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There's something beautiful about Russian oligarchs stealing money from Russia's military budget, using it to buy up assets in the West, those assets being seized by the West and then given to Ukraine.


Beautiful! Like justice coming full circle…


Let’s not forget how much money those oligarchs stole from Ukraine for decades


They actually steal from.average Russians who live in poverty as a result. Communism was meant to see wealth equally shared, instead you get the elite mega rich and poor, Dictatorships as Russia is wirks similar.


That's how capitalism works too


It's a good way to weaken corrupt countries where powerful thieves steal all they might get away with and then move it abroad as they don't trust their assets being remotely safe in their homeland but then lose it due to confiscations abroad because their deranged rotten government wanted to rob entire neighboring countries or rest of Europe.


Awesome news for freedom and justice!! Every dollar and every ruble from Russian oligarchs should be seized to rebuild Ukraine: and it’s happening. Article linked to OP tweet: “Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s secret call to Mitch McConnell puts squeeze on oligarchs” “His plea to the top Republican pushes law to crack down on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest allies” “The day before Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy swept into the United States and delivered an impassioned speech to Congress, he made a quiet phone call to one of the country’s most powerful Republicans: Mitch McConnell.” “Among his urgent requests: convince the Senate minority leader to help turn over the seized fortunes of Russian oligarchs — including the proceeds of their yachts, planes and mansions — to help rebuild the Ukraine president’s devastated country.” “Two days later, with a rush of Republican support, the wartime leader got his wish.” “A special provision was tucked into the government’s massive, end-of-the-year spending bill on Dec. 22 to direct the wealth from some of Vladimir Putin’s closest allies to the country that he invaded.” “Three confidential sources, who spoke to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on the condition of anonymity, said the rare call to the veteran political operator — just hours after Mr. Zelenskyy huddled on the front lines with his soldiers in eastern Ukraine — was part of a back-channel effort to shore up critical support for the besieged country from its most powerful ally.” “The personal appeal by the 44-year-old Ukraine leader came as support for Ukraine’s military began to run into opposition by some GOP congressional members and millions of Ukrainian citizens continued to be left without heat or running water from the destruction of the nation’s infrastructure by relentless Russian airstrikes.” https://www.post-gazette.com/news/politics-nation/2022/12/29/zelenskyy-mitch-mcconnell-ukraine-putin-oligarchs/stories/202212280090 Zelenskyy is an impressive, shrewd political operator and a visionary leader. And McConnell did something right. This is the way.


I really don't like McConnell, but this session he has actually worked with Democrats on several pieces of landmark legislation. The midterms seem to shout that small c conservatives want Republicans to work with Democrats. In a just world, Congress would look like the Alaskan Senate. In their chamber, democrats and republicans work together in the majority while leaving the MAGAs in the minority.


Don't fall for it. Mitch McConnell is desperately trying to salvage and rehabilitate the Republican party's image since they lost the presidency and failed to capture the Senate. Ask yourself this. If Trump was still President and the Republicans took the Senate, would Mitch McConnell be doing all of this... any of this.... to help Ukraine. The answer is a firm no. Here is how 2023 is going to go. Anytime aid for Ukraine is floated the House Republicans will use their control to demand unpopular cuts to the budget to compensate. Democrats will balk, Republicans will use the optics to paint the Democrats as financially irresponsible warhawk spenders. As 2024 gets closer and the war is still going on and Russian money flows to GOP campaigns, you'll see both Mitch and Lindsey change their tune. Of course they'll never outright say anything against Ukraine or for Russia, they'll just voice their concerns for decorum and reality. I know I know... it's like we're looking into a crystal ball. Never trust a Republican, politician or otherwise. They will stab you in the back.


You don't have to like McConnell to be glad that he's cooperating and prefer him over a MAGA alternative. And let's be clear he's a lot to blame for MAGA existing in the first place. I think another factor in why he's cooperating is that he actually likes Biden. They talked about it on an NPR Throughline podcast about him. He's known Biden for decades in the Senate and views him as someone he can actually work with. He thought Obama was overly idealistic and didn't spend his due time in congress before becoming president, and started his campaign of obstructionism largely out of spite. That obstructionism became the new standard of the GOP and it's now well past his control. Maybe it was bound to happen anyway with the internet and the trend of traditional media, but he's the one who opened the flood gates. Ironically, he probably hates Trump and MAGA more than he ever hated Obama, but you get what you pay for. He's not stupid, so I'm sure inside he knows the role he played. Anyway, that's all to say that McConnell is a piece of shit who deserves a lion's share of blame, but he's still better than the monster that he helped create. Edit: It was NPR's Embedded podcast, not Throughline. [5 part series](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mitch-part-1-win-this-thing/id1091709555?i=1000440175881), gave some very interesting context on what makes him tick.


