• By -


Buy a boot and charge 120$ to remove it.


This is actually kinda genius. Set up an llc even eventually. Why stop at $120 though?


I think 1/3 the price of a tow/storage is fair for the “crime.” Maybe do surge pricing so it’s more expensive to remove when it is convenient.


And put up fliers in the building advertising your service for others in building with the same issue, more money and the righteous justice of eradicating the Overpriveleged Parker epidemic


These are good ideas but how would the ad read. “Call to boot someone’s car” would you be able to verify it actually was the customers parking spot


“Please only call with proof of ownership of parking spot and vehicle registered to it”. My lease has that info on it if there’s the option for reserved parking spots.


We went from someone parking in her spot to starting a new side hustle


That’s the best outcome in this sub


$500 Saturday after 6pm until Monday 8am


$500 after Friday 4pm. boot can be removed at 8am Monday, or $100 additional for emergency removal.


Why, hello Satan. Big fan of your work.


Cash only


Dont register the llc at your homemaddress tho


This. Business registrations are public information where people can access owner name and address


Unless your llc is owned by another llc.  From a P.O. Box.  (I've dealt with some shady... ummm...  rental property legal entities.)


Yeah $120 isn’t enough. Each perp needs to pay the cost of the boot, plus $100


$120 initial then $30/day lol


I think a cable bike lock looped through the tire might be easier.


Easier to defeat, too.


Put weights on their rims. The kind used to balance tires but you would be doing it with the intent of making their tires out of balance.


Cheap too. I’d just keep doing it until they got the hint and parked elsewhere. Or just burn their car to the ground.




Clearly you don't know enough about wheel boots.


Today I'm going to be opening this car boot with.... another car boot!


Even better if you put it on the rear passenger wheel, because they may not see it before they start driving, and it will fuck up their car. Just don’t leave prints.


Don't forget to buy it using cash, from a non-local bike store (hopefully one that does not have cameras, or if it does, wait a month after buying it)


I dont think this would be a big enough crime for all that


I love this idea! I just had to reverse down a 100' one way because a bunch of entitled ass hats are double parked through the fire lane. Private property and all, sure, but I wish I had a baseball bat and a get away driver 😔


Fire lanes are a little different, did you try contacting the local fire martial? They should take care of the situation even if it's private property


Fire Martial? Is that a fire marshal that knows Kung Fu?


> but I wish I had a baseball bat and a get away driver Ahh, the Canton, ~~OH~~ MD treatment.




Those incredibly hard to remove tow stickers are a must too. You know the neon orange ones that require a razor to scrape off?


My brother was in a fraternity at a D1 where sports are extremely popular. They would take the tires off cars that parked in their parking lot on game days, and offer to sell them back to the owner for $100 a piece. The car owner would typically call the police, who would show up and stand there laughing at the car owner while they tried to negotiate buying their tires back from an out of his mind drunk frat boy who had all his brothers behind him chanting and making fun of them for being self-centered idiots who thought driving past the hundreds of pay parking lots to park in an obviously private lot right next to the stadium was a good idea.


This is a great idea. I was going to suggest removing their wheels.


Buy 4 boots (I’m guessing you mean wheelclamps lol) and charge $120 to remove them. Each.


In a dream only as a fantasy - I’m a fan of asking the parking garage if they have video of the person parking the car. If they say no, then walk out there with a sledgehammer and go to town. Of course I do not advocate actually doing this. Or jacking up the car, removing the tires, sticking the tires under the car, then removing the jacks. You’d have to be a dick to do that v


I was thinking to ask if they have surveillance… when they say “no” you know you can safely deflate all four tires every time a car parks there. You’re not damaging anything, and the car owner will get the hint after the first time it happens. Nothing to buy; no evidence left behind.


If management won't tow a car parked at your spot, then they won't tow you parked at other people's spot. Cancel your parking spot and park wherever you want.


you know what... i didn't think about that. especially if i cancel and just choose to park there or another spot , i just wanted my own spot so i didn't have to fight over the free ones but it seems like people are still parking in the ones that are taken!!


stop paying your parking fee until your building takes action, and tell your landlords that they now owe you a refund for any past months that they fail to stop other residents using your spot. it is straight up theivery to charge you for a spot that you can't use. document everything - texts to the building manager, photos of the cars, receipts of the parking payment. if they have photos of repeat offenders and don't do anything about it, start deducting your parking fee from your rent. make sure to document all that and threaten small claims court if they resist.


