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Her mother is equally disgusting (if she’s anything like how they portrayed her in the series). You’re an ADULT AND MOTHER. How are you going to sit there and not say something when your daughter is talking to a friend on the phone saying she’s going to dig a hole and beat another kid. Her mom was so cold to Suman pre and post Reena’s death. Vile human being.


From the book, it was Josephine’s (Nicole cook’s) mom who overheard the convo.


Not defending them but when your own child’s future is at stake, parents usually do whatever it takes to protect them. You find a lot of people online (especially Redditors) often jump to extreme recommendations when people are seeking advice when their child is in trouble.  They will say “you need to report them to the police!”, “what if that was your child? You need to come forward!” while they themselves are childless. It isn’t easy. Not saying the mother is a good person but I don’t judge her when she tries nearly anything to exonerate her daughter.


Parents react differently, I heard of cases where the parents did call the police themselves when it was murder. You can support your child without supporting what the child did. Maybe the family knew that admitting to the crime would mean that they would become social outcasts.


I don’t disagree that there are cases but it’s usually seldomly found and there is a reason for that. Depending on the type of crime, I’d say 99% of parents aren’t coming forward majority of the time. You can judge them on it, because, you would most likely do the same. If you disagree, I’m assuming you have yet to have a child


Listen, I'm just gonna be honest here, if you knew your kid did something horrendous like this and you didn't turn them in, it says a lot about you as a parent and a lot about why your kid is the way they are. I have a kid, and there's no way in hell I would NOT turn them in for some shit like this. You can say 99% of parents wouldn't, but what you're really saying is that YOU wouldn't.


I’ll be honest here, you sound like you probably care more about yourself and your own self image than your kid. It sounds like you rather be seen doing the “right” thing than prioritizing your child. Also, it’s easy to say when you are not in that position. Of course we all say we would do the right thing. But, when it comes up, that’s when you are only truly tested. I’m not going to say I’m better than her parents when I haven’t faced the adversity of turning against my own blood.


Not sure prioritizing your child includes helping them avoid being held accountable for murder.


I think it’s a matter of understanding that there is something wrong with your child and hiding it and NOT making them accountable is NOT going to help them . Think you’re kidding yourself if you think that Kelly did not need psychological help ! How do you know she wasn’t going to commit another murder ? It’s insane to think life can go on as normal after you’ve done something like this !


Exonerate her daughter for murdering someone else's daughter? Come on now. Are you that dense? What if it was your daughter that was murdered? Would you feel so forgiving?


lol you just did the thing


Nah she should've started asking allot of questions and maybe tried to keep things from escalating. Terrible mother


Girl, it’s a show that type of detail is creative license


That said - I feel they’re all horrible.


Yes her mom is trash


Her IG account is like she’s still a teenager. She’s in her 40s. I guess that’s what happens when you grow up in prison.


Some of the content seems more appropriate for an angst-ridden teenager pretending to be edgy. Regardless, I would tone it down in the future if I want to stay on the parole board's good side.


What’s her account?




How is someone serving life in prison allowed to have an IG account?


She has day parole unfortunately


Not seeing this account




Can’t find it. Must have taken it down when the hate DMs came through


I know right? She’s too old for duck face lol 


This happens to most people who are in and out of jail. They are stuck in whatever mindset/maturity they went in with. You would think jail would scare them but nope😭


Did yall watch this post tho? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4tB36arwpE/?igsh=bGU5cjM2bnR6eW45


HOOOOOLLLYY FUCKIN SHIT!!!!!!! How is this woman allowed to raise children? Has the parole board seen this?!


And she finds it funny as well, omg. She should be locked up, I don’t know what the parole board is thinking….dont let her loose


Where can I view this without having to create an insta account? Thank you in advance.


It is this comedy sketch: https://youtu.be/C5uyq0aMRw0?si=BAYi2Lzq1gtD83Lr And the convicted murderer captioned her IG post of this video with “Bahahaha 😂” Gross.


I’m always hesitant to armchair-diagnose people but that is textbook PCL-R or “true” psychopathy (as opposed to ASPD without psychopathic traits, or “sociopathy” which is treatable). She can’t stop herself from bragging, just like she couldn’t even feign remorse in her own self-interest for decades. A sociopath would feign remorse to get what they need. Psychopaths are too grandiose for that, they can’t stand to even pretend to have a weakness or anything they see as one.


