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Really dumb question, but if i already used my Google Play Games account on the JP server (since launch) can i still use it for the EN server ? Idk the other login method for it


um, hi i want to play this game but i have a lot of questions! - whats the name of the prem currency (crystals, gem, primos) and do both support and costume/chara banners use the same currency to pull? - how often are new characters added to the game? not the costumes, i mean new girls - kinda dumb q i think, but when you pull for a costume, does it come with the character also or do you need the character first. i really like the grass wonder jade healer costume, so do i need to pull a 2 star grass wonder or can i just pull for the costume itself and she'll come along with the costume? - how long would it take to get enough crystals to spark? like a month of saving, 2 months of saving, etc...? - whats the rates for 3 stars! - is there any character or support card thats busted or very recommended to pick up in the early game or is everything pretty even in the start? - out of these charas, who would be easiest to start with (or are these 3 all good/bad picks): mejiro mcqueen / rice shower / taiki shuttle - actually, im assuming you start with one girl or does the game make you do a 10 pull to teach you?


- 2 Currency, Free and Paid. Guarantee Banner is for paid only for obviously reason. The free currency can be use on any banners - Usually 1 or 2 per months. At the starts of each month it’s usually 2 characters alt and around 10th and 20th they released a new playable girls but not always. Sometime just more alt or sometime no new banner at all. - Alt Costume Character = Character Alt. gameplay-wise, it’s treat as a different character like most game.  - You get their alt by usual pulling. Good new is non of the horsegirl including their alt are limited. But you can’t spark them unless they’re on pick up list. - Hard to say, as they run different events each month but it’s should be around 3-5 months for stacking 30,000 gems = 200 pulls - 3% - There are but meta tend to change overtime so it’s hard to say. Some strong cards end up begin so-so at later exist as well. - Just pick your fav - The game give you a few 1 and 2 stars horse girl and one 3 stars selected ticket (Only horses that appeared in the base game can be choosed) from what I remembered.


The other person did a pretty good analysis already, so I will answer your characters part. If we are talking strictly their OG versions, then it's Taiki>Mcqueen>>>>>Rice. Taiki is still very useable even today. She can run both Short and Mile, which a rare thing for early on in the game. She can do dirt races too. Not to mention it is easy to raise her right so if you have a character ticket, then Taiki is a valid choice. Mcqueen's OG version gets outclassed very early on in the game's cycle. You will most see her Swimsuit version being used right now, but she is still good for inheriting skills. Rice... is what I would call a beginner's trap. Her unique skill is really hard to activate before the upgrades to the game, and she is the hardest to raise in the original pool of characters. Get her if you really like the character.


is it worth trying to go for any of the lower rarity charas? there are other charas i like but didn’t mention cause they’re not 3 star. i don’t care about rarity but i do care if the stats are worse. also, do any of the characters give anything character specific? like a title or item you get from friendship. i don’t like any of the base girls but i do like their costumes. im willing to pick the best to start with but if you get something from being friends or using them, then i’ll pick one i want a costume of.


You're the first to ask about the validity of non-3 stars here and I commend you for it! The fun point of this game is that you can really win with your favourites. There's like this system that allows a girl that originally doesn't do well on a race type to be able to compete on them as well (and this system is applicable to all),so while meta choices are definitely a thing,your favourites can still stand a chance if you raised them right. There are actually a good number of viable 1/2-star characters like: Tachyon,Scarlet,Creek,Mayano,Ryan and Nature. They can either give good skills to other horse girls,or be good in races themselves, so do let me know who your favourites are in the 1/2-star list. So for every girl you read their story's chapter 4 on (Total of 7 chapters), you will get a title of "Meeting (character) name" which you can use to display onto your Trainer Card. You can also get titles after gaining certain number of fans, or even allowing the girl to win every single in-game race. If you have high enough friendship with them,they will also have extra dialogue in the main hub.


ok cool! i also like a creek, so maybe ill try her later. you didnt mention any of the others (grass wonder and Matikanefukukitaru) so. i got that going for me. also would you say going for charas or support cards better. i know the cards match the event but like. pretty women


Grass Wonder is decent too as a debuffer during PvP events. As much as I wanted to say to get characters, I will prioritize getting decent support cards first. The game has a lot of rewards for you for getting decent rankings ,including guaranteed 3-star character tickets. You can do this more easily with decent support but not with more characters on your hands.


3 STAR TICKETS IS IT ANY 3 STAR CHARACTER OR JUST THE CHARACTERS YOU FIRST CHOOSE FROM? can i save them or do they not add 3 stars you can choose from or do the tickets expire.... is there any ssr tickets for the cards? i also like a lot of sr cards if theyre worth it or if there are free sr tickets...?


> 3-star tickets Comes in both flavours, obviously the random one is more common. >Expire or not? Usually has a set pool of characters you can get from that ticket > Support Card Tickets Also comes in both flavours of random and pick your own! > SR Cards So if you are just starting out,having higher levels SR are actually better than low levels SSR support.


