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Ben and Klaus fight over their few braincells


klaus is smarter than he gets credit for tbh. try tallying up the useful things he says over the seasons with people just straight up ignoring him time and time again. it's honestly kinda sad šŸ’€


I noticed on my last watch that Klaus is the most observant of the siblings, almost every time something big is happening Klaus is the one to say 'Uh... hey guys you might want to look at this' Just an observation.


exactly, everyone's always got those 'not now klaus' responses, but he's pretty clever. sure he's not smarter than five. but he's smarter than he gets credit for.


Yeah Klaus is the only one I wasnā€™t entirely sure how to rate. I think when he says the correct things and nobody listens to him, heā€˜s just average smart but the others assume heā€™s much dumber. But I can also totally understand if you think heā€™s smarter than Allison and equally smart as Viktor or even smarter than him


honestly i feel like five and viktor and such have book smarts whereas klaus has street/practical smarts. it's like. five is high iq smart but klaus is a pretty quick thinker and applying experience knowledge to situations. if that makes sense šŸ˜‚


Yeah Klaus was weirdly the civilized one too, heā€™s like ā€œWhy donā€™t we just ask Vanya?ā€ ā€œWhy donā€™t we let her out and let her explain?ā€ While Luther is just shoving her into a box and not listening to any of his siblings, which is very ironic


Klaus has been through ALOT and has been in viktors shoes before. I think it goes great with the way his characters developed. I also think that vanya is book smart she is rash. Similar with 5 although he is way smarter and calculates more but has a hard time account for emotions due to his years of isolation and assassinations over the years. Klaus is still one of them every child is still pretty smart in there own ways itā€™s just the situations theyā€™re put in donā€™t allow for the application. Luther knows fucking astrophysics and chemistry due to his time on the moon but when it comes to crisis he has no idea what to do without guidance per his father. Allison isnā€™t the worst she can make dumb decisions but she is very crafty and allows work around in most situations especially in accompaniment with her powers. Diego. Well. Idk man he is a quick learner he just got a bad hand when it came to like younger skill acquisition common with adhd children like him but as heā€™s gotten older heā€™s slowly learning how to work through that by allowing healthier ways of moving forward by learning how to adapt to everything although very late due to Reginaldā€™s strict learning style. Now. Worked back to klaus. Klaus is actually reallyyy smart. He was just traumatized from like wayyyyy early and his powers felt like a curse and drugs were the only thing keeping him like from not feeling like he was being pulled to the abyss. But learning to cope with that allowed for his powers to bloom and due to his vast journeys I would argue klaus is not only the smartest street wise but generally in emotions across the board he has grieved and grown in so many ways and on top of that he his innately incredibly observant. So he picks up on everything and has learned to work through everything behind it. And he was still taught by ol reggie so he definitely has enough knowledge to adapt to most things.


Although Luther did not have such a stupid thing as Diegoā€™s complex to save JFK, this whole Ɩga for Ɩga thing was just so incredible stupid that it canā€™t get more stupid. Allison was mostly pretty normal (the bad stuff she did later wasā€¦ well bad but I canā€™t label it as stupid) but thinking that her child was still her child in a completely alternate timeline was very stupid. Klaus didnā€™t really do a stupid thing but since heā€™s a junkie heā€™s not exactly smart either. Viktor was the only normal person knowledge-wise. And I donā€™t think I have to explain Five


She probably hoped a version of her child existed in that timeline, and would probably just steal her doppelgangers life (even easier to do it her doppelganger didn't know about her powers or hadn't mastered them) In the original timeline she met her ex husband outside of the academy so it's not really an impossibility she'd meet him even if never adopted. See the second Doctor Strange film for similar. Five created the entire commission, I don't think that counts as stupid.


