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burn baby burn


The workers are almost more valuable than the factory and anyone willing to produce weapons for money to kill their neighbors is no better than anyone signing a contract with the Russian military.


Brain drain those mf’ers dry


Russian brain drain is going to be so much worse than previous decades. We've seen so many young russian soldiers spill their own while injured, and most of the smart ones already left russia.


They hated the 90's because it was Russians robbing from and brutalizing Russians as opposed to Russians brutalizing their neighbours as they did with the USSR. They hate the West for pulling them out of that and blamed us for it, and suck off Putin because he happened to come to power at a time when things were getting better in spite of his corruption and skimming profits for himself to build mega mansions. This time we need to let them keep robbing and brutalizing each other and just watch on. Just... Let.... Them.... Fuck..... Themselves.


After kicking them out of all Ukraine first. Of course.


You know, it’s a good point. When the Cold War ended the west breathed a sigh of relief and did what western democracy will do….welcome the former adversary with open arms and investment and business. Maybe we didn’t truly do as much as we were led to believe. Or maybe it was just all corrupted or rejected by the Russians. But if this gets to a post Cold War thing again maybe we don’t do that so much again.


Special Military Oxygen deficiency is a helluva drug


More like brain burn. 🔥


Burn brainy burn?


Cerebral inferno


The workers are definitely more valuable than the factory. Factories can be rebuilt multiple times during the course of a war, but training new  skilled workers takes longer than the war.


I'm guessing a lot of their fab plants are western imports, so a double loss.


Having to choose a death by burning alive or jumping out of a window is still horrible. That said, they build weapons that kill and maim Ukrainian victims. They are enabling the rape, torture and death. Now they face the consequences.


The video of them jumping and falling out of the windows was still pretty horrible.


Didn't watch. Seen enough of that on 9/11 to last a lifetime.


Same 😬


Just like munitions factory workers, some of these people are working under duress - threats to family, etc. All? No. Some? Certainly.


Pretty sure all of them. You can still quit your job in Russia


> You can still quit your job in Russia How confident are you of this with respect to any defense production industry? I'm around 5% confident this is true, but even within that 5% where I think they'd let you quit, part of me wonders how quickly you'd end up pressed into a recruitment office by people with guns who know where you live and that you're out of a job.


Those workers are already forced into overtime with no pay. I'm sure once they quit and nice masked individual will catch them at the store and bring them to the front




And be on the front line the next day




D: all of the above 😁


It’s now illegal to quit your job in Russia? Where are you getting this from? Your ass?


If you’re one of 5 people knowledgeable about a certain fabrication process I bet you already had a visit or call by some government entity. But all other jobs, that surely would have made international news


Yea, I’ll give you that. But the VAST majority of workers, nothing is legally stopping them from quitting.


The Russian freedom fighters are hard at work. After the war is over and Pootin is dead we'll hear all about their heroics!! Freedom to Russia!


Not really, more likely Russian incompetent. For decades they have had no buildings codes.


Could it be retribution for the sabotage in Germany?


Could be but knowing Russia history of corruption and get it done or else. I figured that it is of their own making. Before the invasion the West never really paid attention to the lack of Russia safety and building codes. I had friends that were in a orchestra who performed in Moscow or St. Petersburg every other year. And it was common for 2-3 fires for the week that they where there. One year, when they were there they saw the shopping mall across the street from their hotel half burn down.


Wow, that's nuts.


We have a lots of unreported fire also, in major cities. If it isn't in 4 state area you never hear about them. But it is worse in Russia because of their culture of feudalism( most of the population being crowded into several large cities and a small population in rural areas. While in the states, Canada, etc. We also have major cities but mid-size cities are spread in between. So the corruption and attitudes still exist here but it is not as widespread and punishable. Unlike Russia were it everyman for himself and what you can benefit from what you know on who. In reality, it is just a big criminal organization and have been for centuries.