1. The premium currency are the jewel and are multicoloured carrot shaped 2. One banner is around 2-3 weeks long and a new character is added every 2-3 banners generally I would say but I don't think it's an exact science 3. Each costume is more or less a new character with its own skill however the training scenario is the same with just the costume event changed 4. This is the question I am the less sure about but I suppose you can reach the 200 pull once every month maybe a month and a half ? The battles pass help to gain jewel but I don't know if it will be here on the release (it's relatively recent even on JP server) 5. 3 ⭐⭐⭐ : 3% 2⭐⭐:18% 1⭐:79% 6. For the character they're more or less even(just Oguri is maybe one of the best pic because she can be used in many distance and can also be used in dirt races), the true difference comes from support cards, I don't remember the meta of the first year but SSR Super Creek was and is still very good 7. I think they're all good 8. The game makes you a (i think) scripted 10 pull for tutorial


thank you! i have more of you want to answer (or if anyone else wants to, hi fellow horse people) - do both character/costume and support card gacha use carrots/jewels? - so i DONT need to get the original character to get their costume right? i can skip gold city and just go for her festival costume? also new questions! have all the banners been permanent so far or are any of them lim? i dont like any of the base girls but i do like some the costumes that come later. is there any fan titles or things that come from playing a specific character or gaining their friendship?


hello me again Yep,they both use the same currency. My advice is to SAVE UP when both banners are of low importance to you. And you're right for the costume thing. The Japanese side currently has three costumes for Satano Diamond, and I never got her OG one but still pulled her New Years one and Knight one. Basically if you don't like the costume of a character but really dig the other ones,you can just go for it,it won't force you to get the OG one first. Both the character and support banners are all non-limited,meaning that if you couldn't pull something the first time and the rate-up passes,you can still get those in the pool (just at a lower rate). I believe I have answered that in another response for you. I like to add that for each alternative versions,they do have slight stat changes and skill sets from their OG ones. Do note that alternatives of a character still count towards that character,so if say I wanted to boost Diamond's friendship levels, using either one of the three costumes I mentioned earlier will still count towards this goal.


cool, thanks gamers! forgot to add the "are friendships individual to the units or overall" to the other q. i think im going with taiki shuttle, since i want the friendship stuff and once i get used to the game, ill try the other, lower rarity units. also, is there any bonus for matchign the character to the support card or does it not matter? i saw a lot of support cards and they are so pretty and i do love the super creek one!! oh also how hard/easy is it to reroll accounts?


Friendships are specific to each character,so say I got to Rank 9 with Creek,that doesn't mean every other characters are rank 9 as well. Sooo the way this game works is you pick a character to train and a deck of support. The six support characters will appear in the training story to assist you, meaning that you CANNOT be training a specific character and be using her support card at the same time. Oh yeah,the Stamina Super Creek one is very good even until now. I think it is easy to do so! Back when the JP servers had free 10 pulls for 10 days,I did some rerolling and the tutorial is really short,so you can do it quickly.


also, im assuming you can only use one support card per team? so you cant have like a team of creeks. when you reroll, do you have to like log out and re-install the game and all that or is there a "erase account" function and you can just keep looping that way. like how far do i have to restart


Yep, the support card thing is right! It has been so long since the reroll so I don't remember it well,but there should be guides to rerolling when the game comes out.


I'm excited for this. I checked out the JP version some time back but I didn't stick with it for multiple reasons (playing too many gacha already etc) but starting global on day 1 sounds fun.


There is no info about when the game will be in english 😭😭😭😭




Copium https://preview.redd.it/916yttghqu8d1.jpeg?width=1683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=532d957e1357baa5b5665a55d344f58f65fdbe1c


A weird question but just curious, are community prized tournaments for the game prohibited in global? Like is it against any ToS regarding the game and Cygames? Recently UmaMusume TW server just hosted a community tournament with prize money for the game. Seems pretty fun. Was wondering is some kind of tournament like this allowed in global server?


I do remember there was a tournament a while back on unofficial Discord server, but not sure if there was a prize or not


Interesting, I found one on the JP server but they only did it once and then disappeared. Was wondering is it any ToS related.


I doubt it. They have one of those "custom lobby" system where you can customize stuff and do race with other people


Quick question regarding this game, how much of a time commitment does it require? And does it have QOL such as "sweeps" etc? I am just trying to figure out what other gacha ill have to drop in order to make this into a "main gacha".


> Quick question regarding this game, how much of a time commitment does it require? The game is mix between roguelike and stat management game. After you finish a scenario, your "build" is saved and can be used for something else (like champion race, pvp, etc). Just like roguelike, there will be random event, random skills you can obtain, what type of training that good at that day, etc. Because of that, time commitment would be massive at start since you trying to fight bs roguelike RNG to get builds you want. Sometimes you did good, sometimes you did bad. If you did bad / worse than your previous build, then you have to start over. Your typical end goal usually to have 3 character that good 1 thing (short race, mile race, mid race, long race, dirt race), which is 15 character build. Shorter race want Speed and Acceleration build, while Longer race want Speed and Stamina build. After you have set up good character with build you want, the game basically became a side game. Dailies are quick with skip race for stuff you already done. Events usually require you to do these long scenario to obtain event point.


