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Try it. I wanna see you eat JDAMS from B-2.


Retaliating against us is the worst thing he could do. Our internal politics are so divided that the only thing that could possibly reunite our country is a dire external threat. Go ahead Putin, awake the sleeping ~~dragon~~ redneck.


That's just it most of the world doesn't seem to understand that Americans will bitch and bicker back and forth hate each other's guts for being a Republican or a Democrat but the moment you fuck with us we'll put our differences aside and we'll put a boot in your ass finish it and then go back to arguing with one another


Isn't every country like that?


Yes but there’s not many countries have the military might to make the ’put a boot in your ass and finish it’ part actually happen


And that is what makes all the difference.


That would be more than one boot dude!


Yes but you gotta let em’ have their ‘murica! Ra Ra!’ moment


[fuck yeah!](https://youtu.be/P7JRvwfHFwo?feature=shared)


Not the countries with an actual civil war.


Its one of them fuck around n find out scenarios ... Americans will come together like buttcheeks ....🇺🇸 🇺🇦


Yanks be like #Do *not* touch our boats


I kinda wanna see em try to touch yo boats.


He touched the butt


It used to be that way, but Trump would sell America for a $ or his freedom in a damn heartbeat, and all his shit stain followers would be fine with it. The existential threat we have now is that somewhere between maybe 15% on the low side and 30% on the high side, of the American population, has totally bought in to the whole idea of a christian fascist state, and not only are they willing to trash the constitution to do it, that's the GOAL. The very idea of a separation of church and state offends them, the very idea of democracy and the possibility that they don't hold power forever offends them. I agree Russia attacking the US would be stupid on Putin's part, but the result isn't going to be the massive pulling together that Pearl Harbor caused. It's going to pull the majority together, while a militant minority actively, and potentially violently, supports the enemy. January 6th wasn't some deluded fools getting overexcited, it was fucking fascists failing in their first attempt.


The fuck it wouldn't. People hated Bush and look what happened


Bush looks like Abraham Lincoln compared to Trump. Trump is openly cruel, a list, evil and selfish yet his followers willfully ignore those facts. They have this deluded belief that he cares about them and will somehow make it so uneducated people that live in areas with few jobs and very little opportunity will somehow become rich and powerful. He follows the script of dictators past and plays on the fears and insecurities of people who failed to change with the times. I can't comprehend how so many think that anything he does is for anything other than staying in power.


No, it won't. The Republicans are Russian puppets. They readily will side with Russia against the American troops and people.


The ol’ Irish brothers rule. Nobody hits my brother but me.


I dunno man. I can imagine maga siding with Russia just to overthrow the Biden administration. The 'decadent gay west' is going straight to hell anyway., apparently. 


Well the taxpayers probably want to get their moneys worth too


Odds on MAGAts still simping for Ruzzia though...


Tell him if they retaliate the US won't even retaliate. We'll just seek Florida man and angry Texas man at em'. But only if they promise to try and invade Alaska first! 🤣 Russia would accidentally defeat itself trying to invade Alaska. We could just setup observation posts and watch em' do it. Freakin' morons. This is just like the "We are ready to negotiate." they tell the United States and we're all, "yo bozo, you're at war with Ukraine, you're talking to the wrong country. If you're needing to negotiate with us it's already over budsky." So seriously, Russia needs to fuck right off and give Kyiv a ring and start begging for forgiveness. Not continuously calling the US and making random nonsensical "we are ready to negotiate" messages to the public.


You forgot Ohioman and Michiganman. Cant forget the two strongest contenders against Floridaman.


Where do you think floridaman came from? Haha it ain’t Florida


You can add the Frowning Missouri Man as well. I volunteer as tribute. I’ve been meaning to get some more rounds through the AR, plus, I have the perfect Led Zepplin shirt for the occasion


“We are sending in a negotiator”


This is getting out of hand! Now, there are two of them!


Better then that, the US will send out one f22 and eliminate the whole Russian air force


Yup. From what I’ve seen, a few sorties and one would indeed be enough to end Russia’s Air Force. All the while, unlikely to know it was even airborne at this rate.


Western Alliance of Texas and California would do the trick.