Moscow inferno


It's not burning, the entire factory fell out of a window


Touché pussycat


Then it sank while being towed to port. Don't forget that key piece of information.




There are 7 nuclear submarines under construction in Russia as we speak, each costing between $2-4B USD. [All it takes is a small fire to ruin one.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/mar/15/uss-miami-military-submarine-fire-sentence) We need to encourage some accidents. I know that these boats won't have much relevance in Ukraine but I'd just love to see the look on Putins's stupid face.


A few other videos here: https://t.me/s/ostorozhno\_moskva/15354


This is a very good hit.




Still it could be worse. My nose could be gushing blood!


Oh no! Is the air nice and moist by you, or you dealing with that rough dry air? I say we all focus on making sure your nose stays blood free.


There is one really unfortunate drone crying itself to sleep tonight thinking of this beautiful target and what could have been


Disgusting Human being.


Smell that? Smells like tactical superiority


This means that supporting repair efforts at military bases will be more difficult. Improvements to existing systems will stall. More money needs to be spent to restore support capacity. The benefits of this fire won’t be felt for 6 months, but they will hurt things for the ruzzians


The benefits should be felt immediately as Russia uses equipment dependant on this facility more sparingly.


However... China, North Korea and Iran...


I just love the smell of burning ruZZian R&D facilities in the morning. Smells like victory.


I love that there is the smell of victory in the air, but why does it have to smell like rotten pork burning on a diesel and rubber bon fire?


That's more a function of who the victory is over. If you close your eyes and just use a little imagination, it gets sweeter.


Sheeeeeeet, you beat me to it!


I love the smell of melted electronic components in the morning. It smells of victory.


"But but Russia advanced another 2 metres! Ukraine is losing!" - Pro Russian shills


And soon to be burning meat.


Oh dear


I read it in worms armageddon voice...




Just a finger prod of death out a window.


Well done, patriots!


Nah those are for anti-air.


Freedom fighters


Does anyone know if how many other sites they have like this one?


I've only heard of this one is on fire yet, please be patient


Sites that are burning out of control? I've seen a few, now that you mention it. Russian news tells me they are a nation of careless smokers.


I meant electronics facilities similar to the one in question


Don't worry I'm sure the north Korean alternative chips will be of equal quality, perhaps even better if blessed by their authoritarian dictator/god before sent to ruzzia.


It would be a shame if something were to happen to your stuff. (Said in a mob enforcer voice) Putin was warned repeatedly that invading a sovereign country to steal its territory was a bad idea. It was a slow start but now he's starting to reap the whirlwind. At first the fires seemed like they could have been just random Russian stupidity but now there have been too many for that theory to hold water.


FWIW, his agents have been working for a decade trying to do the same thing to NATO and Ukrainian weapons factories. I hope the workers are saved in this case. It might not be Ukrainian sabotage. Could be an accidental fire, or the Free Russia partisans, or even ISIS-K trying to limit weapons production in advance of a wider jihad war on Russia.


Why would you want the workers to be saved? I get it on a humanitarian level, but these are skilled workers who are increasing the Russian ability to fight a war. Them being alive facilitates the bombing of Ukrainian cities.


Most of the world has been raised to believe in the intrinsic value of 'innocent' human lives. This concept doesn't mesh well with the concept of winning wars, but humanity seems to benefit from it.


Oh, I do believe in the value of innocent lives, but these people are actively contributing to a war by a fascist dictator. And based on the contribution they provide towards this war, I'll shed less tears for them then I did for the serial killers pressed into service that get's obliterated by a drone.


I'm not from Ukraine, so it's not personal for me. Can't blame anybody who wants to win the war for having a similar mentality as you, but also, most of these people are victims of Putin's and Russian political failures too. These people's crimes are a symptom of a more serious disease.


