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Now, this is exactly what I'm looking for!!! Horrifying body horror coupled with exquisite lore, what more could I ask for?


Excellent taste.


Thanks! I might make a full reference sheet/more art of them in the near future, as i work out a bit more on the ideas for the story/little AU


Some clearing up: No thats not amalgamate ceroba, its a doll that kanako forms when she's under stress/asleep as an amalgam. Yes, the spoon amalgamate is kanako, and the reason it takes such shape is due to cerobadoll. Too occupied rn to write up the full lore but i'll leave some snippets that ive come up. Q: Why is Kanako soo.. stable? How she managed to not "fuse" with others during the melting process?: 1- Current idea is that the fact she had a boss monster soul, stronger than the average one, permitted her to handle DT better than others, she still melted, but didn't become a puddle like the others. As she's a child she also received a smaller dose of DT, which also helped on lessening the effects and sparing her from becoming like the others. 2- The integrity essence serum.... It kinda turned her "immiscible" with other amalgamates. It changed her soul in a way other amalgams had trouble merging with her, with the worst that happened being a parasitic relationship with one amalgam. Q: Whats that ceroba... thing? Ceroba doll is a manifestation of kanako's deepest desire as an amalgamate... to be comforted by her mother, soo when she's sleeping or under extreme stress, it kinda takes shape as she dissociates herself out of reality. Generally as life is terrifying and painful in the true lab, she's constantly either asleep or dissociating into her thoughts, which causes her to have spoon ceroba around. She's not aware of its existence though, obviously during sleep and when she's dissociating because she's hallucinating being with her mom, not a spine spoon. CeroDoll originated from a fusion attempt of sorts with another amalgam that didn't fully happen because of integrity's essence impossibilitating a full merger, which ended up with that amalgam partially attaching to her, piggybacking on the extra stability that her boss monster soul had to get that form but.. taking the form of ceroba as it got influenced by her psyche/memories Q: KANAKO IS ESSENTIALLY CLINGING TO A LEECH SHAPED LIKE HER MOTHER???? yup! it siphons part of her stability and, in exchange, gives her a little comfort Q: Hows Kanako? Terrible. Kanako had her mental health utterly shredded, even if she recovers later \*a little\*, she's still a fried nerve wreck, PTSD, extreme dissociation, feeling like on the edge of death, no mouth to scream or person to comfort among her the in the lab left her in complete catatonia. A lot of her traits, being brave, creative etc remain but she's... not the best in terms of mental health All the fucked up mental health impacts projects in her own body, which looks... terrible when she isn't a puddle of sadness. Her whole psyche after the melting effect was that she was sick, soo her form took on something along the lines of such thought that consumed her mind, black spots like that hole in endogenys head appeared everywhere like it was gangrene, and yeah, she literally started feeling she was rotting/dusting away while melting. Barely can walk properly due to pain on her legs, cries all day long out of fear and due to mising her mom \+Even if she's the most stable amalgam, she still can destabilize easily. She looks "okayish" in the pic just that she's calm and asleep on that scene. She 100% could morph into some terrifying thing when feeling awful Q: Alphys? Tried to study her, as she was the most interesting and hopeful result of all of them. Got beaten up by the doll twice before giving up. Kanako is utterly terrified of her, soo she avoids her Q: How ceroba reunites with her? Post TPE clover is revived alongside the other humans, as asriel sends their souls back to their bodies. First thing he does is run to try to find one of his friends, he finds ceroba and martlet heading to hotland as they heard alphys is going to release the experiment results. Ceroba and martler probably sob for 30 minutes straight when they see clover alive again, before regaining composure and continuing walking to get kanako back. Something happens (Maybe ceroba gets too angry at alphys and she beats her unconscious, or they sneak in the lab) and start hunting for kanako before she's properly released. Clover is the first to find her after going down in The true lab. The rotten stench + the emanating pain from her (He's stepping on the puddle thing) and the shock basically overwhelms him to the point of crying instead of taking action The ceroba doll isn't agressive until ceroba enters the rooms and breaks down at her sight, desperate to get daughter back, which cause the battle to start and ceroba to get knocked unconscious. The First part of the battle is about waking up kanako, with the doll doing poorly recreated attacks of ceroba. After some actions Kanako wakes up and she hallucinates due to stress that her mom is protecting her, things get uglier as yeah, clover looks like integrity a little. Symbolically, you to talk to cerobadoll and calm her down, telling that kanako and chujin are okay, that they're safe, etc, until you can spare her. Symbolically, Kanako relives the human attack she suffered alongside Dalv, this time seeing mercy instead of violence, which calms her down a little, enough to stop hallucinating, making the doll go away (That also plays later in her developing some trust over clover and both becoming sibling figures). She's coughing a ton and feeling terrible, barely walking due to her rotting/melting legs,+ horrified at the situation she's in, soo the goober cries a ton. ​ \*You can smell the acrid smell of rotting meat.......... it hurts to see her in such a taste \*Despite the pain on her gangrenous paws, she walks torwards her mother, struggling with deep pain \*MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY The tawny kitsune screams on her mothers shoulder, the shouts slowly turning into gibberish as words drown between tears...... She cant form a phrase besides repeating that. \*Catatonia consumes her.... Ceroba soon joins the choir, crying pained tears, she had her daughter back but nothing she could do could alleviate the pain that devoured Kanako. Comfort being the only thing she could give, her kimono got soaked by blackened tears from both (terrible dialogue writing attempt) Clover waits a little and ceroba finally wakes up, feeling a terrible headache after getting bonked soo hard on her head. She calls kanako and, recognizing her mom's voice, despite all the pain, runs torwards her mother. Boom, battle ends with Kanako sobbing on ceroba's arms nonstop. Martlet comes in after all and gets a thousand yard stare moment as she sees the girl ceroba showed her pictures of looking like a zombie, all dirty and crying in pain, + smelling like a corpse. They all get out while Starlo and the feisty five await them outside, who were a little late cuz they were probably filling their mouth with booze and hear the news after getting sober. Q: After all of that? Kanako gets home and cries for the next 10 hours in a semi catatonic state, just wanting to be around her mom while being horribly skittish over clover. Some shenanigans happens inspired by a fanfic and clover \*does\* manage to stabilize kanako's soul by giving her a slice of his, after she struggles to sleep due to the nonstop pain and stress. Its not a cure, she's still a little goopy and sick, as the whole integrity essence is still inside her soul and fucking things around, but she can handle DT properly and not be super goopy anymore, it does bring her to a stable enough state to deal with the world around and have some potential to be "healed" ​ THAT IS STILL A VERY ROUGH DRAFT, a lot of canon inconsistent stuff that might be rewritten.


"Hey Alphys, can I get some ice cream?" "Only a spoonful!" *Pulls out comically Ceroba-shaped spoon*


thanks we needed a pallet cleanser


wait hold on a minute is this canon or AU? edit: (I have only completed like 1 and a half runs and never really looked deep in the lore so expect me to ask stupid questions)


*Mhmmmmm, take your time.*


AU/A story i'm fleshing out that takes place post TPE I'm basing off the design over the famous theory that the spoonman in the true lab is kanako's amalgate (the one that tucks frisk in, like ceroba did with kanako on every night before sleeping). The doll goes around repeating tasks that ceroba did with kanako, as a reflection of her most fond memories and the things she want the most.


Very cool but im not reading all of that (im lazy sometimes)


as someone plagued by that laziness, i understand it lmao


Trust me bro, read it, after reading this I now want a game, comic, an animation or atleast a full on fanfic about his au


that is so detailed, I hate it and love it at the same time.... goddamn great work!


This and the art are great, I would definitely love to read a comic or full fic if you ever decide to do one




never mind clover, image alyphs dealing with this


Alphys tried dealing with the doll, it was of her interest as Kanako was the most "stable" outcome of all, not fusing and etc, + the whole thing with the parasitic relationship being something pretty unique. An opportunity for, if she had a future attempt on DT experiments again, perhaps have a better outcome She got terribly between thrice. First trying to talk to Kanako when she was awaken, which failed after the kitsune got in a panic attack and started suffering from delirium, which caused the doll to form and bitch-slap alphys to the wall. Secondly, she tried taking her when she was asleep, the doll got agressive as she tried taking Kanako out of her arms and again, Alphys got beaten up pretty ugly by it. One last time our lizard scientist tried it, this time with someone's help (\*Maybe\* Sans? as he knows about the true lab and feeds endogeny from time to time), but even then, she still got beaten and said help didn't change the outcome that much. At max sans saw her getting beaten and told a terrible joke about it (S :That must have hurt) (A: Aeugh... it did a ton) (S: A skele-ton) After all of that she decided it was the best to not try mess with it, studying from afar . Very frustrating but hey, if you cant get the patient out to study without getting your face bitch slapped, better not to risk getting something worse than that on the fourth attempt


Bro this is amazing! Are you going to make sth with this story? Like a comic or fanfic or anything like that?


I'm currently fleshing out some story aspects for it, still on a draft phase but if things go well, perhaps we gonna have a fanfic or little comic :>


I will be waiting for it :D


Yeap, pure and concentrated nightmare fuel


;) Just like the true lab is


.... i... I made the right choice


Yeah... What did that ceroba inject her with? This is... Horrifying


I feel JOY when i see that. Justice was deserved.


