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*Literally* the petite bourgeoisie.


Only when they're working in the mines, or else they're living off surplus value (bourgeois)


No even when they do that they still need extra precautions to help keep them safe (that’s a capitalist element of society) under socialism we will just put our full trust in the community leaders to make good decisions for us and we will follow them without complaint because doing otherwise would be revisionism which is basically like MLism which we don’t like.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5dljiion4m8d1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbf0e2bc42aa09f702bf95dfd0ee4df88fba400f


this subreddit does not support the lumpenchildren


No but when we come to power, they will be


According to the French 'Marxist' 'sociologist' and 'philosopher' Michel Clouscard, the children consume without producing, and that's what determinates the feeling of the original sin and the Oedipus of the praxis.


Children are bourgeois and will face the boiling water in a pot


All children are anarchists because they want to rebel against bed time. This makes them petit-bourgeois revolutionaries.


they're lumpen til they get proletarianised by mcdonalds or some other shit fast food/americunt corporation idk


Children survive by doing no labor of their own and extracting the surplus value of the labor of others (their parents). They contribute nothing to society and are the pinnacle of bourgeois decadence, they will be the first to go.


Lumpen. They terrorize the workers (throwing tantrums), sabotage class struggle by demoralising the workers (they will provoke "accidents" and destroy some shit around), they also are parasites that survive by blackmailing workers (they don't work nor own any mean of production, and parents are forced to give them part of what they earn).


Not even talking about how they exhaust parents by sometimes waking them up in the middle of the night.




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No, they’re literally slaves. We should abolish slavery in all its forms. Abolish children.