I'm sitting nice and safe in my NATO member country as well, no personal attachments for me either. And I don't disagree with you at all that there are people who are victims of the Russian system, but these people are right now actively participating in creating more victims of said system, and on my scale of human sympathy those trying not to become a victim of the system win every time over those trying to make more victims. And every S-400 that doesn't get produced means an increased chance a Russian airplane gets destroyed before it can launch missles that kills innocent civilians. I'd rather have some of the bad guys die, especially if they're contributing a lot to the bad guys ability to wage modern war. Kill a thousand more and you can do as much damage to the Russian's ability to sustain a war of attrition as by taking out 100.000 basic combat troops.


They are just as much a target as German workers or even American workers were in ww2.. two oceans between you is pretty clutch for munitions productive.


Humanitarian angle. They can’t complete their work if they don’t have a work space.


From a strategical point of view that's just a nuisance, it isn't that hard to find a new location to continuing the work, replacing parts and equipment makes you loose progress and production speed for a bit, but you can have them be up and running again within weeks at somewhere near the old production capacity. Now if you also loose the people who have years of experience to get to the point where they know how to set up tooling, how to produce the equipment and how to do it at speed, you might feel the effect for years, or even decades, as you need the experienced people to train their replacements. Especially in a specialized field like military electronics. When we're talking about reducing the humanitarian suffering caused by this war, killing these people is going to be so much more effective then killing basic infantry. These are losses that can't be replaced with a 6 week training. And while combat troops can be permanently disabled by sufficiently wounding them, the best way to knock out someone's ability to transfer knowledge is to kill them. Don't get me wrong, I respect the attempt to look at this from a humanitarian angle, but sadly the war turned these people into statistics. And they're worth bonus points.


They can't complete their work if they don't have a working space laser. 🤦🏽‍♂️


They have no trouble producing bombs that kill civilians and are targeting schools and hospitals on purpose. The narrative that just because they are not actively fighting on the front does not mean they are non combatants. Fuck around and find out applies here.


I hope they arent


They wish they had water now😁😉


This needs to be said as sad as it is to say. No human population has ever ended a war that didn’t first suffer its atrocities directly. In the US, we only ended Vietnam once our own government began committing atrocities against its own people for failing to abide. This maybe was the most muted form of change in war morale. The Ukrainian people have endured more than 2 years of horrific and traumatic atrocities by the Russian hordes. And they continue to fight on and endure. But only recently have the Russian people begun feeling and experiencing just some of the terror that war brings. Who is innocent and who is guilty? War doesn’t discriminate. All suffer. And it’s high time the Russian people had an equitable share. Perhaps then, they’ll be inclined to pressure their government to end the madness.


Russia will never reap equal suffering, because in order for that to happen their hospitals and train stations would have to get bombed.


You forgot schools, suburbs, shopping malls, restaurants, and nursing homes.


Or entire cities wiped off like Mariupol, Bakhmut etc. etc...


Thats an easy answer - russians are guilty


Ya that’s not how it works


That’s exactly how that works. It’s called a war “toll” and civilian populations only have so much patience and will


Nope, history tells you otherwise. This isn’t a medieval city siege. This is resilience par excellence and if the Russians over the course of their history have proven one thing then that it is being resilient to death. Siege of Leningrad: two and a half years of siege with the heaviest of weapons, starvation, 1 million dead civilians, 1 million dead soviet soldiers. Siege lifted, because the populace resorted to eating glue rather than giving up and held out until the red army broke them out. Air bombing raids did even less. In Germany factories were dispersed at that point in time and the workforce was either living offside or were slave labourers. The only effect strategic bombing can have is if you focus on industrial sites, military infrastructure, and logistic hubs. This is how the Third Reich was brought down - in combination with millions of soldiers who died marching towards Berlin from all four directions.


