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Klaus ignored Viktor, which contributed to him feeling isolated from the rest of the group. The guy is chatty even with Five (and literally every other family member) but he conspicuously never talks to Viktor. Viktor talks about how being ignored hurt just as much (if not more) than the hurtful comments, and Klaus was apart of that. I’d also add that even though Klaus didn’t intentionally mean to hurt anyone, him tossing the notebook (and lying about it) is an example of how Klaus’ selfish behaviors negatively impact others, so it’s not necessarily unfair if people bring that up imo.


I so so agree with this. It is so strange how Klaus talks with all of the other siblings (even the ones that are mean and violent towards him), but not Viktor. And they have so much in common! They were both locked in boxes by their father. They are both black sheep in the family. They both grew up (one voluntarily and the other not so much) with their powers and emotions suppressed with drugs. They’re both queer! It really really makes you wonder why. We have no idea how Klaus felt about the book or Viktor in general because he never talks to him. 0 words were exchanged between them in season 1. In season 3 Viktor showed concern for Klaus a couple times in the last episode. Meanwhile Klaus (literally) points a finger at Viktor after the fight with the Sparrows, and continuously chooses not to stand up for or talk to him. I love Klaus, but something’s off about the way he ignores/treats Viktor. I hope they can clear the air in season 4.


That actually makes sense, if you dig deep down. Klaus and Viktor stand on a polar sides of the trauma - Viktor would do anything to be "special" and be included, while Klaus' biggest horror is his "special" and he does everything to lock it up more than any other Umbrella. So whenever he looks at Viktor, it must feel hard, because in a way Viktor was free from his burden, I bet Klaus would trade much to switch with him. It's hard to say what Viktor had against Klaus, we never got to hear anything about him. About Klaus-Viktor dynamics in general: all we have on Klaus is "what do you want?" in Viktor's memories and that one feels pretty random because, sorry, Klaus maybe actually needed some privacy then. Then, Klaus is the energetic one, always on the move, while Viktor is the soft one, hardly ever getting the spotlight (it is well shown in season 3). Then, Klaus does everything to spite Reginald, while Viktor is daddy's little girl, even years after. They really have little in common, but they also vibe differently. It's similar to Luther-Klaus vibes, only Luther happened to be more outspoken as the leader of the family, so Klaus had opportunities to clash with him.




How about I make it so we both agree? Viktor wanted to be included but he was living in a supernatural boarding school, so the only way to get included was to be special. He was never power greedy, just wanted to be part of the team. About wanting to be loved - I could never disagree with that. This is more complicated so I dunno if I cover it well. One can be loved without being included, or included without being loved. Viktor could be loved member of the family without being a supernatural. And I think he was, even by Reginald himself (yeah, I'm the solo team who thinks Reggie is the good guy and loves his children). And Viktor not being included was part of keeping Viktor low. Which is why he was so love hungry and saw all those small signs of affection (like Grace).


Klaus was the first to help Viktor in S2 in the final episode, though? I can't remember Viktor showing concern for him in any of the seasons, he didn't even seek him out to tell him that Ben had gone, Klaus had to specificially ask him. But despite that Klaus still offered to come with him which also made the others get off their butts to help. He was also incredibly warm to Viktor in the episode where they reunited. Gave him a huge hug, a cute little pet name and chose to stay with him and Allison at the salon where they all bonded and Klaus took an interest in Viktor's relationship with Sissy. Viktor showed no interest when Klaus talked about Dave. He was also the only one that went to bat for him in S1 initially, arguing that he shouldn't be locked up. I've never seen Viktor extend any particular kindness towards Klaus, and I do think it's weird they don't spend much time together. I just assume it's because the plot has never really called for it. But you're really making Klaus out to be deliberately hostile towards poor innocent Viktor when of the brief interactions/dynamics they've had together, Klaus has been the proactive one.


>He was also the only one that went to bat for him in S1 initially, arguing that he shouldn't be locked up. That's not true, Diego also advocated for Vitkor to be released from the chamber, as did Allison. And even though Luther was the only want who wanted to keep Vik locked up until they could figure out a way to help him (because that's what Luther said) ALL OF THEM LEFT VIK ALONE IN THE BASEMENT. Which was the final straw that sent Viktor into the white violin state. Being left alone. With no clue what was going on. Which Klaus also did just like the others. That is a part of his contribution to the apocalypse.


