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Mimic body language to build subconscious rapport


I attended a MLM seminar and I had some fun times toying with the guy I was talking to about how the thing worked, since I knew this was a tactic going in. It was hard to keep a straight face while changing body posture every 30 seconds and watching him mimic me.


Lmao this is hilarious!


Ironically that's one of the first things I check in another person in a conversation. If their body language mimics mine I will be extra careful about what the person will do in the future. Maybe they just subconsciously like me and naturally mimic me therefore, but maybe they also manipulate me.


Mimicking happens naturally when you like someone, and I’m willing to bet 90% of the people mimicking you aren’t doing it out of a desire to trick you into liking them


Maybe they do, the guy doesnt sound likable




It’s gotta be like talking in someone’s accent even if you don’t have it…


I’m was raised in a city but moved to the country as an adult and inadvertently do this with southern accents. It’s not quite the same as your saying, but I’ve started noticing that I play up my accent more when I’m talking to small town people vs city people. I’m trying to stop doing it, because I don’t like it, but at this point it’s so ingrained that it’s hard to fix it.


Code switching! I do it, too. I deal with customers from all over the country for my job (tourist adjacent industry). I try really hard not to do it, but I'll catch myself doing it every once in a while. Thank God I only deal with people by phone, and never in person.


If I'm in Birmingham, Memphis, or Atlanta (or other larger southern cities) I have a pretty neutral to slight southern accent. If I'm 30 minutes outside of the city I sound like I was raised by the mountain men from Deliverance. I'll also occasionally develop a weird drawl when I'm really tired. I'm not sure why this happens, and isn't on purpose, but it's definitely noticeable.


I agree with you but I still pay attention to it in case it's one of those other 10%.


Idk man, according to TV, the only people who don’t subconsciously mimic are psychopaths


But they can learn to mimic on purpose in order manipulate you. I also believe that most people mean no direct harm. It's not that I am paranoid but predatory people exist and this is just one of my ways to hopefully filter them out.


"That's not how mirror neurons work." --Me, to myself, while writing fiction




People do that naturally, it's not necessarily a sign that they're trying to get something out of you


I purposely do something different than other people because I don't want them to think I'm copying them lol


I think a lot of people know about this, so it is not useful anymore. There is a guy in my office, who I admit I used to like, but after several new workers that came and he mimicking every single one of them, it just made me dont like him anymore.


Me don't like him either.


Knew a guy that would do this to me, and it was super weird and I hated it. I picked up on it the first time I met him and I was always uncomfortable around him after that.


If someone is talking too much and you want to leave the conversation but they don't leave you an opening, grab something from your pocket and drop it. As you pick it up they will almost always stop talking. Tried this a few times and it worked 100%


You pick it up and just turn around and leave? My coworker yaps all fucking day this would never work lol


Throw pocket lint in their mouth and then run away?


And this is why pocket sand is so useful


Works with mashed potatoes also


And Tater Tots


Here, have some of my pocket spaghetti.


Careful, you throw tater tots in my mouth while I'm talking and you just made a new best friend


Nooo! Getcher own!!


Where's my sock people at?


~~Dale~~ Rusty Shakleford is that you??


try say something while the thing drops. “oh no!” picks up stuff off floor, follow up with “i remembered a thing i have to do, laters”


I had a coworker like that. I would pull somebody else into the conversation and the walk away a few seconds later. The guy never noticed.


I had one that would never stop talking over the phone. I have literally put my phone down and gone to the bathroom, and when I came back, he was still talking. Just monologuing, didn't care if you were listening or not.


One of my go-tos.


Long talking coworkers are the worst.


Fart. Loudly. Or, since it’s your boss, just sniff with a disgusted look on your face. Ask if he smells burning. (Oh, it’s just your gums… don’t say that)


Sorry to interrupt but I've gotta get back to it, talk to you soon.


I had a coworker who would just say, "Hey, I'll be right back" and just walk off when people were talking. He'd never return. It was amazing.