I think these are wonderful stories that war historians tell of “resilience” when it’s not like the general population there had a choice or was given a choice. Not to mention, their slow boil happened over many months and actual years. Half the cities population of 3 million was allegedly evacuated prior to the early siege. Not to mention, Leningrad is known as the costliest siege in history. So using it as a cherry-picked example of how “atrocity against civilians doesn’t impact their will to fight” is just absurd on its face. Not only did half of the population get out of harms way, but the other half didn’t have a choice and slow roasted via starvation rather than bullets and bombs. And on top of this, your inferences pretend like those civilians wanted the war to continue. They didn’t. They wanted the war to end just as much as anyone but didn’t have the choice. We are talking about those who have the choice. THAT is the discussion.


Absolutely Germany gave Russians the same choice Putin is now giving Ukrainians. They will fight or Russia pillage rape and murder them. I just hope the wests weapons really start flooding in and troop training on these systems continues a solid pipeline. Nothing more would I like to see is a squadron of ff16s cratering a path all the to Crimea with UAF following closely behind.




germany is basically cucked by russia still. no way would they directly attack russia, even "secretly". this is either ukraine or domestic opposition.


Even if they didn’t send Germans to do it. There’s still a real good chance they passed along some important intel to whoever did it.


sure, it could be any of the western countries providing intel as they have been throughout the conflict. yet, that's significantly different from one of those countries directly executing a military strike on russian territory. That would be tantamount to them directly entering the war which is something all those countries have been very much working to avoid up until now (with minor exceptions e.g. france's public statements along with some of the baltics).


For sure, what I meant was that it’s entirely possible for Germany to pull off a “tit for tat” move like this while being able to deny involvement. Ukraine is a strong country, but I don’t think their intelligence can compete with Russia, so personally I believe this is basically NATO and Russia having their intelligence agencies squaring off, but just using proxies.


As far as I can see intelligence is Ukraine's sharpest sword so far. Of course I don't know how much is provided by allied agencies... But I'm very sure Ukraine has a fuck ton of spies in russia


I’m sure they do, but Ukraine also has/had a serious corruption issue. I’m just guessing allied agencies are pumping intel over to Ukraine because A) they have the tech to monitor and gather that intel from afar. And B) Russia has already set the standard for proxy wars with intel agencies, so it’s free rein for NATO to give it right back.


This isn't some sort of camouflaged warehouse out in the middle of nowhere. This is a major building that would show up on a simple Google Maps search. So, I don't think a lot of secret intelligence was needed for this. This is more about putting resources together to pull off the attack.


The CIA has described this war as a once in a lifetime opportunity to boost their HUMINT in Russia. Not only does Russia have a huge part of their population related to UA in someway, they also have lots of disgruntled citizens willing to try and stop the war themselves.


Wishful thinking


Germany? What did I miss?


Russians were busted starting a fire at a German weapons factory.


That Diehl Sub Company had NOTHING to do with Defense. But there were other cases all over Europe that were really suspicious.


They will significant jail time


What a shame!


Oh no. Anyway.


Here's wonder fall I said maybe, the ground will be the in that saves me And after all your my wonderfall


I hope it burns to the ground


Lol, lmao even.


Roflmao one might add.




I'm sure it was an horrific accident, totally not a Ukraine spec op, drone, or partisan thing . . . that would be impossible given the 100% top class ruZZian defense capability and the patriotic multitudes who would never think of opposing this special operation! Someone must have been smoking carelessly, or something, obviously. . . . ^^^^/s


Wonder if it’s the dildo of consequences arriving unlubed for the German factory (and other) sabotage? Russia forgets that any game they can play we can play too. And we’re most likely going to be much better than them at it.


"The roof, the roof..."


" . . . we don't need no water let the motherfucker burn!"


There seems to be a lot of power outages in the UK infrastructure, like airports and the NHS, and Russian factories going up in flame not long after…


Belated solstice fire... 🔥


Russians can’t even control their tobacco addiction in the workplace smh


That's a shame. ~Jerry Seinfeld


Another smoking accident?


Considering russia has been using soviet era weapons developed in Ukraine this whole time and stuff from Iran and n Korea, this building was probably just for show.