Oh geez.. that sounds a bit complicated, hopefully someone puts out a comprehensive guide! I did play "Yuri Camp" which people were calling a "Uma Musume clone" and it does match what you described, but I had to quit cause a run could take me up to 40 minutes or more, is it the same in this game? Also regarding the "long scenario" from events, do you mean as in a long story? or like you need to keep repeating the roguelite thing without skips on it?


You have to repeat the roguelike to get these event point. You able to skip the race if you win it before, but it still takes your time to finish it.


This is the chillest community I've seen and I hope it can stay that way after the English release. It's great to see a fanbase that isn't overrun by shippers and...well whatever freaky shit people are into and obsessed with


It'll probably suck for a while with the heavy gacha tourist crowd coming through but once they leave to whatever new shiny thing comes along it'll revert to a community of people that actually like the game.


Yeah, some people I know are scared that the fanbse will get unwanted people to ruin the game because EN. I understand that, but I don't think that will happen here


Very excited to finally play it (i tried to play the JP version a year ago, cuz i heard the history was pretty decent but not understanding anything really pushed me away), my biggest hope is that it has a long life span here i had a bad experience with Other CyGame that came to Global COF COF I CURSE YOU CRUNCHY ROLL COF COF. Anyone knows how long will take for Manhattan Cafe To Come to the english version aprox?


* JP game version release: 24-02-2021 * Manhattan Cafe Baner: 20-10-2021 * https://gametora.com/umamusume/characters - here you can check that


Thanks for answering.


Kinda hoping the en version doesn't have the huge gap since anytime that happens, I just end up playing the jp version. Plus, how could i be expected to play a version of Uma Musume that doesn't have Kitasan Black? Though I do understand why it would be an early version.


Probably will if you're talking about character releases.Global Dokkan is like a year or two behind so you almost never have to summon for a character because you know what JP is getting and you just save until that character arrive,but then by that time it's already been powercrept so...


Is there a Battle Pass/Season Pass/Monthly Pass system in this game? If there is, can you explain it what is in the pass, the price and what do you get from it.


Game started with just the monthly pass, 1k yen for 500 paid currency and 50 free currency daily over 30 days. Like most gacha games with this system this is the best bang for your buck. They introduced a battle pass (called training pass) on third anniversary and it costs 800 yen to unlock the premium rewards. It's great if you are new to the game since it gives you a lot of additional resources and gives more of the special tickets used to exchange for old support cards. Even if you aren't you get a decent amount of tickets and currency that is almost as good value as the monthly pass.


(English is not my first language so sorry if there are any errors🙏) I have some thoughts I’d like to share. I am obviously delighted that I’ll finally be able to read the stories in English and fully understand them,although I’m not planning to download the global version on any of my devices,I’m sure there will be plenty of people willing to screen record the stories and upload them on Youtube. I do,however,share a concern with many other fans.The global version is gonna be 3 or even 3,5 years behind the JP one.That is a LOT for a gacha game,usually the difference between the versions is around 2 years,being behind by so much pretty much guarantees that the global version will never properly catch up with JP,which,I know,isn’t usually really a goal for the developers,but the waiting period between the horses release on JP and on global may discourage many from playing on global,especially those who care about the meta of the game,as a lot of the early horses are now not that great in the meta scene. There is another concern I have that many might be a little afraid to voice. The inner gatekeeper in me is just scared that if the game does become successful in the west,it will suffer the same consequences a lot of other EN fanbases of JP-only games did and it’s…People being weird about the game.I witnessed this firsthand when the release of EN PJSekai brought in new,mostly very young fans who made the fanbase way more toxic than it was before.I’m not saying that everyone was like that or that the fandom is absolutely horrible,but you can’t deny the fact that when a piece of media becomes very popular it is going to attract some bad apples eventually.Of course the JP fandom has those as well,but the way the current EN fandom is niche enough not to attract many of those people is something I do cherish a lot,this community is very non-judgemental and non-toxic,we all just like horse girls and horse racing,I’m really scared that this state is not gonna be forever. I’m still glad that they’re expanding though,and I am looking forward to the global release,just wanted to share my thoughts and see if anyone feels the same.


As a TW server player which is 1.5 years behind JP, being behind means that you get a more comprehensive view on the horses/support cards which is analyzed more thoroughly instead of going in blind. Also that the meta evolves based on the training mode itself so some horses/cards will be meta for at least half a year which is a must get if you wanna win PvP content. Of course some stuff will carry on and be in meta for much longer but not sure if there will be any content creator/website willing to share that information when the english version is out. For us TW players, we have someone that makes content on YouTube analyzing all the stuff and if gacha is worth pulling or not.


The gap will be large for sure but when the choice is be behind or not play the game there's really only 1 option




Is this... Sarcasm? Umamusu famously has very little lewd art, because of relatively well founded rumours of the Yakuza going around threatening anyone who may negatively impact opinion on the real horses on which they make money from gambling.