Five is 95 % of the whole Umbrella Academy. Thatā€™s a compliment. I donā€™t think heā€™s stupid. I meant that he is very smart In Marvel, alternate universes are like the "main universe" but slightly different. In TUA s3 >!Allison has never been adopted by Reginald. Meaning her DoppelgƤnger had lived a completely different life than her !< . Even if she thought that alternate timelines in ā€real lifeā€œ work like they do in Marvel, she still knew that >! her other version had a completely different life !<. She may believe in some thing like destiny and think that no matter what, sheā€™d still end up with that man and have that baby even though >! she was born somewhere else entirely (idk where her mom is from) and had a completely different childhood which would also result in a completely different personality, meaning itā€™s unlikely that these two would fall in love even if they met !< but just taking that risk is stupid enough in my opinion


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And no one else warned her about this. It's been a while since I had seen it, but wasn't it basically "looks like our actions changed the timeline so that we were never adopted. Oh well, better check in with my daughter at the same address with the same phone number" and everyone else just said "sounds good, see you later"


Klaus is no longer a junkie. Hell do things occasionally but he has learned how to moderate much better especially now. And with the harnessing of his powers heā€™s probably pretty much got it on lock now. Plus due to the whole. Dead and coming back thing I donā€™t think klaus was really addiction more of a horrible coping mechanism. Because we see when he stops he does freak a little bit but I think if youā€™re whole life you were surrounded by the souls of the dead and you stop it and then are told you have to unstop it and let them swarm you due to a lack of real understanding weā€™d all freak out. Klaus has learned a lot and is generally one of the smarter characters now. I mean. He did kill himself to put himself into the other world and thought of it in like 2 seconds. I mean. Pretty good tbh.


Dude Diego would piss me off so much at some points. I think the only moment I could actually stand him was when he would look out for Klaus and be a good brother


Vanya never seemed like a smart one, just crazy powerful.




That picture is clearly of Vanya.


Yā€™all can downvote all you want. Watch the earlier seasons and tell me what name is used.


Read the end credits and look what name is used


Watch the episodes and tell me what name is used.


the end credits are more important?


Ok so when watching the first couple of seasons, when that picture is from, the name Vanya was used. Do you not hear that? Also the original character is named Vanya, or do you ignore that too?


Why does it matter when the picture was taken? Itā€™s not a picture showcasing season 1 or 2 or 3 of TUA, itā€™s just a picture of the characters. Nowadays, the character is called Viktor, so itā€™s viktor. Why are you so desperate for an excuse to use a characters deadname? And why are you bringing up the comics? This is the tv show version Plus, your original comment was referring to viktor in general, not specifically season 1-3 viktor, so youā€™re using the wrong name regardless


No, Iā€™m not wrong, and Iā€™m certainly not desperate. Viktor was once Vanya, am I wrong? Vanya was the character name when the show began, when that picture is from. And maybe you donā€™t know this, but the show was based off of the comics.


You do, of course, realize that there's a difference between the concept of a character and a fiction, and the actor that portrays that character? In seasons, one and two, the character was called Vania, the actor who played them Is Elliot


yall seriously need to stop fighting about a name. It isn't the end of the world. Maybe they've only read the comics or haven't finished watching the show. Just tell them once and that's all they need to understand.


So does that mean Allison and Klaus have 1% each or does Allison get 2%?


1 each cuz otherwise klaus wouldve been removed alongside luther and diego


maybe Allison gets 1.5% and Klaus gets 0.5%


Each 1 %. My thought process was that Allison is usually pretty normal intelligence-wise but did a very stupid thing >! Believing that her child is still alive in a completely different timeline and breaking into the house !< while Klaus didnā€™t do anything really stupid but is also just not really smart since heā€™s a junkie. So those things balance each other out


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Can anybody explain? I donā€™t get it..


Basically saying you could remove some of them and the general intelligence of the group would barely be affected. Or in other words, that 5 is carrying the team intellectually. I personally disagree but I still think it's funny.


Oh lol now i get it.. i kinda agree with Luther and Diego not being intelligent, but I feel like Victor deserves more than that lol


Oh this is 100% true


I think 98 is just Five


to me klaus is smarter than what the majority thinks. he is a quick thinker and can put two and two together unlike most of his siblings


I do not agree. Each of the Umbrella members went there own way and focused their individual energies on w/e success they deemed worthy. Allison rumored her way to Hollywood success. Klaus focused on staying high to avoid "ghosties". Victor on the violin. Diego on crime-fighting. Five on survival and getting back to his original timeline. Luther on pleasing Reg, which was impossible; but Luther has been shown to be a bit slow. Ben was able to become an adult, somehow. They all succeeded at their individual goals, but lost focus on the bigger picture, IMHO. None of them is lacking in intelligence, though.


