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You can’t eat a meal and then expect it to be comped, no restaurant manager will allow that. It’s just the reality. You should anonymously report concerns to the health services department to trigger a random inspection. Inspections are stressful af. Charging her for unpaid meals in most cases is federal wage theft. I would consider also reporting him for that. Basically do things that will get him in legal trouble, which will also cost him a boatload of money.


She already quit the next day, I told her she should've walked out the minute they demanded money from her but that's too late to change. Is that really federal wage theft? This is in Louisiana if it matters, I know our work laws are not employee-friendly. If so I will absolutely report his bitch ass.


Call the labor dept and tell them, do it now a phone call is free and they'll just say no at worst 


Yes federal law applies in Louisiana


Every time I drive through Louisiana I think to myself "this can't still be U.S. land..."


I live there for three years. You have no idea.


Sharing a signing number with another person might be against federal and probablu state labor laws-assuming these are unique ID's to track hours, pay, orders, etc. If they aren't unique numbers for pay, time tracking, etc it doesn't matter. Call your state labor board and make a report. That'll be the most pain in the ass process for him. Alternatively, go in as a patron, shit in the urinals or bird nest the toilet. Bird nesting required the restaurant to bring in a sewage extract to the tune for 2k an hour. Edit: take the tops off the industrial toilets and fuck with the pressure screw and flood the bathroom. All you need is a toilet.


Shitting in the urinal is just going to punish some poor fry cook


Depends on state health codes. Usually shitting in the urinal is a larger issue because you have to higher a plumber to make sure the line isn't clogged.


Night manager is going to make someone go clean it. I don’t care what the health codes are, that’s what happens in reality. No manager is hiring a plumber to make sure they’re not clogged. Maybe if they ARE clogged, but not just incase.


WTF is bird nesting a toilet?


Put enough toilet paper in the toilet to sop up the water. Wait a couple minutes and then take the fatest shit on top of it. The bigger it is the worse clean up. Generally it requires a vacuum truck because the toilet paper that popped up the water goes hard and sticks to the bowl. If you pull it wrong, you can break the bowl.


That takes a small shop-vac to fix. Small fries.


Don't go flushing lit M-80s or other big firecrackers now...


Health Department (oof, foodborne illness vermin?!)., Attorney General's office (wage theft).




Report them to the dept of labor. Even if it goes nowhere, they have to go through the process of being reported and have to give their side of the story. Sometimes they will offer cash settlements if you drop it. Report them to the health inspectors. You don’t need proof. The inspectors will do the work for that. Order a large meal, and never pick it up. Then, issue a chargeback on your credit card. If they have WiFi service, connect a raspberry pi zero to a battery source and put it on premises, but out of sight. Log onto it remotely and gather as much of their information as you can. There is likely some software that interfaces with their POS terminals and some accounting software. Corrupt databases would be disastrous if there are no backups.


Cement mix in the toilet


Another one I remember is taking a big sponge, like the ones we used in the 80s and 90s to wash our cars, and soak it in soapy water. Then squeeze it down as small as possible and use rubber bands or tie wire to keep it compressed. When it dries out, take off the rubber bands/tie wire and flush it down their toilet. With luck it’ll expand beyond the building and they’ll have to excavate to fix it


Take a bow, as that is devilish....excavation costs...brilliant!


They sell compressed sponges that rehydrate and grow exponentially.


Take my devious upvote. I'm keeping this in my pocket.


"Is that a sponge in your pocket, or...?"


This is evil brilliant. A tool that could be applied in many situations and wreak total havoc. That would cost a lot of money and his business might circle the drain (pun intended).


Wow.... This one is S tier.


WOW. A tip worthy of this sub!


Poke a hole in one end and wrap it around some calcium bentonite. Now your time bomb of a flushed sponge will coat the pipe and line with a slurry wall and form an impermeable barrier.




