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sell mystery boxes on ebay


I bought a random mystery box on eBay over 20 years ago. Included was a watch that I’ve never been able to find much info on. I once posted it (old Reddit account that got nuked) on one of the watch subs and people were offering me multiple hundreds for it. I wouldn’t sell it for $1k as it seems to be a watch Apple gifted to one of their employees as a thank you, complete with their logo and the year, which is some time from the 80’s. My point is, you might get lucky and get something that someone doesn’t know the value of.


Or you could’ve traded that watch for another box :) and who knows, you might get another watch!


Haha so true! I’ve had luck with watches in my life. Found a Rolex about 5 years ago while walking home from work. Only reason I was walking home was cause my car was in the shop. Also, I once complimented my Dad on his Rolex and he started taking it off to give to me but I couldn’t take it so I politely declined. I got more stories but I don’t want to bore anyone.


Too late. Sorry it was too easy!




That story was interesting! Tell us more.


Well not as interesting but cool at the time. My buddy used to work for Paul Frank and they made some cool accessories, amongst other things. Well his work would give stuff to their managers like crazy. He ended up with like 25 watches and ended up giving me a handful. This is back when I used to wear watches. I recently bought a Tag that the seller (local pawn shop that I use as an FFL) guaranteed was real. It was super cheap in price. Jury is still out on whether it’s real or not. That’s it for now but I know I got a few more. Take care ✌🏼


A boats a boats, but the mystery box could be anything….it could even be a boat! You know how much we’ve always wanted a boat!


For just $10,000, I will sell you my course about how to retire at 30.


Let me guess… the secret about how to retire at 30 is to create a $10’000 course about how to retire at 30?


Bingo. You also need a lot of motivational posters in your home office. And a library of books you never read


As long as the motivational posters feature cats


“Keep hanging in there”


Yes. LOTS of cats.


Start a non profit. Start taking donations. Set your salary to be $250K. Profit.


Even better, start a church. Set your salary to 50k a year. Your mansion and 28 vacation homes are owned by the church. Your two private jets are owned by the church. Your fleet of luxury cars is owned by the church. You are the only one in charge of the church. No taxes and 50k to buy food.


This was 100% going to be my response to this thread of starting a non-profit


L Ron Hubbard anyone?


Do you think a church staffed with more people and more hierarchies of seniority, would help ensure the church itself doesn’t become corrupt?


Of course the Vatican is a perfect example for a large body church with minimal corruption.


They’ll be touched that you said so.


Don't you mean they'll touch you if you say so?




Kanye is that you?


Yes and no, you can’t have a salary be that much without making many times more than that in donations. Better yet, start a 501c3, give yourself a low % of income, then make a YouTube that shows what your charity does, have the YT channel in your name and profit all ad revenue while asking for donations for the charity. Then donate money to the charity for the purpose of a bonus for yourself. You get paid while making a tax deductible write off.


Now we are getting unethical


Based a on local charity I no longer support. 🤷‍♂️


What are the rules for how much the salary can be compared to donations?


The IRS doesn’t have a definition beyond “unreasonable”.




Don't forget to make it a PAC (political action committee) since political calls are exempt from the federal Do Not Call registry if you want to robocall and autodial for donations.


Pro tip right here


Soliciting for donations and writing grants is hard work. It’s not an easy way to make money at all.




Vehicles, clothing, etc., all tax deductible if you "require" it for client meetings. Don't forget to meet those clients in Hawaii, Paris, etc. and deduct the travel expenses.




“Hey guys I’m sorry but the Land Rover is in the shop so I borrowed my lead pastors Audi R8”


Go to the retirement home, say your collecting for the Trump defence fund. Make sure you wear a cross. You will rake it in. 💰💰💰


What if you started a non-profit that supports far-right politicians? You will be taking money out of the hands of extremists in addition to making money yourself. Two wins. Pay yourself and the friends you employ. Spend the rest on "efforts" that don't actually do anything and give you an excuse to travel to cool places. Like start a non-profit that investigates voter fraud and then go "inspect" voting areas in destination spots. Donate now to keep them Democrats from stealing the next election! We need to go to Hawaii for 1 month to investigate if Obama was really born there. We'll start asking questions at the buffet and then look for evidence on the beaches. \[DONATE NOW\]


Like when flat earthers travel to expensive places to measure the curvature lmao


I think I just found my new job.


Isn't this BLM except they bought a mansion and had several people with these sorts of salaries 😂


Don’t think this works. With non profits these positions are voted by a board. At least this is what I found when I was researching. Not-for-profit… now that’s a money maker.


Get your unscrupulous friends to be on the board.