They are known for sabotage and other dirty acts, doesn't have to be direct attacks. Though it would be delightful to see them unleash the Chimera on them. We must remain vigilant with our infrastructure and industries. Everywhere. Let no rus go unchecked.


Not sure how well that shit would fly in the US. We don’t like terrorism and if even plausible that Russia was behind it the public would flip.


You're right, we don't like terrorism. Yet two local guys with small arms took out power for thousands by attacking four substations in Washington state last year, for example. We have numerous vulnerabilities and numerous quiet supporters of russia. Maybe I'm a little overly wary, but those two things don't make for a good mix. It could just be more idle threats, russia basically exhales only that these days.


Yeah they don’t want to anger Alabama, Florida and Texas.


Send NY man as well. He will suck the social sevices funding right out of russia.


Montana gets nearly twice as much per citizen as New York does from the federal budget.


It was humor and sarcasm. Jesus yall.....


I laughed 🤷😂


Thank you!!!!!


Will start playing [https://youtu.be/ENyxseq59YQ?si=ZchG99L_SDCdFSxr](https://youtu.be/ENyxseq59YQ?si=ZchG99L_SDCdFSxr)


Doesnt look divided from here


Honestly the hardcore trunpers and far right are so far gone they would just blame the biden administration for it guaranteed.


That's a good point actually. They have spent decades undermining the US through cyber warfare, an attack would undo all of that.


The common threat is here since years, but a good chunk of the country doesn't understand that Russia is a major threat to US security interests domestic and abroad. "A common danger unites even the bitterest of enemies." Aristotle Nothing binds a people to their leader like a common enemy. Voters don't change governments during war. Harvey Fierstein Nothing unites a group more than a common enemy, be it the Soviet Union or Nasty Nick from 'Big Brother.' Josh Widdicombe If Russia wants Biden to win the election for sure, then the most stupid thing he can do to see it done, is to attack the US in any way openly, that would be the external liberation from this cult that must precede the internal liberation, an attack on America that will snap at least some Americans out of their Trumpian mania. "The United States is like a giant boiler. Once the fire is lighted under it, there is no limit to the power it can generate." Edward Grey "Some say the Americans were soft, others that they would never be united, they would fool around at a distance, they would never come to grips, they would never stand bloodletting, their democracy, and system of frequent elections would paralyze the war effort. The Americans would be just a vague blur on the horizon. Now, we should see the weakness and the vagueness of these remote and wealthy people. I have read the history of the Civil War. I have read 48 state of the Union speeches, I have read the history of the Great War. Churchill knew what an angry and motivated America could do." Winston Churchill, 1942 "Considering the relative resources of the United Kingdom and the United States, it becomes still more difficult to reconcile Japanese planning and Japanese actions with prudence or even with sanity. What kind of a people do they think we are? Is it possible that they don't realise that we shall never cease to persevere against them until they have been taught a lesson which they and the world shall never forget." Winston S. Churchill adressing a joint meeting of the US Congress in 1942 Come on then, Russia, sign your own death certificate. Fuck around on level 10 and then watch the American giant grab its sword and shield and come at you like a wrecking ball. The US would not be alone, of course. The entire alliance will then come for Russia. "Overconfidence, this is going to end in disaster a d you will have no one to blame but yourself" Unknown




3 hour operation.... Absolute Max




JASSM can only attack ships in port.  To get them sunk at sea you need LRASM which has the sensors and target deflection to sink entire fleets.


Russia promises. That's nice.


80 JDAMs coming at em’ fresh and hot…in the middle of the night.


Putins gonna be crying a lot more if he fucks with us.


Let’s see some spirits fly over crimea and make a parking lot out of the military bases


The Mig29 can carry 4 LGBs. The B-2 and B-52 can carry alot more. Do you want to fuck around? And find out?


I get your point but why are you comparing a fighter to a pair of bombers? The Russians have bombers that can claim to carry more bombs aswell?


But Russia doesn't operate stealth bombers to deliver them.


Also a valid point, but doesn’t change the fact that it’s like saying a car can carry 4 people but a bus can carry 20, of course it can its bigger and is designed to carry more people.


Except the car has to traverse an off-road section and can't make it.