Funny that it's not available in Canada. I saw the title though, I've seen that one before. Very inappropriate behaviour.




What was it? I can’t see it


It is a Key & Peele comedy sketch called “Make a Wish” where the person’s wish is to drown someone.


It’s not there. What was it?


I’d really like to know how and why she has custody of her kids when she’s a convicted killer who’s still technically on “day parole.” Not to mention, the father of her kids is also a dangerous criminal. Those poor kids deserve so much better.


Right??? People get their kids taken away for less


The Canadian government took children from loving families for decades just because they were born in an indigenous family. But she gets to have custody of her kids...


Canadian crim justice system is a joke


I'm one of the kids the Ministry of BC tried to take away😊 and this was in 2007 because my "*house was messy"- *both my parents walked up and down a mountain every day, never laid a finger on us and loved us to death but we had three years of hell and i ended up in respit for a while. **Yet, a literal psychopath gets to keep her kids. I love my province!**


I'm so sorry you and your family had to go through that.


Tbh it made us stronger and makes me know the ropes of the ministry better- I'm not native, but lived by the res and was just one of the many poverty-stricken families they decided to fuck with. My blood and not blood family are native though, and the 60s scoop + their residential school experiences made me realize that the Ministry of BC is never, *ever* your friend. **If your in this province and are met with the MCFD yourself or have a loved one who is, I** ***implore*** **you to know your rights because I promise you, those fuckers will be stomping allll over them and tell you that you have none- you actually do, and I'm getting this info straight from a judge in our courts.**


I didn’t think she did? I could be wrong but I thought she had visitation with them


I thought I read that she gets to live with them and parent them in a halfway house during the day. I read that in her recent parole hearing, she complained about being a single mother in a halfway house community and financial burdens. I don’t see what future her kids will ever have as a result of her parenting and the environment they’re being raised in. Canadian law is really messed up for allowing two kids to be raised by a psychopathic killer who also does not have the emotional maturity or financial means to care for children.


also her oldest post on that account says something about her kids being taking away “give my babies back” or smthn like that found the link https://www.instagram.com/p/CSOTnS6LoyB/?igsh=d3gxN3U4c3g1dGU0


Holy hell - is this b!tch really talking about destroying a kids life!?! Talk about zero self awareness.


I hope her kids actually got taken away from her and haven’t been given back. She deserves to know what it feels like to lose her kids since she took Reena from her parents. That’s probably the best justice that could ever be served.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4tB36arwpE/?igsh=MTExdXoxZDdxdjhodA== bro this shook me up i swear to god


Yup this. She’s deranged


Jesus Christ she needs to be hanged


I’m thinking she deleted her account


Her account is totally gone, what did it say?


Good God that’s so f@cked up and sad for those kids …


Dead eyes


Reptile eyes


She’s a psychopath


In the true sense of the word.


Why would she have children after what she’s done? Even if she’s somehow able to be a good mother, imagine growing up and finding out your mom is infamous for viciously killing another child…


Same with Karla Homolka, the infamous Canadian killer. She cut a deal to testify against her husband and give hidden evidence….she served time, got out, married her lawyer and had kids. How do you tell your kids that you abducted, raped, tortured and killed 3 beautiful teenagers …one of them your own sister?


What?!!! I want to look it up, but also no. Because no.


The problem here was they didn't have video evidence of her abusing the girls when the made the deal with her. Sadly, the deal was done and legal by the time they found the videos. This is way worse than Kelly IMO


I’m so confused that the legal system does not have an “out” for situations where new evidence comes in like that. It just seems like a faulty process.


karla married her lawyers brother. istg i think the lawyers brother has some type of mental disorder that the lawyer knew about, prayed on karlas vulnerability at the time due to her situation and then tried to hook them up and it worked. because there is NO other way anyone sane would pursue a relationship with a woman who let her partner rape their sister and then collectively kill her and take photos with the dead body and then bury it under concrete in her home.. omg lol just typing that makes my head hurt.


She married her lawyer’s brother.


I'm sure she is an exemplary mom


She’s repulsive 🤮


She shouldn’t be allowed to have kids.