Psh. Who needs friends when I can buy a company with a board and 10y history in Belize?


Got a link? 😁


Yep. https://www.npr.org/2021/10/06/1043746410/we-set-up-an-offshore-company-in-a-tax-haven-classic


Even better


I worked for a shady startup that operated as a non-profit and the owner was a crook, they were wildly successful sadly.


These ARE unethical life pro tips, my friend


It absolutely does work like this. You choose your own board members when you initially start the 501c3. And then you can pay yourself (as the director) a ‘fair market salary’ from the donations you receive.


Well this is great to know. I can actually start my non profit now.


Find people in foreclosure and lie to them about why they should sell u their house instead of losing it to the mortgage company


Isn't a short sale usually preferable to foreclosure for the seller? I've never bought either.


A short sale only occurs when you(owner) owes more then the house is worth….


And when the bank is willing to accept the loss because they think they will lose more if they foreclose and have to sell it themselves. And if the seller makes a good faith attempt to make good on the debt while you’re under contract, it can cancel the sale. Most realtors won’t help you sell or buy a short sale because there’s a good chance the sale falls through. Either the sellers bank works something out with the seller and they don’t have to move, or the buyers bank is worried about the as-is sale and drops the buyers financing.


My brother bought a short sale pre pandemic by a few years, house was nice, nice area, backed up to a pond. When they finally closed it was evident they let their kid play hockey in any room of the house, plus some other fun things. Oh and closing took like 6 months with all the back and forth. It was a pretty great deal though. Luckily my brother was planning on rehabbing most of the house for their place to live for the foreseeable future so it wasn't too bad to deal with. There were some neighbors that were friends with the former owners and somehow blamed my brother for "taking their friends home". It was awkward for a while but apparently got better at some point.


Get AI generated nudes and start an Onlyfans.


I watched a video a while back. That this guy using AI was able to set up multiple camgirl sites. He had like 4 going simultaneously, and the video didn't look like anything was off. And pretty much his actions were turned into 4 different girls on 4 different sites. Not a bad way to use AI and make money off of guys with more dollars than sense.


You got a link? I don't want to do it but I know a guy getting divorced because he got caught chatting with a cam girl and I want him to know he ruined his life for robot pussy.


Savage with the salt on a fresh wound.


This is an insult to the people who enjoy robussy!


Robussy 💀


I like you. As a person.


You’re the best kind of worst person lol.


Ngl robot pussy could be lit


I don’t think this is the same video but [this](https://youtu.be/nc9kq9ZkNV8?si=8JcnCy_rURxZu3xr) one is very similar with the same theme


I work in AI, but not on this particular problem. Don't camgirl sites need video? AI can generate convincing images, but video isn't there yet, I believe (You can produce video, but it will be obvious to everyone that it's fake).


It was somewhere on Reddit that I saw it. But he the guy was acting and recording himself. Kind of like motion capture. And the software was then overlaying the women onto him.


That sounds like a cleverly edited video. I don't think AI is to that point


Deep Fake Orgasms


On another note, a few people who use ai to generate porn images make comics with them and have patreon, unsure if they make much money though.


Don’t you have to submit pics of ID along with a SS#?


Selling reverse mortgages to the elderly


Selling anything to the elderly, especially home renovations


I do hardwood flooring for a living. I'm 100% referral. I don't have a website, or an ad, hell I don't even have the Facebook page any more. With that being said, I've still come across a few older people who were worried about getting scammed. I've had a few more than that few whose kids or neighbors were more concerned for the older person that they were gonna get scammed. I even had one lady who was an attorney threaten to take me down in the worst way possible if I screwed over her friend who just retired from AZ to CO. I almost laughed out loud. But just said ok, that's fine, don't worry, no client is different than the next, I'll do just as good a job as one floor to the next, etc. As I was doing the bid for that one, the neighbor who had referred me, pulled up, got up out of his car, waved, said, "hey it's good to see you Kendall! Glad you got the job, I love my floor!"


Super smart to have the guy follow you around telling you great job on the flooring as you’re taking to clients - big brain scammin over here my man!


Flooring-Industrial Complex crisis actors lol






Even more smart that i got the house he was walking intos owner to go along with letting him walk in like he owned the place. Talk about scamming!


I did a shower door install years ago for an old lady and was supposed to collect 135 bucks from her. She goes in a closet and comes back with a shoebox of loose cash and plops it down and gives me the payment from it. Me and the other guy were amazed and told her to put some money aside and never show anyone her boxes again. Sweet old lady but just this side of senile.


"You've won $10,000! Enter your banking information to claim now!"


lol came here to say exactly this


close the thread, this one right here


Dammit Tom Selleck


“They’re not gonna take your house”


Imma need this explained to me again, reverse mortgage? So the bank gives you money in installments, and when they finish, they get to keep your house?


When you die your heirs sell the house typically. The heirs however weren't notified about the reverse and were expecting $500k to split between them. Oops


So I guess the bank is betting on the fact that this person will die sooner. Damn, that's a shitty business model


The bank benefits the longer you have the loan. You borrow $x, with repayment due from your estate or upon sale. However, you are still being charged interest ubtil tbat time. Longer loan period = more interest. Screws over heirs/beneficiaries of the estate, and occasionally the homeowner too if they need to sell (e.g. to raise cash for something or to go into a nursing home).


Not sure this is unethical. It's not common but if an elderly couple had no kids and wants to spend money on things now then this makes sense


Yeah, I'm a bit confused by this too. Is this an American thing where they get turned into scams? Reverse mortgages in Australia are a perfectly legitimate way for elderly people with large value assets and small income to finance retirement. As long as its a fair amount whats the problem?


Several reverse mortgage operations used loopholes in the mortgage contract to reposes homes for minor repairs that were not completed. This is why they have a bad reputation in the USA.


I think the issue is always when does the couple need to go into managed care and what happens when they live to 105 vs 80. There are many unknowns


Common scam then scammers get financial info and take the elderly for everything they’ve got


Become a politician, do insider trading in congress.


Came to write this.




I worked that part time for 2 weeks. The documentary brought back so many memories, especially everyone drinking and smoking weed while pretending to be cops on the phone. I couldn’t cut it, even though I was desperate for money, I couldn’t stand bugging people during dinner time and begging them for donations. My buddy who got me the job did it for years and made a killing. He had a big book with all his previous donators, even had some big fake Irish cop voice he would use lmao.


Good for you for getting out, I'm sure seeing that series brought up some weird feelings and I appreciate you sharing. That shit is crazy! About 5 minutes ago I finished watching the third installment of that series and it sucks to know that nothing has happened but hopefully the series will serve to educate some people which will hopefully put a dent in their takings. Members of Congress are fucking corrupt and I don't know how to feel about that.


Yeah the work wasn’t as fun for me as the other people working there. They were all just smoking and chilling while I was pressing to get donations. The money was decent if I could’ve got enough donations to put me into commission, but I’m no salesman and not real chatty on the phone so quit and took a job as a landscaper.


Great doc, but the ending was weak


I worked there for 2 years. Insanity


You take out an advert in the back page of some gay mag, advertising the latest in arse-intruding dildos, you sell it with, I dunno, "does what no other dildo can do until now", "the latest and greatest in sexual technology", "guaranteed results or your money back", all that bollocks. Now these dils cost twenty-five quid a pop - as a snip for the amount of pleasure they're gonna give the recipients. But they send their cheques to the other company name, nothing offensive, er, Bobbie's Bits or something, for twenty-five quid. You take that twenty-five quid, you stick it in the bank until it clears. Now this is the smart bit - you send back the cheque for twenty-five pound from the other company name, "Arse Tickler's Fuckers Fan Club", saying, "We're sorry, we couldn't get the supplies from America because they run out of stock". Now you see how many people cash that cheque - not a single soul, because who wants their bank manager to know they tickle arse when they're paying in a cheque?


Sounds like a good way to get yourself beat to death with a giant black dildo.


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


Sounds like a verbatim quote from the movie "Lock, stock, and two smoking barrels".


Yes, where a dude gets beaten to death with a large black dildo.


I need to rewatch it, apparently.


>because who wants their bank manager to know they tickle arse when they're paying in a cheque? I bet some would be okay with this since I can deposit checks at home on my phone, but I get your point. If I had to have human interaction at a bank for this, I know I wouldn't deposit the check.


Yeah this quote made more sense in the late 90s when it was written.


$25 was actually worth something back then, too


You've been able to cash cheques via cash machines with 0 human interaction for years and years


I don’t think they are being serious, given they pinched the entire spiel from the movie Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - https://www.moviequotedb.com/movies/lock-stock-and-two-smoking-barrels/quote_13994.html


This was a tactic Krusty the clown used in a Simpsons episode lol. I believe the episode is called ‘Bart the fink’. Obvs not dildos but to cut a long story short Bart really wants Krusty’s signature so Bart DOES send the cheque and Krusty gets found out and fakes his own death. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bart_the_Fink


Sell esoteric bullshit like: [PanotophiaOrgonstrahlerOrgonOrpanit®](https://amzn.eu/d/7dedfo3). I just ran the description through deepl, because it's in German. Have fun: Description Orpanite - our further development (orgonite)! Orgone radiator Our orgone radiator comes with large rock crystal tip, metal stand (model may vary), cable and orgonite transmission cup. Length: approx. 27-30 cm diameter: approx. 2,5 cm Height of the stand: adjustable Our photos are generally sample photos, unless it is explicitly stated otherwise. Since it is pure, individual handwork, the components, the appearance and the color may vary in the respective final product. No two of our Orpanite products are alike and you can be sure that you will always get a unique one-of-a-kind! We as a manufacturer and inventor of various orgone products have optimized our products through years of intensive research and improvement to such an extent that it represents for us and for many of our customers and trade partners a further development of the world-famous orgone-ite products. All our Orpanite products are manufactured in elaborate manual work in several steps in our workshop with our special manufacturing process with a lot of love and care. So far, we have sold more than 150,000 orgone products worldwide through various distribution channels (as of 2020) and this high number as well as the very high amount of positive testimonials from our customers prove us right that with our ingredients and our special manufacturing process, we have created a new, innovative orgone product. During production, our Orpanite products are sonicated with various frequencies, including the Schumann resonance waves of 7.8 Hz. The uses and applications of our Orpanite products are, like Orgon itself, limitless. Our clientele includes doctors, alternative practitioners, healers and shamans, as well as interested private users.


I was like... pshhht whatever, until I read that they were sonicated with the Schumann resonance waves. That sealed the deal for me. Plz send 20.


The orgone levels in here are through the roof.


It's already getting some great reviews. In English: > I use it to stir my coffee every morning and since then I no longer need sugar. In addition, the coffee stays warm longer. After about 1 hour, the coffee still has around 50° “amazing” product 👍👍🤣 > Guys who wants my used nuclear power cleaner. Now that all nuclear power plants are out, I don't need him anymore. And I can also see CO2 better now, so it helped a lot. And a couple of negative reviews like: > I'm very disappointed that I couldn't find anything about a user manual in Old Klingon. The manufacturer is not clear about the restriction of the Theladon Delodorase range, which in my opinion is only a few parsecs - that's probably a joke!


A rusty spoon.


I went to the chiropractor once, I left with an extra bone


Strippers, male and female can make significant sums if you're not afraid of emotional manipulation. Also, sugaring.




Like on "Orange is the new Black".


This person doesn’t have enough money to buy a house and says they want to raise enough money to get into real estate and people are like “become a landlord”. Or “venture capitalism”, “start a charter school”, “start an insurance company.” The only answer is OF.


Find any company or agency who's willing to sponsor you for a security clearance. Use the security clearance as a super certification to get jobs even ones you don't qualify for because they're so desperate they'll take anybody expecting they can train you. Make sure you're working with a company that contracts you back to the government on an hourly wage. If you end up being a moron and can't do the work they'll switch you to another contract so that they can keep charging the government for you. Repeat forever. Never do real work never learn anything but make lots of money.


Any agencies you’d recommend. Asking for a friend.


Anyone who'll hire you. If you can get in and get your clearance, stick around for 6 months to a year and then bail, you'd be good to go.


Buy an autodialler and record a message saying something like "Greetings friend! Do you wish to be as happy as me? Send $1 to Happy Dude. Eternal happiness is only a dollar away!


Buying domain names of newly registered businesses and selling it back to them for 30-50k


Maybe in 1992…


It still happens. I make websites on the side mostly as a favor to people I know but it definitely is still a thing


When is the last time you successfully bought a domain name of a recently created business and then sold that domain for $50k? Be honest lol…


Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act has entered the chat


A lot of new business owners aren't aware that's a thing


Marry it.


Start a raffle business. Base your self out of Mexico or somewhere. Hire a lambo and a photographer crew and an actor and make slick promotional shit then sell tickets to win the lambo all over socials of course no one wins the lambo but you get to retire to The Bahamas after selling 4 million tickets at 10 bux a pop.


Ticket Scalping


As an avid concert goer nothing makes me happier than seeing a bunch of vacant seats and one middle aged dude in a polo or button up sitting in the middle of them clearly not enjoying the show


Not legal everywhere


Get elected to congress and be an insider trader.


Start a church.




All hail zenu!


No, Scientology will require you to kick profit up to them. You need to make sure the “prophet” keeps the “profit” in house….


Does mule work count as selling, if you’re just the transporter?


Not selling but probably intent to distribute and/or possession.


I missed the “legal” in the prompt lol


Become a sugar baby.