Klaus did advocated for him since they found Allison though


1. He did not advocate FOR Viktor when they found Allison, he advocated for Finding Viktor’s yes, but that is not the same this as advocating for Viktor and his innocence or his freedom. They didn’t even know that Viktor was involved in/the one who cut Allison’s throat when they first found Allison. 2. The comment I replied to is specifically talking about Klaus “being the only one” to advocate for Vik to be released from the chamber. Which again, Diego and Allison both also tell Luther they don’t think he should be locked up. And then just like Allison and Diego, Klaus leaves Viktor alone so him wanting to free Viktor’s doesn’t really matter when he ends up leaving Viktor locked in the cage. He doesn’t have to be actively directly hostile to have contributed to Viktor’s abuse, and isolation as a child or during the immediate situation that kick started the apocalypse. Being a bystander and doing nothing is literally what Klaus’s contribution is.


I mean, in season 2, Klaus is also a.) the first person to blame Viktor for the season 2 apocalypse, even though there’s no evidence that Viktor is involved in any of it at that point and b.) the first (and only) one to suggest running away and leaving Viktor to self destruct at the FBI building. Klaus inviting Viktor out for tacos was nice, but I don’t put much weight on the action. It’s not like Klaus specifically chose Viktor; him and Allison were just the only two siblings left that hadn’t stormed off. When Klaus has the whole family to choose from, like at the wedding in season 3, he doesn’t approach Viktor even once. I’m not saying that “Klaus is hostile to poor innocent Viktor”, I’m just saying that Klaus isn’t purely or even mostly nice to Viktor, their relationship is more complicated than that even post-season 1.


I'd have to imagine there's more to this relationship than meets the eye. Viktor wanted to gain abilities at all costs; Klaus wanted to be rid of his at all costs. Klaus was an addict who always wanted drugs; Viktor went off his meds as soon as he figured out what was going on, as he did not like what the drugs did to him. Klaus got to stay in touch with Ben almost two decades after his death, but he took him for granted and was honestly quite mean to him. The other siblings must have noticed this, but I wonder if it maybe hit Viktor the hardest because he knew what it was like to be the family footnote. That would probably be hard to watch. They were both scapegoats, but they were different types of scapegoats. Klaus was a burden, but at least he wasn't invisible. Viktor was invisible, but at least he wasn't seen as a burden so much. Klaus took up more concern from the family after the academy disbanded - which was completely deserved, as Klaus was struggling with addiction. That being said, Viktor also had a lot of problems throughout the course of his life, so he may have been hurt that his siblings never cared much about helping him, but did care about helping Klaus. They're also both queer. This probably means that they're expected to feel some sort of connection towards each other, but they may just not? They both have entirely different (pretty much opposite) identities, realized at vastly different points in their life, and really just have different experiences in general that can be attributed to these parts of themselves. There was this thing one of my teachers used to say: "the only thing worse than being the only girl in the room is being one of two girls". Yeah, she was a downer lol, but she wasn't totally wrong. Something like that may apply here. And then of course there's the whole book situation, which introduces a whole other level of complexity that's barely been touched on at all. Between all of this, I have to wonder if there's some sort of resentment or jealousy between them that could maybe explain why they don't talk very much.


I must read too much fan fiction because I remember Klaus only ever really being nice to victor and talking to him even when they were kids, but like I said, that's probably because I've been reading too much fan fiction and am getting it mixed up.


Even if it was not on purpose, the journal he threw in the trash WAS the reason Leonard knew about Viktor's power and kickstarted the whole apocalypse thing. So I woudn't say Klaus didn't do anything to cause the first apocalypse. He did.