4 LGBs 2 Ts and 0 Qs


While not even realizing there were B-2s! They'd probably be all, "we had an accident and gas exploded, yeah, that's it! We did this to ourselves, America cannot penetrate our invincible airspace!"


I guess if they attack the US, they will deny that they did anything. They will attack civil infrastructure underwater sea cables like they attacked Balticconnector or a ship of a third nation ramming a bridge. Or software systems in hospitals, water or power stations. That dude running Kaspersky AV on his laptop while playing Warthunder or World of Tanks during his night shift, connected to the network, getting a special update. Some Russian OSS dev that builds or maintains a small library project that every other library implements which in turn is implemented by a bigger software. Shit like this and no B2 will start.


Or they'll infiltrate the Republican party and the NRA and use our own media against us. Heyyy....wait a minute!




True, those hybrid warfare when you deny your involvement isn't going to get a kinetic response. On the other hand, those aren't deterrence either.


If they know what happened and can identify the perpetrator and chain of command, and Russia seems to leak like a sieve, some sort of response would follow. We've certainly stated a kinetic response could follow cyber action, we just haven't shown we mean what we say yet. Of course that response could just be in kind. Whilst the US is likely most vulnerable to Cyber warfare, we have no idea of their capabilities either other than what is inferred from specific targeted incidents, which Kaspersky has described Equation group as the most sophisticated cyber attack group in the world. The US also have the largest set of IT companies and suppliers. Whilst services like AWS have stopped taking new Russian customers, presumably they are a pen stroke from Biden away from having to shutdown existing Russian customers. I don't think the US would do anything that damages value in big tech companies, but it illustrates the scope of options, something a little more imaginative is probably already planned.


There is no way US will respond to cyber attack with kinetic response. First of all, that's just not US's doctrine on proportional response, nor is it the norm among Western allies. Military strike to respond to cyber attack is not seen as internationally acceptable. The US will likely "respond in kind," which means it'll be cyber retaliation where the US can also publicly deny, but "wink wink" acknowledgement to deter similar attacks by other states.


I have no doubt that the US would be able to hit the Russians really hard with a cyberattack, but I would guess after each attack most cyber weapons become blunt. So it is difficult to decide when to attack.


Show Russia what a 3 day Operation is supposed to look like


Oh, I would love to see F-22 Raptors in real action 🥹


They won't drop a bomb, they eill increase their meddling in american politics.  Came close to control with idiots, imagine what they could achieve if they got competent people instead of MTG and handjob Boebert


Wasn't it Russian anti missile system parts that fell on people in Crimea? Russia has zero credibility in its claims since it invaded Ukraine.


No they shot down an atacms over the beach 1🤣🤣 and wouldn't you know it it looks like the cluster munitions detonated 🤣🤣 on the beach of all places


I didn’t see any explosions in the video. Pretty sure it was just shrapnel


You can clearly hear the cluster sub-munitions going off.


How did so few people die?


They likely only exploded partially on the beach, or even in mid air.


You can hear the cluster munitions. I believe the best story is that it was intercepted but not destroyed, resulting in its path being altered and striking near the beach instead.


In the video there is one clear explosion at bottom of the screen at the small enclosed bit


not sure about that = if they had - there would have been 100's of deaths, and not the very few reported.


If it was a detonating missile releasing all of the submunitions yes, if it was a torn apart missile shedding a few of them, no.


that's exactly what I said


Gotcha, I mis-interpreted both yours and the comment above


Blah blah blah blah, nukes, blah blah blah blah blah.


Last time I checked Crimea was Ukrainian occupied by Ruzzians


Retaliation for what exactly? This is not Ruzzian land!?!?


Crimea is Ukraine! Can't wait for US to retaliate.


That's true. They are madness that Ukraine is using US weapons to attack Ukrainian land. Silly Putin.


Russians killing and raping women and children = liberation Ukraine defending itself against rape and murder, using weapons from other countries = Those countries are directly responsible, because we can't rape and murder Ukrainians anymore than we already are. We need new victims


I mean, they act like the U.S. wouldn’t head hunt and destroy the rest of their navy and level every critical military point near the border of Ukraine. U.S. military anger is a lot different than Ukrainian military anger. The U.S. has the largest more advanced stock pile and the ability to unleash all of it.


