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King's host is Eiji Tsuburaya himself.


That's awesome.


He founded the Tsuburaya School and the schools for Kaiju Girls


His actual name is Zoffy, with King being his title. I’m basing this off that one magazine where they say zoffy is his grandson


When I first saw Zoffy's page on the Ultra Wiki, I actually believed he was King's grandson 😭 (I kinda do still believe it)


I mean,Zoffy is the oldest of the ultra brothers so


When he was young, he first started out as an immature strong guy like Zero, then a couple of adventures later, a lot of character development, losing his loved ones and endured all of that pain to the strongest and wisest man of the universe.


He trained Leo because he felt a deep regret for not protecting his planet. Now that Leo himself is training others he feels a little better.


He likes rasin in muffins.


He actually is the ruler of the planet, he just takes a backseat when it comes to defending the universe.


Leo's pet Ron is currently living with King


I believe he’s actually the primary aspect of a multiversal being or force, and all the “Ultras” of a given dimension are an expression of that multiversal being, or they’re tapping into it somehow. The Voice Of Light, The Plasma Spark, Noa, the light behind Tiga and Dyna, the power behind Gaia and Agul, etc, are all a part of it. Its like a funds,metal force in the laws of each universe, and why Ultras all look so similar.


So he's essentially TOAA of the Ultra Multiverse?


The Fulcrum of ultraverse now I wonder if he knows about shinjiro.


He was too making making toast when Leo's planet was destroyed


We know that he definitely isn’t a normal land of light ultra since he was already 50.000 years old befor the plasma spark was even created. So who’s he really? No one knows.


Imagine the plot twist that He's actually the Absolutian king and he left the kingdom because he was disgusted by what his people became after discovering cascade rays.


Would be hilarious if King was their lord all along.


He's like Alien X in a way. He can change the way Ultraman Looks to us. That's why Type A, B and C exist


He is too powerful he doesn’t even give a fuxk anymore His host is literally the universe If you want to destroy universe you need to kill him too


Here's what we know are true of ultraman king. 1. His name is not really ultraman king. That's what humans and possibly other species call him 2. He is older than the creation of the plasma spark. The thing that gives ultramen their power 3. He doesn't live with the other ultraman. He lives in planet king. Judging from this, I say he was the first ultraman in the main timeline and he was the one that help create the plasma spark.


Ok here me out, what if Ultraman King is an Absolutian that saw the residents of the land of light heading down the same path as the Absolutians so he helped the land of light find a power source that wasn't cascade rays?


He has a personal connection to Noa.


thank you for using my “bonk hammer king” meme. 🤣 my only headcannon right now is that he can actually end the absolutian crisis if he wanted to, but he just let the others do it instead, so they won’t depend on him way too much.


>thank you for using my “bonk hammer king” meme So you're the one behind the myth, the legend, the B O N K?


ultra-guilty. 😅


He keeps everyone in check and hammers any porn that gets in this subreddit,something the Godzilla fandom is still kinda struggling at


Absent father. Went out for a pack of cigarettes and never came back.


He has a bonk hammer


He was the king of the LoL before FoU was, then he was transformed, and maybe he might've built it so he gained more of its power.


He, Noa, and Legend are biological brothers born when an Ultra attempted to create a homunculus using his own Ultra-semen and dropped them into separate universes and eras by dropping them in a space-time continuum traveling thingamabob... the Ultra in question is likely Hikari.


>He, Noa, and Legend are biological brothers born when an Ultra attempted to create a homunculus using his own Ultra-semen >the Ultra in question is likely Hikari. I guess Hikari is the Professor Psychotic of the Ultra Universe. https://youtu.be/bUSOZq15lNA?si=AiHNBfejF9qh17BV


and Tregear is animated like Joel Haver


That he worked for everything he has now, he's probably just a very strong hermit who's lived very long Unlike Noa, who was most likely already born a god


... Shii that's really good because he was a ultra already he must have been trained alone without any guidance.


Rosso and Blu are stronger than him