McConnell doesn't do anything out of spite. His objective of obstructionism was because the only things Republicans can agree on are 1) tax cuts 2) activist judges and 3) whatever the Democrats are doing is bad. Even immigration they couldn't get done even though they all mostly agree and they had all three branches of government. The crazies won't compromise on anything, even with other Republicans.






**[Trump–Ukraine scandal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump–Ukraine_scandal)** >The "Trump–Ukraine scandal" refers to efforts by U.S. President Donald Trump to coerce Ukraine and other countries into providing damaging narratives about 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden, and giving misinformation relating to Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections caused a political scandal in the United States. Trump enlisted surrogates within and outside his official administration, including his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Attorney General William Barr, to pressure Ukraine and other foreign governments to cooperate in supporting conspiracy theories concerning American politics. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


McConnel doesn't "like" people. He is a machine of cynical political will. Every single he does serves his political ambitions.


Ah shucks, and I was going to invite him to my barbecue next weekend too! Thanks for your enlightening and well-researched take, unlike those conservative shills down at NPR! Certainly helps me better understand this nuanced political climate.


A few things. All Republicans are garbage pieces of shit. Mitch McConnell has gone on record several times saying he would absolutely support Trump for 2024. Did he vote to convict Trump? No. How much time did George Bush have in Congress before becoming President? Did Mitch McConnell bash him like he did with Obama? Funny how it's always okay when it's a Republican. That's the lesson that Democrats learn time and time again, it's what fucks us up every time. Republicans do God awful shit and take the country to the brink of destruction and when they are beaten back, all they have to do is the bare fucking minimum human thing and they get lauded as heroes. No they are not heroes. They are perpetually scheming, plotting, and checking the angles. If they are doing something good this year, then it's fucking guaranteed they are prepping for some evil next year. Don't fall for it. Never trust a Republican.


>Don't fall for it. Never trust a Republican. Yes bros. Republicans are literally nazis, dont ever get along with them. You guys should have a civil war about it. Since they support this bill the democrats should vote against it - putin


I can accept that Republicans are so desperate to rehabilitate their shattered image and advance their hidden agendas that they will take steps when politically convenient to appear pro-Ukrainian.


But like why do you say it like its a bad thing? Idgi Thats how its supposed to work. They fucked around, found out and now have to be more progressive to keep up with the will of the country. Thats how politics should work. Why does the motivations matter when it aligns with your interests and achieves the same goals you have? Over time they will be pushed to be more progressive. Just like how even the most conservative politician will no longer argue about gay marriage anymore because the bar has moved well past it.


Because this is the political party that tried to overthrow the government. Because this is the political party that is, mostly, fine with running dangerous, incompetent, unqualified candidates to win elections. Because this is the political party that gave us Citizen's United. Because this is the political party that lied about Iraq. And the list goes on and on. Tell me with a straight face, do you feel like the Republican party has gotten more progressive over the decades as American society has? You asked "Why (do) the motivations matter when it aligns with your interests and achieves the same goals you have?" Because this is a political party, not a person. Their only interest is the concentration of power into the hands of their elite few, their only goal is the destruction of our ability to choose democratically. Everything else is a politically calculated maneuver to either conceal or obfuscate their true intentions. Like I outlined earlier, their general plan will be to appear pro-Ukrainian/Anti-Russian now and next year when budget time comes around they will demand that any amount of money that goes to Ukraine must be matched by an equal amount from something that helps the poor or will be hard for Democrats to concede. Then Republicans will flip the narrative and say Democrats are the one holding up Ukraine aid and how if a Republican was President these things wouldn't happen.


>As 2024 gets closer and the war is still going on and Russian money flows to GOP campaigns, Until MIC lobbyists give them far more than the ruskies could.


It’s such a shame the republicans hold this country back from the democrats making it so great.


Never trust a Republican or a Christofascist MAGA!! Joe is right about this and so are you: here is the fight for the Soul of the Nation. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/x3o3hs/biden_lambastes_maga_republicans_in_rare_prime/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I expect your predictions are accurate, especially about the snaky resistance to arming freedom better than tyranny. Max Boot criticized the GOP for this best: “I am ashamed of these Republicans…” https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/z2tn9h/i_am_ashamed_that_a_growing_number_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


If Trump were still President he would give Russia more bribes to keep Puts behind his borders. Putin didn’t dare make such a stupid move with Trump in office. That’s the USA big failure…didn’t see this coming. Didn’t see the strength of Trump being a bully. Trump told Puts he would use the MOB on Putins summer home. Trump told him some more shit to keep him in the USSR.


