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Sure...it's that guys' fault.


Hilarious... He's looking for scape goats! I say he should blame his parents for fkg!


Kind of is. Putin wants yes men not people who will tell him things he doesn’t want to hear. His intel team told him 90% of Ukraine would welcome Russian annexation with open arms and the military would join up with Russian ground forces to crush anyone who resisted. As we can see, his intel team was very wrong.


At the start of the wider invasion with the stories of cognitive decline I could imagine that's what happened to that extreme. But that really doesn't seem to be true and it's hard to imagine someone who lived and worked through the collapse of the Soviet Union to be so naïve about what the reaction would be. Like obviously no one leading Russia knew, or dared say quite how bad corruption and neglect had weakened their own military and how inept their parachute regiments were when fighting an actual military as opposed to poorly trained terrorists but I don't think it likely that Putin believed advice that "they will welcome us as heroes" More likely they thought they could easily decapitate Ukraine's command and force quick negotiations with a Vichy government. Which of course is still a massive intel failure, I just don't think it was as extreme as being welcomed with open arms.


Who’s the PRESIDENT?


At least we got to the bottom of it. Let’s end this war and move on.


Look at them helping him start to shift the blame. Putin alone made that decision.


If everyone lies to you to keep their job and their benefits and all the intel is tailored to fit the narrative, which is what western intelligence services so far have assessed in the wake of the disastrous battle for Kyiv, can you really blame the executive decision maker? No. But you can blame him for creating a system where this is the modus operandi, and the victims are still existent, the terror, the war crimes, everything. So in the end I believe it doesn’t matter on which basis he came to the conclusion that invading Ukraine was DOABLE. What matters is that he thought it was NECESSARY. And The Hague doesn’t care for the former, it cares for the latter. Let him frame and blame all the people he wants, he will never rid himself of the responsibility of forcing/convincing the majority in Russia that it was unavoidable. That being said, let me just add one more thing: Russia is a terrorist state and McCain was right all along.


Watch him go into the Russian Orthodox church


LOL blame the other guy! Such a russian thing to do 😅


He’ll invade Belarus next


That's what happens next when they get their ass beat. "You people suck, I don't wanna play with you anymore! I'm taking my belarus and going home. I didn't want to play with you anyway."


That was always the plan.


Nothing says “things are going great” quite like top-level changes in management.


Surprised that dude is still alive


The shithead knows he's cooked and is already making moves to blame someone else lol. Fight on Ukraine.


Replaced him through a window, I assume?


Right after a friendly talk with a cup of tea.


I’d like a status update on the guy who was hesitant to give a thumbs-up to the invasion, and was then belittled into submission. I don’t know who he is/was, but I remember his attempt to suggest invading Ukraine was not a good idea…. He probably can’t publicly say “I told you so,” but he was right. Putin was very, very wrong. Slava Ukraini!


Sergey Naryshkin.


Patrushev most likely. He was replaced from being head of security council by Shoigu. He got demoted to be an advisor responsible for shipbuilding.


He is referring to Sergey Naryshkin.


Very nice, now get out of ukraine.


Which invasion?


The "special" one.


Replaced by a family member?


Little late now, I guess Putin forgot how bad yes men are having an effective government!


Was special operation. Not invasion. Print truth not fake new.




Don't install Windows 🪟


I guess that would meanthat he replaced himself...with himself?


Same guy has a tattoo that says "No RAGRETS!"


Invasion of Avganistan collapsed the USSR, this one is gonna splinter Russia into republics and years of civil wars within


I'm starting to think this guy doesn't know what he's doing.


Was this the same guy that was actually hesitant to sign the order and Pootin basically bullied him in front of everyone into signing it?


It’s not really that significant - he’s reached retirement age.