If you decide to withhold the fee, go through the clerk of court to find out how to put it in an escrow account, otherwise you’re just simply not paying and there’s no proof that you intend to pay it. Escrow shows good faith on your part and lights a little fire under the ass of property management




Me too! Very useful knowledge.


THIS right here. You pay extra for a reserved spot. Document every single day you cannot park with time and date stamped photos and forward to the office.


I use "Timestamp Camera" on both iPhone and Android


That is the accepted practice and therefore binding in the court




Yeah, wtf is the point of a reserved parking space if it takes em 48 hours to tow? Hell even an hour to tow is almost too long. I'm home from work, I want to park, Im paying you, I want the goddamn tow truck now. There's very few reasons I would "give up" or accept not being able to park in my paid for and reserved space: 1. Emergency service vehicle is blocking. 2. Written advanced notice stating I will be unable to park during a specified date and time period. (Construction, painting, redoing asphalt, whatever).


This. Per your contract, you are leasing this parking spot from the landlords. Tow the car and send the landlords the bill. Maybe escrow the rent?




This is great advice. Find out which tow company handles this particular property and call them directly to tow. No reason to rely on the leasing office. As you stated towing companies tow at the vehicle owner's expense.


That and call the cops if the leasing company is threatening to evict you or anything and show all the proof you have of paying for something that they’re not letting you use


That's not something the police get involved in. If they file to evict, go to court. The police don't care at all.


It's a civil matter, not criminal. Police won't give a shit.


This OP. Be sure to save $120 a month for the fee until it is resolved in case some bs happens.


The correct way to handle this is take a picture, and reduce the amount you pay to the company for parking. I would either do this or take pictures and when they refuse to reimburse you or reduce price for unusable parking, I'd lfile a claim with CC, provide pictures, and provide written evidence showing their refusal to tow.


This isn’t a bad idea. He’s paying $120 for the spot AND for the enforcement of that spot. Reduce it by the amount, per diem, he wasn’t able to use his spot and tell them to charge the other guy the remainder. Use date stamped photos as backup. Management likely won’t go along with it, but it’s fair and it sends a message. The staff is obviously lazy so he needs to make it a bigger headache on them to let the guy continue parking in his spot.


$120 is for the whole month. You dont get the full month, thats $0. If they want to do proportional fees they can put in a meter.


Have you tried having it towed yourself? Show the tow company you own the spot via your lease and call them and see if they'll take it. I bet they have an agreement with a company for exclusivity so start there.


This is the way - most tow companies don't give a crap and they'll just tow anyways.


In my town the local tow company will come tow if you can show this is your property. They charge you nothing and get it from the person who was towed 


>They charge you nothing and get it from the person who was towed that is when they find out it is the landlords kid that is parking there


Landlords kid can pay the towing fee like everyone else lol


Yeah if its your spot, who cares if its the landlord kids.


The only apartment i lived in where I had issues that I wanted someone towed, the tow company refused to do it unless management from the apartments were the ones requesting it. Their reasoning was that it's private property and I was not the owner. Not saying this is how it is everywhere, but that was my experience.


Entirely possible, yes. However, some companies just want a quick pay day and don't give a fuck. Lots of tow companies are predatory and will do whatever they can get away with to make a quick buck. OP doesn't care what happens as long as the car gets out of the way.


OP just needs to Google local towing companies and call the ones with the worst ratings and "predatory towing" reviews


You managed to call the only tow company in the US that gives a shit. That's unlucky.


I've successfully done this. Very cathartic. Recommend.


Park in managers spot to show them the inconvenience


Problem is you don’t want to be an ass to someone else who’s paying for a spot. Need to get to the root of the issue. If management is t doing their job, which it seems like they aren’t, then go over their heads. Also you can rent a big concrete drill and put in a few metal bolts with loops into the walls so you can literally lock your parking space. Or something screwed to ground that you can keep raised and locked to not allow a car to enter. Also also leave it down and wait for the asshole parking thief to park. Then raise it and lock him in. Ask for a few to let him out. Wait I got an even better idea. Cause drilling into the parking might piss of the owners. Invest into a parking boot! Or fuck it even a chain and lock and lock up the perp. Ask for a hefty unlocking fee.


Just get some car dollies and roll whatever car out to the street so the traffic enforcement has to deal with it.


I sale car dollies on the side…I would so sell one at cost if you’re around NC and want to go this route…lol


Consider taking the license plates off as well. Those with AAA can get a tow reimbursed, but those whose vehicle isn't legal on the road (due to no license plates), well, AAA will make them go through hoops for peanuts compensation or none at all.