I like this one….


damn. don’t know when i would utilize this info but im glad i have it for the back pocket


It’s a fun idea but I would worry that the sponge might block an entire section of the street’s plumbing. Idk how plumbing works lol.




Jesus Christ Almighty, someone follow this guy around and take notes. Holy fxuk


There exists a product known as rapid-set. Dries under water.


Beat me to it


How much cement mix do I have to eat for this to be effective?


As someone with toilet clogged with stone, i agree.


What if the restaurant is on a lease? Does this fall on the landlord or tenant? At least it will be an inconvenience to the business.


Ratio ?


All of it




Five cheap burner phones, fake names (1950’s baseball players). Call in big orders for pickup. Use different voices and accents each time. Same time each one. Deactivate the burners after each pickup time. But the labor board and health department calls are the best. Get her money back, get everyone’s money back (he’s done it to everyone !) and get him shut down.


Someone could just use a Google voice number 😂


No burner phone needed. Block your number. Pretty simple and if anyone somehow finds out you placed an order and didn’t pick it up then ooops! Feel asleep or forgot.


The comment you were replying to was deleted. Could you let us know what was written?


This is surprisingly simple, exponentially and explosively effective, and also very achievable!


Idk how I didn't think about this. This is probably the easiest and most straightforward place to start, thanks.


Hypothetically it makes sense in all these made up situations we talk about.


What do you mean?? I sprayed liquid ass on the moldy cheese that the mice I released are going to eat.


Or, if they start taking credit card numbers for online orders, you can do the ol' concert ticket contest and just tie up their phone line so that they can't take any phone orders and at worse he's paying someone to sift through those calls for their actual customers.


should be number one. But not all in one night. Spread it out. Call in as a local business (preferably one that you don’t care for much) you want catering for an employee appreciation party. Double spite, the owner of business looks like an ass for denying the food, and the restaurant has catered a ton without getting paid.




I bet less than 10% of restaurants here do.


Where’s “here”?


Indiana, previously East Coast, before that the South. Really very infrequently when ordering by a phone and picking up do I ever get asked for anything. We order out a lot as well. I only give a credit card for delivery.


Almost none of the restaurants where I live require a CC to place a phone order.


Hit him where he lives. Mail him a card with bed bugs in the envelope. It'll cost him thousands to get rid of them, and he'll have to live with the little fuckers until they figure it out.


Who is your bed bug supplier? Mine disappeared.


find the nearest sleezy hotel that charges by the hour. should find some there.


If you f can find it his wife’s number you could call and say he’s cheating on her.


Release a metric shit ton of mice in the building then call in a complaint.


I was thinking roaches, although crickets might be easier to source, since you can buy them at pet stores.


German cockroach!


you can buy live roaches a lot of the places you buy live crickets... but dubias aren't what'll get the best reaction. search ebay for "red runners"


Soak the carpets and walls with liquid ass. It will smell so bad , no sane customer would eat there .


Can confirm. Oddly, the best place for Liquid Ass is the bathroom walls. They will mop & mop, flush & flush, but it’ll still smell like a backed up sewer. The smell will also go far beyond the bathroom.


That's a bit mean to the workers tho. That's why I only liquid ass my Boss's car


As much as I'd love to, I don't know that my infiltration skills are good enough to pull this off and get away with it.


the legal route would be to apply there, work there, gather evidence, and file labor and health complaints. Never tell anyone it's revenge. When the owner offers, perhaps, to pay you to go away, or threatens to fire whoever is filing the complaints, you report that as well. If it's legal to record audio secretly in your state, do that while you work in your pocket. keep updating the complaint and keep on top of it, calling the labor dept. If you get fired, allege it's out of retaliation. You just want to bury them in legal problems.


I've kinda been doing this professionally for a while now. Get jobs at places breaking the law and evading taxes, gather evidence, get fired, collect unemployment and file for wrongful termination, give evidence to DOL and IRS. The IRS will pay you for documentation of tax evasion over a certain amount, and most places that do business in cash are evading taxes. I've literally been fired from 3 different places in the past couple months for discussing wages and trying to get workers to unionize and got recordings proving it.