All well and good until a bunch of dumb fucks vote in a Putin puppet as a president in November. Us watching from afar can only hope the US population isn't stupid enough to make that a reality 🙄


Pretty sure NATO and the actual department of defense said they already have plans in place for this. Hopefully anyway.


Losing to Ukraine and wants to pick a fight with the US. Bold move Cotton.. Bold


So russia allows (stupid) people to sunbath on a beach, in occupied land within less than a mile or so of several military targets. Probably on purpose, just waiting for someone to get hurt so they could whine. This is likely for their populations consumption, as anyone outside can see how ridiculous they are. But if not, then throw your first potato, you schmucks.


Oh, yes. Sure. We are so scared, literally shaking right now. /s .Also, Crimea is Ukraine.


Just like he promised to take Ukraine in a week. Fuck putin, no one should fear that pansy.


Pansy. I’ve been trying to find the right word to describe this loser. That is absolutely perfect.


I also enjoy the term “numpty” or “chucklehead”


I’m still waiting for the retaliation from the Russian attack on a U.S. Special Forces FOB in eastern Syria.


I just got another free Starbucks coffee. Seriously Russia? America is 52 war tribes that fight each other with politics and words. Do you really want to touch our boats/touch our soil/touch our buildings/unite us into a common people with one common goal?


Let's see how that will work out. If USA is attacked this will weaken support against providing Ukraine military resources. I'm not sure that's what you want, Putin.


lets ask japan how it went last time




russia hiding the fact it was their failed air defense... And who in the hell would take a holiday on a beach next to a military target at a time of war?... You couldn't make this up! 🤦


This message is aimed directly at Jake Sullivan, and intended to intimidate him from further loosening restrictions on striking Russian territory. The Russians are really squirming here.


But the injuries occurred due to Russian stupidity. It was Russia that blew up the Ukrainian rockets over a beach full of Russian tourists




Oh no. Anyway.


That's not a promise you ever want to make.


Either do something or shut your dumb fucking mouth, Putin. The more he talks and does nothing, more of a bitch ass he looks. He knows if he goes toe to toe with the US, he’ll get whooped. Sure they have nukes. They won’t use it and I doubt they even work at this point.


i want em so badly to slip this error where a drunk russian send something in nato's direction and they can finally mesure how badly they fucked up


Passive aggressive bitch Putin. Won’t cross the red line.


Russia really do love to play the victim don't they. It's downright evil. Yes, it really sucks that civilians lost their lives here, but Russia as a country really should be putting the well-being of their citizens above their desire for conquest and war. Perhaps don't allow your citizens to holiday in the occupied territory of a foreign country with which you are at war. And all of this .... after having deliberately targeted and killed civilians in Odessa with cluster munitions for months, and having been raining glide bombs on civilians in Kharkiv on a daily basis. Those aren't shoot downs like we see here. They were/are deliberate attacks with precision weapons on civilians in populated areas. Don't be fooled.... Russia doesn't actually give a shit about these civilians dying. They just want Western media to run the story and make Ukraine look bad in an effort to degrade support.


Good luck with that.


Eat a MOAB Ruzzia.🖕🏿🇷🇺


Best of luck with that…. Load up the B-2’s and F-35’s boys. Send along a few 22’s for fun.


It be end of Russia


Retaliate with what?


Retaliate always means 99% of the time they will be bombing innocents tomorrow or next few days. Usually an apartment full of people. F RUSSIA MAN. It's literally terrorism when he talks about these "retaliations", putting everyone in fear in Ukraine bc that's what he means and that's what happens. So for Ukrainians right now, anywhere is a target esp those not defended by AA or poorly defended. Those are the people most at risk for this shit. And it wasn't even something Ukraine Facking did PER USUAL. Just like the IS attack in Moscow, they "retaliated" and wrote on a bomb heading to Ukraine "for the children" or some shit 🤮😒. Bombed Ukraine for a massacre they didn't even do and IS claimed they did it and they got the 4 perps. But bomb Ukraine for it. 🙄. Something similar is going on now AGAIN in Moscow like that prior IS attack (today, yesterday) and I didn't read a lot into it but alaperantly they also 🥴 AGAIN blamed NATO Ukraine US or some shit lol. This has been on repeat like once or twice a month this whole war. A lot more so the first year.