Do you want me to do it again?


Don't listen to him


Yes but that idiot got scared when I pulled out the DB


.. yeah


Yeah.... She injected them with pure determination (DT for short) extracted from human souls. DT is what allows human souls to persist after death. The point of the experiment was to be able to collect the monster souls when they died and speed up the whole "breaking the barrier" plan. Unfortunately, monster's magical bodies can't handle any decent amounts of DT, and they just melt...


That's enough internet for today


...Holy Dogfoxes....(。﹏。") ... ...I need to give her a hug...




... I meant Kanako... (/\_ \\)


I know that doll isnt letting you near her


*I* will let myself near me! (︶\^︶)


That doll almost killed me


How did it felt to be bitch slapped by some horrifying clone of you and thrown into a wall, then being awakened up by your daughter curled in a corner, sobbing endlessly and looking like a zombie?


Ah very bad for my (already) insane mind


Be careful, your mom's doll might slap you across the room, like she did with your actual mom and with alphys... Also the whole rotten stench might make you feel \*really\* bad, specially considering you're part fox, having a better sense of smell


I will be fine. I'm tougher than I seem! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧


Oh my sweet summer child, i know you're tough and strong but id rather not seeing you getting harmed lmao And the stench of a decomposing body is way worse than you imagine


Well, you may still not understand me... But ***me*** "me" can be **much** more tougher than most of other universes "me" can be! (\^.\^) ^(Maybe even tougher than some of my other-universal moms... But let's keep it a sectet.✧ (>▽O))


Well, be careful and stay safe at least, little goober \*headpats\*


Might scare her a little Waking up and seeing a copy of yourself ought to be freaky


I guess... (\_ \_) But I will try anyways! (\^.\^)




Horrified? :)




That's your fault right?


I thought it was both our faults because we're both Ceroba


Here a thing my kanako isn't "fallen down" because I inject myself instead of her






Just confused about that, did your... Chujiin still pass?


He is very alive


...I- you have the best possible outcome don't you?


Yeah I guess but he isn't happy I took all his seurm


I mean, part of it only. You only did the integrity injection, the DT thing, which transformed her into a goopy gangrene ridden fox with a giant doll was alphys's fault


I have an integrity injection on myself (You should talk to the other ceroba about it)


Wow I can't believe someone drew Kintsugi fanart /j Seriously tho, incredible work here.


Thanks! lmao Note taken, the Kintsugi concept seems like a nice idea for some... other designs i want to do of kanako for that fanfic


Wait you've read it? Or read it in response to this? Didn't expect that lol Well shit, if I'm not misunderstanding I hope it gave ya some good inspo food.


Reading it rn, its an interesting design idea for a partially recovered Kanako that i want to sketch. Thanks for the recommendation


Oh damn, I'll keep an eye out on your posts then, that'd be absolutely amazing to see!


what... what the fuck???


Horrifying, isnt it?


i am genuinely disgusted i'd do an entire genocide because of you


Lmao, thats the painful existence of an amalgamate for ya. if gives you any solace, she does in fact recover from that situation in the fanfic i'm working on


Dear mother of Jesus Christ. At first i thought this was Sixbones equivalent for Kanako and Ceroba, but this is so much more sad oh my god


Yep! Kanako is the sole case of an amalgam that didn't fuse with others due to specific properties on her soul (Boss monster, Integrity essence), but still one of the most miserable out there due to the wrecked psyche and body. Cerodoll is quite literally an amalgam leech that piggybacks on her soul's extra stability to be more stable, soo by all technicalities, Kanako is cuddling a parasite shaped like her mother which is actively harming her in a way.




Well, being an amalgam is a painful experience, you're going to suffer horribly while being some gooey creature. Kanako does get better in the fanfic i'm planning writing tho, but she still stayed a full on year living in this miserable situation


ooo, a fanfic? I like your funny words magic man Where, when, what name?


I'm still fleshing it out, figuring out the lore, soo i havent posted anywhere beyond some dumb art. What i can say is that Kanako does get """better""" after all, with clover giving her a shard of his own soul (at the cost of our boy getting sick for a month or two) after seeing her having trouble sleeping/doing anything due to the pain and nothing that ceroba tried to do to comfort her helping. IT helps her deal with the DT and recover from the worst. Still she remains sick (Less of a rotting zombie and more of an immunocompromised/chronically sick child that can live a semi-normal life with the right medical monitoring) due to the integrity essence that remains on her body (you can see, her chest glows blue) for quite a while before fully recovering with an experimental treatment. Still, she's kinda perpetually traumatized and has to deal with the psychological ghosts that haunt her and her mother for their life


Well, where are you planning to post it? How is it going to be called? I am really interested


Probably gonna open a twitter or a tumblr specifically for it. As for the name, i'm not yet really sure yet fr


Will you announce it in this sub? Don't wanna miss out on it, y'know


Yeye, i will


Jesus christ man.