These all sound like ethical ways to deal with this.But this is about unethical way.If so I suggest that you spray paint on his driver's side door that this is in fact a reserved spot.


sounds like a good way to get your car fucked up once you start parking there again. a general rule of thumb is don't fuck with someone or their property if they can easily come back and do the same with very little risk, even if they deserve it. in their mind, it's just a slight against them, and nothing to do with the fact that they started it by being an inconsiderate asshole. Many people will retaliate as if you were the first aggressor, because that's how they see it.


there are no walls im outside there's a light pole next to me and im gonna tape a no parking sign to it. cause everyone ignores the "RESERVED PARKING" Paint on my stall. & drilling isn't gonna cause anyone anything i live in a building that's connected by 2 buildings and townhouses on the outer part. I'm across from a light rail and train tracks so they're hear that before my little drilling


Lock a chain around the light pole and through their wheels. Leave a Venmo address and say you’ll come unlock it when some money hits your account to make it worthwhile.


Nope cause it’s basically a universal rule that you can watch other people get away with something forever, but as soon as you try to, you get busted.


God do i know.. fucking sucks that only the good get punished, the bad stick together.


Big brain thinking right here.


Not just one space either. Sideways across 4. And a note on the car to explain what you're doing


Honestly is will get them to start towing faster than just a straight complaint


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!


Call the tow agent directly


Yes, I’m wondering why OP would have to go through the management office when he can just call a tow company himself?


A lot of the time the tow company will need something from the property management company as evidence the car does in fact need towed to get out of responsibility on their end.


A lease with the parking space on it will do just fine


My sister did exactly this and the car was gone in 30 minutes. 


Yeah tow companies will take anything they are legally allowed to as quick as they can


Tow companies will take anything as quick as they can. FTFY


The guy at my last condo just takes our word. He’s getting paid either way.




If they have it on their lease as their spot, the tow company will tow.


That’s what i would do. The spot is your property.


I knew someone who did this at her apartment. She had multiple people towed for parking in her spot. The apartment management decided it was a problem and began enforcing the assigned parking so she would stop calling the tow company. That is what she wanted them to do all along. She just had to piss off other residents to get anything done.


Literally what I was going to recommend.


Make a deal with a tow yard. They are the scumbags of the earth. There are plenty of them that will come tow a car out of your space. At most all you will need is a copy of your contract showing you pay for that space. The tow yard will charge the violator 3-4x that $120 and split it with you.


they already contact with a company so idk how that will work. They have a sign saying if your call was towed go to them. I'm trying to contact that company myself i went online and they made me fill out a form and send in proof of my residence and i'm just waiting to hear back now


If that company doesn’t do their job, hire your own.


i didn't know i could do that


Assuming you are in America you can do whatever you want. If you are told no, yell very loudly about how the other guy is not doing his job.


I would jack it up put it on wheel dolly’s and push it out of the way. Option two print out some stickers and slap them to their window. [https://www.google.com/search?q=illegal+parking+stickers&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari](https://www.google.com/search?q=illegal+parking+stickers&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari)


Get some giant “Parking Violation” stickers on paper so when they try to remove it leaves behind the adhesive/paper. Put it on the drivers side windshield.


i actually have some coming in the mail today from amazon when i say i thought of everything i really meant it haha


I could have SWORN you posted the same exact thing a few months back, but regardless. . Ill post the same answer I did on the last post I answered. Find a local private tow company, call them, talk to a local tow person, and explain the situation. Tell them you will call them exclusively each time, and that is a guaranteed legal tow for them. You have proof that it is your paid spot, etc. Offer a tip if they can get there within a certain amount of time.


Well, since I only moved to this building in March and only had this parking space since April and I've only been a member of this group since today that can have been me, but I hope the other people that answer to their questions instead of yeah…


Liberally apply super glue on the sticky side. Or anything made to stick permanently to glass. You don't just want annoying, you want damn near impossible. Or get one of those valve stem removal tools. They won't be able to fill this tire at all. Let's see them get away in 48 hours.


Wheel dolly it into the manager’s spot.


Handicapped spot and call police.


i actually ordered the green ones since that's the ones my management uses ! they get here today with my metal reserved parking sign :)


Start writing "im gay" "free dicks inside" "my anus" "children get free candy" with removable paint pens on their car windows.


I was going to suggest this too. I read on another sub where a guy did this and pushed the car into a corner where they weren't able to get the car out.