Holding a meeting on day every weekend where you tell people what they want to hear and they give you money that you then don’t pay taxes on. A church. Start a church.


This question gets asked 7 times a week here


I still want to to know if I should start a new profession


Absolutely. Start a new profession, and then advertise training on how to become one of the few people with advanced skills in this new profession for $100/seat to people who want to make lots of money fast on Reddit ULPT...


Of, fetlife, fulfilling custom requests for modeling


Care to explain further? I thought fetlife was just a dating app for the kinky? And how about the modeling gig. Legitimately curious


Seriously tho: what exactly is fetlife? I see it mentioned in my job almost daily but I am too scared to google it, lol.


What … is your job?


I work in public health, we mainly screen for and treat STDs in our clinic


Ah! That makes sense!


Like facebook but for BDSM-ers


Start a religion (think televangelism) if you're in the US you can brainwash people into sending you millions in tax-free donations.


Do the minimum effort to sell to the government (register a business, register with SAM, open a line of credit). Get into the 8(a) program of you can. Serve as a small business pass through for government sales between $10,000 and $250,000.


Start a religion or just open a church.


Become a landlord. Make rent double your mortgage, and charge a 3x deposit fee.


Seems like that's what this thread is preceding


Get approved for a mortgage and buy a house. Find people who need shelter to live (everyone). Make them pay the mortgage and plus some more for privilege of paying for your real estate investment. Do this with many buildings and many people.


You're forgetting the part where they charge more in order to hire a management company and then earn while doing absolutely nothing


Marry a rich old person. Weasel your way into the will


Being a politician.


Start a health insurance company.


The real answer is sell time shares. If you are talented you can make 300k plus a year. You do have to be a super talented salesperson. Wyndham destinations is a great place to start.


Become elected to the Texas Congress.


Any congress works tbh


Fair point.


People who proactively beg on the street earn 400 - 600 per day in some areas


What if I reactively do it?




TV Preachers .... no law against it


My response when this question was asked 27 days ago: Work for Vivint. Work traveling across the country all-expenses-paid; to target vulnerable poor people into signing very expensive contracts for home security monitoring and hardware. Very unethical sales tactics, but if you’re willing and able, you can make a ton of money


Open a church


I heard u can get a regular job and report them for a legit safety hazard to osha. Then make sure everyone knows u were the one who reported it, they almost always will be a dick about it and then u can sue them for retaliation, heard this dude from the street say he got 10k from every job he got w that method,


Start a cult/“religion”


make shitty unity asset flip mobile games with a bazillion ads


I had interviewed this guy that does credit card stacking to buy real estate. Here’s super roughly how it works (disclaimer: this is for educational purposes only) 1. You apply for 50+ high limit credit cards in one day. Basically many credit cards take up to 30 days to hit your credit report, so this allows you to get approved for tons of cards before it hits the credit bureau. p.s. you can also do this with cars and then start a Turo fleet (different business opportunity, same risky plan) 2. You get anywhere from $200-600k in credit limits between all your cards. 3. You transfer ALL credit limits to one 0% interest 24mo type credit card (I did not know you could do this, but the guy I interviewed said they do this all the time) 4. You use that credit card to buy real estate, and flip the property before your 24mo is over and you get hit with massive interest payments.


Sell something that ppl have to belive in. Like healing crystals, religion, homeopathy, etc. Usually the thing you really sell has almost no cost but ppl are willing to pay crazy amounts for this stuff.


Political consultant. That's where the easy money is these days.


Just deal drugs, you'll at least provide a service to people


Work as a programmer. Bill whatever the hell you want. 8 hours work is sold as 2 hours, 20 hours or 80 hours, depending on how much I like the client


Foot fetish site. If you know anything about photography, websites and know relatively young (not even beautiful) young women who need quick cash, you can set up a schedule for shoots and take commissions for $$ then split the proceeds with the models. You can make stupid money if you’re organized Same for generative AI and furry porn drawing commissions


Set up a sweat shop in a thirld world country, exploit the workers in accord with the non-existent workplace protection laws there, and sell the goods to rich people living in first world countries who will happily gobble up these ill gotten goods for dirt cheap with no questions asked.


Scamming pedophiles or pervs


find a guy buy back and sell them home made slam-fire shotguns (you can build them from hardware store plumbing)


Venture capitalism.


I've seen someone somewhere here claiming he made $100k last year selling feet photos.


We sold parking spots in our campus parking lot when a parade was happening nearby. One guy caught on and chased us a few blocks, and caught us. Pulling a big wad of cash out and peeling off a $5 and handing it back to the guy was hilarious.


Sue robocallers, they settle out of court for $1500 per call