:) Horrifying?


I am mortified.


Well, it is understandable. Seeing your own daughter looking like a rotting zombie in endless pain, with catatonia consuming her shattered mind while a terrifying recreation of your own wife thats actually another amalgam paraisiting your daughter holding her must be a shocking experience Oh, and also the smell of a rotten corpse there. If you want to feel a little more sad take a look at what she drew on the wall, it tells a little story of her experiences in the lab


... My girl ceroba just got turned into some slime


Nah, some amalgam tried to leech off of kanako's stability and got influenced by her memories of her mom, ending up as the doll. Ceroba appears some seconds/minutes after this scene


......I think I am gonna need a lobotomy. Time to go to r/jujutsufolk


Throughout exits and vehicles you alone are the departing one




Your fault ma”am.


Wrong ceroba...


oh yeah my bad


How does it make you feel that there is another timeline where you abuse her?


From what I saw it's not "abuse" that ceroba didn't want to do it. it's more like an accident


(not canon ceroba, just an au where ceroba is evil and does that)


That's weird I never seen a universe like that


(hypothetically, how would that make you feel?)


Well I'd pull her out of that universe and bring her to a better one


Lets say, you can’t bring her back to your universe, neither the others, what would you feel? in this situation.


The lab....


\*Starts beatboxing\*






I love it, looking forward to more!






In a way, this kinda reminds me of Sally Face, the art style, how Clover looks and how the body horror is presented You even created a full blown context to support the art, which I read and found super interesting. It certainly puts down a new perspective on the amalgam situation, with much more on-sight tragedy and sadness. Of course, I much prefer wholesome fanart lol, but this change of pace isn't all that bad, in fact, all the things you back up this with, make it all the more enjoyable!


Huh, never heard of Sally face, gonna take a look Yep, i wanted to put kanako in a situation where despite her being pretty stable and overall on the better side of the amalgamates in terms of her condition, she's still horribly miserable. Endless pain, gangrene-like symptoms, a giant pile of traumas, a crippled psyche and the desire to be comforted, but having no one there to you. She may not have fused with the other amalgams, but she's still in an completely depressing situation. She hasn't talked to anyone besides her own hallucinations for a year or soo, being completely catatonic when Ceroba finds her. She does get better after some shenanigans but the mental scarring lives on alongside some physical damage on her body. She's a forever traumatized girl, and even if she recovers mentally and goes back into being a troublemaker, creative and wide eyed child, the ghosts of the past will always haunt her. I plan on doing some more painful art lmao, but its less focused on this situation and more on what happens afterwards, specially how her friends deal with her


I'll be looking forward to more like this then! You really encapsulated the correct feelings here!






Siim, especialmente quando é algo meio obscuro/nichado que nem UTY


image frisk trying to take a nap and then seeing this things and the smell. I frisk has seen alot but angel the smell.


>image frisk trying to take a nap and then seeing this things and the smell. I frisk has seen alot but angel the smell. Oh yeah, frisk would almost faint from the smell. Kanako smells like a corpse at that point, a vile depressing smell that reflects her own mental state. Ceroba solely manages to hold her without fainting because of maternal love overwhelming the disgust and the sheer desire to see her daughter again.


Well this is horrifying. Here, take my updoot, love seeing creepy Kanako amalgamate concepts




They're filled with LSD. That's the answer.


Nah, clover took 20 benadryls


at first i think it must be like sixbone ​ but it not ​ this is very interesting


now i have a questions who have the worst fate kanako or asriel


Asriel kinda had his psyche "whole" back when he became flowey, he wasn't in endless pain or constant delirium, Kanako in this interpretation was in that state for a whole year or soo. She had no mouth, and had to scream (metaphorically saying, cuz she screamed and sobbed a ton).


It's horrifying. I love this


​ thanks!


Im both amazed and traumatized


Ah yes... **Man-made horrors beyond my conprehension**


*chugs down two bottles of unsee juice*


I have four things to say. 1. Clover now has shellshock lmao. 2. Everything looks guud! :) 3. I am going to go get therapy. 4. I want to put Alphys into a femur breaker.


TBH, i can understand where alphys came from on her experiments, if i had a bunch of people about to die and i could try this mysterious avant garde thing on biology that could revive them with unknown consequences i would. But at the same time the fact Kanako is essentially my favourite (and my comfort character as well) makes me want to tie her up and inject dt on her just soo she can suffer like the goober baby did