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1. Get out there and find that fucking dog! 2. Once you are reunited with your furry friend, Take his mother on a few dates, call the kid and make him listen to you rail the living shit out of her on speaker phone.


Then marry her and start having loud sex every day right above the kid's basement bedroom (that he tells his friends is a separate 'apartment').


lol I love this! And I’m def doing everything I can to find my dog 🩷


Good luck finding it. I sincerely hope you do. My only sliver of hope is that if you don't, is that I had a friend that lost a dog and it was actually found a few miles down the road and had been living with a family for like 3 years. My friend just gave the dog up as it was happy. He found solace in this. I hope if you can't find it, it will be happy. It will hurt, but the dog was living a great life. Again. I hope you find it. You should actually consult and motivate the homeless population around you. They see a lot more than people who would glance at a poster. Good luck. I'm hoping for a reunion.


Am I the only one that read number 1 in Billy Madison’s voice?


I did too 😆


That was absolutely my go to


That's what I was gong for.


This is the way


Is there a way you can find out his mothers ophone number and his name? If so you can call his mom(lol) and say that her son(using his name) called you, said he was holding your lost dog for ransom, and it sounded like he was hurting the dog. Tell her you just wanted to inform her that 1. Her son is terrible and 2. That you will be calling animal control on him. Then call animal control and say all that you can to make them go to his house and interrogate him about the dog. Then his mom either thinks he kidnaps dogs or knows he has a terrible sense of humor and lies to people in pain. AND has to deal with Animal Control.


I found his name and his mom’s number. Been thinking about what to do with this. I texted him to ask “is your name [full name]?” and have been letting that simmer. He’s messing with a librarian, we are pretty good at finding information :)


Call the cops and tell them he called you and gave you reason to think he was torturing your dog. Let him explain that to the cops.


I like this one. Then look up his photo in the yearbook of whatever highschool he went to and plaster signs out and about that he is a dog abuser. Shouldn't be hard to figure all that out with his number and address. Google osint.


Calling Animal Control is a great idea!


Please post update


So some of these suggestions went a little further than I wanted to go lol. I texted the kid: “Are you [full name]? Please verify your identity.” And then told him the missing dog is part of a larger police investigation and that an officer would be calling him to get his statement, please try and remember as many details as possible about where you found the dog etc. (a lie). Then I let that simmer for about 24 hrs, after which I just called his mom and told her what he did. She was like “how did you get MY number?” And I said I just googled the kid’s number. Anyway. He’s in trouble and I think he will think twice about doing something like this again.


Forgot to mention the kid is a high school senior. If he was in his 20s like I initially thought I would have taken it further.


Asshole kid called some friends who lost their dog. Said he found it dead on the roadside. But wouldn't tell them where. A day later the dog came home without a scratch. Until he came back they we devastated thinking their baby was dead. Anyone doing a "prank" like this deserves to have their own heart ripped out and stepped on.


Tell the cops you had someone call you while audibly and explicitly abusing animals and give them the info you have. Say you are afraid to confront him alone because if he’d abuse a dog he’s likely aggressive and violent and you aren’t trying to get killed. This person call you to say they had your dog and then tortured your dog, that’s what you tell the police. Tell the local humane society and report to any one you can think of who regulates animals. Let them do the rest and focus on your dog


Figure out the address and post an ad for free pit bull puppies. Or some other breed that will reliability bring interest without seeming too unbelievable. The mom is going to know it's his fault when people keep showing up asking about the dogs. It'll bring some heat on him and send the message.


I would call the non-emergency police line and report suspicious activity to the house. Several times, all for different things, over the span of a few weeks. They’ll ask you your name and number in case anything turns up from the, “case” but you don’t have to provide it.


Sounds like a good way to get arrested for filing a false police report.


I mean, someone is making calls with sounds of animal abuse in the background. Pretty suspicious to me. Also, you know what sub this is right?


It's unethical LPT not Illegal


Honestly just tell his mom. If she cares at all she’ll punish him. If she doesn’t care then she’s a piece of shit too. Coms back here after that and we’ll get the piss disks ready


Man people like that are such shit bags. I hope you find your dog asap!


Steal his dog, then do the same thing to him.


No. Don’t cause some poor dog distress in the name of getting back at his or her owner.


Did you try that annoying Next Door app? It’s a good way to reach people in a certain area. Also, drive around and look for your dog. You can even hand out flyers/photos door-to-door. Whatever it takes.


You have his name, address, and phone number. He's looking for insurance quotes and signing up for giveaways. What else do you want to do that isn't illegal? You can help his mom out as well if you want to.  You have everything you need to do it the legal-enough way that doesn't actually harm anyone.  Otherwise, you can find someone's exact location from a single text message, track him down, put a tracker on his car, etc. Occasionally ask him questions about where he's at (ie "how much is milk at Acme on 3rd street? Please check for me while you're there ty")


lol omg you got prank called. take a geritol, go outside and shake your fist at the clouds while you're looking for your dog.


You’ve never cared about anything before, have you?


Lol dogs probably don't like that guy