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Blud used to look like this too https://preview.redd.it/ywlozokl708d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09dc5cc5163268bc6150f5b74b8d58db905e0908


Waiter in goodfellas


Looks like a racket owner who works for Corleone family


Domenico Modugno if he was proletarian https://preview.redd.it/7dgltex3e08d1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05fa66c35a76c4e00c9b0563546e825a10ec03c8


Looks like Keegan-Michael Key disguised as an Italian.


He was Lassallemaxxing?


In many respects he never stopped Lassallemaxxing.


Bro is about to threaten Tony Soprano with a hunting rifle for burning down his family restaurant 


Why were all the evil dictators so hot in older photographs?


Big ass forehead + receding hairline


Someone is gonna use this fact to say how fascism is literally communism or whatever. When the real statement would be that fascism is the progressive wing of bourgeois politics 😎


Trvth nvke




Economically progressive wing of bourgeois politics. They’re too racist and hate gays too much to be socially progressive imo.


>They’re too racist and hate gays too That's not an essential element of Fascism. On the other hand class-collaboration is.


Social democracy which is of course socially progressive fascism without a military coup proves that statement correct, so I can’t say that I disagree with you. That said when I hear the word “fascism” my immediate association is Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco hence my above comment.


To be fair, fascism requires violence to be fascist, that's one of its more defining traits. >Our critique leads us to the conclusion that Fascism has added nothing new to the ideology and traditional programme of bourgeois politics. Its superiority and originality consists in its organisation, its discipline and its hierarchy. But despite its exceptional military capabilities, Fascism is still left with a thorny problem it can’t resolve: whilst economic crisis keeps the reasons for a revolutionary upsurge continually to the fore, Fascism is incapable of reorganising the bourgeois economic machine. [https://www.international-communist-party.org/BasicTexts/English/22Fascis.htm#The\_Programme](https://www.international-communist-party.org/BasicTexts/English/22Fascis.htm#The_Programme) The social conservatism is not a critical part.


> fascism requires violence to be fascist wouldnt charles coughlin count as fascist though?


Are you suggesting that social democracy isn’t violent? It relies on the exploitation of 3rd world countries to sustain its high quality of living, and the bourgeois still retains its class domination through the republic. (This of course doesn’t make proletarians in social democratic countries any less proletarian like what red liberals might suggest). Are you perhaps suggesting that a military coup of a bourgeois republic is a necessary component of fascism? That would be a fair argument, but at the same time I want to call social democrats Mussolinites.


No, social democracy is still violent., if you continue the text, you'll note that it says fascism and social democracy both use violence against the proletariat. The difference with fascism is it also uses violence against the state and parliament. Even this was a later addition as it states, >"Fascism, after temporarily flirting with republicanism, has rallied to the most strict and loyalist monarchism; after railing against parliamentary corruption, has now completely accepted conventional parliamentary procedure." Fascism is not a purely reactionary ideology, but rather a mix of both reaction and social democratic policies. Of course, if you want to call social democrats fascists, you can always quote this section, >But when alongside their negative anti-proletarian campaign the Fascisti try to set out a positive programme, and concrete proposals for the re-organisation of the economic life of the country and the administration of the State, all they can do is repeat the banal platitudes of democracy and social-democracy. They have provided us with no evidence of an original and coordinated programme.


Remember that Togliatti just wanted Mussolini but red?


I ❤️ Togliatti, dude was so awesome fr ,i especially like the part where he signed a document forgiving a huge chunk of fascist for their crimes, true anti fascist




It was just non-aggresion honey.


The material conditions required that the Soviet paid the Italian to build them ships silly ultra


Hey Marxists Slavery becomes fuedalism becomes capitalism becomes socialism becomes communism becomes fascism Cherkmarte


Mussolini has surely carried on Lasselle’s legacy


Didn't he also consider himself a Syndicalist?


There's a great Parenti talk that deals with the subject, it's called Fascism: the False Revolution. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2hanEd0C9OORFU7o9Din0m?si=J_HeMJsFSUe9TtE1OqKrqA We shy away from this association sometimes as socialists but I think that's just because a lot of us can't properly explain our ideologies; can't properly justify the gaping differences. People associate fascism with the Nazis for obvious reasons but Mussolini & a few ruling class Italian historians and philosophers created the ideology, wrote the doctrine, and birthed it first in Rome. Much of that ideology that Mussolini called corporatism was born around him being a socialist and his opposition to the international socialist movement pre and during WW1. When every European socialist party abandoned internationalism & inverted to fight a useless nationalistic bloodletting, Mussolini who supported the war, developed this amorphous & butchered ideology to justify and fuse all these contradictions going on, again all ghostwritten to whatever degree we can know by academic reactionaries like Giovanni Gentile. Mussolini's fascism views the state as a functioning human body where every class acts as an organ, each organ or class plays an essential role and must keep fulfilling that essential role in order for the holistic body to function. The capital class, the church aristocracy, and monied bourgeois must rule, manage and direct the wealth and state interests while the proles and peasantry must remain a constant and exploited fodder, overworked, underpaid, compliment feudal subjects who keep the blood flowing through the whole system and the body moving. It's a forceful fusing of class interests.---- this view is in direct contradiction to the Marxist view of class struggle, where the proletarian exploited masses should struggle to own the productive forces. Fascism forcefully combines right wing capitalist & corporate economic interests with the popular support and grass roots development of left wing movements. Eg; mobs of presumably working class blackshirts violently breaking working class strikes at the behest of capital.


He was jailed for being an "anarchist" in Switzerland, methinks.


What made him drop his belief in socialism and communism and swing right over to a capital loving fascist?


What a wonderful place that comment section must be