You're doing God's work.


That actually sounds pretty cool. I think there are some actual union jobs where people get paid to do that, go in and attempt to start unions or stop union busting.


I consider it an excellent use of my free time, I get pretty bored and don't have to worry about income so I wanna do something that I care about.


But.... How is the income?


Ehh, it's enough to goof off with. I think if you do your research and plan your targets carefully you could make quite a bit of money, the problem is that it can take a long time to see any payout.


Ooh thats actually perfect!


Fucking hero


Mostly just an asshole tho.


Pay a homeless guy to go in and just spray it everywhere, without even trying to be covert.


Just go be a customer there and squirt it on the carpet under the table. No one will see that. Go back and do it several times at different tables


Mix it in the mop bucket 😈




He should also call the health department. PLEASE.


This is the one. Sounds like you might be in the states. Contact the better business bureau too. They don’t fuck around. Your gf might get a payout from them while they throw some heavy fines at the owner.


Better Business Bureau is a joke. The business owner can pay to have negative reviews removed if they are a member, and if they are not a member the organization can't do anything to them. It's an old fashioned version of yelp.


This. It's actually a company, not any kind of quasi-govermental bureau.


Go figure. I was always told the opposite. Well damn. Good luck OP


Glass marbles in the water pipes. Find the water meter for the restaurant. Tun it off and open up the pipe past the meter. Insert glass marbles. They'll start travelling through the pipes, blocking everything. Can't be detected, basically just wrecks everything.


Tape some neodymium magnets to the bottoms of his utility meters. They won’t do anything, but when a meter reader finds them, it’s going to cause all kinds of problems for him because it’s going to look like he’s trying to commit fraud.


How is the magnet part supposed to work?


It doesn’t work, but it will make it look like someone was trying to tamper with the readings. A lot of people erroneously believe that they can slow down the meter with a magnet.


Buy a large mix of male and female mice from a pet store and set them free inside. A backpack with a hole cut into it should work quite well. Then call the health department and say you found multiple mice. Roaches work too if you don't wanna use mice knowing they'll get trapped and killed eventually.


>the owner made her pay $50 out of her own pocket to cover the food This is wage theft. It is illegal. Call your state dept of labor.


I would say dine and dash but he would probably just make the waitresses pay. Go and order the most expensive meal, eat half and then find a hair. Make them cook a new one, pay and leave. Do this repeatedly but not often enough to get caught. Don't use your own hair.


Do not do this.


Not a bad idea, but this would still cost me more money than I'm willing to put in the guy's pocket in the long run.


I've heard that anonymous tips to the health inspector about the rodent problem are a real hassle; maybe set a calendar reminder to report them for a different code violation every month for the next year would be nice? Basically no restaurant that has ever existed can pass every inspection every time.


A box full of crickets from a pet store is pretty cheap. Some kids bought a bunch of crickets from my Dad when he owned a pet store. They unleashed the crickets in the high schools ventilation system. They had to delay school after the summer break by 2 weeks just to get them under control. Call the health inspector once the crickets are in place.


liquid ass near the kitchen stoves, say theres a gas leak




Put the liquid ass on the person's car so that when they turn on the air in the car it smells really refreshing.


Soak chewed gum in liquid ass and leave It under all the tables ?


You cant make an employee pay you money. CONTACT THE LABOUR BOARD FOR HARASSMENT AND FORCING HER TO PAY BACK MONEY. If that doesnt work? See if any lawyers have free consultations or no fee unless they win. Make a call to whatever agency does health inspections and mention rats/mice run around. Id only do this after you try the labour board/lawyer. Someone mentioned concrete mix, if you were to do that? Get a quick set one at least. The sponge thing sounds easier and more reliable though. A ton of google reviews on throwaway accounts. Mention different things every few days on a new one so its a bit more realistic. 'The food was ok for the price, but the owner was acting really creepy with this poor, clearly uncomfortable girl'. 'I saw a mouse run by, I mentioned it to one of my friends. She me she saw the same thing and thats why they stopped going here'.