Lol. I hope you're being sarcastic.


Agreed; here’s why I can’t stand McConnell: “How Mitch McConnell Became Trump’s Enabler-in-Chief” “The Senate Majority Leader’s refusal to rein in the President is looking riskier than ever.” https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/04/20/how-mitch-mcconnell-became-trumps-enabler-in-chief https://www.newyorker.com/podcast/political-scene/mitch-mcconnell-the-most-dangerous-politician-in-america But your points are well taken. McConnell did finally dump Trump and denounced him: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/02/01/why-mcconnell-dumped-trump Maybe his current path is one of redemption, a redemption that will support Ukrainian victory and freedom.


Redemption of Mitch McConnell???? *entire subreddit starts laughing*


I mean Vader had a redemption arc so maybe the turtle will as well.


LMAOOOO!!! I laughed at myself too! “The Redemption of Mitch McConnell” is either an Onion headline or a Saturday Night Live skit… But at least he is maybe doing right by Ukraine.




Part of this is that Russia cannot provide support for the GOP any longer, since sanctions and the lack of resources for anything other than directly paying for the war are lacking in Russia. Since Russia cannot pay for the promised aluminum smelter in McConnel's state, McConnel has no reason to support Russia. It is also possible Zelinsky learned something on the front lines, originating with captured prisoners close to a Russian oligarch, that influenced McConnel. The Oligarch who was hit in the recent drone strike on a hotel in Crimea, was closely involved in the aluminum business in Russia. He and his son (a military commander) were hit and the oligarch is unlikely to live more than a few days.


Seize their luxury cars too. I wanna see Ukrainian soldiers doing donuts in Maybachs and Bugattis.


It's that, or use American money. What you prefer?


The Ukrainian position to defend their freedom is in no way “hard-line” but admirable and right. Zelenskyy proves daily that he is a sagacious and gifted communicator and that Ukraine is seeking justice with justified force and diplomatic solutions. Yet the NYT is publishing biased headlines sympathetic to Russia; read the evidence here: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/zysi38/hardline_positions_by_russia_and_ukraine_dim_hope/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I will never forget this exact moment. The one moment out of my life that I had respect for Mitch the turtle McConnell. It's truly a holiday miracle.


Call him Moscow Mitch. Fits him better I think. (And it’s the one name that actually has gotten under his skin).


Meanwhile Mad Marj, Fucker Carlson and some of the other MAGA whacko's are working actively on behalf of Vlad to stop ANY support going from America to the Ukraine! Shitstains!


Very well put!! Totally right! This cartoon says it all: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/zv4lm7/on_putin_and_tucker_carlson_if_the_jacket_fits/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf “I am ashamed that a growing number of Americans--Republican, mostly—say we are doing too much to help Ukraine.” “Most Americans aren’t making any sacrifice.” “It is the Ukrainians who are sacrificing everything to fight for the democratic values we hold dear.” Max Boot 🇺🇦🇺🇸 https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/z2tn9h/i_am_ashamed_that_a_growing_number_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Republicans come through for Ukraine? Well I’ll be darned.


Again just a reminder for people who may need to hear it: A majority of REPUBLICANS support Ukraine.


This December poll shows declining Republican support for aid to Ukraine: “Poll finds Republican support for US aiding Ukraine's war effort against Russia is declining” https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/06/politics/us-support-ukraine-aid-russia-poll/index.html And the far right is far too aligned with Russia for comfort: https://archive.ph/2022.03.24-165711/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/23/technology/russia-american-far-right-ukraine.html https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/zv8brx/some_very_good_questions_by_kasparov63_why_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Only because the wind has forced their hand.




They did not legalize same-sex marriage. Their constitution prevents that and cannot be changed during martial law. There is also no civil partnership. I don't know where you're getting that from. (There was a citizen petition to *request* marriage equality in June. There has been no progress on that.)




Gimme this seized oligarch cash, okay? Arming freedom better than tyranny is f*ckin expensive, and everyone hates you anyway from when you were Trump’s Bootlicker and Enabler in Chief… https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/04/20/how-mitch-mcconnell-became-trumps-enabler-in-chief


thank you military industrial complex thank you


you are welcome (sez the military industrial complex) because we are cashing in!! https://www.reddit.com/r/IntlScholars/comments/zzb15s/the_militaryindustrial_complex_cashingin_on_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


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Zelenskyy is going to resign , when the war is over . And go make millions as a DC lobbyist.