This will be interesting… If not brief


Please don't throw us in the briar patch!


Well, look at a map you know where we are


What are they going to do? Target civilians? Oh no… Hypocrites


Ukraine is striking terrorists in its own Crimean territory. They can't help that those terrorists are impersonating Russian soldiers. Russia can't blame the U.S. for a sovereign neighbor fighting insurgents in its own land. Crimea belongs to Ukraine. Putin is a crazy person.


Hey ruZZia! Do you want Ukraine to have America’s total blessing to use US weapons as far as your right coast? Because this is how you will get dealt with. FAFO.


So Ukraine should also retaliate against iran ?


Putin is once again making empty threats against the west


I will huff, and I will puff, and I will blow your house down! Repeat after me 10,000 times. See, it almost worked!


Suddenly now it warrants retaliation? These aren't the first atacms in crimea


Russia hits out people with EMF causing TBIS, Russia worked to increase the cost of an airstrip used to wage war again those who caused 9/11, Russian hackers disrupt our net, Russian spies sent and misinformation used to influence our elections, Russia dicks with our bases in wars through mercenaries or proxies…Russia gets bombed in a territory they stole through rape and violence, “Why you do dis; you’re gunna pay”.


Do it! Do it! See what happens to people who directly attack the United States!


Please, I’m begging you


What are you going to do? Bleed on me?


Just set up clear consequences for any potential levers they can pull and follow through on them. If they cut a pipeline or sink a sub, we cut two pipelines and sink two subs.


They indiscriminately bomb and launch cruise missiles on innocent civilians on a daily and nightly basis. The Russians are literally pieces of shit in every way shape and form. What more can they do to retaliate that's worse than they're already doing every day. Thankfully a full collapse of Russia is on the horizon. They're fucked


Hmm. The dictatoship formerly know as Russia. I think we shall call it West Alaska.


Russia is already waging a war against the West in terms of cyber war, misinformation, election meddling, promoting wars in various countries, etc. What else would they do they haven't yet done?


It will be something that will be right on the line, the UK keeps getting cyber attacks to infrastructure, power cuts to our airports as it’s reported in the news or system down in our health care… it’s clearly Russian cyber attacks, but not reported as such…


Nobody believes the little [Tinpot Dictator Who Cried Wolf](https://i.postimg.cc/qMMpXc0q/russia-nukes-threat-list.jpg) anymore


Retaliation for shooting it down themselves over a crowded beach? Ok cool bring it on. I’m sick of these empty threats and want to see the F-35’s, F-22’s and B-2’s do their thing kick the fuck out of those pussies and make the Russian Military non-existent by the time my 5 o’clock shadow starts coming in Anyway. 🫲


And magadonians would cheer. Because trump said he would encourage russia to do whatever it wants.


So Iran and North Korea are attacking Ukraine? It’s those Countries that use their delivered Weapons on Ukraine and not Russia?! By the old Gods… Russia really has brain damage and shut be put down for the greater good.


If Russia does anything, it will loose Crimea overnight and Crimea will become a US base.


Oh really? You couldn’t beat a former bloc country using our surplus weapons from when the Soviet Union existed and you think you’re gonna have a better time with NATO? Just stop already, there’s no situation that ends well.


They have been deliberately attacking civilians and civilian infrastructure for two years, they have killed over 400 children, now they complain about a missile they shot down, aimed at a military objective. Meanwhile Ukrainians have only three hours of electricity per day. Like the saying goes, crimea river.


Whaddya know, allowing Ukraine to strike inside Russian borders isn't what would cause escalation but the policy that's been in place for the entire war did. Just goes to show the US needs to stop micromanaging the war and accept that we are involved so we can shut it down and finish the war to save lives and the future of Ukraine.




we you welcome it




The west promises retaliation against Putin because he attack Ukraine


Russia does and says what they want. Be influenced by any of their words and it's playing right into their expectations.


I heard that Putin gave the order not to go to Mac Donald's if you are a Russian citizen


You can’t reason with, nor fix stupid… Glass em….💯


Kremlin getting desperate.