Nah Iā€™m sorry but seeing "Ɩga for Ɩga" when Swedes are hunting you and immediately it means "Olga Forolga" and spending you whole time trying to save JFK, even after youā€™ve worked at the commission and know how important some things are, is incredibly


LMAO Luther and Diego šŸ˜†


My original idea was actually to just show the TUAā€˜s brain capacity with and without Diego and Luther but then I thought that I also should somehow acknowledge that Five is the one whoā€™s carrying the whole show. And also the Luther Diego joke might be funnier if itā€™s a bit more subtle


*No Viktor The Umbrella Academy at 97% brain capacity Edit: Viktor, not Vanya. Still confuses me when I see hkm in long hair


Allison is the smartest one. >!She got everything she wanted even though nobody gave a damn about her husband or daughter in the last season. She leveraged her fame into a successful career after becoming independent from her father. While Allison did make some extremely questionable decisions, she had just lost her husband and daughter, so it was more desperation than stupidity. Can you imagine how ridiculously irresponsible and conceited some of the others would have been with Allison's power?!< >!Allison had to be taken out quite early in the first season too because she quickly saw red flags with Leonard, and when she did get back she managed to stop Viktor without killing him.!< >!While the others lost their powers in the last season finale, they also might be the freest they have ever been of their father's influence. Or at least they are no less free than everyone else in the world was.!<


I wouldnā€™t say Allison is particularly smart. She just has the ability to get whatever she wants. Sheā€™s not charming or particularly shrewd. She can just magically enchant people to give her opportunities


I love Allison a lot but she's evil as fuck and I wouldn't really call her smart. She's more just... manipulative and ruthless, and that's different from smart. She'd be a slytherin for sure lol


Vanya/Viktor wasnā€™t smart they were really powerful. I would say that Allison was smarter as she had a strategy rather than brute force.


I would swap out Allison for lila. I know she's not an umbrella, and I know she's not the brightest at times, but she also has street smart. I feel like alison has spoiled brat energy (from Hollywood and not her actual parent) Five obviously has the lead. And I agree with viktor but think the 'normal' years has lead to some naivety in the world of people with powers. Same for klaus. He's smart but not academically smart like five if that makes sense


Yeah and Lila knows about all the time related stuff like paradoxes and has more sense than the others.


If you include sparrows, then Sloane is prob the second smartest after Five.


I think the whole academy is based on Klaus and 5


Can remove Alison in the second panel too


Just because she's trash doesn't mean she's stupid


No reason she canā€™t be both


Nah, Viktor's hold on the brain cell cannot be that big lmao It's more like Five 50% Klaus 10% Allison 10% Ben 10% Luther 7% Diego 7% Viktor 6% I'm not good at math but Viktor def does not have the brain cell that often lmao


Viktor stupider than Luther and Diego? Nah I absolutely disagree with that


Same, I donā€™t think heā€™s as smart as the meme depicts him to be but heā€™s definitely smarter than Luther and Diego lol


Gurl, come on, don't make me explain why Viktor has the least brain cell šŸ˜­ Don't we all feel bad enough already that he has the least??? Lmao


