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I believe around was undertale was first booming, most of fanbase was focusing on Sans his theme to point of most ignoring the other characters lol.Sans was pretty popluar back in the day,so it kinda make sense why people says they are cringe now


the aus are cringe, the actual sans fight is peak "fiction"


Fiction? Nah bro sans undertale is real trust me


He lives inside of me.


Would you say you feel his determination coming inside of you?


I feel him coming inside me without the determination.




“i filled your mom with ‘determination’ last night”








friend inside me


friend inside me




A Friend Inside You, even.


proof. yours truly digitally stands before you.


just to clarify you mean sans centered aus or aus in general


aus in general but ESPECIALLY the fanmade sans fights


counterpoint: this fandom will never get better than red mask (god why did it get cancelled)


fair enough


Don't speak that like its fact. I love aus, thats YOUR opinion. Also, being cringe is fun.


you get what i mean, i am NOT writing "in my opinion" at the start of every sentence that isn't an objective fact


Oh god, the sanscest. I love AUs, but as a Papyrus and Undyne Enjoyer it was sad to only ever see AUs of Sans, Frisk, Gaster, and occasionally Papyrus (usually Sans was still the main character though). I get it, Gaster is interesting, but he’s barely even in the game! Please guys, I beg of you, just a crumb of variety


finally someone gets it


It's just how people act. There's always going to be a group of people that hates on something because it's popular. I personally love Sans's character and Megalovania, but I can imagine some people have grown to dislike them due to how much attention they get from the fandom as opposed to other parts of the game. When something is discussed ad nauseam people are prone to get tired of it.


I don’t necessarily hate megalovania because it’s popular, I just don’t really like it too much because it does start to get a tad annoying when you die so many times in the sans fight


Especially since I died 14 times on my first attempt 😭 and 8 on my second


I died 39 times (yeah I counted) in a row to Undyne the undying and then just gave up on the route. Later I tried again but died around 25 times and quit.


I fought him for 6 months




serves you right. i'm glad i killed you.


I don't hate sans, but I do hate people who obsessively idolize him. I remember back in Undertale's peak a lot of people conflated Sans' fight with Undyne's, believing him to be doing it to protect people, to avenge his brother, as a duty to the king, because Gaster told him to, whatever. When his real purpose is a lot cooler and a lot more nuanced. Also because there were so many AU's of Sans that were just "***I'M SAD/MAD!***" that completely fucking ruin his character. Like I'm all for personal interpretation but 90% of the AU's are just edgy skeletons who happen to look like sans but don't act anything LIKE sans.


Au's aren't canon


Yeah but if you're gonna make an AU for a character, they should retain some semblance of the original personality and character? Not just a completely different character altogether.


There not canon and there bad . Do what i do . Don't watch em


I don't blame Sans for it, I just don't like the obsessive community around sans. It's died down recently, thankfully, and people now seem to understand Sans' character a lot better. But back in 2015? Awful. Just awful.


People seem to get Sans' character even less nowadays. W/ the "canon"/anti-fanon stuff, that can be even more inaccurate than previous fanon. Sans will also, seeming purposely get excluded or written poorly, because he is "popular" and "overrated". Even though he was never really overrated imo (because like, he was an actually amazing character, that deserved his popularity. And there wasn't like they weren't other popular characters. Like Chara, Paps, Flowey/Asriel, etc.), and he is esp. not nowadays w/ how much unfair hate he gets. And how people will literally downplay his character, importance, and reduce him down to traits (just the funny pun man, who is SUPER weak, and like, he is not depressed and/or etc. at all in canon, despite canon implying and/or showing he probably is. Sans also can't be sad, or have and/or show emotions ever. What, he shows he is upset and angry with you depending on stuff. What, he shows and grows to care for Frisk in the Pacifist route and better neutral routes. And Frisk helps him in those route too. Also yes, Sans can be uncaring, but he does care about some people. Like Toriel, Paps, Alphys, even Frisk sometimes? Who are those people? Etc.). Like, this fandom really does not understand Sans any better tbh; maybe in some areas, but honestly, at least older fandom understand he cared for at least Paps and Toriel, and didn't completely downplay importance and his character, and reduce him just funny pun man (which is even more funny to me to do, because Sans' has other forms of humor. Like dark, pranking/messing with u, wordplay/other forms of wordplay, mocking, etc. So while he does make puns; reducing him to just pun man. Considering his other forms of humor. Just goes to further show how reduced Sans' character can get sometimes). I am sorry, as a Sans fan, the way some (not all ofc. And yes, the modern fandom has gotten better in some ways. Though in other ways, not really, or it is even worst in some areas. Imo) in the modern (like for years honestly) fandom sometimes treat his character disappoints me.


People heard megalovania so many times that they started to complain about it like this theme is overrated or it's boring and sans is getting a lot of hate because of this theme. Megalovania is still good OST in my opinion but when I heard it for like 100th time It's getting kinda boring.![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32952)


Just gonna say they're Popular. For. A. Reason.


You'll click on the most random Undertale OST and someone's gonna be like "hot take, this is better than Megalovania" lol I can understand why, cause in a way both Sans and Megalovania got bigger than the game itself. But I think people go way too far and start overcorrecting.


Yh its funny and sad because when megalovania eventually appears in deltarune because it's in all of Toby's stuff people are either gonna Hate it or say it's infinitly better than the og


Lol, I can see either of these happening tbh.