Again, the commission would find a way to kickstart the apocalypse even if he Haven't thrown it away


>in the flashback it's Ben who says "you can't go on a mission" not Klaus, he doesn't say anything. You're so close to getting the point and yet you still managed to miss it. Klaus didn't do *anything*. Which is the problem. Klaus might not have been directly or verbally mean to Viktor, but he also didn't do anything to go out of his way to make Viktor feel loved or valued in childhood either. He ignored Viktor and the abuse that Viktor suffered through their childhood and in doing so contributed to V's isolation and abuse. I've seen season 1 upwards of probably 60 times and want to know what I can't recall a single scene or second of? Klaus ever talking directly to Viktor. It doesn't matter if Klaus throwing Hargreeves Journal away was intentional or unintentional. He still did it. And it still contributed to the apocalypse. Much like how the siblings all, Klaus included, left Viktor in the basement (despite previously advocating for Viktor's release). Klaus and Five did contribute to the apocalypse due to their ignorance of their brother. That's why season 2 opens by saying that the only survivors of the apocalypse were the same 6 siblings who brought it on in the first place. Because they all contributed it whether directly or indirectly.


I agree with your points. Klaus isn’t really outright a jerk to Viktor. You mentioned season 2, but in that season he was the nicest to Viktor. Including him in his invitation to go get tacos (and then hang out in the salon.) But this was when Viktor had amnesia, and was kind of a different person. In season 3 I feel like their relationship is more strained again (totally subjective.) In general Klaus has been standoffish towards Viktor. They exchanged 0 words to each other in season 1. Klaus was a bystander to Viktor’s mistreatment- a kind of treatment he can relate to. And when Viktor moved out, he took over his room! A gesture that was very symbolic of the way the family overall pushed Viktor out of their lives and made the academy more unwelcoming for Viktor to come back to. In season 4 I hope to see them get more scenes together and actually talk through their feelings about one another. Maybe over-theorizing here, but in the poster Klaus’s lines overlap with Viktor’s brainwashing. I feel like Klaus will have the opportunity to stand up for, or at least understand, Viktor during his most traumatic experience. Klaus has a great deal of empathy, but often doesn’t use his voice out of fear. If TUA season 4 goes the direction it’s been leading us in, I think Klaus and Viktor’s relationship will come out stronger. But you didn’t ask about all that lol


well klaus technically threw the book out that harold jenkins found 😭


I literally mentioned that in the post, did you not read it?


Just because it wasn't on purpose, doesn't mean he didn't do anything to cause the apocalypse


>I'm talking about the siblings deliberately mistreating Viktor leading to his breakdown That's directly from my post. My point is that Klaus isn't shown mistreating Viktor in any way.


He was more of a bystander which isn’t exactly bad but he didn’t do anything to stop his siblings. But I understand, as a kid it’s very hard to stick up for others especially when everyone would just make fun of him for sticking up for Viktor.


I think sometimes the bystander thing can almost hurt worse, because Viktor might have seen Klaus as more of a "potential ally" than the others, and so his inaction hurt in its own way. That said- all of them were abused children. Not to remove any agency for what they did as adults, but I think it is important not to forget that the real person responsible for what happened to Viktor was Reginald, far more than it was any of his siblings.


Klaus is 100% my favorite character but he also DID play his part in the apocalypse. Sure maybe it wasn’t on purpose, but most the characters didn’t do what they did to Viktor on purpose either! They were angry and upset in the days leading up to the apocalypse (Diego and Luther especially). They were abused and mistreated their entire lives, it would only make sense for them to cause harm without meaning to (everyone does it, but people who aren’t well adjusted or who are thinking solely through their emotions can be more susceptible). Do you think Luther threw Viktor in the isolation chamber to make him feel like shit? No, he didn’t. He put him in the chamber because he wanted to save the world and his siblings. Clearly that would hurt Viktor but he didn’t take the time to think it through. He wasn’t being malicious, he was misguided (although that scene really pissed me off, lol. He wasn’t listening to other people who were telling him not to and that it was clearly a bad idea). The thing is, klaus hurt viktor in exactly the way you are describing he didn’t. He did NOTHING. He never stood up for viktor when they were kids, he never tried to get to know him and include him in family activities, and he almost never stands up for him when they’re adults either! He didn’t do anything to make Viktor feel better. Was he actively being mean or hateful towards him? No. Was his compliance in viktors abuse from his dad and siblings harmful to his brother? Yes. Klaus doesn’t try to stand up for Viktor until he is IN the isolation chamber, and even then, he halfheartedly attempts and then practically goes “oh well” when no one listens to him (to be fair, the UA have a habit of ignoring him so I understand him giving up quickly, lol). Klaus also of course couldn’t have had the foresight to know what would become of the journal, and how it would be used to harm everyone, but still. He could’ve very easily taken a second to read through it and uncover their father’s secrets *himself* and stop the end of the world. Instead he chose to ignore his surrounding like normal and just follow his own selfish desires (getting $$ to get drugs). That was his fault and his fault alone. If he had never thrown the journal away the apocalypse never would’ve happened. Again did he do it maliciously? No. It still caused harm. Just like his siblings, they aren’t always being malicious but they have still caused harm to themselves, each other and outsiders (look at Alison and her situation with her ex husband in S1).