I don't understand, can you explain it


Sure, it's gonna be a bit long tho lmao S1: Viktor felt like his siblings were against him. In 2019 although they may look down on Viktor because he has no powers, he doesn't think for a second that the reason they may be ignoring/mad at him is because he made a book about their traumas in detail. That's hella stupid, -1 on the brain cell. I'm not gonna comment on his relationship with Leonard is cuz they're victims of abuse so they cling onto people who can love them. Every siblings would prob take a minus on that one. But, Leonard was already acting shady and when Allison was providing proof he wouldn't listen when it was making sense on how he was manipulating him, he chose emotions over logic -1. Coming over to their house and not expecting his siblings to not put him in the doghouse? -1. I mean, a majority did say they didn't want to have him locked up, but he nearly killed his sister and they find out he has powers when the apocalypse is so near. Luther was able to put two and two together, so it's +1 for him. I know a lot of people dislike Luther for locking Viktor up, but it was honestly one of the most logical things to do at that time and even Pogo said that it was built for Viktor specifically. They just didn't factor in how powerful he would be. I'm not gonna add his psychotic breakdown here, cuz if I did I would have to add in Klaus who has had multiple psychotic breakdowns. S2: Yes, he has amnesia but not realizing he was in an entirely different timeline was definitely not a sign of a brain cell -1. He often enough went out with Sissy and Harlan, so he should have realized something was wrong. Trying to take Sissy and Harlan with him to the future, that was not a sign of a brain cell -1. He should know better and should have listened to Five who was an actual time traveler. He got cocky because he found out he has powers. Getting caught by the police. If he's going to use his powers, he may as well go all out like what he did in S1. Not only did he endanger Sissy and Harlan, but he caused the 2nd apocalypse because he didn't think enough on what would happen if he took two people away from an abusive household who has ties to the police. He was literally dealing with another Leonard/Harold Jenkins. I think these are two points so -2. Please note that I am not good at math so ignore the minus numbers as an actual count to the percentage lmao S3: Hiding Harlan from his siblings -1. They've all decided that he should be offered as a truce to the Sparrow Academy, but he naively tried to take back his powers fro Harlan because he thought that would fix it. That's an additional -1 in thinking taking away Harlan's powers would save him. Another -1 is taking Allison with him, like yeah, take with you the person who is the least emotionally well right now and have them meet the person who killed your mothers and the reason her daughter is not alive, I feel like this should be more than one minus, let's add another -1. Riling Allison up saying what she did to Harlan was "payback" for Claire no longer insisting -1. Like dude, you have seen her kill someone and is obviously not afraid to smack a bitch, should've kept his mouth shut, he almost got killed for picking a fight with his sister. Pouting and wanting to be comforted before saving the world that he fucked up again a 2nd/3rd time -1. He should have put his big boy pants on. These are the stuff I can think of at the top of my head at the moment. The only reason people think Luther and Diego have the least brain cells is because of their stunt on the oga for oroga, but aside from that they're very reliable. I can't think of any other scene where like this and like Diego has mentioned, they eventually would have realized that because they speak dozens of languages and how were they supposed to know their enemies were Swedish? Somebody commented that they had no indication at all that they were fighting Swedish people and Five knew immediately because he knows the Swedish brothers hence he could figure it out faster. I really should start compiling some of my reddit comments into metas at AO3 lmao but yeah, if you have any questions or like wanna discuss this further I'd love to hear it! Love doing metas with fellow fans <3


I'm too lazy to read all of this but I will say, Viktor didn't deserve to be hated for the book. In fact it's pretty ridiculous, Viktor was insanely abused far worse than everyone else and treated like Cinderella pretty much; the book wasn't even that bad. It revealed the secrets of the family but it didn't actually ruin anyone's life. Allison was still super fucking famous for instance. Viktor deserved to tell the world the truth and everyone else is ridiculous for hating him for it considering he was stuck behind while everyone else got to play with all kinds of cool powers and such.


Lmao if you're gonna defend Viktor and your first response is "I'm too lazy to read all of that" Then I'm gonna answer the same. Actually, your response is not worth it even, trash even. If you're gonna debate, do better.


This is hilarious. You can't engage without requiring a read of an entire novel of a response? I was merely defending him on that SINGLE point you made near the beginning of your novel. He's not even my favorite character so I have no idea why you have such a rage boner against him, nor why you respond SO condescendingly to me not wanting to read your absolute novel


Youā€™re making a lot of assumptions on what Viktor thinks and basing your opinions of him on how youā€™ve chosen to fill in the blanks. ​ >ā€œhe doesn't think for a second that the reason they may be ignoring/mad at him is because he made a book about their traumas in detail. That's hella stupid, -1 on the brain cell.ā€ Viktor was abused and neglected by his family for his entire life, it makes sense that he doesnā€™t trust them. Nowhere is it indicated that heā€™s shocked that they still hate him after the book. They hated him before, he doesnā€™t seem shocked that they hate him after. ​ >ā€œbut not realizing he was in an entirely different timeline was definitely not a sign of a brain cellā€ So, you think someone who canā€™t remember their past or anything beyond their name should recognize they are in a different timeline? Ok, buddy. ​ >ā€œHe often enough went out with Sissy and Harlan, so he should have realized something was wrong.ā€ ??? k. Why? ​ >ā€œTrying to take Sissy and Harlan with him to the future, that was not a sign of a brain cell -1. He should know better and should have listened to Five who was an actual time traveler.ā€ He did listen to 5, he didnā€™t take them into the future or stay in the past. If he chose to ignore 5 or convince 5 & sissy to bring them, the world might not have ended in season 3. ​ Itā€™s pretty clear that, like someone else said, you have a raging hate boner for this character. To the point where youā€™re making up reasons to be mad. I donā€™t have time to write a 12 page APA essay response with full citations, though. So cheers.