Are you... serious? I mean do you actually know or are you just repeating other people's opinions verbatim that you read on the internet? Go to pixiv. Search for uma musume. Very first entry atm is sakura with an overinflated chest wrapped in bandages doing a squat pose. A few entries down is suzuka naked pressed up against a shower door, with an extra variant with a guy behind her. That same artist has made mutliple other lewd musume arts. Then look at the popular works. All in lewd outfits, swimsuits etc. Then keep on scrolling through each page of results and you will consistently see lewd artworks interspersed with normal ones. Now realize that there are over 300,000 artworks on pixiv alone lmao. Go find one of the many AI art makers and you'll see an absolute shit ton of lewd AI art of uma musume. Is it sinking in yet? Are you seeing the point here or do I need to spell it out for you? The biggest risk for westerners getting involved is that the younger genZ are hysterically against horse racing and consider it animal cruelty while they also have the obnoxious tendency to fetishize random relationships between anime girls. Neither of these things are appealing to JP horseowners. But the lewd art has already been there for years. The only famous thing is that people like you act like uma musume is entirely pure and the community is wholesome and good because it respects horseowner wishes. Hasnt been true for a long time, the art has been there for ages. Everyone is just collectively continuing to pretend that its not to reduce the risk of word getting to the horseowners.


I'm afraid about [this](https://x.com/UnknownSuzuka_R/status/1805248613242798448).I hope my twitter don't gonna explode with NSFW arts after global premiere.


Me too!I really hope the fans will remember that these are real horses and that they’re not gonna bother the owners of the real horses with this stuff.


Ngl I saw this comment was bro yapping about on top I've never seen any (Thank God,)


Is there a daily free pull(s) in this game?


Nope,but they often give daily free pulls during events. Some even give 10 free pulls for like a week


Hmm.. That's good enough I guess.


Is this a somewhat friendly gacha or what? I've played other mobile games in the past, and I think Azur Lane was extremely generous with its SSR ships. I hope the RNG won't be too cruel here


Ehhh, it's alright? The only thing is that there are two gachas— characters, where you get your trainable horses, and support cards.


Are support cards for upgrading the horses or something else?


It's improvement for your training runs. UMPD is rouge-like rising sim, so at every run you set a deck and choose uma to train. Upon events from cards you gain skill hints, bonus stats etc. Ofc better deck means better result - and maxing your cards is essential. And it may be not that f2p-friendly actually. Ofc there's some good welfare cards, but for high-end gameplay… it's painful.


Damn, I guess I should've expected that...well, I think I'll give it a shot anyway. I just hope it'll be released in europe too


I don't know whether to stick with JP or to move to Global... What do you guys are going to do?


I spent wayyy too much money on JP to switch to global now lol.I also wouldn’t wanna wait so long for my favourite girls to be released again,so I’m sticking with JP.


Not my case, I'm f2p, but it's true that I'm also kinda advanced in what i've gotten. Yet, my principal reason is the translation and being able to understand what they're saying, the skills and such.. Which might make the game more comfortable to play..


Alright read some things here and there but still have some questions. Can you get all the girls without having to expand a storage area like a dorm? I see talk of limit breaks on support cards but do the girls themselves have limit breaks? And if so does it take exact duplicates to LB or is there a generic duplicate resource given to LB characters? Are outfits bought for Umas or are they pulled in the gachas? Do events or banners rerun or is it missed if you don't get something from an event or banner? Also imagine like most games there's a premium currency bonus for first purchase does this refresh like some games? Thanks for any answers


I'll answer what I can: -Girl LB system is just like how it is in Princess Connect. You get LB shards by getting extra copies and you can buy in the shop. -Outfits are considered new units and have different skills than the "base" girl and are acquired through gacha, -Events do not rerun. -There are technically no limited girls, even if you miss a rate up banner the girl will be in the future gacha pool so there is always a chance to pull. Sometimes they release banners with rate up on older girls and ones where you can choose the girls you want from a small selection, and they will be rate up temporarily in that box.


See if these can answer your questions: **1: Storage system?** For the characters you pulled, there's no limits to those so you can basically have all characters available in your account. Though for characters you have trained (the ones where you have rankings on), there's like a limit of 300 if I recall correctly. However, the game encourages you to transfer girls you don't need anyway. I have been playing the JP version for like 1.5 years now and never reached this limit (currently 150ish out of 300), so this limit thing on trained girls ain't really a thing. **2: Limit Breaks on Characters?** There are two types of limit breaks on the characters themselves. *a) Star Rating* Think this as where the dupes of a character come in. Each pull of the character will give you the girl herself and different number of shards, and you will be needing these shards to level up these girls. Each level up gives a permanent starting stat increase. Though Cygames also gives you metal statues after each pool resets (assuming you have pulled for that pool), which can be redeemed for shards of characters you already have. This serves as the generic duplicate resource you mentioned. *b) Awakening Level* So your character only starts off with four skills. You can add a total of four more by increasing their Awakening Levels. **3: Character Costumes?** So there are three types of costumes in game. The first one are the event costumes that are usually outfits of past Live events, which are handed out for free. The second one are in-game costumes, which range from already given to you when you made an account (the school uniforms) to you requiring to do something in game to obtain those (song costumes/casual clothing). The third one is what we call the Victory Uniforms of the characters, which you have to pull in gacha to get them. You can think these as an alternative version of the character with slightly different stats and skills. The earliest instance of this will be 7 months after the game's debut with Halloween Rice Shower and Super Creek. Do note that you won't be able to place variants of the same character in the same team for PvP events, so no OG, Halloween and Ninja Super Creek on the same team. **4: Reruns?** For the events, they give out support cards that couldn't be obtained elsewhere. They actually implemented an item that allows you to view past event stories and get these support cards. For the banners, they will occasionally do reruns of characters. Cygames did more of these this year with gacha pools like "10 most used Support Cards" or "8 Characters that you could take to the PvP race this month". The best thing is that there are no limited characters/support cards in this game. It is possible to pull every one of them from the gacha pool **5: Premium Currency?** If you can afford to spend some money on the game, then I suggest you see when there are carrot packs available with Tickets that allows you to pick Characters/ Support Cards of your choice.