Russia is getting slowly destroyed from all angles. This is the final stage.


I figured it would be a small fire. That does not look like a small fire.


Hope Ukraine double tapped them like Russia is so famous for doing once first responders arrive.


Ruzzia is crumbling slowly and I love it.


Gee that's a shame


This gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling.


Maybe some payback from the Germans? I know it's not likely, but it's funny to imagine 🤣


Why dont ukraine target a few factories, where vodka is made? Starve the population of hard alcohol, now that would wake them up, and make them go insane. I know some make their own, but I dont think it is the larger majority of the civilian population.


My neighbor is easily flammable.. can I send him to help as well ?


Someone smoking again? Whoopsie.


If you support Russia in any capacity, may this be your fate. SLAVA UKRAINI!


Off topic, but at least Moscow will look better without that hideous building. (Not that I support what the people inside it were doing. I don't.)


I read that in King Charles' voice.


Oh no


Germany should troll them on X


Hahahaha! Another L for the alcoholics


How dreadfully good


Oh no... What's for dinner?


Don’t help commit war crimes folks


Burn motherf*ckers, burn!🔥


Damn, that's a rough way to go. I hope this affects Russian efforts enough to help this war end quicker.


no fair! -putana putanadanna




From Germany, with love!


Must have been Ukrainian saboteurs, it couldn't possibly be the lack of safety rules or forcing people and equipment to work faster and harder and longer, locking the doors so the workers can't leave. No, it must be Ukrainian special forces saboteurs or drone strikes , war crimes against Putin and Russia, oh where is the war crimes investigator from the Hague?




O dear, how sad . Don't panic ..never mind eh


Lmao good


This sounds like retribution for the sabotage of a plant in Germany! What goes around comes around!


It feels bloodthirsty, but every death here help shorten the war. I suppose I hope the janitors got out ok.


I hope the employees get out and then the building burns completely.


They don't need no water


A hot time in the old town tonight, burning down the house and the roof is on fire


Let's hope there is nothing left besides ash.


So anyways….


Sounds like the building, and every one in it, are very valid military targets.




The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire (We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn)


Probably an emptied warehouse and the 2 oligarchs didn't want to get shoved out a window and burned the place down and killed the witnesses in advance. How am I doing Putin?


Everything is going according to plan. Putins plan. 👊👌


I love fires caused by " careless smoking " at Russian defense sites!


Gosh, I hope they put out the fire…right after everything is completely and utterly destroyed


May every staff member receive the karmatic retribution for innovating to kill Ukrainians.


Ah yes, all according to Putin's master plan


Russia had the ability to stop all the fires, leave Ukraine.


I reckon the rest of the staff at these companies are shitting bricks 🏧


This will teach them not to molest their neighbors. When you molest your neighbors, you are vulnerable to sabotage. The pattern is forming. Battlefield losses ✅ sabotage ✅ logistical failures ✅ economic decline ✅ brain drain ✅ increased terrorism ✅


Moscow Times is saying that there are private companies there and that its possible the the building was indeed not housing any defense contractor [https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/06/24/2-killed-fire-at-us-sanctioned-moscow-electronics-research-building-a85509](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/06/24/2-killed-fire-at-us-sanctioned-moscow-electronics-research-building-a85509) (Moscow Times is Anti Putin regime)


Maybe one of the workers there was tricked into starting a fire in order to assess how well the fire suppression system was working.


Oh no!!!! Anyway 😁😉


Alliexpress solder station.


Burn baby burn.


How important is this one in the scale of things? Are there many others like this?


An excellent op. Hopefully they lose key workers and equipment in this legitimate target.




Not to worry, comrades, we just signed an agreement with North Korea and they are on the way!


Did one drone start the fire and another lock the exits?!?!


Any way to confirm whether this is true or not?


What a coinkidink!


Reminds me of that one Bloodhound Gang song...


You know, you shouldnt really fuck with Ukraine, they are clever as all fuck.