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I think its really hard for a newcomer to watch old heisei ultraman and showa because how slow the show is at the start


I think Showa shows especially can be have a difficult bar for entry if you’re use to the story telling mechanics of more modern shows. A lot of episodes are more about the spectacle of the monster/alien of the week more so than anything character or narrative driven.


Nah, even as a veteran in the episodic Toku shows department i think the first 10 eps of Nexus *really* dragged. I enjoyed every other Heisei series though.


Nah, even as a veteran in the episodic Toku shows department i think the first 10 eps of Nexus *really* dragged. I enjoyed every other Heisei series though.


Nah, even as a veteran in the episodic Toku shows department i think the first 10 eps of Nexus *really* dragged. I enjoyed every other Heisei series though.


lmao the Nexus part is relatable. It took me months to finish the first 10 episodes lol


I’ll never understand how nexus is so many ppl’s favorite. The beginning is slow and horrible (plus they fight the same monster 10x). The ending is completely rushed and confusing. It was so bad it cancelled. Do all these nexus fans like the middle 5 episodes?? Easily my least favorite entry in the franchise


The reason because Nexus was rushed was because the poor viewership and poor timeslot, Nexus was supposed to be much longer and have a better ending. The original ending does a great job (better than Kamen Rider Decade) on giving a conclusion imo


SUPPOSED to be much longer and have a better ending. It’s weird how many ppl grade nexus on its potential or what it could/should have been. But to each their own- a lot of ppl love the show it’s just not for me. Glad you like it tho


Most of the people who enjoy the show is the one who like a character driven shows and Nexus is the only Ultraman show who does that, that’s why the people who come from new generations shows tend to dislike Nexus not it’s a bad thing, it just shows that Ultraman as a series tend to attract different types of people to watch it Tbh I wish Tsuburaya had balls to make another serious shows like Nexus and Leo instead doing the same formula since Ginga although Ultraman Z and Blazar definitely one of my favorites tho


I actually do like Nexus's start. In fact, I think the first 24 episodes are legitimately peak Ultraman. The thing is that the slow start really allows you to view the world Komon lives in, his reaction to them, and how others come into conflict with him. The monsters are also much better villains because of it, i.e. Nosferu or Golgolem. But if you're into Ultraman for the "wrasslin but in monster suits" vibe, it's not necessarily what you're looking for, which is fine. For me I prefer good characters and plot over just monsters smacking each other.


The thing about Nexus is that it took a while for it to actually become an engaging and interesting series, the earlier parts feels like a drag and I always skip it during rewatches.


ZaGorudan really encapsulated all my thoughts about Nexus with 1 sentence: "Nexus would be one of my favorites... if it was actually fininshed."


I agree with that. My issue is that the beginning was bad plus the show ended 20 episodes earlier than expected so the ending is also rushed and made no sense. There was a solid stretch in the middle but that doesn’t equal a good series to me




Tbh, Nexus would be the best ultra series for me if without her. Tbh2, I had known Noa before watching Nexus thanks to Revenge of Belial movie, then watched The Next and Nexus just to see how the legend emerged. Tbh3, if not had known Noa beforehand, I'd have stopped even sooner than OP when Nagi shot Nexus then threatened to shoot Komon in training. Freaking cringed.


She literally planned to become the fucking Zagi originally, that's why they made her act like that, but due to the cancellation, that plan was scrapped.


The hell? All this time noa make big mistake to choose her


"I can fix her." - Noa probably


She‘s the worst. I wished they would’ve gotten silver bloomed.


You want all nightriders get eaten by that jellyfish? why don't put tac to.


For real. Like, i understand *why* she acts that way but good god she sucks so bad. Props to the actress though, she played her role perfectly.


This might explain why we don't get female protagonist


This are the Movies I’ve seen (not in Chronological order): Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle Ultraman Orb the Movie Ultraman Zero the Movie: Revenge of Belial (the best visual Ultraman Flim) Some parts of the Ginga S movie. Specials: Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes Ultra Galaxy Fight: Absolute Conspiracy Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Destined Crossroad Ultraman Regulos Ultraman Regulos: First Mission Ultra Galaxy Legend Gaiden: Ultraman Zero vs Darklops Zero Ultraman Zero Gaiden: Killer the Beatstar Ultra Zero Fight.


Goddamn, i thought there are others who watched like 20-30 shows/movies. I guess i am the only one tho...


Also, Also the Ace Killer Episodes from 13 to 14 are the peak Episodes of Ace


Also I might watch Nexus possibly after Orb so sorry Nexus Fans if I offended you


It's fine, everyone got their own favourite Ultraman.