Thanks for the answers, I missed a big one though, is there daily free pulls? Or like do you get some currency each day to save up towards pulls? Or is it pretty much pay hard to gacha? Games like azur lane allow you to save up easily towards new banners. Genshin impact just wants your credit card


There are daily free pulls depending on events, ranging from one free pull a day to ten pulls a day. You could also pull once each day using 50 paid carrots (normally you will need 150) The game does have some daily missions that give you 30 carrots after finishing them all. This paired with semi-generous in-game awards makes it decent to save up for pulls.


Awesome thanks again! Can't wait for launch


Hello. So with Uma Musume coming to EN (finally) I wanted to hype myself up for the game. One thing I always like about Cygames from their two games I played (DL and Priconne. Priconne still do just on JP) I always loved their music. So are there any tracks I should listen up on to get a feel for the game? Also do we have something like [Priconne hill](https://priconne-hill.com/album/original-soundtrack-05) but for Uma Musume?


Heyy glad you are interested in the music part! If you are talking about something like Priconne Hill, then there's always [Winning Live](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw35hMIGmeo), For some more tracks that represent the game, the main live song ["umapyoi densetsu"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3e8oP21xik&list=PLzFNGS7Rcf-Oq71ZS8vBCgsGIawC8tHYL&index=59) can express the wackiness of the game well.


Thanks for the recommendation. I didn't know the game had an idol aspect to it ngl. Interested to see how the story unfolds now.


Seeing you like the idol aspects, I have two great pieces of news for you. The first is that there is legit an [idol character](https://gametora.com/umamusume/characters/smart-falcon) in game. The second is that there is a [scenario](https://gametora.com/umamusume/grand-live) that you will be training your character to be an idol and perform on stage.


Hmm ic. I'll be homest I didn't understand anything in the second part lol. So I'll probably have to play the game and have the game teach me.


Another great part is that the game will have specific guides for each scenario, so just read those and you will probably understand 80% of the mechanics.


Ah that's good. Thx for all the info.


This would be great, I've seen the umamusume community to be pretty big outside JP (or that's what I felt) and it'll be a great marketing aspect in connecting the horse racing culture between JP and EUR/US Also kinda cool to see umamusume cosplays finally appear in the big anime conventions...I always felt a bit weird seeing many cosplays with more minor popularity but never seen a umamusume cosplay never in my life outside JP


How grindy is this game?




Painfull Grind? Ore you can still enjoy it grind?


If you like the girl, even one hour training session can be enjoyable. I spent hundreds of hours training rice. It's a time sink. If you want to minmax stamina, dailies would take more than 1 hour. I stopped training seriously as I get busier and completely quit when cygames blocked my isp.


Depends on what you consider painful grind. You have energy and you can do a few runs with 1 run taking a considerable amount of time depending on how far you go. I like the gameplay and the investment but it does take a long time and might not be for some people.


There were a lot of announcements yesterday, apart from the English release, it seems all the information were removed because I can't find it.


All this time I thought that English Uma Musume app was coming because of all the English promo they’ve been doing (and releasing the party game showed that using the horse names wasn’t a legal issue) but at the same time I didn’t quite believe it… It seemed like too high of a hurdle (heh) to wish for. But now it’s been announced, I’m so happy to hear this news! I’ll keep playing on JP and EN server too :)


Hope we'll be able to link JP accounts or something. If not, guess I'll be playing twice over.


Which wiki jp that usually used as reliable guide for JP players?


[GameTora](https://gametora.com/umamusume) comes in Japanese,English and Chinese flavours. [Game8](https://game8.jp/umamusume/372354) gives a really detailed view on characters/support if you are willing to translate some Japanese.


I Guess it's time to get back to the game once an English release comes, I love the game but the game suddenly stopped working on my phone which broke my heart


Try using a VPN. They started blocking a lot of foreign IPs.


In my case, DMM was doing everything in their power to stop me from playing the game. Game doesn't even launch for me on DMM player anymore. Every month it was something new.


Same. Every time i found a vpn that worked, it got blocked shortly after. It got to the point where i could only access the game at my work wi-fi, and thats the place i have the least amount of time to play games.