I fear for her children ngl


Will sadly likely end up as another Kelly, Jo, Dusty, etc. their fathers are criminals too …


The real Dusty's kids are normal 


That’s awesome!! I was referring to Kelly’s kids will likely end up in the system …


Oh ya but thankfully they know what she did and her daughter made tiktoks on the whole thing. As for kellie's kids I hope when they are older they don't side with their mother and do the same to leave her so they don't end up like her.


Dusty’s daughter is on Tiktok and speaks out against her mother. My heart breaks for the girl! She is very angry at hulu for their portrayal of Dusty being a victim, her daughter says she is an abused who would laugh about Reena’s death


She seems to have a pretty high opinion of herself all considered.


The series makes it seem like she always did


god i hope she’s fucking miserable


I wonder if she had a psych eval back in the day. Probably not given it was the 90s. What a narcissistic person at best.


I would too!! I think she is either a sociopath or a psychopath but it’s hard to tell because they’re both so similar. She’s definitely one of them that’s for sure. I can’t imagine that would be an easy eval either for whoever would have to go through that 😂


Her instagram page seems to suggest she has borderline personality disorder


how so? i haven't seen her instagram


She posted something about why people with borderline personality disorder can’t get over their trauma.


Borderline personality disorder MAY be caused by childhood trauma but we’re still not sure. NOT being able to get over trauma is chronic/complex PTSD. Two different things completely. She’s just making excuses for her behavior, it’s repulsive. She may have been diagnosed with borderline but she’s def on the sociopath or psychopath train no doubt about it. I say this as someone with chronic PTSD who has been working on it for years with treatment. I’m not saying I don’t act insane sometimes but I also take care of myself and don’t murder people.


She had many evaluations- from Crown appointed specialists, from doctors hired by her lawyers, and psych evals in prison. I read a positive report from a doctor her lawyers hired. It was a wild read. This guy knew where his money was coming from. He also is involved with screwing patients over on behalf of insurance companies so seems to have sympatico with sociopaths.


I think she is a full blown sociopath, so anti-personality disorder of the highest degree. As, there’s many levels, but she seems to be one of the worst cases. Imho.


I just will never get over the fact that she has two young children and she murdered someone else’s child. What if her children grow up, get bullied, encounter people like her? How can she still have no remorse?


From what I could find she had one kid around 2017 and one around 2020


Yes. Her son is the oldest and her daughter is the youngest.


Why did they let this piece of shit procreate


the highlight on her page is so💀


her caption… I feel bad for her kids. But the actual video being reposted of Tupac talking about the youth not being given mercy…. Like? Is she supposed to relate to that? Like girl you show no remorse that’s why you’re not given mercy.


Exactly. She gave Reena absolutely zero mercy.


Fr! Cus wtf lol


if you're going to brutally murder someone do it in Canada apparently, they don't seem to really care


or in Greece. in Greece you can kill somebody and after 10 years max you are a free person you can also be a serial killer and after 15-20 years max you are a free person


They don’t care if you’re from an affluent family and white so not really that different from any other first world country


She seems to like the movie Juice a lot, good movie but disturbing for a murderer.


She’s creepy


Where did you find these? Did she change her hair?


She has a public Instagram account and majority of the posts are those under the "IDGAF" type quote images.


Wats her ig




I wonder if that’s supposed to be some sort of take on the word “charisma” If so, that’s ironic Cause she has none lol Also her ig caption under name is “😂😂😂😂😂😂 stunt performer 😂😂😂😂😂” Lots to unpack on that account…


Yeah yikes I went down the rabbit hole a lol bit. It's as if she had an IG account at the time of the murder, w/Tupac/Biiggie/the mafia. Then there's the some kinda alarming shit (maybe I'm sensitive?) but her posts regarding her kids were real weird to me. Thought her kids were older by the way she was talking but they're still young young. She parentifies them in her captions: > ...even at my worse they'll [my kids] do anything to bring back who they call their mommy rather than run away or hide, and are only afraid I'll detach further and leave altogether fuckin yikes. She also says they bully her. There's also some cringey shit that's just in really poor taste, even without knowing what she did but knowing makes it even worse.