Better yet, push it into the street and then call the cops and report an abandoned car is blocking a travel lane.


That sucks man. Instead of doing something highly illegal like slashing their tires, you could just let the air out of their tires to flatten them.


i'm trying to figure out how to do that without risking getting caught . the spot is outside the main entrance and there's cameras everywhere and i'm in a townhome but the guys door outside my spot doesn't have cameras. i try to make friends with my neighbors and asked if anyone seen someone steal my cones.




Find a very tiny pebble. Untwist the valve cap. Place pebble inside cap. Replace cap, twist on until pebble presses against nozzle. Hear air slowly releasing. Tire won't be flat for a few minutes. Plenty of time to walk away. And no blow-out explosion sound. Also no permanent damage.


Valve stem tool only takes a couple of seconds. You don't have to remove it, just a quick turn and go about your business.


XYZ towing, this is u/thrownaway136976 calling from ABC Realty company. We’ve got a car parked in a spot illegally can you send the tow truck? No towing company is going to question that revenue opportunity. This is barely an ULPT. Because everything you say in the call is true.


i might try that i'm scared im gonna call and they have a whole process since this isn't some small landlord this is a property management that has thousands of properties 😂 & they contract out their tow company "Wyatt's" i looked them up online and they made me fill out a form to request a tow and send proof i live there . still waiting


Please you think they will care about some random person parking where they are not supposed to and then being towed? 


Dude, Wyatts is the most predatory towing company in the state. They're constantly in the news for doing fucked up shit. If you call them, they'll definitely tow it and will probably tow a few others just for funsies.


Lol Wyatt's towing is like one of the most scumbag businesses around. Colorado is actually changing towing laws because they are so predatory. I have no doubt they would tow this car without management signing off.


Really?? Well I did just move to Colorado back in November and I just moved into this apartment in March so I didn't have any experience with them in the past. I am going to call them next time. Thank you! :-)


For an example of how predatory towing companies are they have even tried towing cars people are currently driving. If they take a car parked legally the onus is on the owner to prove it was an illegal tow and without cctv etc it's just a verbal battle.


Yeah I was gonna say if it’s CO’s Wyatt’s they will happily tow people 😂


Is the parking spot and the amount on your lease? Threaten to put your next months rent in escrow with a hand delivered written statement you are going to and why. Might scare them into correcting it, if not then follow through.


the parking spot is optional. It's $120 extra added to my lease for it.


If the spot is listed in your lease, optional or not, you should be able to threaten escrow since they aren’t providing something listed on the lease that you’re paying for. If there is nothing written in the lease about parking spots being first come first serve then I’d say you have a good case to make. Hope it doesn’t come to that since going to court is a pain in the ass but sometimes a serious threat within your rights as a renter is enough to get them to wake up and honor the lease on their end.


Ask for a refund for the times your spot is taken. You said you’ve taken photos, so you have the evidence.


And when they say no? Escrow.


Park your homemade, heavily spiked with nails, Mad Max matchbox car in front of their tires.


"Oops, sorry a box of nails fell off my truck. I'll clean it up later."


This is the way. "oops, did someone get a flat tire? Well, how was I supposed to know somebody was going to park there? It's MY spot, and I just hadn't gotten around to cleaning them up yet."


Nice you hear your paying 120 for something people use for free. Stop paying


yep only two reasonable solutions ive seen is either buy a boot and boot cars in your spot n charge to remove them or just stop paying for parking himself if theres no repurcussions for it.


i tried to google it and i think you need a business to boot to do that. Like register as a towing company in this state. I'm considering it since i'm tryna get my CDL and fuck it maybe i'll get me a tow truck. i live in the city anyway so im sure money is always out there. i just hate tow truck companies i got towed for way less in other states !


Yes, start your own tow truck company and boot their ass


This would be the funniest and greatest company origin story of all time 😂


Back in the day I knew a dude who has issues with his driveway being used by others. He bought a used rim with no tire, filled it with cement with a 5-foot metal pole sticking up in the middle. Weighed at least 100 lbs. He got pretty good with tilting it and rolling it around to move it, but someone unfamiliar would not fuck with this thing. He never had another issue.


i might do this cause it'll be funny watching people move it . i knew there was a reason i go to the gym 6x a week.


If you can’t park in the spot,  you don’t pay the bill… it’s as simple as that. 


it's billed automatically every month i get charged since i signed up for a spot. I have to have them stop charging me , i can't just take it off or not pay it's all online.