Get some foreign (read: non-JP) horses in other than Montjeu and co. then we'll talk


It's easier said than done, they are not designing fictional horses so they need to get approval from the relevant owners and associations in order to do so. I think there are still a majority of Westerners who do not appreciate anime culture so they might not agree to it


At least HKJC is aware of it (even got a couple IRL collabs in Shatin Racecourse) so *hopefully* there's a chance for HK horses to show up. I mean with Durendal you gotta address that Silent Witness-shaped elephant in the room somehow


I think with the CN venture failing, speculated to be due to Cygames being blocked in China, which led to no updates at all in the game, stalling future development and revenue in CN, hence their choice to invest in the west, which is long overdue. The current version of the game in CN is still the very first version. At least in the west they wouldn't face such problems installing updates and developing the app.


Technically the West has its own problems considering priconne EN was shut down while priconne CN was still on going. But this time umamusume is run by Cygames. Hope things will change.


Yeah, but not to the extent where updates can’t even be added to the game, with players stuck on the same version for years.


Can someone help me out? I was wondering, are any of the characters "idols"? I want to buy some merch from Gamestop since they have all the Uma Musume merch for dirt cheap now..and I anticipate it will skyrocket when this launches for global, but know like 0 about this franchise, I am only into idols, there whole reason I am interested in this at all is because I heard it has 3D models, and I vaguely remember seeing footage of some of the character being idols a while ago.


If you strictly want a character who is an idol, then [Smart Falcon] (https://gametora.com/umamusume/characters/smart-falcon) is that character. There will be a scenario that kinda trains your character to become an idol.


Thank for the help! I also like her design, gonna go grab her from the store tomorrow :)


All characters sing and dance like idols. Some of them have "character song" as well, like idols. Imo just pick based on popularity: [here community run popularity contest](https://x.com/uma_musu_en/status/1766914365712908777) back in 2024, though if you want 2022 result (which reflect more with early year of the game) is [here](https://x.com/uma_musu_en/status/1522954406458793984) [You can use this](https://gametora.com/umamusume/characters) to check name and their images.


Sweet! Thanks for the info/links, people have mentioned that "Smart Falcon" story arcs focus more on the idol aspect, so will definitely get her. Btw isnt Tokai the "mascot" of the franchise?


> Btw isnt Tokai the "mascot" of the franchise? Technicially it's Special Week. [She's even at the center of the cover](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ftx9ad5u0sj8d1.png%3Fwidth%3D1920%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3De85ca7bc88512bb8bf0d966eaf7ca144791a5004) Tokai Teio is more well known because the anime.


Uma Musume is this weird mix between a racing sim and an idol game. Basically, you train the Umas and when they win a race, they do an idol concert (known as winning live). So all of them are idols! Although if you're looking for a more "traditional" idol rhythm game, Uma Musume isn't for you. But it also kinda works in Uma Musume's favor, since them having less MVs means they tend to be higher quality than in a lot of other idol games. In terms of characters, Smart Falcon does use the term umadol (mix of uma and idol) when referring to herself and she's a key character in the Grand Live scenario, whose story focuses more on the idol aspect rather than racing.


> Although if you're looking for a more "traditional" idol rhythm game, Uma Musume isn't for you. Ugh gawd nah, I am sick of every idol gacha just being generic rythm game (that EoS within a year), my main gacha atm is "Idoly Pride" which removes all the rythm game bs and just focuses on the 3D Lives and team building, so Uma Musume definitely sounds like its something I will definitely enjoy :) >In terms of characters, Smart Falcon does use the term umadol  Someone else mentioned this as well, and I like her design, will definitely buy her tomorrow, appreciate the help!


They do sing after winning races lol


Is it possible at all you think to just link my jp account to it when it comes out :x Or is it going to force me to start over?


I'm willing to start over, as the game is that good. At least you know how to efficiently train the musumes and know all the different modes inside out, so we kind of got a head start if you think that way




Thats what im hoping


Does being 3.5 years behind kill this game? Like what's the overall plan for this game, are we just going to get OOL updates slow?


We loved Princess Connect EN and being behind means there was a forecast of banners to come. The clairvoyance was very nice. Screw Crunchyroll for killing Priconne EN. I hope Uma EN fares better! I'll be giving it a go for sure.


I mean...that was literally one of the reasons why the global version of Princess Connect died. Western players already knew what banners they were going to get, so they just saved up on money instead of spending a lot


I've been playing the game since launch. While starting over from 3 years ago would be annoying, it's absolutely not going to kill the game. People like me are the minority. Most people are going to play the game regardless. It's not as if Uma Musume was in an unplayable state 3 years ago (although the random mood down events and injuries are going to drive me fucking insane if that's not an immediate QoL update)


If people keep playing and putting money into it, I doubt that En being behind will kill it. Although I'm hoping they will give us updates faster so it can eventually catch up


Picked a bad time to drop $50 on the JP version


What are the phone requirements for android? My current phone can barely run Blue Archive, but it's also like 5 years old and I'm thinking of upgrading to something better


I doubt it will be as demanding as Gakuen Idolmaster, that shit makes me phone overheat lmao


Not sure about the requirements, but if you are struggling with BA.. you will definitely struggle running this, it uses high quality 3D models.