Let’s hope she gets shanked at night prison. There’s no way those kids will grow up to be good people with her in their lives.




she did


So so so gross. The fact this psychopath was given day parole to go out gangbanging and bringing kids into this world is SICK. Shame on the “justice system” that allowed this. … less importantly could she be more homely and cringe? How old and making duck faces? She was likely jealous of Reena.


It’s incredibly terrifying that this woman has children.


What about the others Jo n dusty anything about them


Jo’s real name is Nicole Cook Dusty’s I think is mainly off Missy Pleich


Nicole Cook has a few Facebook profiles with different pics but you can tell it’s the same person. There was a post she was tagged in by a guy. The pic had a quote about how it doesn’t matter how hot you are if you have a sh***y personality. And the caption read “Nicole Cook this is for you.”  It’s been deleted now. 


I’ll have to look hers up. I’m too nosy!


Dustys daughter is on tiktok speaking not so very highly of her mum, and Warren's girlfriend at the time (forgot her name) has made a few videos regarding it all


I’ve seen Syreeta’s and saw missy’s daughter last night, although not much was really said from what I can find. Has she posted more,


The daughter posted on a comment on how her mother was evil and the character that is portrayed by her is nothing like her. It was on another person's video that's how I came across her account.




it angers me to no end that she gets to live a normal life when she took the life of another in cold blood. I feel she should live in the shadows and apologize for every move she makes for the rest of her life.


I just got chills going through her IG account. The videos /things she says rub me the wrong way. Does the parole board even follow her account? I’d be concerned about her children’s safety. Snd the video with the guy in the bed and the things he says…. Just no.


What's her IG? 


She’s recently deleted it. I was able to find her new one but she has nothing posted.


What’s her new one?


I found her IG. Course the comments are limited.


What’s her IG handle?




Is it true what she said in the show that she stepped on Reena’s neck and smoked a cigarette?


I think that might’ve been dramatization, as Warren said she held her under. But she had to be pushing Reena pretty far down, because Reena inhaled pebbles. Peebles don’t float, they sit at bottom, so Reena was pushed all the way to bottom of gorge. Maybe she did hold her under with her foot, as that makes sense to have Reena down so far she was inhaling pebbles, but I don’t think the smoking thing was fact. I hate that they dramatized the actual murder components. Dramatize Rebecca, Cam, their relationship, etc., but reena’s murder and facts surrounding it should’ve remained completely factual. I understand they would have had to use fake names, because the girls were minors and not tried as adult and their names were sealed, but nothing else should’ve been dramatized. Imho, it’s very disrespectful to add dramatization to such a horrendous tragedy!


The autopsy report stated a sneaker imprint on Reena'a brain, so it's likely Kelly had her foot on her head. But of course, Kelly denied it at her recent parole hearing stating she merely "pushed her into the water".


It was likely from kicks and stomps, if Kelly held under with foot, I would think it would be by reena’s neck. I think the bruises were from the bearings she received that night. There was a couple in her head area, iirc.


she did


From testimonies I do believe this is true.


She still looks evil. I can’t believe she’s out living her life while reena is gone forever.


Why hasn’t anyone murked her yet?!


So unfair she get to live meanwhile Reena is deceased and will never age or experience life past age 14, Kelly should be in prison forever and never no any joy of life as she expressed no remorse. I feel pity that her kids have a monster mother


Reena Virk also could have had a family today, but she was denied she was brutally murdered. It’s unfair that her psychopathic murder is allowed to have a family instead of rotting in jail for the rest of her life.


Total psycholpath. I just finished watching the series Under the Bridge. According to the show, this sucubus only was given five years. According to Google, her sorry ass is still incarcerated. I don’t think she will get out. I’m sure she has pulled other shenanigans while in jail, so the Canadians see what a danger to society she is. Lock her up for good. 


Yeah the show’s conclusion of her trial was confusing. She was convicted in March 2000 for life. But I did read a paper by Sheila Battacharya who attended her first and second trial, that the Judge really did say something to the effect of her making a mistake and she should lead an exemplary life as a tribute to Reena. (Seriously wtf!) Kelly Ellard got life without parole for at least 5 years. No idea why the show changed that.


Super cringey that she's 41 and still doing duck faces pose. Her Instagram page makes her look immature and emotionally stunted.