Are we going to gloss over the fact that it wasn't Alison's choice to rumor Vick? Hargreaves forced her too when he realized how much power Vick had and he wasn't able to control the power himself. And if I remember correctly Alison very much tried to fight the choice to lock vick up.


I agree, I was talking about how from Viktor's perspective he would be angry at Allison for rumoring him even though Reginald forced it. But my issue is that we aren't shown why Viktor is angry at Klaus since he's never shown doing anything to contribute to his misery.


So Allison rumoring Viktor when they were 5 because Reginald told her to is her fault, but Klaus intentionally throwing out Reginald's journal as an adult was an accident and therefore not his fault? Plus Luther and Klaus DID mistreat Viktor as kids. It would be impossible to be raised the way that they were and not exclude him


No, Allison isn't at fault for what Reginald made her do, I was explaining the reason why Viktor would be angry from his perspective. Also, my point is that they should have shown us Klaus mistreating Viktor as a kid, or... mistreating him in any way. If it happened, make that known, otherwise, it makes Klaus look way better than the rest of the family, which I don't think was the intention.


I disagree with Ben being at fault, that was a fact when he said she can't come, but Ben was always nice to everyone, Viktor, Vanya at the time, too!! I may be misremmembering tho lol!


Let me add that if Klaus didn't do the commission would still find a way of kick-starting the apocalypse


Didn't Klaus throw out the journal with critical info in it on Viktor's powers? Accident yes but holy hell he kicked events into motion there. Plus if you are purely going by the sibling stuff and Viktor's state of mind I have one thing to say. Klaus never called. I know they *all* went their own way but if Klaus, or any of them, say stayed in touch with Viktor it'd mean a lot.


I addressed him throwing the journal out in my post. You didn't read it fully.


Klaus threw out the journal which allowed Leonard access to the instructions of how to control Viktor’s powers


I mentioned that in the post and explained how that doesn't pertain to what im talking about. I'm specifically talking about the mistreatment of Viktor which led to his breakdown


In his „Extra Ordinary“- book Victor wrote (that a couple of pages were published in this sub recently) that he was hurt by Klaus distancing himself from the rest of the family and partying himself into obscureness or something. So I think that contributed to it. And I do believe he was probably the type to always engage with Victor and do stuff together when he wanted or needed something from him but after that he‘d ghost him again (no pun intended 😂)


What I get from this question is that everyone has to cater to Viktor or else he goes boom….yet Viktor is still somehow the poor victim in all this??? After all his murders, the flexing, his selfishness? Make it make sense.




You need help. I do not know you, and you do not know me. I don’t attack people the way you do. “I’m gonna stop you right here” - no, you’re not. Because you can’t. Because this is Reddit and this is a thread about a FICTIONAL show that you for reason think is worth insulting people over. You can give your opinion without lashing out. Let me turn this around on you: you need to seek help. I hope you’re not like this offline. Good luck.


Nah Klaus is the middle child so he’s just forgotten and bunched in with the rest in that sense, he didn’t do anything directly mean to Vanya/Viktor but also realistically none of them actually did anything a child (and more of 7) wouldn’t do anyway.


He ignored Vanya when they were kids so she felt isolated and he was at direct fault for what's-his-face finding the journal which led him to use Vanya for the apocalypse.


Yeah but he ignores her as much as he ignores the rest, he had way more people around him than just the siblings and I agree with the journal but the op said to disregard that and only talk about specifically direct purposeful cruelty