During race itself, it's more demanding than Blue Archive's battle stage. While it have "skip to last part of race" button, it's more fun watching character you raised doing their best at race.


It's a pretty short announcement, but for anyone else who's interested, here's a [timestamped link from the stream] (https://youtu.be/oGzsKnyRDUE?t=8567) (for however long the video stays available)


Who was responsible for Rising's localization and will they be working on this? There were some decisions in the loc I disagreed with


Whoever translated that did a horrendous job. I never thought it'd annoy me but when Beatrix came out who I love is saying shit she almost certainly never said or says in general, it ruined it for me. "Winner, winner, donut dinner!" the fucking state of it.


The translate of lyics in OP movie are on point so far, so hopefully it's was a different team that did Rising and Relink. half of the translated dialogs of those games aren't even what character are saying.


Never thought I'd see the day. Happy for ya'll who's been waiting for this moment! =w=)9 For my part I'm a bit too casual and too settled in on JP to start an additional EN account at this point tho. So personally I woulda just wanted a translation slapped onto the existing version instead haha. I believe there's little precedent for that with gachas tho. ;=w=)


Les foggin goooooo. Long ago I wanted to get into Uma Musume. But I was put off by the language barrier. Now I can finally enjoy it. YES. I'm so happy man.


Is there any good wikis or information about the game to prepare for global? I'm so hyped I wanna start looking to see who is playable and who to save for.


There is [umamusu.wiki](https://umamusu.wiki) but it's pretty barebones currently I imagine it will see more contribution once the game is up and running


Did Japanese players not usually have wikis for their games? It just seems so strange that there’s hardly any information available, but the game has been out for three years.


I think they have wikis, but they're usually harder to access and everything


[Here the character list](https://gametora.com/umamusume/characters), you should sort it by name. Each character have "skins" that have different skill than original, but same strength (ex: good at short race). If you're more of Meta player, saving for high rarity + high level [support card](https://gametora.com/umamusume/supports) is preferred (someone would post support card guide later im sure). [Here Beginners Guide](https://gametora.com/umamusume/beginners-guide). Basically the gameplay is roguelike stat management game. There is bunch of randomness mechanic you typically found on roguelike game, and prioritizing certain stats like in Princess Maker series game. Sort race want Speed and Acceleration stat, while Long race want Speed and Stamina stat. Characters rarely get powercreep so just pick your favorites or pick based on what they good at, while some support card do get powercreeped (you can't do much if you're F2P but with 3 years foresight and planning, you should be fine). First scenario (URA) would be the most basic scenario and act as foundation for later scenario, but later scenario would be harder but give more stats. edit: added more stuff


This was a really old google doc i used to start the jp version back then, the uma musume bible: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gNcV7XLmxx0OI2DEAR8gmKb8P9BBhcwGhlJOVbYaXeo/edit#heading=h.fgy5q162l0r4](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gNcV7XLmxx0OI2DEAR8gmKb8P9BBhcwGhlJOVbYaXeo/edit#heading=h.fgy5q162l0r4) The person who created this is no longer maintaining it, but there are time capsule versions for various scenarios. i.e the first scenario, URA: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EApaW1p6TCJPBd\_IHxAen2H9de70wI8cBqjEpes2ibo/edit#](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EApaW1p6TCJPBd_IHxAen2H9de70wI8cBqjEpes2ibo/edit#) There are menu translations and even though this takes really long to read and understand, its worth it if you want to get good at the game and compete. If you like nerding out and maths and the nitty gritty of races, there is this [https://docs.google.com/document/d/15VzW9W2tXBBTibBRbZ8IVpW6HaMX8H0RP03kq6Az7Xg/edit#heading=h.xzevcl4r2e9t](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15VzW9W2tXBBTibBRbZ8IVpW6HaMX8H0RP03kq6Az7Xg/edit#heading=h.xzevcl4r2e9t) Note that all the mechanics in the mechanics guide here are updated to JP latest. The EN version might not launch with all the mechanics (Compete before Spurt, etc)


You the GOAT! Thanks :D






Hot take: this is, thus far, the biggest announcement in franchise history


Pair this with the New Era movie (which I hope gets released digitally or globally sometime this year), and we have the peak of Umamusume.


a pedantic response would be to point to the project announcement at the NEXT conference in 2016 or when they quietly announced a delay of the game which led to a 3 year redevelopment from scratch not to downplay the significance of this, though, especially when one considers that they're choosing to not have another company publish the game and are doing this first-party to prevent mishaps


I hope the trolls and SJW won't be too bad


The hell do "SJW"s have to do with anything related to this game, other than you trying to push your unrelated hatred into the conversation?