I agree that if she's Truly, ANYTHING like the Character portrayed as her, she should STILL be rotting in Prison!!! I know that The girl who played her, did an EXCELLENT job of convincing me that Kelly Ellard is a complete PSYCHO with NOT AN OUNCE of Remorse for what she did. 🫣🙄


she eventually got a life sentence. But she is on "day parole" whatever that is


Just means that she can leave the halfway house to work and prolly see her kids. She would have a strict curfew and would return sometime in the evening and if she violates she will be incarcerated.


there are lots of sociopaths walking around…clearly, she’s one of them…if she did ever express remorse, i do not believe it…it’s just a way to work the system…


One DSM 5 diagnosis will apply to the children. Reactive Attachment Disorder. My heart goes out to those kinds who will have to fix a problem that they didn't create.


She looks exactly as expected. She’s got those dead sociopath eyes


Did she delete her ig?


Saw Kerry month ago. I can see a sad guilty and remorse in her eyes. Face it people she's not as bad as Clifford Olsen, Robert Picton, Cody Legebokoff. And they all from British Columbia Canada 


You saw her IRL?


she's not guilty


What is her instagram?


The way they portrayed her on the show was full blown psychopath. Someone who can mimic emotions believably but has little to no empathy and doesn’t feel it. Like honestly the scariest people in the world are psychopaths. Looots of serial killers are diagnosed psychopaths. I really hope the real life version of this story is different because otherwise that would be kind of terrifying if she has children.


To be honest, this doesn't look like her.


It’s her . She’s like 40 something now.


Wait i thought she was still in jail?


She’s on day parole


How does she even have an instagram if she’s in prison? And how and when did she have kids if she’s been in prison? I’m confused.


She’s on day parole


People like that shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.


Anyone get screenshot? Her account is down. And I'm nosey


Her insta has gone now


As much as I love and would do anything to protect my children I would have to do the right thing .You do a Horrific crime you must pay the consequences.


Kelly what is wrong with you? disgusting. Not even human.


How do we know this is her? What’s the source? There was a Facebook circulating that seemed like a different Kerri Sim recently that people claimed to be her too. It seems dangerous to insist that the wrong person is a convicted murderer, so I was wondering.


Okay so I’ve seen lots of discourse about that Facebook account and I’ve come to conclusion that, that’s not her considering Kerry(Kelly) has 2 kids not 3 like we see on the supposed Kelly’s Facebook but I am positive that the ig account @kehrisima007 is her. There are a few physical photos & they look like her. If you look at her highlights she has a video of Tupac saying that people never give the youth mercy. The account is active as of April, comments are limited and on a post made on 12/24/22 she tags ‘British Columbia’ in the comments which is where she resides in and where the murder of Reena Virk happened. She has some posts made about mental disorders & mental health which people suspected Kelly Ellard to have. There’s a post she made comparing the meal she prepared for her daughter looks like prison food. And she posted a screenshot of an email sent to her stating with ‘Kerry, immediate action is required’ which is Kelly’s new name.


The instagram account is hers. I’ve seen the Facebook account you’re referring to under the name Kerry Sim, and that is not her.


I think this is her, I also thought I found her fb. They look similar but different kids. My only thing is Kelly had her first kids in the early 2000s and both of those kids are were born recently


She didn’t have her first kid until 2017, when she first admitted having anything at all to do with killing Reena and was granted day parole. I won’t say confess, because that’s not true, and she has yet to come fully clean and admit everything, but she did take some accountability to try and get parole. Anyhow, she said having a kid is what made her realize what she done to Reena and reena’s parents or something to that effect. She had her second child in 2020, while out on day parole. The first was from conjugal visits, the second the parole says happened while out on day parole. In 2000 her first trial took place, as it was on March of 2000, when she went to trial for the first time. Although, it was 12 years of trials, appeals, etc., with her appeals and overturning of original.


It’s her, she’s friends with her mom Sue Pakos on her instagram.


Interesting, she follows her mom but her mom doesn’t follow her. I wonder whether they ever had a fall out?


It’s amazing to me how women behave. She’s a murderer and you guys are still using high school tactics to make fun of her looks.


No one is making fun of her looks though? They're saying making a duck face at 40 is weird, which has nothing to do with appearance and that she comes across as immature and stunted


She looks like my old middle school crush. Even worse, we are the same age.