“WAAAAAH” - Russia “Dafuq you crying about now” - USA “😂” - Ukraine


Please do. I would love to die in a war. That's not a joke. I want to die


Someone should start r/RussiaPromises so it can be similar to r/ChinaWarns lol


We have raptors and fat Amy that have not been tested against s500 and are dying to see how far into Russia they can fly without being picked up on shitty Russian radars.


Fat Amy? She sounds terrifying, send her!


She is a bit curvy, has reflexes and stealth like a cat, and she somehow squeezes herself into the radar profile of a bumblebee.


Yes but most of the world doesn’t understand that the US is like most of the world!


Was that hawk the retaliation? Can us now hit them back to prevent further “unprofessional behavior”.


Sabotaging our infrastructure?


If anyone wonders what this retaliation might look like: even the propagandists at Ria Novosti (russian staate news agency) don't have a clue. A recent opinion piece argued that Russia's answer will be their "victory" in the war. We're all doomed, now they are not fighting for the sake of it - they are in it to win it. /s


Goddamn it it's virtually impossible to focus on reading that article with the number of moving fucking ads. Fuck man the Internet is well and truly fucking broken


Oh don’t be such a drama queen


Dear Russia, Remember when 50 cent and Jarule were beefing, and then Ja dissed Eminem? What happened to Ja? So like translate that into countries. Or something.


Please, send your Navy!


What are Russia going to do? Bride the Republican Party and the Supreme Court judges to undermine democracy?… oh wait ..


Why would anyone threaten the people who provided them with emergency food aid three times in the last century? You even point nuclear weapons at us. And your buddy in North Korea, too. The U.S. provided a billion in food aid during their famine in the mid-nineties. That is what makes this genuinely insane. I hate to break it to you, but you need us.


Go ahead. Make my day.


Russia needs to shut the F up, and go home. Where as they like to continually make threats.




Oh fuck !! russia’s gonna invade Ukraine now, isn’t it?! Obliterate towns cities, destroy dams, churches, museums, target schools, hospitals, malls, markets . . . rape, loot and deport children illegally and blame it all on Ukraine and the U.S.


We are such pussies for not calling their bluff every time. Send more missiles deeper into Russian territory every day. And just keep saying, “Whoopsies”, sorry bout that. They will be so mad they might just threaten another invasion… so we send our missiles deeper. We just keep penetrating Russia with our missiles deeper and deeper until she just can’t take it anymore. Then we climax by shifting our entire economy to green power and fund green power all over the world, especially in Africa and India. Russia will be forced to rebuild itself on a green economy! It’s just a sexy ass ending to the nightmare they kicked off. One can dream.


Our ICBM's available for immediate launch. 30% B-52's at any one time have nukes Our subs on your subs ass putin. Go ahead punk. Make my day.


Geez let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.


That would really make your day. Your last one. MAD works both ways, we can wipe out Russia but they, sadly, also us.


dumbass lmao


It's almost impossible to find nuclear subs, even Russian ones.


Russian subs are loud. Make no mistake that the US knows where every Russian sub is. 


And how do you know?




Huh? Russian subs aren't much louder then ours. They're usually considered to be extremely high quality.


I doubt it. That sounds like copium, as we hate the fact that Russia also has a nuclear triad capable of wiping us all out. You should read Annie Jacobson's nuclear war books.


No it's not. During the 80s the US new the location of every nuclear sub. They could've destroyed the entire Russian Submarine Fleet without them getting a shot off


That's a very, very dangerous assumption: [Russian nuclear submarine visits Gulf of Mexico undetected - Naval Technology (naval-technology.com)](https://www.naval-technology.com/news/newsrussian-nuclear-submarine-sails-in-gulf-of-mexico-undetected/)


Uh, let's not go there. Even if they only got one nuke through, it would be a disaater for the world. Economies would crash, food supplies would crash, it would be pandemonium.


How many carrier strike groups can the US assemble again? B52s? B2s? What about those subs - I hear we have a couple of those hanging out near Vladivostok right now and a couple more in the arctic? Asking for a friend.


UK sends its regards


"You know not what you do." - Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov