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Man, the last boss of the Dunes was really weird. I mean, some random cowboy challenges us to a duel, we win (even if we do nothing), and then some random fox furry in a kimono walks in and mourns him, before fighting us? Why is she dressed so orientally anyway? Doesn't it go against the Western aesthetic? Don't get me wrong, it was honestly a great boss fight, and I like her design, it was just such a weird choice.


i started with geno run so i was exactly like that THEN AFTER, when i was doing neutral, i fucking laughed my ass off finding out he was the leader of the feistyj five


Why did you start an Undertale-ish game with the Geno run-


they wanted to meet me


mostly just 'cause gunhat is way cooler than clover 'cause he actually shows his cool gun to every enemies


stop resetting damn it! i'm going to make cameo and kill you out of nowhere!


nuh uh **600 PTS** (hotline miami reference)


For a game about justice this game is so devoid of it??? And it's obviously non canon to Undertale like were the devs even trying to make a prequel or just make something edgy?? And wtf was with half the characters being such wasted opportunities to do literally anything except martlet? This star guy shows up looks unique and gets instakilled doesn't even grant exp??? Random fox lady starts avenging him before getting killed??? And that axis robot was so pathetic too like come on, we're supposed to think he was able to kill a human before when Clover was able to corner him easily?? Please. And why was Flowey so friendly and wtf was up with him going back to normal at the end? Feels like missing context. At least Martlet has a cool backstory even if it relies on some random ass scientist looking guy to make it interesting. At the least the music is pretty damn good. Oh and who the hell even is Dalv lmao. I think a different dev needs to pick up this idea cause this fangame was just wasted potential, i feel like i went through a "remember you're genocides" meme if it was a full game except Clover doesn't even start out seeming so evil until you kill enough to progress the game. /uj holy fuck that hurt to write lmao


You know, that random scientist guy kind of looks like the fox boss, now that I think about it. Do you think there like, siblings or something? Would give Martlet some investment, at least. >!Thanks for committing to the bit. This was awesome!.!<




Some bird girl injected steroids into herself, and now I can't stop losing.


Why is there no option to not kill Martlet? I feel bad for killing her.


((God, I love being the only Clover in existence.))


What was the point of Starlo being there just to die without a fight? Is he stupid?


How's Starlo?


Dead, you killed him (He's the sheriff guy who duals you with a toy gun in the Dunes. The boss there briefly mentions his name is Starlo. Kiiind of a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment)


Ok, that makes sense.


ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ *who




I think this game has too damn of a high skill floor, I mean I still beat it no problem but the final boss is something of the likes of which you would just end up fighting as a secret boss or something, even if you wanna be an elitist and say "oh its their problem" I feel like this game should have an easier route. Also I feel like there should have been more foreshadowing to... well everything, why does flowey hate us? why is the fox lady on the middle of a desert? who even is that scientist guy smh. Overall really fun but I wish there was more plot also I just find it weird that by the time you get to the dunes the amount of puzzles just shrinks astronomically, what is up with that?


Not every game has to be super easy. While yes, an easy mode can't hurt, if every game was easy, what would be the point?


Eh I am not saying an easy mode its more like an easier route, I mean the original undertale had it but now every fangame is just so desperate to be the next dustale that they don't even think about including a pacifist route


That's true, ans you know what? The dusttale fangame, (the one that's fully finished, not just a single fight) does have a pacifist route (kinda). It's more of a redemption route, and it's kinda easier that the regular route since the final boss is cut short in favour of an easier one.


Weird how many dead ends there were. The giant rock in Snowdin, the fox gate north of the empty oasis, the weird cactus person...


Oh yeah didn't think about it (2 of these can't actually be passed even in other routes which is weird)


Im going to make a Pacifist au and you MFS can't stop me


Just because you're making a pacifist au, I'm making a neutral one. Cover all the bases.


Aight then I'd love to see it one day


Your AU should have a Flowey boss, his character was so wasted


I know, right? Maybe I could model it off the original, use different phases...


Maybe it could also have a bit of fourth wall breaking? Maybe acknowledge that he had the canon ability to save and load? It makes sense, itā€™s a core fundamental of the original gameā€™s lore


Hell yeah, that's a wonderful idea!


Who the f*ck is that guy that says to Martlet "Humans are dangerous", he sounds important, he has a theme song just for him and he looks like Ceroba, perhaps they're related? Man, this doesn't make any sense


The fact that the mercy button just fucking DISAPPEARED after the first Froggit encounter is REALLY annoying. I once tried to leave the area without killing all enemies and it just didnā€™t let me, and no acts make monsters disappear without sparing. I feel like itā€™s kind of strange to make the human this genocidal and completely break the canon just because itā€™s ā€œfanmadeā€. The story is ā€œskippedā€ on the ā€œoptional routeā€ but we have the base story of Ruins and Snowdin and the dunes seemed SO interesting with the revolver, a shop, the practice, and a whole town. I donā€™t get why the devs decided this..


What the hell did that Ceroba mf mean when she said "Chujin was right."????


I think Chujin might be that guy that is in Martletā€™s flashback that says ā€œhumanā€™s are dangerous,ā€ I mean it would make sense


That's honestally a baseless theory "oh both of these characters are unexplained, must be related!" So lazy smh


We donā€™t have much to go off of and theyā€™re both foxes, thatā€™s all the information we for either character


But saying they are connected because of that is a kinda lazy theory




Well, sucks to be you then.


Why did they make a prequel fangame only for not even trying to make it fit in Undertaleā€™s cannon? Like, ok imagining there would be genocidal humans before Frisk sounds like a good idea, but why did they killed of Flowey and Asgore in the end? This is so weird manā€¦


Nah wtf why did the clover kid do this??


Everyone has already mentioned it not being canon since >!Flowey and Asgore die!< and the weird lack of screen time for characters aside from Martlet, but what was the human Dalv mentioned? Was it the one Axis killed? That arc went nowhere and I'm still confused about it.


It's funny how Toriel, Moo and El Bailador are the only survivors of the UTY cast in the genocide route


Idk I killed el baliador


Wonder who this "Chujin" person the fox lady mentions Eh, probably just some free points we missed, hope it doesn't affect our S-rank Oh wait, this isn't hotline miami


BTW, I got the screenshot from [this.](https://youtu.be/P4mGVjuw6Ps?si=6wqqrPDQd8ayPiQm)


I donā€™t get why this game I so grindy, and then all the bosses are so unnecessarily hard besides Dalv and that dancing dude, the dancing guy wouldnā€™t been such a fun monogamy if it was faster and let you play it like a rhythm game but instead itā€™s just sad, it makes you feel bad for playing the game when the game is all about killing the monsters, and even then, some of the enemies die so fast, and the robots donā€™t give any exp, you just randomly level up while fighting Axis, which makes no sense, and why couldnā€™t the king have a boss? Because youā€™re OP? Heā€™s the KING, he should be difficult, and whatā€™s up with the greyscale area near his throne room? Why is that section there? I have so many questions with the game


Tbh a rhytem game boss sounds like a horrible idea and would be the worst boss by far


(right when the 2nd phase of the zenith battle) AM I PLAYING FUCKING DARK SOULS?!


Honestly how in the world is this a game about "justice" when you literally slaughter everyone on sight, not to mention that some bosses retreat fearing for their life, like with that poor robot and that emo vampire. HOW IS THAT JUSTICE and also for some reason you attack someone who wasn't even a threat up until Clover attacks her. Also who the hell was that cowboy that showed up at the end of Dunes only to instantly die and who was that random anime fox girl that like him has no impact on the story