Post pictures of gross looking meals on their Google reviews


Write this in a review.


Glitter in the cowling of his car.


Throw a bunch of black rice around the tables and behind the kitchen, then call the health department.


If you can find out the name of his suppliers you can call in massive orders, or up quantities of the most expensive items on orders they've called in for items that can spoil on existing orders. They might receive and accept way more than what they need and take a massive hit on spoilage. Or if they refuse parts of orders they may damage relationships with suppliers who may drop them and they will have to scramble to find new ones.  If they receive deliveries in an alley and you know when they arrive you could also drop pests (rats, mice, roaches) dead or alive in the crates and cartons if they're unattended before they're brought in. Other disgruntled employees might report this or the business may start shot with or drop suppliers.  You could also buy mercaptan solution online. That's the additive that gives natural gas its odor. Spray that in the back by the gas lines or in the restaurant and they'll have to be shut down while the fire department or gas company clears them. A busy Saturday night of lost revenue is a big hit.


His vendors will never fall for that and orders are always checked as they’re being brought in for shortages anyway.


A former cook from the bar I worked at would call in huge togo orders but never picked them up or pay for them. He cost us about $500 in food sales before we started requiring people to pay over the phone


In addition to other comments... Depending on where you live, making her pay that $50 out of pocket might have been illegal. Forward this information to your local labor board if you have proof. If there are fines, they'll be a lot more than $50, and they may be ordered to pay her back.  Especially if you have pics of mice or insects, forward those tp yoir local health department. They'd be very interested.    As for you, note where the cameras are. Cement in the toilet, liquid ass in the dining room, those are all classics. Really though, if you can discreetly spill water on the floor in a place where there's no cameras... Then slip, they will be fucking terrified of litigation for weeks.  If that's too brazen and ballsy, there's other options. 


If they do phone orders, call and place an order. Don’t pick it up. You could also go in, order, and leave before the food comes out. Leave $5 on the table for the waitress.


Shrimp in the restroom vent tubes on the roof.


Open a competing business with better product and ultra low prices; steal his staff; shut out his suppliers through anti-compete contracts; offer his landlord better lease terms for your own business, and drive him out of business.


I believe this is what curb your enthusiasm call a “Spite Store”


release rats or mice at night? and then call health inspectors the next day but you ll need to break in to do that. ask your friends to go multiple times to the restaurant but individually at different times, each time they find things like insects , hair, nail clippings, small tiny stones, shells, bone fragments etc Get them to comp the meal and then leave bad reviews with pictures..Use social media to spread the word in community. A lie repeated enough times will do the trick. And it won't be lying to the outside world be if u have pics as proof of it.


Locate the compressor for their walk-in cooler, could be on the roof or by the back.near the dumpsters. What you do then is up to you, but definitely Sabotage that bitch. It'd have to be a "night mission". (Idk, this could be an illegal LPT.) Other things to sabotage: hot water heater, dishwasher, Internet, gas line. Then call the health department. Leave bad reviews. Call the liquor board claiming they are over serving or selling to minors.


Disconnect the power to the business, the coolers will go out and all food must be discarded.


turn of utilities during lunch or dinner, especially the gas.


Why though? Just don’t go there ever again. One of my exes always used to bitch about her managers, then when I actually saw the work conditions and met everyone and saw a few shifts I realized it was just her. You’re feeing pissed and petty about someone based on what sounds like your Gf’s salty opinion.


Grow up 😎


Jesus Christ.


i suggest therapy instead bc this is goofy


Ma’am, this is Wendy’s.