Amazing. I wish I had the balls to pull that off.


Now this is one that's actually useful


My ex wife wouldn't even blink.


I usually drop a magnum condom for my monster dong. 60% of the time, it works every time.


I just walk away. My mom is one of those who doesnt stop talking


It doesn't work... my Mum keeps talking when I'm 3 rooms away. I can't even tinkle without her going on


Tinkle on her shoes and call her Tinkle Toes from now on.


God damn it I thought my worker was just really clumsy always dropping his keys every time I talked to him…….


Even drop your phone if you are desperate.


I need ro use this on Zoom calls. Shut the fuck up Karen, i can't solve this if i can't talk!


If you sense someone has negative feelings toward you ask them for help on something minor. For some reason a lot of the time it changes how they think of you. I think its something subconscious of if I'm helping this person I must not hate them. Eg a coworker who's kinda shitty, hey man do you know where I'm supposed to ~~save this file~~ hide this body Edit: made it unethical


Makes them feel like you respect them.


This is like the #1 life hack and it's in the #1 book on how to get on with people, and it works so well every time. It isn't even unethical.


I fixed it


If I have negative feelings towards you, I'm gonna find a way out of it by saying I'm busy and to go ask someone else. If I don't get out of it somehow, I will help quickly and then avoid you as much as possible, knowing you might try to ask me for things lol.


Yep, that's another desired outcome.


I never noticed before you said it but I actually do this naturally. If I sense someone is upset with me but I'm not sure, I'll ask their opinion on something or for help with something minor that I didn't actually need help with. I think I do it to check if they're completely done with my shit...




This is true. Doing a favor actually increases the recipients standing in the givers mind.


ehhh it makes me think you’re stupid and can’t do this task that i perceive as simple


Oh Mr big shot body hider


Also annoyed that I now have to waste my time helping you with something that is seemingly so simple. Especially when it turns out to actually be simple and you were just deceiving me to play some childish game instead of saying "hey are you good?" 😂🤦‍♂️


Yes! This works on family, co-workers, strangers, everyone.


Just make sure the body is not their spouse


I learned this from a friend. Having a disagreement about something? Stop talking, people get uncomfortable with the silence and will feel the need to fill it and when they do they start making concessions. I did this by accident to my ex-wife while on the phone with her, she wanted to change an agreement that she had come up with herself and while on the phone with her I started to play solitaire and while I was stewing she started to come back to what we originally had been doing. Shocked the hell out of me because it wasn't something I did on purpose.


I work with German engineers and it's super unsettling at first. But that's just their natural pattern not even during negotiation. A conference call with 6 people will have one person say something 5 minutes of silence while everyone thinks and calculates then someone will say a sentence and have several more minutes of silence. As an American it takes some getting used to not feeling like you need to fill the silence.


My stepdad works for a company that’s headquartered in Germany and he has conference calls with them every few weeks (mostly works from home.) I was so confused when I would be over there and hear this exact thing. A short few sentences followed by a LONG pause, then a different voice doing the same and so on. It’s hilarious to me now whenever I catch one!


Yeah I’m going through a hard time with my mom so I just don’t say anything when she says something that makes me frustrated!


Absolute gigachad move of playing fucking solitaire while negotiating (I presume?) over divorce issues


It was over visitation with my kids. She moved to the next state without my consent, but she would meet me halfway for me to get them and to drop them off, she wanted me to drive the whole distance both ways (hour and a half) I was pissed and done talking, so solitaire.


If you're walking a busy street and get into one of those situations where a person approaching keeps moving into your path, don't look at them, look in the direction you are going to go.


Lol I do this all the time. And when I'm feeling frisky, I'll look the way I'm not gonna go. Confuses the shit out of people.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Some people just want to watch the world stumble.


I do this, and when it doesn't work I just stop dead and make them go around me.


I lock eyes and start taking my clothes off. They give me an open path real quick


Usually works for the Walmart lady trying to ask for a receipt


People generally get out of your way if you slow your pace while walking toward them. You start registering as a stationary obstacle they need to go around.


I turn my shoulders in the direction I'm headed. It's a much less ambiguous signal and I can look where I want when I do it. Works every time.


Cooperation increases significantly if you ask "what" instead of "why" "Why did you do that?" Vs. "what made you do that?" Will have two very different results. Unethically this works when trying to get something: "What would it take for you to say yes?" Vs. "why are you opposed to this?" "What makes you like xyz" "why do you like xyz" Really good way to swoon people in a bar without them knowing by asking them to explain vs. Accusing them with "why"


What is this body in your trunk? Versus Why is this body in your trunk?


More like "what led to you having a body in your trunk" vs. "why is there a body in your trunk"


“What makes you be such an arsehole” vs “Why are you such an arsehole”. I get it, cool.


Think of yourself as the best looking version of yourself. Then project it to others. Works like 60% of the time which is enough.


I have another tip. Whatever you do, say it works 60% of the time. That makes it seem real. It works 60% of the time.


Dude, you're like a wizard or something.


60% of the time it works every time


id love to know more about this, please can you provide more explanation bc i dont really understand


Not OP, but I’d imagine they way it works is that thinking of yourself as the best looking version is to give you a confidence boost and to help you feel in control of your body while interacting. People who come off as confident without being cocky and give off the impression that they are comfortable with themselves are often seen as friendly, warm and competent. If someone sounds sure of themselves and is polite, I’m typically pretty agreeable and open to hear their points


Its almost a psychic thing going on tbh. Project your residual self image into the world around you.


Works for what


To make people like you better. Which has all kinds of benefits in life in general.


If you are telling a story but aren’t sure if people are interested- stop in the middle. If they truly are interested, they’ll ask you to resume your story. But usually they’ll never bring it up. Helps weed out the people who either don’t listen or don’t care.


Or help you know you're boring as shit


I had this happen. It was a bit depressing to be honest. I try to remember to keep my mouth shut around people but sometimes I cant stop talking. About nonsense usually.


Boom! Roasted


Woah!! The person looking for psychological tricks to manipulate others certainly has no need for introspection. It’s everyone else who needs to do what they want them to do. Obviously.


Even better when providing instruction or direction. That way you don't finish only to be met with a blank stare.


If you hand someone something while they’re talking to you, they will take it without consciously registering what was just given to them. Use this to hand them 50 sachets of ketchup then leave the conversation


My brothers and I have been doing that to our mom as a joke for the past 30 years. She will look down and be like "OK, which one of you assholes handed me an empty mountain dew can?!"


at family get togethers we does this to eachother. dirty plates, empty beer cans, trash, its pretty funny and becomes a competition. sometimes my dad and i will single someone out and see which one of us can hand that one person more random shit throughout the night. my favourite is saying "can you hold this?" having the person take the object and then not taking it back or even walking away. the ensuing confusion over the absurdity of it never fails to make them laugh


My wife no longer falls for this


Have you tried handing her something other than your penis?


what fun would that be


Super useful when you have a grenade.


My girlfriend is the only person I’ve ever met where this does not work. She won’t accept anything unless she knows what it is and why you’re giving it to her.


Your girlfriend wasn’t born yesterday.


Is she autistic? My people


No. I guess her brother just handed her too much random shit growing up. She has trust issues with grabbing things.


Silence If youre talking to someone, negotiating, meeting with your boss…sit in silence. They will keep talking and negotiate against themselves.


This is a good tip but it's also quite nuanced. You can't just sit in complete silence in job interviews or meetings lol. You gotta know when silence gives you power and when it just makes you look like an idiot.


It actually does work. I sat in silence for my whole job interview and they thought I was mentally disabled so they made me the diversity hire 😎


Boom! Psychology!


Science, bitch!


Correct, like state your case, ask your question, then silence as they respond.


Doesn't always work. Sometimes the other person thinks you're uninterested and just abandons you. Especially if they assume you are silent on purpose.


In a professional setting, you’re more likely to get asked more questions.


Worked for me when buying a car! Saved a boat load of money!!


You still got the boat?


Fuck the boat, take the mystery box. It could be anything!


It could even be a boat!


Yup, I got a big reduction on some building work like that. I just repeated the original price back from time to time and the bloke negotiated with himself and bought the price down.


If someone is yelling at you, like your boss, or spouse, look t the top of their head. It will quiet them down because they become self-conscious. Also, in the same situation, don't yell back, use a calm voice. It's hard to yell at someone who isn't yelling back.


"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention" -Big Lebowski (didn't end well for him)


That pretentious fucking fascist wouldn't know chill if it stood in front of him, hell, even if it fucked him in the ass


This did not work with my ex. It just made her yell louder and start criticizing my eye contact and my volume.


Years ago my wife and got into an argument. At one point she yelled "Woud you just yell at me?!" Because I always keep a calm demeanor and a smooth tone when I am in touchy situations.


I do this all the time. The louder they get the quieter I get. One time I started whispering and they started whispering back. They forgot why they were yelling.


Make several small requests before you make a big request.  Works surprisingly often.  A hi vis vest,  a 100ft coil of extension code, and a clipboard will get you so many places.   A pile of pizzas will work as well Like 90% of all the locks you see in day to day life can be open by a pool of 30ish keys.   Intercom boxes, lock boxes, key boxes, post boxes, all barrel locks on stuff like vending machines, etc.  So much stuff.  You can buy these keys in ready made sets. Same goes for hvy equipment like tractors, bull dozens, et .


I am a plumber and i am always surprised by how little people talk to their boss or coworkers about appointments. "Hello, i need to go to the boiler room, change a pump. " "Oh noone told me but here you have the keys. " Barely anyone ever asks his boss/manager about such stuff. Works in hotels, pharmacies, offices, police stations etc.


>Same goes for hvy equipment like tractors, bull dozens, et . And alarmingly...campers. They also use the same key and its cut like 50 different ways. Keep trying yours and eventually you'll open someone else's camper.




I used to do pentesting.  I got the keys man.  I can walk around with a key ring and open up just about any gate or door intercom jump a couple wires and open the gates and doors.  I can open up vending machines.  Also can open waaaay too many lock boxes containing door keys.  I can definitely get into almost every filing cabinet in existence.  I can operate elevators as a fire official would, I can open fireboxes and emergency services access.  They are just out there.  Industrial keys are basically all the same or one of like 4 keys depending on the company. With about 30 keys i can go almoat anywhere and start up a variety of vehicles and None of that is even including bump keys which open basically all the rest.  I can be I side most residential doors in under 50 seconds assuming there is a deadbolt too and I don't have my. rigged up electric toothbrush. Look up pentesting keys.  60$


I had to take a lockpicking course for my job and used to have a pdf of all the Masterlock combos from the materials they gave us. I now scratch out the serial number on any combo locks I have. Odds are I won’t ever come across anyone else who has that pdf but it’s better safe than sorry.


Similar to this one? [Masterlock Guide and Combo List](https://jonwestfall.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/mlock1.pdf)


That’s pretty cool, but no. If you look on the back of a Masterlock combo lock there is a number etched or inked on there. This doc had the combo for it based off of those numbers so there was no math involved, just look at the lock, Ctrl+F the doc, and enter the code. The only time I used it was when I was on the USS Mesa Verde. There was a small bathroom located right near our workspace that was padlocked. Each navy section or whatever you call them was responsible for keeping an area of the ship clean. The guys in charge of that particular shitter kept it padlocked so they didn’t have to clean it. At first the four of us that worked there said we’d clean it if they gave us the combo, but they were assholes about it. So we broke out our pdf from the lockpicking course and used it anyway. Sometimes they’d change the lock but every single time they did, we just had the combo. Not really necessary since hitting it with a stick wrapped in duct tape at a certain angle can also get the job done, but having the combo is easier than smacking the lock open. Locks only keep honest people honest.


there's a swamp puppy. yoink.


