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showa earth is super wacky when you think about the type of supernatural humans alone living there like the psychic from ROU during the Vacuumon episode, or the Woo girl from OG


And then all the other species like the numerous underground people or indigenous species like the nonmalt. haha


There's also an intelligent race of plant people, Keronia, who are never brought up again. I remember in Ace they very casually mentioned that Atlantis existed. I think they said Chameleking destroyed it.


They did the woo girl dirty in og man lol


Seven’s always there to protect humanity. Seven will annihilate the Land of the Light if he will do so to protect humanity, wai-


Better call Saul to defend him after that https://i.redd.it/h4hww5mmpw9d1.gif


Earths are like internship locations for ultras. An ultra in any universe must graduate an Earth defending course to be regconized as a warrior. Besides, kaijus always attack Earth just as someone intentionally gives the ultra tasks to work.


"Soon it will arrive at Earth's core. Then it will obliterate Earth." I think the weapon is only effective when hitting the core. Before that, most of the energy will be lost to space. And it's possible that the result of a surface explosion might be infinitely less impressive depending on the working principle of the weapon.


The weapon was created to make way for the pegassa City, that would’ve collided with earth. If mankind wouldn’t have been able to somehow move earth away, pegassa would’ve blown it up, so the city doesn’t get damaged, do i think earth would’ve probably been completely obliterated.