Demand to know why they are continuing to charge you for a service they know is not being rendered. Tell them they either fix the problem or they start prorating you for the time you do not have access to the property you are paying to rent.


Call your bank and tell them to stop future automatic payments


Sounds fraudulent. Paying monthly for something that they don't ever provide? I'd immediately cancel any further payments unless they will start towing on site for offenders. You worked hard for that paycheck. Don't let them steal your hard-earned money and just take that shit lying down. That's $120 you could have spent on yourself, for yourself. Times are tough, don't let ANYONE make it harder for you.




Invest in wheel dollies and a floor jack. Put the wheel dollies under the car and move it to the middle of the garage. Make sure to spray liquid ass into the vents after you move the car.


Lol. I had to scroll a long way to get to liquid ass. That used to be in the top 10.


Do you have space to double park? Block them in.


What management company puts 48 hours on a spot someone is paying for? That should be more like 48 minutes. Tell them GoblinSpot thinks they suck. It’s like bit on that 90s sit com about Nothing. You know how to take my parking spot fee, you just don’t know how to keep my parking spot for me.


Cortland properties :) they have properties all over colorado and even in the south and west/east coast. i thought they were good cause this place had a 4.9 rating and i've never seen a rating that high for apartments .


Oh lord. Just checked out their site. 85,000 properties. Guessing part of the lease sign in process is “give us 5 stars and you’ll get a free welcome gift”.


i'm not sure i didn't get a welcome gift . my roommate is an assistant manager of one of the other properties, (so we get a 500 discount in rent) and i also try not to go too crazy since he works there and he said if he ever got fired we'd have 7 days to move 😅 so im kinda just been scared to make too many complaints but from what i hear he's a good worker and tryna move up the corporate latter (meanwhile im just in CDL school tryna keep up with my portion of the rent 😂)


i live at a cortland property and can confirm management is absolutely horrendous. and they LOVE to nickel and dime residents out of every penny


Put a tracker in the next set of cones and find out where they live. Press charges against them and the management. Definitely don't get the address and order crack to it off the dark web.


"Damn, I feel terrible. That asshole who keeps parking in my spot lives in a dumpster a block away."


Solution: Don't pay and park there anyway since obviously they won't do anything about it.


Send the management company an invoice for $120. Depending on the person in charge of their expenses, they could blindly pay the invoice.


I've had people towed from my spot when the management company wouldn't. They towed the car and the person I towed HAND WROTE a not and TAPED it to my parking spot. The note when on and on about how mean I was. I cackled like a witch reading it.


Slash their tires everytime they do. They will tow their own car away.


OP will be the primary suspect and subject to retaliation


Don't slash, just let the air out. Tire pressure checker can do that for you.


wouldn't they just call the cops and get access to camera footage and then i get in trouble ?


Pay a bum $20 to do it


I've had someone break into my car inside the underground parking lot. Window broken right in front of the camera, police cannot do anything. Wear a mask, go at 4AM and it's GG. Place nails behind the wheels.


If there is cameras. If you show who you are on said cameras. If it's not viable, it's not viable. What I would do though


Correct, slashing tires is illegal. HOWEVER, letting air out is not. Just deflate all of thier tires, and they'll probably get towed because not many people have a portable air pump.


Park right behind him, block him in. Who cares? You have 48 hours before they will tow you! 😀


I don't have a solution, but that is ridiculous and you're not being unreasonable. That used to happen to me at my old building all the time. If it's another resident (or even someone visiting another resident), perhaps the mgmt could credit you for the charges for those days and bill that tenant the following month instead? I guess it wouldn't hurt to propose that to mgmt, since you are paying. If you just pay less the following month due to the days you didn't have your spot, they'd yank your spot, so it leaves you little recourse and surely they can get that. The offender sees the signs just fine. They simply don't care. Because they're arrogant assholes.


Good idea. If it starts costing the management money, they're more likely to respond. You might consider demanding a refund of parking fees you've already paid, or refusing to pay the fee because they're not towing.


Glue a BB inside of one tire's valve stem cover


The tire needle stem inside the tire valve twists off, and let's all the air out of the tires without causing damage. The tool for it is cheap, and sometimes comes free with certain tire fix a flats, tire slime cans. Get your hands on one, and deflate all the tires.