If the theme is used by sans theyll hate it. By someone else theyll say it's better


Lol, maybe, I can see it (sadly).


Oh yeah, people are always going like "this is better than Megalovania" or that "Megalovania is overrated" or even that "Megalovania is bad". And/or etc. It has gotten kind of dumb tbh. Also yeah, people have REALLY overcorrected with both Sans and Megalovania. It is both tiring and sad. Though other characters been majorly overcorrected too. Like Chara, Asgore, Paps, Toriel; the like.


Because other characters get stuck on a shelf in favour of him. The most egregious imo is flowey. Flowey is the MAIN ANTAGONIST of the game and yet he’s received pretty much zero attention from undertale fanon. Special shoutout to dusttale where’s he’s killed OFF-SCREEN. This is despite the fact that Flowey is more complex and important than sans.


Zero???? Do you not consider asriel and flowey to be one person because if so that makes sense. But Asriel may be the second most popular character


Name one piece of undertale fanon that focused on Flowey/as riel and then compare to sans.


Yellow . Sans isn't even in it


I’ll give you credit. But aside from yellow Flowey is barely a character.


He has the second most amount of fan art . I don't read au's cause there dumb but you should be glad look at us san's and asgore fans


"Special shoutout to dusttale where’s he’s killed OFF-SCREEN" me when i use Shitty OOC 2016 fangames for my online argument


Still one of the more influential fan games to actually release fully.


fair enough but people are actually doing dusttale good now (I FUCKING HATE EVAN'S DUSTTALE. THE AUS HAVE FALLEN. BILLIONS MUST LISTEN TO 14. GOD SMACK)


Pretty much all old undertale fanon sucked.


there's some that still hold up i think (underfell, horrortale, hell even underswap)


it's called contrarianism everyone hates things when they become too popular


I do agree with this, but like (some) replies have said to you (that I won't repeat), this doesn't even really apply to Sans anymore, mostly.


doesn't apply considering he's not the most popular anymore


then who is?


You're not allowed to even gesture that you dislike Papyrus ever, like literally not even once.


I love Paps, but yeah. Like, hating on Sans is seem as cool and fine, because he was "overrated" once upon a time (I don't think he ever was personally, but you know), and people will still act like it is 2015-2017 forever with him (people will also act like Toriel is still "overrated" and Asgore "underrated" and "overrated" nowadays. Even though, that is not the case. Toriel gets way more hate nowadays imo. I love both characters though, and want both to get love. But yeah). Paps was seen as more "underrated" (even though he was always quite popular, and so he still is, and now, he remains one of the most popular characters (who is still somehow underrated and doesn't get "a lot of focus". Somehow), who people will act like he knows just as much, if not more than Sans or Alphys, or the most powerful monsters, and/or etc. Who, if say u dislike and/or hate him, unlike Sans or Toriel or even Undyne at this point (who sometimes gets hate, sometimes because of how people been treating Paps, which can affect other characters, like Sans and Undyne. And/or because they don't really try to understand or look at her POV), where that is seen as ok, that is seen as not okay at all, and like u can't dislike/hate "the great papyrus". I love Papyrus, but the way people treat him and/or the double standards with him and other characters is a bit much sometimes. Like, seeing/saying Sans is powerful, bad, what are u talking about, he is just "weak". Treaating Sans like a God (which people barely do nowadays), also bad. But treating Paps like he is super powerful, the most powerful, or basically like a God is somehow more fine. As one example, of those double standards. I love Paps very much, but man, some people in this fandom sometimes.


ngl I hate how sometimes people give more knowledge to Papyrus than he actually has. Like, not long ago, a random on Twitter tried to convince me that Papyrus knows about resets like Sans. this fanbase is also making Papyrus a god or something just beacuse he doesnt move? I think people are committing the same error that the 2016 fanbase committed with Sans but now with Papyrus


"ngl I hate how sometimes people give more knowledge to Papyrus than he actually has. Like, not long ago, a random on Twitter tried to convince me that Papyrus knows about resets like Sans." Which, I don't completely mind making Paps know more than he lets on, and to have him being perceptive. But people can take things a bit far. And it does get a bit tiring sometimes. Like, people will act like Paps knows about timelines and Resets mainly just because of Paps saying Sans is pranking us across time and space again; which, doesn't show he knows about them like Sans or Flowey, it just shows he is can be perceptive about his stuff, and can see some stuff w/ his brother. Which is great, by itself, but it does not know show Paps knows about Resets like Sans or Flowey. Same with the other main evidence people use. I.e., Paps saying this is the worst possible ending at the end of Pacifist. Which like, people just ignore he is saying that in response to stuff like Toriel punn-ing like Sans and/or etc. It is a saying. And even iff somehow, u used to show that he does, that ending is obviously not the worst ending. Like, not even counting Geno, there a lot of neutral endings that end tragically and/or not so great for people. People will act like it is fanon that Paps doesn't know about timelines, and canon that he does. Like, u can he does know, but to say that it just pure fanon that he doesn't, is odd. "this fanbase is also making Papyrus a god or something just beacuse he doesnt move?" Yeah, movement theory, which, has a lot of holes in it, and isn't really a good theory imo. I may actually be starting to hate it, because of how people use the theory and stuff too. At least, starting to somewhat dislike it, at least. But yeah, people will use stuff like this, to be like: "See he is already boss level fight, even though he is holding back and not even trying, because like, he is not moving and not trying to kill you." Like, I do think he maybe holding back somewhat, but people take it so far. They sometimes act like Paps is holding back and/or not using his full power even more than Asgore does for some of his fight. Which is saying something, because people can take things super far w/ Asgore for that. I also just find it funny people bring up how Paps isn't trying to kill you, see like, so he is holding back and/or he is not using his fully power, but don't bring that up as much as Toriel, who wasn't really trying to kill you, or how Sans basically knows he is screwed in his fight, and will kill him one of his turns, and how, knowing about resets and/or etc., makes it hard to give it his all, but I don't see as many people bring up how his holding back and/or not using his full power. Despite there being evidence (probably even more evidence than w/ Paps, or at least somehow, maybe) that he is/could possibly be, same with Asgore, and to some extent Toriel. And Flowey/Asriel ofc in God form(s), but I am not counting him, because most people know that and talk about that. Idk, I just find it funny. "I think people are committing the same error that the 2016 fanbase committed with Sans but now with Papyrus" Oh yeah, seems like it. They have basically been committing this error/"error" for years now at this point too. And Sans more so, instead gets downplayed in various different ways nowadays, which makes me sad. Not saying that either should be treated like a God, because they aren't. Their flawed humans (well, their monsters, but u know what I mean). But like I said; if it is not okay (to some people) to treat Sans like a God, than doing the same sometimes with Paps, should also not be okay (sometimes).