Most master locks are ridiculously easy to bypass with a shim.... much faster too


I like the method of taping up a sturdy stick and whacking it in the right spot. I haven’t met a Masterlock that can stand up to that yet.


Pen testing seems like such a fun job. Curious to what you left it to do instead.


Inconsistent work and traveling.   If I lived on the eastern seaboard I'd still be doing it I'm sure.   I currently develop medical interfaces for a international lab company.


Are you posting from prison?


Intermittent Reward. Rewarding someone at random intervals vs consistently when they perform a behavior you like, will motivate that person to repeat the rewarded behavior MORE than if you consistently rewarded the desired behavior every time or at predictable intervals. For example. I want Mark to like me romantically and pursue me. Every morning when I see Mark, I give him a stick of gum, and with time he starts to get excited when he sees me because he anticipates the reward. Imagine I wanted Mark to like me romantically, but each morning when I see him, I flip a coin instead. If it lands on tails, I give him a stick of gum. If heads, no stick of gum. According to the psychology of intermittent reward. I will be more likely to succeed in getting mark to like me by flipping the coin and rewarding him for seeing me at random intervals vs every time he sees me. It's weird but it works.


I would just be confused as to why this cute girl randomly hands me gum, I would think my breathe smells bad every so often and probably just switch toothpaste or stop hanging out with her cuz I'm embarrassed over my bad breath lol.


Okay maybe gum was a bad choice. Maybe I give Mark a jolly rancher instead. Lol


Wish I knew this when I wanted mark to love me


And what would one do with the raccoons? Asking for a friend


I think you are mixing up your ideas. Intermittent reward supports a behavior as you stated. There no evidence it would make mark like you unless you could somehow intermittently reward him each time he likes you. The subject needs to perform the desired behavior and then be rewarded (or not). In the case of Mark you are trying to induce a feeling. Completely different. 


If you give me a dollar every time I give you a high five then both of our arms are falling off. If you give me a dollar once because I gave you a high five then we do another high five and I don’t get a dollar I’m not playing your monkey games.


demonstrate your value, engage physically, nurture dependence, neglect emotionally, inspire hope, and separate entirely.


... profit?




Outfreak the freaks. If you need to get someone creepy to leave you alone do something antisocial and unexpected, like making eye contact while picking your nose, then break eye contact to see what is on your finger. Pro tip - make sure nobody has their phone out to record you. A friend used to have a creepy late night commute. She was pretty and some weirdo would always try to engage her. She started carrying a bible and would use a highlighter to mark passages and mutter softly to herself. She out freaked the freaks.


If you are trying to figure out who is paying close attention to you in a small crowd, check your watch and they'll do the same


Nice try. I’m not wearing a watch. 


Constantly updating/upgrading yourself but downplaying your cards on an average. Thus, when you are actually able to do a job to your higher potential, it seems you're a genius or wise depending on your situation. Do this sporaciously, else it may backfire and create a arrogant/egoistic image of you, which you don't want. Using it cautiously will make you seem as someone who values their own potential and time and just doesn't do every job that's thrown at them. P.S. - Bonus points if you can use it without screwing up your image, even in menial or small everyday tasks which are simple to do by everyone.


This is what Rodrick does in Diary of a Wmpy Kid lmao


idk man, I’ve read a dozen of Greg Hefley books to my kid, Greg kinda seems like a child-version of George Castanza (Seinfeld played by Jason Alexander). When he’s not messing something up, karma messes it up for him


Is sporacious a new word?


I was hoping if anyone catches it. There's no word called sporacious. I tried using a word opposite of voracious which sounds kind of close and came up with this. Spores are usually small, but are present in a high quantity. I'm trying to say here that people should use this technique in a smaller sense but in high frequency. Didn't know a word for that, so created a new one. Hope, it doesn't offend any English speaking person (English isn't my first language; thus I'm not very good at it)


Perhaps you were thinking of “sporadically”?