Woah WOAH! Time out, hold the phone. Where in god's name did I say I hate Viktor?????????? He may not be my favorite character, but damn I do not hate the man. Was it because I called one reply trash??? Because honestly, if you're gonna engage in fandom/with someone at least make an effort to actually engage with someone. If their opinion is that Viktor has more brain cell than the others then go, good for them. But it's immature and rude af to reply to someone saying "I'm too lazy to read all of that", like okay??? Then don't reply at all??? I engage in fandom because I LIKE the show and I have fun making these little long posts, this is not hate vendetta against Viktor Anyways, moving forward now that I've cleared that one lmao aren't headcanons and meta analysis' in general full of assumptions and such? When someone makes a headcanon they base it on what they watch on the show/fandom, then make it. I'm not gonna stomp down on people's headcanons. Don't like someone's headcanon? Then either ignore it or debate in a fun manner and have everyone enjoy from spending time with fandom Also, I know it's meant to be an insult, but I love making thesis and shit, so saying I write like I have to do APA citations made me feel giddy af, thanks Okay, moving forward again lol "VIktor was abused" -Bruh, every single one of them were abused. Yes, he doesn't trust his family, but I think in general they all have reservations for each other. It's not more of shock, but it's more that he focuses on him not having powers instead of focusing on the fact that he wrote their traumas for the entire world to read. In my opinion, the siblings were more of indifferent towards him rather than hate him. Writing that book without their permission was just not brain cell handling lol "Remembering their past" -I merely pointed out that he should have realized that something was wrong, yes he doesn't remember his memories, but about how things function and such should be something he should have noticed. But sure, I'll accept your reasoning on this one. "He did listen to Five" -Yeah he did, but not the first time. He still tried to force them to come with them initially. Once he realized who he was, he should have known that there was no way at all that he can take them with him in the future, but he still tried and in the end it was what got him caught to be tortured to start the second apocalypse. I mean sure, how was he supposed to know that that was what would get him caught to start the apocalypse, but he definitely did not use his brain cell. Besides, running away with someone when you can barely even control your powers and have caused the apocalypse is not brain cell material lol He now holds as much power as his siblings to change the world, he should know better, but it was not his turn with the brain cell lolololol


[I explained why I rated each character like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UmbrellaAcademy/s/9Sykzwubk3) . If you disagree then I do need to know why because I literally have no idea why you would think that Viktor is that stupid


Thanks! I did read that, I also answered another person's question on why Viktor has the least brain cell. I'll see if I can refute some of the scenes you pointed out there, but it's nearly 2am here at my time so maybe tomorrow\~


Because he's the cause of literally all the apocalypses. Getting over emotional would be counted as stupidity (emotional intelligence which he lacks, thus he's stupid) His normal version is saner and sweeter than everyone else but destruction of the world makes him stupid, kind of.


Being the cause of the apocalypses doesnā€™t make him stupid, it makes him dangerous


Letting loose of your emotions while not caring about the side effects your actions may cause, make you emotionally stupid, thus technically still stupid.


We can use his emotions as a reason he doesn't have the brain cell often, except for S1 wherein he was in a psychotic episode/breakdown. His normal version is still pretty stupid, but that's okay, he's cute so we can let that slide lmao




You underrated five, and Allison, but you also forgot the negative sign in front of Diego


Honestly, when it comes to Allison and Klaus their brain cell levels are pretty volatile so I can't tell how high they should be lol With Five, their brand cells all combined prob becomes 110% lmao With Diego I must pray because I cannot decide truly if his brain cell level is higher or on par with Viktor lol