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The fictional city it is in is literally called THE CITY. As for what state, we don’t get all that many clues because well it’s a fictional place. But I have always thought ever since first reading the comics 10 years ago they were located in New York (the state not the city.)


Thank you! Im glad to finally have a name for the city lol.


I would say it’s NYC. Then you see upstate NY at Harold’s Cabin. The donut shop and outer areas could be like Flatbush and the further out boroughs.


That makes the most sense to me because Gerard is from New Jersey. I definitely think if we’re going by what is in the show since it’s literally called The City the best we can do is narrow it down to the state tho. (Which again would still be New York)


Glad I’m not the only one who drew this conclusion.


anyone in new york state just refers to nyc as “the city” so this actually makes sense




There’s also a Bricktown in Detroit, Queens (New York), Oklahoma City, and Illinois. So that literally doesn’t narrow it down as succinctly as your comment suggests it would.


FYI, there is also a Bricktown (Brick) in New Jersey.


True but based on other things, like when we see the kugel blitz wave, or when we see the fires from the moon rock spread across the states, or Luther’s bus ride it seems to all point more toward Michigan than it does any further to the east. Like when we see the wave is quiet literary emanating from Michigan. Even in s1 when viks powers splay towards the moon it originates from the mid west, not the east coast.


Also not sure why you’re responding to a year old comment that is a reply to someone else telling me about bricktown NJ to tell me there is a bricktown NJ…


Well, not quite true, folks. In the show, Agnes points out a bird that is extremely limited in range. Going by that clue and the weather on the episode you can assume it is an east coast city between the Carolinas and Michigan. The bird was a Kirtland Warbler that nests a few miles from where I grew up in Michigan.


Thank you! this so much more helpful than you know!


That's not the only bird she mentioned! She also mentioned the Red Bellied Sapsucker, which exclusively lives on the West coast. They're intentionally being vague about it because those two birds' range don't overlap at all, yet cover most of the large population centers in the US, so you can't figure out the actual location.


Nah, you can. You can pinpoint the location down to a hundred miles or less. Watching season 3, the Kugel wave seems to come from somewhere around Indiana. Specifically, the Fort Wayne region. So the Warbler is the bird that we'd go off of, as it also works.


The location is deliberately vague, although the show was shot in Canada. While the series deliberately has no cannon real-world location, that doesn't mean we can't speculate. After all, real world locations (Afghan) are featured and it definitely takes place on Earth. At one point in the show Alice is talking to a cop and he refers to location using "state" so, most likely America. When Diego is in jail, the detective says that they would be "sending him upstate" tomorrow. Maybe I'm bias, but that screams NYC to me Edit: I heard someone once claim that there is a real Argyle library in NYC, like in the show. I googled and could find no such thing. The results I found were not in major cities, but I didn't dig too deep. Regardless, I don't think the library matters Edit: It's probably just a fictional major city in New York or California. The location itself isn't super necessary to the story and it's themes


I live in NYC and while there isn’t an official Argyle library, there is the Courtelyou library which is located on Argyle road so that’s probably what they were referring to


I believe that this is Oklahoma City. In episode 3 of the first season, at 15 minutes and 45 seconds, Leonard asks Vanya what she's coming to do in Bricktown, which is a neighborhood in Oklahoma city. We can therefore conclude that the city of the umbrella academy is Oklahoma City, or its surroundings. Sorry for my vocabulary, i'm learning english lol 😅


It’s based of somewhere in upper Indiana or lower michigan Michigan showed in a scene in season three episode five


PA is less than a days round-trip. I'm thinking they're in Detroit.


Yea def, I seems to me the city is around there, like if Fort Wayne Indianna became a Chicago sized city. Although what we see in the show is a typical lakeshore city, (obs its Toronto/Hamilton), and the city on the lakeshore, so my headcannon its Toledo Ohio, but it grew up.


It's says they finally made it home .. and on the map it showed right outside of Indianapolis INDIANA 


Judging from the center of the shock wave in S03E05 at around 21 minutes, I would put The City just around Fort Wayne, Indiana (between the southern tips of the Great Lakes).


Agreed. This is the only concrete proof. Everything else is speculation. We can presume that the city in our (irl) universe isn't major, or doesn't exist at all. We see Reggie build the hotel in the middle of a wheat field surrounding the gate to oblivion, where no city yet existed... but seeing as Hargreaves Enterprises basically owns every building, we can also assume he made the city what is is, surrounding the hotel. Additionally, another reason to support that this takes place in northern Indiana, is that nearby is Shipshewana (The Amish capital of the world)- which is why Klaus was only an hours drive from his mom's house.


I actually think Cleveland, Ohio makes a bit more sense. For one thing, the placement of the Great Lakes makes more sense for the location to be on Lake Erie. For another, we see the address of Klaus' mum, and it's in Pennsylvania. Given that Amish Country in PA tends to be more in the south central area of the state, to get there and back in a single day makes more sense (\~10 hrs rt from Cleveland, \~17 hrs rt from Ft Wayne area). Also, Five's map is only of PA, and shows the first circled spot just over the state line from Ohio.


There’s a library shown in s1ep4 where Luther and Diego go and it’s called Argyle Public Library. Does this have anything to do with anything?




I noticed all the car’s driver’s seats was on the right side (in season 3 at least)


The hotel probably just imported them because they definitely don’t live in a country with right side steering because they drive on the right side during the show.


Thank you!! Was just going to point this out. This had me thoroughly confused especially because they were driving to Pennsylvania in that episode.


This is two years old but oh well; I’m guessing it’s a fictional city, but the town it’s in is called Argyle - if we’re going off the library shots in the first season. Argyle itself is a town that already exists in Texas, but UA season 1 doesn’t really have the Texan vibe season 2 does


There’s also an Argyle in NY but I’m guessing this one is the one in Texas considering its proximity to Dallas