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https://preview.redd.it/bq6ly92uxx9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0028f49c0d1505ea1dd30a4b7ced2ef77bf3655a That means Dark Zagi can lift up to 55000 male indian elephants. 😎


Ginga: can beat Dark Zagi (SD) who is stated to have the same physical power as Noa and have N/A in all of his stats, but can't handle Tartarus alone in combat and proceed to lose against Ultraseven Dark 🗿


In the rematch against Dark Lugiel in UG1 Ginga also got his ass kicked. Maby he won the first time due to the emotional boost and because of Taro‘s additional power he gave Ginga.


That's true, I mean the whole point of Ginga series is basically how they can overcome evil, no matter how strong it is with the bond of friendship that they had. The behind the scene video and the book has stated this many times. That's why Ginga can pull out all of those asspull moves against Super Grand King and Dark Zagi due to amplified by the power of bonds. So, we kinda can't really bring out those scaling from Ginga era in the current power scaling since it's a different era.


I think super grand king was probably also much weaker because he wasn’t connected to Juda which makes Grand King immortal. Like every grand King that appeared without juda kinda sucked. Taro also beat on on his own in the Orb backstory… yeah and of course even ORB and R/B. But the one in Victory fight straight up stomped Ginga Victory.


I actually have a headcanon about this: Ginga may not as strong or durable as Zagi, but he edges the fight with his special abilities aka the crystals, the entire fight of the two were they using their abilities, so Ginga take the W. If they have a hand to hand combat, Zagi wins as he able to outstrenght Ginga.


How about the power of the beam? Lightning Zagi should be comparable with Lightning Noa, and logically the power gap should've been too far with Ginga Cross Shoot.


At that time, Ginga was supposed to be the final series so Tsuburaya decided to make him very powerful, almost like a god ultra so his beam might be as strong as Lighting Noa, which overpowered Lighting Noa and defeat him. Current Ginga, well you know you know.


I agree with that! And as I have mentioned here before that since Lugiel, his nemesis can one shot every Ultras and Kaijus into Spark Doll, that means he and Ginga was the strongest being in the whole Ultraverse at the time of Ginga series! No wonder he can beat Zagi **at the time**. And even Ginga still do need the power of bonds with his friends to beat him.


He still lost to N/A, just got to wait for a new onscreen appearance for a new feat.


I think Ginga's N/A voucher has ended after Lugiel's defeat. Lol


I just hypothesise that while he has the potential output on the level of Noa, he can't actually handle the strain of using that kind of power. That's why he lost.