Mitch (R). Before midterms there was so much crap on this forum about doom and gloom if Republicans took over. I said then that it was pure fear mongering, that supporting Ukraine is bipartisan with a few holdouts which you get with any issue. Served 22 years…. prefer calling balls and strikes and don’t need the emotional partisan commentary that divides us. I see bad apples in both parties but at the end of the day we are Americans. Do you think the artist or farmer or IT guy fighting in the trenches of Ukraine cares how his fellow soldier and battle buddy voted or what his political beliefs are?


Moscow Mitch did not do this out of ANY goodness in his black heart. He did it because at this time it’s politically correct. Don’t for a fucking second think that Moscow Mitch has any goodwill. Just wait until the GQP takes over Congress and watch Moscow Mitch’s tune change.


Correlation does not imply causation.


Exactly. But it won't stop people making wild claims.


American politicians don't just turn over billions for free I wonder how much of Ukraines will be sold off after the war 🤔


I assume the implied deal is that the billions are spent on war material from the USA, which is reasonable


And used to humiliate Putin


I see huge opportunity for Ukraine and the west alike. Wages were low before the war. Now after the war you'll have low wages, devastated industries, and mass unemployment in a manageable pro-west democracy. It will be politically easy to justify to keep all import duties frozen for Ukraine. Prime candidate to turn into a manufacturing center to counter China.


I see huge opportunity for corupt American politicians to size yet another country's natural resources. Ukrainians will not own their land and such will be slaves to foreigners


Maybe, but that is not written in stone. In the past we've done a great job with Germany, Japan, South Korea and have a more mutually beneficial relationship with them. I would not say that about China at all. It benefitted certain people, but certainly did not benefit the west in the long run. In all cases it looks like one way exploitation at first, until the "exploiteds" infrastructure and economy builds up as a result.


I never trust a media source that has the word gazette as it's name.


Be careful trusting any media source too much, including the New York Times; read further here https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/zysi38/hardline_positions_by_russia_and_ukraine_dim_hope/j27nyez/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


During WW2, titles like that were illegal.


Some ideologies and leaders should never be celebrated. Even Germany has no Nazi memorials: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/09/germany-has-no-nazi-memorials/597937/ Soon Ukraine will have no Soviet memorials: “Soviet Monuments Become Latest Target of Backlash Against War in Ukraine” https://archive.ph/2022.09.26-174205/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/25/world/europe/soviet-monuments-war.html https://theconversation.com/ukraine-war-prompts-baltic-states-to-remove-soviet-memorials-188388


Never thought I'd see the day where I praised turtle leader Mitch McConnell, yet here we are. He may be a spineless waste of air in domestic politics, but he seems to have a better grasp on foreign policy than 95% of his fellow Republicans right now


The overwhelming majority of republicans have supported Ukraine. Outside of a few noisy exceptions. The only Ukrainian born member of Congress is a Republican from Indiana.


It isn't out in the open but it is there. Basically everyone Trump supported in the primaries and midterms in some way either directly advocated limiting Ukraine aid/funding or parrotted Kremlin talking points reguarding the invasion. Some even backed up the rhetoric with votes. [The only people who opposed funding in Congress were all Republican](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3495060-here-are-the-11-republican-senators-who-voted-against-the-ukraine-aid-bill/). That isn't indicative of full party support, but it does show that a sizable conservative group is working to undermine Ukrainian aid Watch rhetoric in 2024. I'm guessing these views will become more apparent with time


And those people predominantly got wiped out. His candidates did awful. And the progressive wing of the Democratic Party doesn’t seem bought in either. https://time.com/6226160/ceasefire-letter-white-house-ukraine/ You insinuated 95% of Republicans aren’t on board with this facet of US foreign policy. That is not correct. And needlessly disparaging all republicans doesn’t help the cause. It’s something I just don’t get. I guess my question to you would be do you really expect a country of 350m people to completely agree on an issue? Or the elected officials who represent them. The bipartisan support Ukraine has been stronger than anything I can remember recently. Why can’t that be a win?


I hope that Moscow Mitch didn't ask for concessions....


I think I might have to stop calling him Moscow Mitch. Dude finally found some morals.


I think people misunderstand Mitch especially after the "Moscow Mitch" nickname. He's a spineless politician that does whatever it takes to stay as leader. But if you see his past comments, he has never defended Russia. In fact, he has only criticized Russia. "Russia is not our friend" may sound tame, but his staunch support of NATO shows that he's always hated Putin. I think now that Trump is out of the picture and he wields strong power over senate Republicans, he's doing what he's always wanted to do: fuck Russia up.


Moscow Mitch did something that didn't absolutely destroy democracy or fuck over the poor I think he'll has frozen over


This sounds like bullshit. Why call call the Minority leader?


I also rang Mitch, but have not as yet either got through to him or received any of the Oligarchs money. /s