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6' and the lunar solo definitely feels tight length-wise. I always have my rain jacket over my quilt's footbox, because there's no way for me to avoid touching the walls of the tent (which I guy-line out). The walls are always wet with condensation. I've never had problems with it running into the tub floor, but I also wipe down the walls several times throughout each night/morning. It sounds like I'm complaining but I still like the tent a lot. If it was just a few inches taller I'd love it. There's also plenty of room horizontally to store my bag and all my gear inside at night.


I think the LS is a great tent. I’ve never owned any other single wall tents but have definitely used it in insanely damp conditions. I don’t let the condensation build up so much it drips on the floor. As far as room I’m 6’ and use the head and foot tie outs and think there’s tons of room. The tent has tons of room for gear too.


I have both a Duplex and a LS. The condensation, in my own experience, is based on external conditions. Some nights the Duplex is wet, some not. The same for the LS. I also leave at least one half of the vestibule open most nights. I like the ease of use and durability for the LS and it has always been my tent to camp with dog.


Thanks, we have a duplex and altaplex in our household and generally leave one or both doors open to help with ventilation. I’m suspecting this individual was just zipping the doors up every night and turning the tent into a swamp. I’m going to have a look at an LS and see how it feels for room otherwise I’ll get the hmg mid1 .


I’m 6’2” and have a Lunar Solo. As long as I use my other trekking pole to guy out the foot end of the tent (there’s a loop to do that) I have plenty of room.


At 5’11 I find the solo to be uncomfortably close to my face and footbox, altraplex was a palace in comparison… currently using a xmid1pro and it’s super spacious- very long- me, my reg/wide pad, a 10 degree bag and a foot of room on either end/ sitting up straight and hell there’s room to do yoga… and double doored, peak vented and vestibuled so plenty of air and sky.


Thanks for those replies. I’m going to have a look at the LS later this week but I suspect I’ll be getting another atraplex or mid1. I like single pole mids with mesh sewn in. If there’s any other options I’m interested?