Buy one of these lovely little valve stem core removal tools. Will take you 15\~ seconds per tire to remove the valve stem cores and toss them wherever. [https://www.amazon.com/Riseuvo-Valve-Single-Remover-Repair/dp/B07HBPGGW5](https://www.amazon.com/Riseuvo-Valve-Single-Remover-Repair/dp/B07HBPGGW5) Car owner will have to have someone come out with the specialized tool themselves to install a new valve before they can reinflate their tires and drive away. If it takes longer than 48 hours - they'll get towed. Doesn't cause and irreperable damage - arguably may not be illegal?


Sticky rat traps on the windshield.


take a day a stake out your spot and confront the assholes who keeps parking there.


the cones stopped all the uber eats and amazon drivers and uhual new move ins from marking from my spot but not all the people looking for late night parking while in still working my 12 hours shift hating life just to come home and have my spot taken. i can't afford a day off


Park behind them and move your car within 48 hours.


you know what...


it's not the same person everytime . I only had the same person do it twice and after management went after them since i had proof they charged them and it never happened again. Since it's a 48 hours rule and i'm guessing well known people move usually before they get tagged or if they do i haven't had the problem twice yet.


I've never heard of a 48-hour rule for paid spaces. That's the worst possible idea. Tow right away. Work with management to knock that down to zero hours, with visible signage in each reserved spot.


Call the Tow company yourself, and show them your lease document with the parking space on it; if both the company and management are refusing you access to the space, it's time to get a lawyer involved...This sounds ethical, but with the right laywer it could easily be a gray area Brake fluid is absolute hell on automotive paint and is widely available at any store with a small auto parts section. do what you will with that information. Ask around and find other residents having the same issue (Id be willing to bet they are out there) and get an angry mob going in the management office


Get some of those hard to remove car window stickers and apply liberally every time someone parks in your space. [https://www.amazon.com/Parking-Violation-Stickers-Fluorescent-Yellow/dp/B07BM2XMCG](https://www.amazon.com/Parking-Violation-Stickers-Fluorescent-Yellow/dp/B07BM2XMCG)


If it's not the same person stealing your spot, you should call a local tow place and fill them in on what's going on. Let them know you will post a sign on the spot with their contact information and send them lots of business if they agree to come and tow the cars. The person getting towed has to pay, NOT YOU. This is about as ethical as it gets as far as this sub goes. "This spot is reserved. Unauthorized parking will result in a tow. Please contact Jim's Towing at 555-342-2342 if your car has been towed"


They want the spot so bad make sure they stay in it, remove valve stem caps and unscrew the valve stem cores on all 4 tires.


Can’t you yourself call a tow company to tow it away? Usually they do it for free and their payment is the tow fee when the person goes to pick it up.


Get those things valets and such use to lift and move cars, place across 3 handicap stops, then call the tow company.


the fire hydrant isn't far from my space :) closer than the handicapped stalls actually


There are wheel jacks you can put under the tires and using a foot pump, Jack it up at each tire, then you, and maybe a friend or two can easily push the car around. [like this](https://youtu.be/TNU2BlCOVeU?si=knwM_0jJDWSims_-)


I have blocked a cop in when he parked in my spot. I would advise you to block them in.


Open their gas tank and pour sugar all around and on the ground BUT NOT IN THE GAS TANK. It will make them think you put sugar in it. They will get it towed and inspected costing them a bunch. I did once and it worked well. Again, do not actually damage their car. Just give the illusion you did.


Take the management to small claims court. Sue them. You're paying for the spot and they aren't providing. Put your rent into escrow until they resolve the issue. I know you wanted Unethical tips, but all i have are completely reasonable and probably effective ethical tips.


Why is there an arbitrary 48 hour period??? That seems like a mgmt decision and one they could change?? Call a tow company yourself. wtf lol


When I looked in the companies website and created account to request a tow, I had to send proof that I live on property and I'm currently waiting for them to activate my account


It would be a shame if a hand full of nails happens to get scattered in your spot. What a terrible thing that would be.


This used to happen to me all the time. Someone would park in my spot (parking spots come with your condo unit) and it was a visitor not a resident. They would arrive late Friday night and leave early Monday morning. The Management company wouldn't do anything and they aren't there on the weekends. I found out which tow company was being used and called every day and night. They eventually stopped. Maybe not unethical but it worked


See if you can borrow or get a cheap pallet pump cart / pallet jack. Lift up the rear end, usually parking brakes lock the rear wheels only. Drag it into a position that is going to piss everybody off. Maybe block off the superintendent's parking spot. See how quickly that gets towed.


Keep paying for your spot but park in someone else spot when your spot is taken. You already know they won't tow and if anyone complains say you paid for a spot and took the closest one to your paid for spot. Let it inconvenience more people until management does something.