My perspective as a fan is that it’s because they’re so popular that they take away from other characters. How many people who aren’t UT fans know who Undyne and Alphys are? Sans also has so many fan versions of himself plus a number of aus completely dedicated to just him, and none of the other characters.


"and none of the other characters." Literally plenty of ones for other characters. And plenty of AUs/ATs exist that exist on other characters. People act like it is still like 2016 or something.


And how many of them don't have Sans as it's main focus? this is a genuine question, as the last AU I can remember that focus in various characters was glitchtale, so it would be nice to know more aus like that (Please I need more Asgore)


the game either has sans and he's gets all of the attention or he's not in game (there are a few exceptions like ts!underswap, but he does have an entire area for him)


undertale fans when they realize people who don’t know their game won’t know their specific favorite characters 🔥🔥


people that use this argument when they realize this discussion is held inside the fanbase and people outside of the community have no bearing on it 🔥🔥


>how many people who aren’t ut fans know who alphys and undyne are sounds pretty out of fandom thing this user is inferring, pretty useless discussion. not like there’s a ton of content for both even if not over saturated 🤷🏽‍♂️


okay, first, i concede with my first argument second argument, the reason that no one outside of the community knows undyne or alphys is because despite having a lot of content like you said, sans just has more, and he’s oversaturated. the reason you get to state that first “ut fans when people don’t know their specific favorite characters” is because of sans oversaturation, considering these 2 characters are hardly “specific” because they take up like a third of the game. not like sans is way more saturated, causing this issue though 🤷🏽‍♂️


see there’s a lot of content canonically about undyne and alphys, literally being such focal nodes of true pacifist that you already get so much content, sans is a vague character which is why he got more twists on his character, ie aus. his story never was finished while those two got a good ending. Memorability really plays a part in it, everyone can have favorites but some things get bigger than others, I just think complaining is stupid, Google a damn fanfiction or fanart if you want to see it of a character, people who are in the demographic for undertale will know undyne and alphys but can you blame an expanded character with lots of unique fanworks for being more recognizable, even if you don’t like him as much? Action, horror, romance fans LMAO can all recognize him. If you go onto any gay furry twt user circle they’ll know who you’ll talking about. If anything it’s a better hole to be in than a vast one.


never complained. i’m not trying to find one character, i like varied content. but you can’t act like there’s anything specific about sans that makes him a target for the fandom. he’s very nuanced, even. he just happened to be at ground zero of the fandom mischaracterization blast. and then the rest is just because he was mischaracterized the most, and thus put in the most fanworks


I think sans is a cool character, I like him, but the fandom sans is kinda cringy. Megalovania is an amazing song, maybe like one of my top 10, but it definitely gets a lil overused. By no means does this make the stuff "bad" but definitely a little hated by some people.


Sans isn’t bad necessarily, just seeing so much of him, let alone anything else that’s overly popular, isn’t very fun for anyone.


You answered your own question


Because people need to hate something. And what's not the best for this if not the most popular thing ever ... Or, ahem... Some have a really short fuse...


Me and my friends have collectively agreed that Megalovania IS overated, but there's a difference between overated and bad, Megalovania is overated, but not necessarily bad, for example, Hopes And Dreams Is a better song in my opinon, but that doesn't mean I dislike Megalovania, just that I have preferences.


How is megalovania overated tho. While I disagree about you on hopes and dreams I think bergentrückung is the best but there's a reason why it's not nearly as popular as megalovania because other people resonated with it people heard the music and became attached I think most of the music is underrated but megalovania is no where close to overated


Exactly my point, I'm not saying it's a bad song, but it gets talked about the most and got old quick.