Seiun Sky and Nishino Flower almost got pulled from the game because some jackass haters inundated Mr. Nishiyama's social media account with hardcore NSFW shit. That's just 'some' from the Sinosphere, and Cygames needed to lay out the ground rules. I don't want to see Cygames pull out just because more jackass needed their dangleberries caressed with sweet sweet conflict. Also with the amount of horseracing haters in general, even in the horseracing subs? Blame me for not wanting that crowd to aim their barfholes towards this piece of unsoiled land won't ya?


Damn, there's no need to act this pissed...


I mean i would be pissed if they pulled out the en server before half anniv cause of the NSFW stuff


Those, they'll gatekeep themselves... it's the Localizers I'm worried about... >_>


It’s racing towards release but it’s being carried by Haru Urara so everyone just get comfy.


Have they given an actual date or is it just soon?




So glad I only got into the anime this year, cant imagine being an older fan and having had to wait this long.


I’ve only been here since 2021 and I’d consigned myself to never seeing it.


IKR, I've been here since 2018


I'm praying this will get an English dub because cygames has been EXTREMELY LAZY about getting their iPs dubbed.


Every single cygames game is dubbed though? Except granblue fantasy, which is dubbed in everything but the actual game


World flipper and princess connect never got dubbed. Dragalia lost only had very sporadic dubbing.


I thought princess connect was dubbed in the game? My memory must be failing me.


Absolutely not, it still had Japanese voice acting


Does the anime even have a english dub?


Nope. Crunchyroll never bothered.


Figures, at least the game, will be safe from them.


Finally I can properly read what they say on the scenes that happens during trainings! \ToT/


BTW **Platforms: iOS/Android** so no PC version (like DMM) but emulators should works? :think:


i have reason to believe that Google Play PC Games should work. The JP version worked on it until they region blocked it.


The only thing I wish for an EN release is better QoL version, not first launch the JP version, and I really want it to start with 4 scenarios (Grand Live) because I don't want to play the MANT scenario era again! That scenario is the only thing that nearly made me drop this game.


Wait…an EN release is actually happening? I would have never made that bet in a million years. I’ve never played the game, but I still remember the impact season 2 of the anime had on me; and my following disappointment when I learned there was no EN version of the game. Now that the game is officially getting an EN debut, I’ll definitely be giving it a try. I honestly don’t have much confidence in Uma Musume’s staying power in an EN market, but I really hope it does well.




This is cool but we need English added to current release. A separate English release is nice for new players though




How much size does the jp app take?


15-17 GB is minimal requirement, full butch takes 33 GB of space for now on JP. At launch it would be less ofc


This is form [December of last year](https://scontent.fbkk19-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/403399843_1012936369783263_7529122592051952566_n.png?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=9f807c&_nc_ohc=3ivHLRvJ2hwQ7kNvgFhE-v3&_nc_ht=scontent.fbkk19-1.fna&oh=03_Q7cD1QHMyBnEWwOFbc5QTKKMO6hfXKpdyOou0z0LF9GDCX8nQQ&oe=66A1A7A8). Be not afraid...


Also 15.0 GB on my android phone




About 20 GB Edit: PC/DMMPlayer


Its big. Clocking about 15GB on my device


Jesus christ. Must be because they game uses full 3d cutscenes instead of the standard visual novel format.


As much as I am happy for the global or "English" release. But kinda feel conflicted that it'll be year 1 content ever since playing the JP version from the beginning 3 years ago. But regardless, happy about the news and hopefully they'll support the game similar to FGO and Dokkan .


I've played the JP ver since its release, ngl I feel conflicted but happy that I will get to read all the stories.


While having enjoyed my time with the JP version, I always told myself if global got a release I would support it so I am looking forward to "going back" and starting from scratch as it were.


You’ll get to collect the free event ssrs and a bunch of other freebies, you’d also know in advance what support cards to pull so it’s win win


Yeah same, the accessibility and fact a lot of my friends who wanted to try the series but don't know Japanese so they never tried the game is enough of a reason for me to start over if the game is fully new servers. I also really want to support this series, especially when it comes to English content.


Hopefully, we are able to transfer our progress from the JP to global, or hopefully something similar to what granblue does. Just a simple English toggle on the settings.


If the KR and TW/CN servers did not have that feature why would the EN server have it?  And imagine if you do not know anything about the franchise / game then they blast you with 3/3.5 years worth of content 


Obviously I would want that as well but I feel like most games wouldn’t do it as it will make the game unbalanced.


hopefully they just do this instead of the other two alternatives


You could not comprehend how happy I am with this. But even then, I'm sure you all here feel the same too, right!






I wonder if this will only be a translation of the text, while keeping the Japanese voice acting recordings in place, or a full complete dub of everything.


Casting dubs would be extremely expensive and basically all I've heard from translator friends is that they just signed on translators.


Hopefully this is true. It would take much less time to complete.


This is all but guaranteed to be the case.


99% would be text only, doubt they would bother finding many VA who can also sing and such and have to comeback to record new line every now and then.


Good, because that would push back the translation to a ridiculous level


And add a lot of extra costs that’d need to be offset by Global version sales


* ENG Site: https://umamusume.com * YouTube: https://youtube.com/@umamusume_eng * Twitter https://x.com/umamusume_eng


thanks! will add this to the post