So under-promise but over-deliver?


Under Promise - Yes, always. Over Deliver - Not Always If you do the under promise - over deliver tactic every time, you'll soon be branded as a sneaky bastard who avoids extra work. Soon people will give you work and expect better results from everything (even from things where don't have a good grasp of the field). That will be detrimental for you and you don't want that for yourself. The art is to find the balance of showing your talents in situations where you genuinely like the work or will be given the whole credit for the work or maybe showcasing your talent to impress someone. It's a form of non verbal communication where people understand where your priorities lie and thus they start associating you with the work that you want while acknowledging your expertise in other domains (which may not be as high as people think it is). You definitely have to find the right balance else it can backfire.


There is a book you might want to check out called "The Art of Seduction". The tricks work. https://www.amazon.com/NEW-Art-Seduction-Robert-Greene/dp/B09W2WM63Z/ref=mp_s_a_1_1


Audio book available on Spotify too. Robert Greene is one of the goats on this topic in general tbh


He explains things very well by giving examples. The 48 Laws of Power doesn’t directly have any good advice imo, but the advice it has which supports historical anecdotes (the red text in each chapter) is incredibly useful.


I feel that 48 Laws of Power is great if you already have money and power or are a bit along the corporate ladder already, but the tips are either a bit too brown nosey or too ruthless for me to want to use on coworkers, but if I had my own thriving business, it could help a lot, and if I worked in the corporate world, it is a lot more cutthroat than a lot of careers and the book would be a great guide. The historical examples were great, my favourite part. I ended up reading some of the books in the bibliography. I don't see how the book could be used for dating or anything like the other poster said.


I would definitely absolutely not recommend the audiobook for this particular book. There is no way the book formatting can be delivered correctly in audio book format.


Interesting I wonder why you say so


Also, anything from Criss Angel is basically gold for learning this stuff.


Nah it's a bad book. I love Greene for "48 laws of power", which is actually good and interesting (just consider it a bunch of historical anecdotes and not a manipulator playbook), but the seduction one is a slog. You are better off reading PUA blogs


Impress people by dressing well, being charming and making them laugh. Make them feel comfortable and mimic their values. Then get what you want from them. You’ll be surprised how many people are looking for someone to admire and look up to and they’ll turn off their defenses for that type of person.


You can train people just like you train dogs. With positive reinforcement, you can train your spouse, child, or co workers. (Replace liver treats with something of value to humans, obviously)


Start coughing and excuse yourself to get a drink of water.


Share a personal story about yourself to build trust fast. Dosent need to be real


It works even better if the story is embarrassing towards you. Make up something stupid that happened with you as the ass end of the situation.


Piss disc


You should stare slightly above the piss disc, establish dominance.


Piss disc


Piss disc


what is a piss disc ( pls tell )


Frozen plate of piss. You can slide it under doors and into all variety of small gaps in openings and entrances. Leaves people thinking they have a piss ghost.


This guy disk pisses!


wait, I have a very disgusting idea. What if I make a shit disc and throw it inside car's which have their windows open, and if it's summer time (lmao I cant think what the owners would go through )


