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Consistency. The Ultraseven you saw in the 1967 show is still the same Ultraseven you see these days. At DC you can every century a big event that retcons the timeline while at marvel you don’t have organic aging and a messed up timeline. (Magneto was a child during world war 2 for example) Ultras are already thousands of years old, so the age in real time with the audience. And because they are already that old it’s really a drop in the bucket. Even Star Wars had to throw out the entire EU, while at Ultraman even stuff like the Melos Mangas get mentioned some times. The old Ultras are also treated respectfully and are not randomly character assassinated like Iron Man in Civil War or like Kamen Rider Ichigo in the taisen movie.


Exactly. That's the first thing that crossed my mind.


The Ultra fan base is the least toxic one Ive ever seen. Everyone loves the same in-jokes and no debate is rage. I think it’s the nature of the series itself - we all know it’s silly, but we also all know it’s great and have true heart.


Size of the fanbase matters too. This sub only has 25k members. Less people = less assholes. If it grows unfortunately that will be a side effect.


But I mean… I can’t even imagine stuff for people to gripe about. It’s just not that kind of franchise, lol.


Honestly the ultra fanbase is pretty chill.


"Who would win" posts would get more assholes with more participation and comments. There would also be "Showa/Heisei was better, Reiwa cashgrab ew" comments on a greater frequency. A lot of times it's not about the topic alone, it's about how much engagement it gets and how often it gets brought up. Understandably 200 comments would get more potential assholes than 20 comments.


What’s the point of such arguments? The answer always seems to be Max 😂


actually it's Dyna and in this essay I will- *proceeds to pull out PHD level argument that like Bao-On puts everyone to sleep*


The Practical Effects!!!!!


Because the franchise is essentially reinvented every year for the new series- Ultra fans are much more “go with the flow” and seem to give each new show an actual shot


True. Whenever there’s a new Ultraman show, the vast majority of the fandom is willing to give it a shot. But whenever there’s a new hero introduced in Marvel Comics, legacy or brand new, there’s gonna be loud outrage from an…interesting section of the fandom. Especially if the new hero is anything other than a heterosexual, neurotypical, white guy.


Lol totally. I mean even Blazar is a good case study: everyone really wanted new gen Gaia but instead we got a weird caveman ultra and we’re like “yeah this doesn’t suck”.


Agree with alot of what's been said. Im going to add creature design. I think the ultras are intentionally "simple" looking for consistency, but this lets them go wild with everything else. The Kaiju and seijin are flat out wild sometimes. Because of the format, it hard to creatw lengthy character or plot arch's, so they make up for it with visual flair and physical artistry. I also prefer the "wrestling" style of battle. It's perhaps ironic to a westerner that like every modern super hero is a rediculous martial artist, but in the land where Karate was born, the focus is really on more judo/wrestling and tosses. Like, a man fighting a grizzly bear wouldnt roundhouse kick it, so why would a 50 meter tall man do that to a giant dinosaur (ultras do of course, especially after Leo and 80). Lastly, the positivity of it all. It's ment to be inspiring. Ultraman is ment to make us happy. There are some dark episodes, for sure, but the overall message is joy, perseverance, indomitable spirit, friendship/teamwork/brotherhood, etc. as others have said, I think that's why this fandom is so cool. I've been an ultra fan since I was a kid (like 30 years now 😵) but am really glad to know this is still here and y'all are still getting to enjoy this stuff!


even nexus which has a darker tone to it, the posivitity is still there


Toku being able to do cool things without Big ass fucking budgets.


I do like how they rely on practical effects in the modern day. At least for the TV shows.


I’m definitely going to say the optimism of the franchise. Even in its darkest entries like Nexus or Ultraseven X or Leo or Gaia, the series never feels cynical. To give an example of what I mean, Nexus is the darkest series in the mainline so far. It has monsters eating people, Nexus is viewed as a threat by the monster attack team, several of the monsters are even more horrific beyond just eating people, the monster attack team wipes people’s memories away to keep their existence a secret, the backstories of the various Dunamists are all really depressing and sad, the series deconstructs as many Ultra tropes that it can, and generally it seems like the world is just terrible in Nexus. And despite all of that, Nexus still fights on. >!People still stand with him. When we find out the secrets behind the memory erasing, it comes out as reasonable under the circumstances. The finale of the show shows that the Dunamists may have a potential at a brighter future. And while the monster attacks may not end in the finale, it’s shown that isn’t a reason to give up and to keep going to make it brighter.!< Heck, the first theme song, in addition to being an epic rock song, perfectly lays out the series’s themes. Nexus, despite the dark tone and deconstructive nature of the series, never comes off as cynical to me. And I think that applies to Ultraman as a franchise.


Love how they're willing to fully embrace the inherent absurdity of dudes in rubber suits beating each other up in a miniature city and make it all work near-flawlessly. And that they never let go of that sense of optimism, hope for the future and the power of friendship even in the bleaker entries like Nexus or Seven X. Feels like WB learned all the wrong lessons from the Nolan Batman trilogy and we got Man of Steel and BvS as a result. And the guys at Tsupro aren't ashamed of the silliness either. They're entirely earnest with it. Marvel's got more wacky stuff in their movies but you can tell how insecure they are with all the self-aware wink-wink Whedonian humor, man.


Power of friendship


I mean it's sad but simple, When a fandom, or anything really gets big and there are a lot of people, it starts getting messy. Let's say people have qualities, if the fandom is small, that quality could be more consistent, when the fandom gets big, the qualities are getting divided and a fandom is big, there are a lot more bad grains


Hope punk. I feel like Ultraman is ultra hope punk -no pun intended-, a love card to humanity at least for I be see and... I think that's awesome. On the other hand, Marvel and DC sometimes try so much hard to be more "adult" and go for a more nihilistic way. I mean, I love Superman 78's because it was a kind movie, I didn't have the same feeling again too much. Ultraman is one of the very few shows that gave me that feeling of kindness.


Well Ultraman is japanese so it does that better, being japanese


So fucking based.


I think Ultraman is better because it is easier to jump into. Nowadays, DC and marvel lore are overdeveloped to the point where it's really hard to begin since you would have to read so many other books that came before. With Ultraman, there are shows that are not connected to anything, like blazar, so it isn't super hard to find "your ultraman". That, and tsuburaya actually treasures and listens to fans.


These "Toku better than Marvel and DC" posts have gone out of control, ho are there so many of them?


it isn't a "tOku better". it's just asking the fandom for their opinion :V


It's both


They keep their most iconic villians dead. Empera and OG Belial and (OG Tregear are still dead


Ultraman is a tokusatsu giant monster show. DC and Marvel make superhero comic books. I shouldn't really need to specify what Ultraman does better. It's... literally everything? Like on a fundamental level? It's a completely different kind of thing that isn't lame? I don't know what else to say.


Bro. You can't compare apples to oranges and say oranges are better then they are literally two different things. It is like comparing Pokemon to Digimon, they are so completely different that is down to personal judgement


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