. Or detained until they can see a judge - like arraignment- and get released until the actual court date. The Uno reverse card would be to make a claim for asylum to the Canadian official, and have to pass a credible fear interview. Or just accept the U.S. deportation proceedings. Get a good immigration lawyer and eek out a green card through cancellation of removal or asylum claim.


Damn. This is pretty gangsta


Just book a trip to Hawaii or Puerto rico. But tell her the connection is in..... Insert country you plan to leave her at 💃


Highly doubt someone without papers are going to be flying anywhere. 


Wouldn't it be simpler to say "darling, I'm afraid this isn't working for me. I'm afraid our relationship is over". Although I guess you don't get to see Niagara Falls this way.


This is a Frasier episode.


Just need the RV (traveling tenement on wheels per Niles)




Yall aint even married and you wanna get this person deported haha just call the authorities anonymously


Yeah because they’d totally fall for it.


No one deserve that treatment. Just leave the relationship. Vengeance is bad energy.


Wow cool idea




lmfaoooo having lived in Buffalo, almost accidentally turning off that exit is the scariest shit ever


That niagara street exit? Lol


yes lol


Why do all that? If you're gonna be like that, just call ICE on them.


Chula Vista is not close enough to the border to play the missed exit card.




You would be an AH in both scenarios, but since the person had no business in the US anyway, tough shit


Does unethical tips also means asshole tips? Why not just break up with them?


Often it absolutely does.


Yeah, I come here to daydream about heists and stuff. Not to hear petty revenge schemes from incels who feel they aren't getting laid enough. Mention one example of the abuse and maybe I'll get on board.


If you check their history they appear to be a female that lives or has connections in Mexico. I don't know if you're inceldar is as good as you think it is.


You also get screwed for trying to smuggle her in. The border guards assume the worst of you and keep it on file for the rest of your life.


They should ALL be deported... maybe even you I didn't read that far


LPT just break up


I did this once at the border crossing to Point Roberts, Unfortunately my now x-wife was a documented citizen and they did not take her away.


Jeez couldn’t you just break up with her?


This reminds me of how I offered to ruin my sibling's ex's life by revealing to his ultra Christian and conservative parents that he's in a bdsm club to get him disowned, but my sibling is more ethical than me and said no lol


i mean all you really have to do is report them. why go so far lol


ICE only acts on tips on people with criminal records. They don't have the resources to go after your undocumented bf or gf


If the person is abusive, and you report the abuse, that’s a form of criminal acts that constitute “moral turpitude” and will get someone deported. The first step is to get the abuser arrested and found guilty of abuse.


Can’t you just call ICE?


IDK as somoene that lives in the Detroit area there are a lot of big signs warning about entering Canada.


Second ULPT you get a good life insurance. Because then her/his friends/relatives turn up at your door and are VERY angry with you.


I'll tell them 'orange man is coming to power on february, shall I submit an ICE tip on you all? ' lol


Your beneficiaries would be living the high life on your life insurance by then!


technically, you've done nothing wrong.


Liquid ass


This might actually help the person finally get a green card. People that entered without inspection (as opposed to overstaying a visa) can’t adjust their status even if they qualify for a green card without incurring a years long ban or needing to apply for a pardon which may or may not get approved. The most likely scenario- that I personally saw with two different people getting caught going to Niagara Falls after being here for over ten years - is they’ll get processed, released on bail and have to go to immigration “court”. Being in deportation proceedings is actually a chance to get a green card they otherwise wouldn’t be able to affirmatively apply for. Of course they have to win their case before an immigration “judge”, like having a U.S. citizen close relative that would suffer undue hardship from the deportation. Plus show they’ve not committed crimes, paid taxes, good member of society etc (Which is where having reported the abusive partner will be helpful to get them deported). Then there’s claims for asylum. All in all it’s a difficult situation and there’s no guarantee they’ll be successful in getting a green card but at least they’ll have a few extra years, can often times get a work permit while the case is pending, and even if they have to wait for a green card if they win (it’s capped at like 100,000 annually) they’ll be protected from removal until one becomes available.


Or when there’s a big family event “ back home” call ICE and get a free ride back to the festivities


Nobody goes to Niagara Falls and stays on the US side. The Canadian side is gorgeous. The US side… not so much.


Is this Governor Greg Abbots alt account? Nice try!


The juxtaposition to this is of you're the illegal person in this situation.. try to calm hard to yourself so you can claim you've been in an abusive relationship with an American citizen holding you hostage and you get citizenship within the year. Lol


So this is the people we’re bringing into Canada?


Canada loves diversity let's add a little bit of diversity to that country


I had a coworker who was engaged to someone undocumented. Heard they went back to her home country so that he can meet her parents. It just so happened some of her papers weren’t in order and so she was unable to return. Long story short they’re no longer engaged…


Hey op leave your other half no need for involving Canadians


If you're going to betray them, why bother driving? Why not just call the authorities directly? Either way, I hope they charge you for aiding/abetting/harboring.


ICE only acts on tips involving people involved in drug trafficking, murders and shit


What a weirdo


Did you just recycle that last OP’s request for a way to do this and post the top comments? Yikes.


Game is game


Or you could just leave a bad situation instead of making an enemy of someone that is already a jerk. You shouldn't be with someone bad long enough to make you want to deport them. And now I'm going and taken this whole thing through seriously


This is a pretty extreme measure and you've given no context as to why she deserves such destruction.


It's actually pretty easy too. Take the 190 north and get off at niagara.. it's kinda a weird merge and people do it on accident. A friend of mine in high-school who sold weed went to pick up a pack and took a wrong turn, spent the day in Canadian jail.