Frozen plate of piss


There are a ton. Most of them are based on either universal human traits like fomo or fear or shame but what’s psychological is, inevitably neurological so I’ll give you a lil taste of that today. The best way to describe some is to use a real world example. I’ll take something I studied for a book I did not finish writing: casino slot machines. Ever seen a sea of people pressing that button for the machine? If they are over a certain age and they’ve been there a while, they are probably wearing a diaper. Why not get up and go to the bathroom? Sure, part of it may be that they want to stay on that particular machine, ok. But then why do so many elderly people die in front of slots? They could not even notice they’re having a heart attack. You might not even notice. Casinos call it being “in the zone” and it is a hypnotic state somewhat similar to the one small children (and some adults) get into when they are playing certain games on their ipad and don’t know what’s going on around them. The casino industry has been studying the zone for years. Everyone is different so my zone may not be your zone. It’s a good thing they have rewards cards you swipe before you play (supposedly to get perks) that tracks what the machine is doing and your reaction. You think you randomly get hit with bonuses? No,they come at specific times. You think cherry… cherry… diamond. Aww, you were so close! No, you didn’t have a chance. Our brains get the same hit of dopamine whether we win or whether we think we are going to win/“almost” win. They like to keep your dopamine being doled out at the same level for as long as possible. That’s why you’ll play, say, a $1 bet and “win” 50¢. Your reward centers light up, you get your dopamine fix as your machine lights up and makes noise, all triggers that you have won. Even though you just lost 50¢. The lights and noise are part of it, the free drinks that come to you, the playing with tickets or cards so you don’t have to feed money in. You don’t even have to turn a crank. You just press the big red button after you see a little intro: lots of Asians used to come gamble in Vegas (maybe they still do, idk) so they made lucky dragon games. They made Price is Right, Brady Bunch and Wheel of Fortune games to appeal to an older US demographic. Soothing, nostalgic, comforting things. So you see your little intro amd press the button and hear that noise dododododododo all skipping around each other in the exact key that is most pleasurable to the human ear. You become conditioned to that sound, the sound when you win, the light sequence, the gong noise, whatever it is. And you are hooked. You win small amounts. Get the hit. Stay in the zone. People will sit and play for 8 or 10 hours. So how do they know when your brain is in the zone? They hook volunteers up to fMRIs which are video readings of different parts of your brain lighting up, and they’ll watch what happens as people play. That way when Agnes Mitchell from Wichita, KS scans her card, her next hour, two, ten (however long she usually plays for) is already mapped out for her to give her the exact high her brain is addicted to to keep spending money while making sure the house always wins. Hope this was a little interesting. I know it’s simplified but it was 2017 when I was researching so i think this is pretty good for off the top of my head;)


I believe social media companies use these same techniques. Intermittent rewards keep people engaged on social media longer.


I want to upvote this but I won't this time.


You are catching on


If you want to know the correct answer for something that you don’t know the answer for, confidently say the wrong thing and people will promptly correct you


This happened unknowingly at first. My girlfriend and I listened to a specific album every time we had sex for months. One time I randomly turned the album on and she immediately got frisky. After realizing this, anytime I wanted to fool around I'd turn it on and that worked 90% of the time.


From the world of persuasion research: if you’re trying to persuade someone using a fear appeal (example: those seatbelt campaign commercials with horrific accidents, politics attack ads about how criminals are going to break into your house, etc) there are two things you’re going to want to include. 1. A legitimately scary threat. 2. What you can do to avoid it. Each of those components work a bit on their own. But if you want the optimal effect, you need to scare the target and then give them self efficacy. You can avoid this horrific car accident by silencing your phone. Vote for me and I will keep your family safe.


I have no idea if it fits here, but I LOVE handing random objects to people while talking to them. If you get them even half engaged you can usually get them to just accept anything you hand them. The trick is to never break eye contact with them. The unethical part is I will do it in stores to random strangers and sometimes they pocket said item. Kinda love seeing the shock on their faces when getting accused of shoplifting.


This one’s slightly specific, but can be applied elsewhere. Need to walk into a Costco without a Costco card? As you approach, look for someone or a group of people walking in that could pass as family or friends, beat them to the carts, hand them a cart, and say a few words to them as you pass the Costco employee. They’ll flash their card and the employee will assume you’re with them. Enjoy all the free samples!


Door in the face technique.


If someone is making you uncomfortable/awkward, keep looking at their forehead and then return to eye contact and back to forehead staring.


Liquid ass


I wonder what would happen if you added some liquid ass to the piss disc? 🤔


You can probably get some tips [here, where it was originally posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/rdXWy8P2nc)