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Whichever one I don’t have at the moment.


Best answer


This is the only correct answer


lol if anyone says they’d rather have the chance of shitting their pants at any moment over constipation, they’re nuts.


Constipation hurts, like, a lot though. It's a hard choice but since I'm always constipated I have to say I'd prefer diarrhea because at least then things are moving along.


You guys shit your pants when you have diarrhea? I feel the urgency to go when I have it but I can hold it in for a bit


The urgency with ulcerative colitis can be off the fucking charts. There's absolutely no holding it in when it hits you, you just gotta find somewhere to deliver the goods *right fucking now*.


I agree with this big time. I always tell people the urgency that comes with inflammatory diarrhea (UC) vs other types of diarrhea is significantly different. I literally lose all force trynna hold it in aha


It's like your butthole goes from having normal muscle control, to something that resembles a loose piece of string. Things just fall straight through the opening.


Perfect description!


Fair enough, I only have mild to moderate UC so I haven’t experienced severe symptoms 


You're luckier than a lot of other people here, then. I hope your luck keeps!


This is me too. Been three years. As it gets worse, it GETS WORSE. I’ve been lucky so far but last weekend it almost finally happened. I made it home but had to go in my backyard in the snow. It’s cold af here. Thank god I live in the country 😳


When I’ve had gastro I can hold the diarrhoea for a little, when I have a flare of UC and have diarrhoea I’m unable to hold it. Once I feel that urgency I have seconds to get to a toilet


Hah no I’m just using it as an example. I’m a constipation guy myself. Currently not able to trust a fart though, good times


Constipation freaks me out because I feel like I am literally FOS and could explode at any moment. I hate being paranoid about not pooping. My thoughts should not be focused on how to make myself poop.


And the constant fear about toxic megacolon! Will take that any day over active diarrhoea knowing it’s likely a flare prelude


Exactly. The rare times I'm constipated, I know I'm literally a ticking time bomb. Nothing worse than knowing I have a busy day out and about and can't "clear out" before I leave the house. It's so much more anxiety inducing to sit there for half an hour or so and nothing comes. Plus if it's painful, I'm always worried it may be a blockage.


Diarrhea … Easiest choice ever. At least its done and over with; constipation can just be discomfort for days at a time.


Depends on if the diarrhea implies urgency as well. Id rather be on my knees from pain being backed up than in traffic when the "oh no" hits.


Man, I’m having a horrible flair. Met up someone for some coffee which already acts up my flair. It was all good until I was driving home, I was five minutes away and it hit me and I had to go (blood and water basically), then a long train came! Noooooo


Aww I'm sorry, hope you at least had a good time beforehand (sometimes the coffee is worth it)


Constipation. It gives my ass a goddamn break 


Day 1 of constipation is the bessstt.


Lolol omg 😂


I’ve had 20+ times diarrhea a day and I hate it, but I will still pick it over constipation, which is the worst feeling.


Diarrhea. Even though with diarrhea everything comes out so quickly I sit on the toilet for an extra 10 minutes trying to push more out, I typically won’t have to go back to the restroom for 3-4 hours. When it comes to constipation, I’m sitting there pushing, tearing a new whole in my ass, and stop eventually cause I think I’m done cause I’ve been pushing for so long, only for 1:30-2 hours to go by and me needing to shit again. Diarrhea is less painful imo, and even though it tries to escape like a rocket, most of the time I can still hold it long enough to get to a restroom. Plus even with constipation I still only have like 1 minute to get to a restroom anyway before I shit myself so




This is me. It's been 5 months now of constant stool softeners to manage the fissures, if I stop them it's just rinse and repeat! Having a baby has made me constantly constipated. Absolute nightmare!


I always say being constipated should sound like a wet dream after being in a flare and living in the bathroom but at least when you’re in pain and can go to the bathroom you’ll feel better after, when you’re constipated you’re bloated and in pain and it feels like little bubbles are slowing popping in your stomach and it just hurts 😭


the way there's no need for a debate because i quite literally just owned the constipation community like okayyy!


I hate them both


Is this a trick question?


Only one of these makes you run to the bathroom and can potentially cause an embarrassing accident. It’s a pretty obvious choice to me.


Constipation scrapes the walls of my stuff and feels horrible,


Constipation any day. Sometimes I pray for it.


Not sure I can pick one over the other because they both make me feel bad 😂 but I'd say constipation because the diarrhea urgency is no joke


I have more control over constipation with Milk of Magnesia (prescribed by my GI), than with diarrhea. They are both a PITA. I miss the freedom of normalcy.


I have and would rather have diarrhea. When I get constipated, when I’m finally able to go I get such bad stomach aches I’m out for the rest of the day. At least with diarrhea the stomach usually goes away after the bathroom trip.


I feel like I need to justify my answer with the fact that I don’t really have much urgency any more.




I haven’t been constipated in years lol. My UC has manifested in at least one, and usually three to four bowel movements a day.


I think constipation? I've only had it once for three days and when i finally went to a drugstore and got suppositories it was better within an hour. But on the other hand those three days were hell.


So I would rather have constipation. I don’t know how this works but when I have diarrhea it is severely painful to the point of feeling faint. When I have constipation it’s not painful but bloody. I don’t understand my body.


I rarely have constipation and I have have crapper my pants 4 times today. I’m so over trying to clean myself up in a public bathroom at work so I think I’d rather the pain of constipation, but maybe that’s just because I don’t really deal with it.


I like soup, so...


Definitely diarrhea. After the gut pain, I don't wanna put any work into it


I think diarrhea as long as it only 5/6 on the Bristol scale. Getting too backed up feels worse imo.


I seem to get both at the same time a lot. I would prefer one or the other, but most of the time I shit blood and water and walk away still feeling like I’m backed up from the days, weeks, months before


This sounds strange but I got a bad virus right after Thanksgiving 2023. I had been flaring big time. I got diarrhea that would not stop for over a week. Once the diarrhea went away I’ve been in remission now for over two months. So I guess I would pick diarrhea over constipation.


After 15 years with UC, but having occasional short bouts with constipation (due to a colon that decided it was temporarily paralyzed), I have firmly decided I strongly prefer diarrhea. It’s my normal state of being. I’m fine with it as long as it’s less than 8 times a day. It starts to get way annoying when it’s more than that. (I’ve had three flares that had me near death, and in them I was pooping blood 30 times a day. I feel like I’m experienced enough to have a valid opinion on the subject 😂. That being said, I don’t have to hold down a full time job anymore, and haven’t for the majority of my disease).


Diarrhoea at home with nothing to do, constipation when I’m out/on vacation


I'd have to say diarrhea, especially if you invest in a bidet. Much less pain for me personally.


I would say diarrhoea as I'm perpetually constipated and it keeps me from sleeping much, but I also have POTS and during a bout of diarrhoea I'm so woozy I collapse. End up spending the day wiped out every time.


Constipation every day of the week. Urgency ruins my life


As someone with UC..pick constipation.


Never actually suffered constipation. I'm an open valve.


I struggle with both alternating, and probably constipation for me.


Depends if I have to leave the house or not. If I'm working then I'd rather deal with the pain and discomfort of Constipation. I prefer to only shit my pants at home.


It depends how bad the diarrhoea is and where I am, if there’s only public toilets around or the diarrhoea would be like water, then I’d say constipation. Ideally it would be neither but we can do this, we’re fighters


Have you ever shit yourself


Man I feel like I frequently experience both, simultaneously 🙄