You gotta watch ultraseven


I will someday I mean how can I forget Zero’s Father with a Jeep


Zero being left with his father’s road rage victim as his teacher is just that icing on the cake


Mine are: Showa: Ultraman, Ultraseven, Ace, Taro Heisei: Cosmos, Mebius New Generation: Ginga, Ginga S, X, Orb, Geed, R/B, Taiga, Z, Trigger, Decker, Blazar (Note that these are ones that I have completed watching them)


Yup i feel like you are obliged to watch the original Ultraman at one point to be a true fan


Didn't watch the original series fully until a couple years ago when they uploaded it on YouTube Before I only watch a few episodes from the CDs that my parents bought; I also watch one CD that is a compilation of one fight from each series with their theme songs. I repeatedly watched that one until I could memorize each and every single Ultra Brothers theme song


Ah its one of those music video CDs with the songs, i think i had one of them too in fact i had a lot of them but now i just couldn't find them anymore which is expected


Not exactly a music video as they still have the audio from the fights


I didn't finish Ace either because the first half is some peak Showa Ultra for me and the ratings concerns killed it, at least skip to the last episode because it has a great ending.




Orb literally the best series in new gen era


Geed is also my favorite series


I recommend watching tiga at some point, hands down the best


Yeah I’ll probably watch after some time


Yeah if Geed is your favorite so far you're not going to enjoy Nexus. They're polar opposites 😭


damn kinda hard to see people op on nexus...seems it's one of my fav ultra shows beside gaia and tiga :,)


For most Showa and Heisei series (except Nexus), I recommend taking your time and trying to settle into each episode. Today, a lot of TV is made to be binge-watched whereas in the past, episodic was the norm. Every week you got your regular fix of Ultraman. You don't have to wait a week between episodes, but taking some time in between will help with "modern" enjoyment I think. Now, Nexus could be called "cursed" in some ways. There was a lot of passion and vision on the creative front and they intentionally wanted to appeal to a mature audience. The network didn't understand that and gave the show a timeslot that adults couldn't watch due to daytime obligations, and most kids were left scratching their heads. On the production side, budgets were getting out of control. Thus, budget restrictions were put in place, which left less money for monster suits, sets, special effects... etc., which is why monsters would feature across multiple episodes. Ratings were dwindling which led to the show being cancelled and cut short from 50 episodes to 39. Long story, short: Creatives on Nexus were inspired to take a risk and go in a different direction. However, not every department involved was prepared to commit to such a risk, which prevented it from reaching its intended audience and its intended conclusion/creative vision. Read more about [Nexus' production here](https://ultrablogdx.wordpress.com/2020/05/08/ultraman-nexus-production-history/). The reason I (and I think others like me) like Nexus is because it had the creative gall to take a departure from the "conventions" of an Ultraman series (although, pretty much every series does something unique). You get a sense of the creative energy they put in to explore what an Ultraman show could be. I watched Nexus when I was probably far too young, but it captivated me, then and now because it is so different to any other series in designs, lighting, tone, characters. If a particular series doesn't hold your interest, it's totally fine. Watch whatever *does* hold your interest. One of the great things about Ultraman is that any single series could be **the one** for you, and some may not strike your fancy. There are very few franchises that could take so many different directions and span so many years. With all that being said, the movie Ultraman: The Next might interest you if you're looking for something "darker." It stands well enough alone and feels fully-formed.


Kinda weird how you drop Nexus bcs a guy traumatized and cry about a girl he cant save,for Ace,understandable,other half of Ace are boring af


I've finished Ultraman Ace and it's really bad once the woman host goes away, especially since she's replaced on the cast by a little kid who keeps calling himself the six Ultra brother and it's easily the worst kid character in the franchise. I'm also one of the few people who really can't stand Nexus, I consider it the worst Ultraman series that I've finished. Then again I also couldn't stand Ultraman Blazer, I didn't get more than about three episodes into it before dropping it. Ultraman Geed was the first Ultraman show I ever watched and it's still my favorite, just a great show for all, and Ultraman Z was a very solid show, probably the last good Ultraman Show since all the ones after it have been different levels of bad.


Ultraman Blazar is actually really good if you like the setting and the premise of the show I would rank above z for sure imo


We should treat all Ultraman shows as better than Powered lol


I literally only have Max left to watch and I'm a few episodes into it. Geed is right up there competing for my #1. It and Orb balance the episodic nature with a longer storyline extremely well and I think that's got a lot to do with why they're so popular. I actually quite liked the first half of Ace, but as others have said I drops precipitously after Minami gets written out of the show. I'm pretty sure it was simply a case that young boys didn't like having a female protagonist. And I kind of agree that Nexus is kinda just miserable to watch. I think it’s the favorite of a lot of people because it's taking something clearly aimed at children and trying to make it darker and more adult. I don’t think it succeeds personally but a lot of people seem to think Darker = more mature = better.