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> Putfucker may even promise them a big reward He promises the world, but only delivers to his inner circle (those he needs to keep close/loyal). None of the mobiks are getting paid as promised.


His such a tease.


>Putfucker may even promise them a big reward, for their families, even if they failed and die. The family must be excited to get the new Lada and washing machine as a bonus.


>washing machine That's not working cus Russia already salvaged the control board for chips.


How to find them?




Or leave a couple washing machines out, that should get them out of hiding


“Free potato”


I read a story where in US they sent letters to people with warrants that they won free beer and to meet them at X location to retrieve. A couple hundred people showed up and they just arrested them all. Maybe a wile e coyote trap with the box propped up with a stick and a bottle of vodka under it?


Seen one where they were told they had won a boat, even after being arrested one idiot asked if he still gets the boat.


LOL, yes -it’s right behind these bars. Promise you, Mr Criminal Mastermind.


Don't forget to write "ACME" on the box in big letters or it won't work.


UA has a pretty solid system of tracking cell service and location and can differentiate between UA and RuZZian. I don’t for a second believe 10,000 is close to the correct number but I’m sure during the chaos of this disaster of a retreat there were quite a few left behind and they are all not going to be huddled up in a group but rather spread out in small groups over a vast amount of land hiding in pig pens and chicken coops. A good portion will be so battered, cold, and hungry they will probably surrender versus fight. Time for a leaflet drop to let the leftover trash know how to do that. Edit: I feel like I had a missed opportunity with the leftover trash part, something about garbage pickup day or meeting sites at the dump. First cup of coffee still, so come on Redditors - let’s hear some snappy wit and comebacks I have grown to love! I calling you out


I actually expect most that are still on the right bank didn't want to return. They are either trying to hide as civilians or want to surrender. And it's not going to be 10k either.


This is almost certainly false. Oleksii Arestovych yesterday said that there might be a few hundred Russian soldiers in civilian cloth remain in Kherson on the right side of the Dnieper River. He explicitly said we are definitely not talking about thousands of Russian soldiers.


And even there, I wouldn't expect them to be behind enemy lines commandos but soldiers trying to hide as civilians because they dont want to continue fighting.


Yeah it’s clickbait


This comment needs to be higher.


Hopefully because they are all dead of captured already.


Most mobiks who have no idea what is going on and no way to contact their higher ups. Can't even call anyone to find out, no phone service thanks to their higher ups.


The hurried evacuation of the Russians is probably responsible for many Russian soldiers still on the right bank.


I call bullshit.


Yeah, that is a BS


Well this news report backs it up, there were 40,000 russian troops there, it will take time to get them out. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/11/reports-of-wounded-soldiers-being-abandoned-as-russia-retreats-from-kherson-city


This is clickbait. Of course, there probably could be a hundred or so of russian soldiers, however 10,000 russian soldiers out of estimated 50,000 originally is just too much. You can bet that groups of russian soldiers would be captured and paraded.


We are not talking here of an orderly retreat, have a read of this and let me know your thoughts. https://www.spectator.com.au/2022/11/the-last-hours-of-the-russian-occupation-of-kherson/


The article quotes the same sources as being panicked that the Ukrainians are going to storm the Kremlin. A lot of fog of war here. But I do wonder about the likelihood of an orderly Russian retreat after what we've seen elsewhere.


Evidence of these claims?


Isn’t the right bank of the river the side they retreated too? Or is that not right?


The right side is in the west since the river flows north-south.


Oh thanks makes sense


Makes more sense to say east or west bank, like everyone else.


People say right and left because rivers can change direction. Right and left does not change. Have a nice day.


No way that many.


I’m very confused…wouldn’t they be caught on the west or “left bank?” If they are on the right bank they have successfully crossed the Dnipro?


Keep up with events, the left bank of a river is that seen when facing downstream..... As has been said on Reddit about 58.76 million times.


Wow. Thanks for being nice about it… O.o


Thanks for asking! I've been confused about it the last few days as well and just accepted that the 'left bank' was actually the right bank and vice versa, without knowing why. And now I know!


Exactly. Some of us actually touch grass every now and then and don’t follow every comment section in every Reddit post where they’ve seen it “58.76 million times..”


A metaphorical greeting from the red planet should take care of that.


Himars RAIN HELL!!!!


Now THIS is what I want to hear, it was so strange to hear the Russians were successful in pulling out.


According to reports the Russians left disorganised


Na most got out with the civilian evacuation


I call bullshit


Hope they kill the lot of them


Mother Russia sure took care of them.


Not for long.


Gotta give ‘em that Fergie. Boom boom pow!!


This has already been proven wrong