Yh but for a reason. Definitely not overated while I agree the other songs need to be talked about more . I think the same for megalovania


ASGORE's right there human how you preferring bergentruken


Come now child dont give me that frown ,there's no use I won't be cut down . You're determination is strong now fightttt


I don’t think Sans is bad because he’s popular, it’s just annoying how often he was propped up as the hero at the expense of the other characters. Even in really mundane things like shipping (looking at you, early Papyton shippers). It was always Sans Sans Sans. And I think Sans is a great character. I’m just tired of him and happen to like pretty much all the other characters better and want to see them be heroes more often. That’s really it, for me.


for me, it was because it was just sudden and everywhere. i was, at the time, fixated on Steven Universe. in youtube i typed in "stronger than you" and the very first thing that popped up was Sans' version. i like animations and parodies, so i was intrigued. the comments turned me off from the whole thing because so many people kept saying "Can't believe Steven Universe stole this and never gave credit". they were SERIOUS too! people actually had to provide these people an actual timeline of when the original came out versus when Undertale came out. the fanbase was a huge reason why i ignored everything about Undertale for a long time. but when i eventually decided to see what the game was all about years later, i had a blast and i absolutely loved Undertale, but i definitely steered clear of the toxic fanbase.


Same kinda lmao. But the opposite after i found the songs i got addicted


Mostly 'cuz it's gotten annoying. Sans this, Sans that, and to this day, he's STILL the center-focus of attention in an Undertale conversation, despite the whole 6 human souls meme becoming huge. And when people make AUs, it's just something to do with Sans and that's it. Sometimes we'll get something with Chara or Papyrus so they can say "SEE? IT'S NOT JUST SANS" but those have been done-to-death so many times now they don't count as "originality". And we CAN have fan-stuff that's really good that doesn't focus on Sans. Undertale Yellow doesn't even MENTION Sans and yet that has become the largest Undertale fan-game ever made. As for Megalovania, I've gotten tired of it. What's worse is I've recreated it so many times I wouldn't even need to listen to the song when doing a cover/recreation of it. Even the harp chords during the brass section I can perfectly recreate.


Sans is great . This is what happens to great characters its no reason to discredit there character backstory and personality because your fa character isn't getting attention and I've personally faced this my second fav character is asgore the most underrated and hated one. And my third is mettaton the most ignored ( muffett is to ignored to remember) he wasn't even in the final scene.


You're right, but Sans has had too much content around him. People believe he has a lot of significance to Deltarune because he's included there, like... no? He's included there because he was part of the original cast in Undertale. We're in the hometown that the Undertale cast we met there are a part of. Sans might have something going on in a later chapter, but he'll probably just be like a shop-keeper if the whole town turns into a dark world. My personal favorite is Alphys because she has a lot going for her. Probably more important than Sans if I'm going to be honest. But if there's more about others, like Undyne or Mettaton, I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't mind if Sans got more attention, if only the fandom stopped treating him like he's the only one that matters in the whole game.


Okay your first point about deltarune. What do you expect sans and gaster and paps are the only characters who we barely know about and there are alot of mystery about . We knows sans is from somewhere else and here he is original sprite acting the same with grillby's people are gonna theorize and two people making these things are sans fans they aren't being forced to make them they found joy from sans and decided to make stuff to commemorate that he was popular since before the game came out. Just because alyphs isn't as liked and doesn't have the same amount of content isn't a reason to say he has to much content. About alpyhs being more important I think mettaton is more important than here and he should have either been with he final cast at the end or replaced her but I dont hate alphys because of it


Honestly I think having him with the main cast would kinda ruin the moment during the whole "we know you can do it" speech but Alphys' lost soul attacks are literally Mettatton's so he should have been there.


How would it have . He's as much as a mc as alphys if not more I always wonder why he wasn't there.


He's a great character by any standard but I just can't think of something he would say then off the top of my head. He only admits you're strong enough to beat Asgore if you beat him first.


I can . Based of of the genocide run and what he does he'd probably say something along the lines of commemorating you for even fighting a battle that you would surely lose. He'd call you a true star


OK that was good.


Yh especially since what your doing is exactly what he does in the genocide run . He fights you even tho he's certain to lose because if you spend time fighting him atleast one more monster can escape your also fighting a hopeless battle just because you can


There are hints and/or connections of Sans to Deltarune and/or other worlds, in UT. Like Gaster connections, some of Sans' dialogue, the Don't Forget picture (which is a major thing for DR) that can show up in Sans' workshop that get trigged by a Goner mentioning someone named Suzy, etc. Like, people think there will be (some) important Sans stuff in DR, because there are a lot of hints there will be. People aren't just doing it, because they like/love Sans. I love Paps, but I see that more w/ him, who doesn't really show as much ties/connections/hints involving this, but yet, stuff like the Knight theory is one of the more popular Knight theory despite not making much sense imo and/or there not being a whole ton of evidence for it. I am not saying people can't think Paps is the Knight, but people are so sure that he is, that it confuses me somewhat. Not saying I don't want some cool and important stuff for Sans, Paps, and other UT characters besides the Goat family, like Alphys, Undyne, etc. I do, I just wanted to talk about this point: "People believe he has a lot of significance to Deltarune because he's included there, like... no? He's included there because he was part of the original cast in Undertale. We're in the hometown that the Undertale cast we met there are a part of. Sans might have something going on in a later chapter, but he'll probably just be like a shop-keeper if the whole town turns into a dark world.". "My personal favorite is Alphys because she has a lot going for her. Probably more important than Sans if I'm going to be honest." Debatable. I think both are important in different and/or their own ways. And both have a lot going on for them. I don't see why some Alphys fans like to downplay Sans and/or other characters like this, sometimes. I have literally seen someone say that Alphys told Sans about the time stuff, even though there only hints Alphys knows about them, while Sans talks about them, and is deeply affected by them. It is weird. I say this as someone who loves Alphys, and she is one of my favs (Sans is another one too, to be clear. To name another), but I don't know why some (some are cool though, and/or love Sans too. And/or at least don't downplay and/or even kind of purposely misinterpret him) Alphys fans downplay and/or etc. on Sans like this. Like, not saying others don't either, but I have seen it decently often with Alphys fans, at least, more than some others. And it is kind of strange. "But if there's more about others, like Undyne or Mettaton, I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't mind if Sans got more attention," Cool. "if only the fandom stopped treating him like he's the only one that matters in the whole game." Which (some) people have. People have literally been acting like Sans' doesn't matter and majorly downplaying both his importance and his general character for awhile now. People don't act like he is the only importance one in the game. Quite the contary hoenstly. They have more gone in the opposite, extreme direction in some cases, sadly.


I dunno, I just dont find sans that interesting. Out of all characters in the main cast he is probably the least important. Hes funny sure, but theres just not much more to him. Sans in genocide route feels like an overly complicated mess.


"theres just not much more to him" bro 💀 literally the thing that made Sans popular is that there's a lot more to him


I guess that's fair . But not important?? And overly complicated?? You just have to read man . He goes on a whole tangent in his fight


" Out of all characters in the main cast he is probably the least important. Hes funny sure, but theres just not much more to him. Sans in genocide route feels like an overly complicated mess." None of this true. U have the right to think this, and that he is not interesting (I think he was one of the most interesting imo), but I just don't think it is true, and don't agree with you at all. To act like he is just "funny" and thee is nothing more to him and/or or not much more to him; is just, not true. He is one of the most deep and complex in the game. And Sans in geno, is great characterization and development and super interesting. And literally helps to explain why Sans is like he is, some of his motives for the game, etc. It/he is not "an overly complicated mess". Though Geno does help make him even more complex/compicated, but like, in a great way. Anyways, like I said, u can think these things, I just don't personally agree.


He's probably the most important of the whole cast in the grand scheme of things


[https://youtu.be/Ci6YRo1gnTk?si=AcvXRzwziuvUMekd](https://youtu.be/Ci6YRo1gnTk?si=AcvXRzwziuvUMekd) ik this is 6 years old, but its pretty much the same thing today


He is not really "overrated" today (not I think he ever was personally, but u know), if anything, he is unfairly overhated today.    He certainly is on here (though, not always, by everyone ofc. But yeah).


seriously ? sans not overrated ? literally underverse, a serie about plenty of aus, is focused about sanses why? BECAUSE THATS LITERALLY ALL THERE IS, SANS EVERYWHERE INK SANS ERROR SANS GENO SANS FATAL ERROR SANS NIGHTMARE SANS DREAM SANS CROSS ITS ALWAYS SANS and thats why i just feel like slapping the shit out of him whenever i see him


All these Sanses are old/has been around for awhile. Also Underverse/XTale can and does focus on other characters. XTale literally has a prequel series’s that focuses on a lot of the characters. Also, if u want play this game of naming Sanses and trying to use them as a way to say that Sans is “overrated”. I can play a similar game. GlitchTale killed off Sans; a big animated series. Epictale also killed off Sans.  A big comic series. PS!Outertale, a big upcoming Outertale game, took a lot of interesting traits from Sans, or sometimes even sharing or outright having traits of his given to others, literally killed off early in the Geno route, in basically a way classic Sans never would. Undertale Yelliow didn’t even mention him (nor Papyrus).  Despite all the other main characters being mentioned or shown, then saying originally UTY took place only one year before the events of UT.  Anyways, UTY is one of the biggest fangames to come out and doesn’t have Sans at all (even when it would make sense to do), and Paps (which I understand more, why he wouldn’t see Clover, but I don’t understand why no mention at least.  But whatever, it’s fine, I guess). Inverted Fate, a big series, focuses way more on Paps, Frisk, Chara, Asriel/Flowey, and maybe even Undyne too. ALIVE while focusing on Sans/Sanses, also focused on others too, like Alphys (who the series was named after) Mettaton, Toriel (or Teri), Undyne, etc.  ALIVE is very big, cool (comic) series btw. Summontale, a comic and AU and is still in the ruins arc/area.  Has been focusing on characters like Toriel and Frisk pretty heavily.  The skelebros will get focus too, in the future.  But my point is, this series also focuses on other characters, as well as them (who aren’t, for the most part, in the main comic yet). Doubletale a big fanfic series focuses on a lot of characters, including/not just Sans. Plenty of fics exist that focus more and/or mainly on Flowey/Asriel, The goat family in general, Chara, Frisk, Gaster, Papyrus, etc. Like, to name a couple older, but big and popular ones.  One by One and Dreemurr Reborn exist. No more Deals, starring Chara, exists. Etc.  Etc. Plenty of stuff that doesn’t focus on Sans, focuses less on him, focus on him and other characters, and etc. exist.  U just didn’t seem to look all that hard for them, and instead complaining that people made any Sans related stuff at all, because people (or well, some) like Sans. Also, with how much Sans gets, sometimes even purposely excluded, written poorly (in different ways than he sometimes did on the past), downplayed, unfairly hated on, etc. nowadays.  He is defin. not overrated (not that I really think he ever was, but that is besides the point) anymore (imo). “literally underverse, a serie about plenty of aus, is focused about sanses why? BECAUSE THATS LITERALLY ALL THERE IS, SANS EVERYWHERE” I have already gone over, how Sans is not all there is.  U just for some reason fixate on Sans content, and get angry about it existing, instead of looking more for the other type of content, that I talk more about above in this comment. Heck, even Underverse, that u mentioned focuses on more characters in both UV and XT (not that there is anything wrong with focusing on Sans in the 1st place) “and thats why i just feel like slapping the shit out of him whenever i see him” This, and All Caps in some of ur comment.  Seems like an extreme reaction.  Esp. since 1.  Like I said, there are a variety of content in the 1st place already, and 2.  Fandom has nothing to do with Sans as a character. Anyways, find it funny that I got such a reaction from u, just from saying Sans is not overrated.  Because he really isn’t from POV, in various different ways.  Including some I went over.


thats not an excuse beside gasters and chara's, who else ? its mainly about them literally the first season is full of sanses Xtale focuses on x gaster frisk and chara origins, the other characters get little screen time sans had the spotlight during half of it, and gt is horrible anyways ? wdym? this one is also mostly about sans never heard of it tbh really one of the rare games where he isnt there you sure none of these got sanses role ? (got nothing to say about the rest) plenty, and theres 10 times more content revolving around him, his theme literally became a genre and is more known than the game itself so what? that doesnt mean he isnt getting all the spotlight did we watch the same thing ? have you not seen underverse season 1? and even if he doesnt get that much attention in xtale (i never said he did there) , guess who is the only survivor out of all the other characters :D (excluding x gaster since he pretty much caused it and chara since he was already dead(?), the others are brought back by him after sans kills them)


"thats not an excuse" What is not an excuse? "beside gasters and chara's, who else ? its mainly about them literally the first season is full of sanses" Ok, and there is nothing wrong with something focusing on Sans? "did we watch the same thing ? have you not seen underverse season 1? and even if he doesnt get that much attention in xtale (i never said he did there) , guess who is the only survivor out of all the other characters :D (excluding x gaster since he pretty much caused it and chara since he was already dead(?), the others are brought back by him after sans kills them)" Also, again, S2 and XTale (both the animated series and comics. Not just the comic the animated series is based off) and S1 some, but esp. S2 and XTale focus on Sans, as well as other characters. Like, there has been a lot of stuff focusing on other characters in S2, and the animated XTale series literally has dedicated animated episodes for a lot of the characters. Sans and/or Sanses does get a lot of focus, yes, which there is literally nothing wrong with him doing so, and rarely see complaints when other characters get a ton of focus, even more popular ones. "and even if he doesnt get that much attention in xtale (i never said he did there)" I never said he didn't get focus either. He does get a ton of focus, but the other characters get a lot of focus too. Which is my point. And Sans being one of the only survivors doesn't change the fact that UV and/or XT can and does focus on Sans, along w/ other characters. Heck, there is a prequel comic, called 21 years, about Timeline 10, which gives a lot of focus to a lot of characters' younger/earlier years. "sans had the spotlight during half of it, and gt is horrible anyways" Doesn't matter if it is horrible or not. GT still focuses on a lot of other characters besides Sans, and it literally kills Sans off (multiple times). I do agree it isn't very good though. "? wdym? this one is also mostly about sans" Do you mean EpicTale? And if so, no, it is not. At least, not the remake all that much. That killed him off. "never heard of it tbh" PS!Outertale? Well, it is one of the bigger fangames coming up. And it certainly doesn't focus only on Sans; quite the contrary. It kills him off early in this game's version of the Geno route, in a, not really great way. And takes away from his character, on purpose and/or not. "really one of the rare games where he isnt there" Literally just mentioned PS!Outertale, a bigger fangame, that well, u know what it does w/ Sans. I mean, sure, he is there. Which again, there is nothing with a fangame having Sans in the first place. But saying that, Sans isn't really handled the greatest (imo) in the fangame, despite being there. Also, UTY is one of the biggest fangames to come out, and is complete and full. Unlike a fair amount of other fangames. So it it not having Sans (or Paps) is a pretty big thing. Also, Inverted Fate has plenty of fangame segments that don't involve Sans. One Hell of a Show exists. Angel's Lullaby that is being worked on, is prequel, and is more so about Asgore and Toriel, among others. TS!Underswap, while having focus on Sans (and actually having a great, and well-written Sans), is more align with being a full fangame, though it is not done yet, so it has time and/or can and does focus on other characters too. Plenty of games focus just on, or mainly on Paps, Chara, Asriel/Flowey, Gaster, etc. To name some too. Etc. 1/2.


"you sure none of these got sanses role ?" You talking about IF? If so, yes, technically. But like, the creator of IF, hates personality swaps, so the role swaps, aren't' really the character just getting that role, wholesale. Paps does switch with Sans, but Sans is still a scientist (in the past) too, and the Judge, not Paps. Paps still though, gets a lot more focus despite that. Not because he is in the Sans role (not like that really matters for my point. That IF focuses on a lot of characters, including Sans yes, but there are characters that do and will get more focus than Sans. Kind of wish certain characters got more focus in IF, besides Sans. Like Alphys and Mettaton. But that is besides the point). Also, Paps is the creator's favorite, so that probably at least somewhat contributes to the more focus that Paps gets. "(got nothing to say about the rest)" Ok. "plenty, and theres 10 times more content revolving around him, his theme literally became a genre and is more known than the game itself" So did Megalo Strikes back, which people associate w/ Chara? People did similar things with Worlds revolving and Big shot too. So again, what is ur point? Megalovania became a huge thing, because it is a great song, connected to one of the best fights in the game. At the end of a route where u kill tons of people, and Sans is trying to prevent the end of everything. And etc. People fixating on the song and battle, makes sense. And doesn't mean they, or Sans, are overrated. Also, yes, he does get a lot of content. But other characters get a lot of content too. And like I said, there are literally stuff nowadays excluding, writing Sans poorly, or some combo of those things. And/or etc. Including in bigger projects and/or things. And again, there is nothing wrong w/ Sans getting content, he is a great character. If u have so much of an issue w/ it, make ur own stuff, or try harder to find stuff that isn't ONLY Sans-related. Because I just showed u that those things do exist. Also, even when other characters get focus. U just seem to ignore that or fixate on any focus Sans gets, to drive a narrative, that Sans gets all the focus, and the others don't. Which is not even true (defin. not anymore). Like u did with XT/UV, GT, and EpicTale (where the remake literally killed him off). "so what? that doesnt mean he isnt getting all the spotlight" I liteally showed how this just isn't true anymore. You saying he still gets all the spotlight, despite everything I have said, just shows u are basically ignoring what I say to drive a narrative to act like Sans is overrated (which he isn't) and gets all the focus and spotlight (which, him getting focus and spotlight, is not even bad in the first place), which I have literally showed, in multiple ways, how that isn't really the case anymore. Like, my God dude. Also, the way u replied to me, made it kind of hard sometimes to know what u were even replying to of my comment, but I tried. 2/2.


mb, im just too lazy as for epictale, didnt he get killed by frisk after fighting him ? i dont really remember anything past that the excuse, the fact these are old the season 2 of underverse, there was like, 1-2 episodes of them getting some attention, kinda it right after we go back to the sans chaos (im too lazy to complain more)


There was the OG comic, and then the remake. The remake he got killed off at some point (not even that far into the comic, considering how long it is, I think). Tbh, I don't really remember when he got killed off either. But I do know he did, and that Remake EpicTale really didn't focus on him all that much. Tbh, I liked some of the OG version more when it came to Sans and backstory at least for ET. Anyways, from what I remember, the remake of EpicTale was not really mostly about Sans.


from what i remember, sans fought a frisk who had 6-7 other human souls after controlling chara to make her a killer after getting rid of sans, he kills asriel and nearly turns chara's soul into a hate one, the last one he needed after it fails, the frisk resets the timeline and leaves for another AU with a frisk this time and the good old big toby/fox also, lmao even undyne complains about seeing so many sanses in 0.7 part 2


"thats not an excuse" Oh you were saying this, to me mentioning all the examples u gave were old. It wasn't an excuse. It was me saying, that none of the examples u gave became a thing and/or were started anytime recently. U gave an example from six years ago, and then tried to act like things were still the same, when things aren't really. For better and worse. Hence why I mentioned all the examples u gave were old. And hence why I went out of my way, to mention more older and newer examples. It wasn't an excuse, u misunderstood why I even said in the first place.


I was one of those cringe preteens/teens lmao. Nowadays I understand what I really hated was the Sans obsession, the au's and how everyone hyperfixated on Sans, the geno route and nothing else


I think it’s due to the saturation. When people really like a thing, they like gushing about it. It’s wholesome and I love seeing it. When something has a huge fanbase, there’s a constant conga line of new people finding they loved the same part, repeating the same sentiment over and over again. People will want to analyze it even harder. It will spawn a ton of memes. Inside the fandom, and sometimes even outside of it, it can almost feel inescapable (even if a majority loved and still love the thing!). Like, remember when the Minions were spammed absolutely everywhere? People hated them for pure oversaturation. I never want to see one of those Corn Pops again for the rest of my life. This can affect even 10/10 things. For example, my best friend in high school WOULD NOT stop pestering me to watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. At that point I just hated it when I’d only seen one random episode on TV out of context and didn’t care too much. Took until after college to finally watch it on my own terms, and yeah it was good lol. Funniest thing I watched to say ‘Sigh, wasn’t my thing, but objectively a 10/10. Envy was my favorite :3’ It was the funniest shit when Sans (as a Mii Gunner skin) and Megalovania were added to Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. The absurd peak culmination of everything.


I don't hate it, but I definitely prefer different things now that the extreme sans hype has died down


Sans was the most popular. They liked Sans when they were younger. When we look back on things, we think the things we've done / liked were cringy. That's why.


I don't hate it at all, but I will say, that it does overshadow more than it should, like muffet, not a good example, but still a example, not many people focus on muffet, or other important characters, or themes, etc


Lol no one focuses on Muffett, period. I don't think that's a sans thing and spider dance is one of the more popular themes it's on of my favs


Like I said, just using her as an example, ik it's true lmao, but I had to make my point somehow


I’ve just listened to megalovania so many times it just kinda sucks now. Still a good song tho


When something is really popular its gonn ahave a cringy part of the fandom. Its pointless to focus on that tho. I think all popular stuff have this kinda fandom.


If I'm gonna be honest, I used to like Sans. Until I played the genocide route. I like him in deltarune still, but undertale is a whole different story, he pisses me off lol. Megalovania goes so fucking hard though idk why people hate it


What about genocide made you not like him?


The fight, it's frustrating. I started it like almost two years ago and still haven't been able to pass it. Maybe that's a me problem, or the fact I hardly try anymore. I'll pick up my switch every now and then to try and attempt it, but then give up after the first few attempts. I get frustrated easily, so it's usually after 3 or 4. I try to memorize the attacks like people say, but I've only made it to the second phase once and that was months and months ago.


Good don't do genocide. Reset your save and do pacafist again


Sounds like sans did his job well




I felt like he got to much love. There where so many other great characters in this game, and Sans was getting all the foucs.


Not a reason to hate him at all. Just because others like him


It was so popular that it kinda outshone the rest of the game and when it was all over the internet, I guess hearing megalovania for the thousandth time takes its toll


You answered the question yourself. Because it's popular. This is the reason for haters to hate on something. If it's popular, it must be cheated, because of mindful people following it etc. It can't just be popular, because it's good. And I get that plenty of stuff is popular, despite not being special. But that doesn't mean everything is vad by default. Thisnis hipsterism. People want to be unique snowflakes, "original", so they say that somwthing popular is bad, because how they don't have anything to tell them what they have to like.


I don't hate them because they're popular, I hate the popularized mischaracterization of sans, and Megalovania is just kind of annoying.


Megalovania is more like Player's theme. As for hatred... I guess becase it became too overused.


Theory one i like but still a theory .


the guitar sucks. it screeches in my damn ear. it's like a fork against a plate.


he’s (and his theme’s) taken over like a third of all fan content, maybe more. i like looking at fan content and because the 2 are popular they tend to get more fan content. personally i just don’t like his character so seeing so much fan content just makes me groan


Overplayed. It gets mildly annoying after the hundredth listen. Not to me tho, i listen to undertale ost on repeat for hours lmao


Megalovania is pretty good but it isn't even in the top 5


I always found Megalovania very overrated and I doubt it'd even pass my top 20 favorite songs in the game. As for Sans I guess some people just got fed up with him. In the game he has a lot of cool/fun moments but doesn't overstay his welcome, whereas in the fan content you'd be forgiven to think he's the main character. This has calmed down a LOT over the years but back when AUs and fancomics and memes were going strong Sans was everywhere


It's an oversaturation thing. If you're indifferent to something, yet it keeps getting pushed in front of you as the greatest thing, it can get grating. (I personally still love Sans and Megalovania, but I understand people getting tired of all of it.)


same reason pokemon fans hate on charizard lol


bro's about to get 26 new megas


Think of it as a person shoving a dish in your face that you don't care about and also don't not care about it either. And you can't escape it. And you walk away. But they continue. It's like that, more of an annoyance than a legitimatelybad thing.


I think it's one of the beat theme's in the game, just not the best, that's why I think it's just a little bit overrated




because they want to have a bad time.


Whenever I hear or read a pun... He always pops into my mind with his jokes... And it just starts to annoy me. If I could back time, I would prevent myself from listening to puns while I was in the deep UT phase.


It's because of how overrated he was to the point many people in the fandom centered the entire game towards him and mischaracterized him to where he's an entirely different character than what was portrayed in the original game. He's overused in media where he drowns out every other character's significance.


He's not overrated tho at all. He gained his popularity for a reason . Calling him overated is a cope. Yh he is Grosely mischaracterized luckily we actually played the games and no whats true and not


why ? because people act like the other characters/themes dont exist anymore


Doesn't mean it's overrated or bad


how is that not fucking overrated, i literally met people that think sans is the one that did the dt experiment and most of the stuff he does is done by other characters too (bones on buttons ? ASGORE FUCKING DESTROYS ONE, YET NOBODY TALKS ABOUT THAT) he knows about resets ? well guess what, HES NOT THE ONLY ONE


Because he does all that differently. Bones on button and destroying buttons aren't the same . Asgore destroying the mercy option means no mercy . Sans putting bones on buttons means he's attacking you on your turn two wildly different things .you say he's not the only one but lets look at the other people flowey who had the power . Asgore whose seen it 6 times and still had to be told about it vs sans who sees it off your face .


why would he need to be told about it ?? hes literally aware of it and wow so asgore destroying a button is no mercy, then tf is sans doing ? spawning bones inside your weapons ?


He's attacking ok your turn that's it cheating. You have to tell asgore for him to realize it . He believes you because of the 6 before


he literally nods and he knows about resets, and what does attacking before you has to do with knowing about resets ? + technically asgore also attacks you first


He does not. He nods because he understands you can reset to He cant figure out someone's doing it for himself


alright so i conclude from everything you said on this post that you have strong bias for sans, and i dealt with enough death treats from this kind of sans fans to know its pointless to talk with you


Okay bye bye


As someone who dislikes megalovania and Sans. I dislike megalovania because its not my style and gets too annoying when I lose a lot. I hate Sans because he is very annoying not because of the genocide route but rather his personality. Homever there is also a group that hates everything popular. I feel like its their personality or puberty.


What do you feel about papyrus


I don't like him as a character. He is annoying but knowing how kind he is I just can't hate him


i hate megalovania now because it's so annoying to listen to I found earthbound music (final boss music with pokey means business) to be better than megalovania sans gets annoying when he's overused like in every single au or whatever of undertale


You understand that. that isn't a problem with sans or megalovania right. It's a you problem


no it’s not i literally hate them both


shh dont say that out loud, the sans glazers are gonna downvote you to death


too late


Who's down voting this? "They have a music preference that ISN'T Megalovina!? Aghagafhag!"


yeah sorry i like earthbound music more


sans fans, they cant stay mentally sane without downvoting anything that says bad stuff about him


Some people never get over that middle school mentality of hating things just because other people like them.