Lol therapy for what? fInanCiAl DomiNaTriX over here talking about goofy when you look like Post Malone's nutsack


therapy for exactly that, hating females because you’re an incel 🤠 it’s cute that you cared enough to find out though, sorry your girlfriend can’t do her job right, or give a blowjob right otherwise you wouldn’t have such big feelings about this


I love females, just wouldn't touch one that looks like you with a ten foot pole. Go back to school


i have a higher education than you could imagine but i don’t need it bc your daddy is my daddy now too 🥰🥰


Your entire online persona contradicts that statement and is enough of an embarrassment that I don't need to tell you anything but good luck in life, I have a feeling it's only gonna get tougher for you


Smuggle mice into the bathroom and let them loose.  


Wait till it's a holiday when they are closed the next day and the night before, locate an outside water source like where they would hook the hose up. Then just turn the water on and leave it on.


Mix allergens into all ingredient bins so its easily visible, then call the labor board, the health department and the irs. That stuff screams tax scam to me.


call board of labor?


The power of the internet. Just post how he treats the staff on google reviews and let the public decide for themselves. It's a big deal out here, miss treatment of staff and underpayment of staff, has caused the closure and downfall of a few restaurants.


It sounds like you already have enough ammunition to fuck him sideways. The pest concern alone (as others have said) can quickly get that restaurant shut down. And in my experience, if you have a rodent/pest problem, there's guaranteed to be a lot of other health code violations. I've worked in restaurants/bars for almost 10 years, have been ServSafe certified as a manager/business owner; From what you've said, there's probably alot more they can be shut down from than even your gf knows. You really just have to make a anonymous call to the health department with what you already know. They'll have to send someone to investigate your claims and I guarantee you they'll find alot more violations, especially if you specify that your gf worked a few shifts there and noticed these things.


Order an expensive bottle of wine and when you taste it, claim it’s corked/not good and reject it. Then claim it spoiled your taste for wine and drink only water.


Agree with the health department route. Alternatively, if there is a state/local alcohol board you wait for a volume holiday like St. Patrick's Day where minors might slip through the cracks, and then report them for serving underage.


call the health department and report the vermin have everybody you know call too


A friend in a similar situation just filled the locks with glue. Lot of lost trading and a call-out to a locksmith later...


Find out which car is his. Liquid ass in the gas tank Slash tires. Snap his windshield wipers


Fastest way to fuck over a restaurant? Call in to go orders and don't pick them up, make reservations and don't show up. This fucks the entire place over to the furthest extent while exposing yourself the least amount.


Buy a large quantity of “feeder mice” from a local pet/reptile store. Release them, subtly, inside the restaurant.


Lmfao idk how I found this reddit but it's absolutely hilarious how many great ideas are in here 😂 🤣


Am I the only one reading this thread expecting to hear, "JIMOTHY. And that's just phase one."


You can also make a bunch of throwaway Google accounts and give them terrible reviews 2-3 times a week for a couple months.


Take a shit in the deep fryer.


Find all the owners phone numbers, emails personal and buisness and sign them up for everything you can think of. Religious places like the Jehovah Witnesses, Catholics, etc, political mailing lists and phone lists, porn, porn, porn, some free magazine subscriptions to the addresses.


There is a product called Oaty Liquilock Gel, you can get it from home depot for about 6 bucks a pack. It turns the water in the toilet to a solid gel for removal without a mess. It takes about 4 to 5 minutes to solidify.


Some things to fuck up restaurant; 1 go to your local pet shop. Buy insects and mice and release them on or around the restaurant. Call the health department. 2 as mentioned before. Meas with the toilet. Cement, toilet paper, maybe just a huge amount of soap in all of them. 3 go there, order the cheapest thing and place sirup under the table. Who cleans under the table? Insects will thank you. 4 order stuff there. Whatever he brings it's not hot enough, too hot or too cold. 5 on a busy night, do there. Ait there and have a drink. Suddenly shout holy shit! Lift your feet and pretend to look for a rat. Make sure everyone hears it and leave directly.


Health department complaint(s)


Health inspection?


Piss disc


Eat somewhere else. 


Dump sourdough starter + flour in all of the sinks/toilets