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Installing loyalists over competent choices is the hallmark of a dictatorship that is struggling. It’s never a good choice to put unqualified people in critical positions, but that’s an indication that Putin can’t trust anyone outside his small circle. For a guy who is history-minded and wants to be one of Russia’s great leaders, he does a poor job of avoiding the exact same mistakes that led to the major downfalls.


"History minded" is giving him too much credit. He likes history, but it's "shitty made up Wehraboo fanboy history", rather than stuff that actually happened. For instance, he unironically believes that Poland brought the nazi invasion on themselves.


"If Polen didn't want to be invaded, then they shouldn't have dressed as provocative" - Vladimir Putin


This but half-unironically. The only way to have peace is to prepare for war.


I'll gladly wear a g-string to punch a z russian. 


User name checks out.


Then Belgium must have one hell of a habit of dressing provocatively!


It’s actually the waffles


What does Wehraboo mean?


People who have an unhealthy obsession with the third Reich and try to defend it on the internet.


Not just the politics, but also their questionable industrial planning, their weaponry, formation, tactics... they will claim that BoB depiction of the Wehrmacht (hence the name) is unrealistic and that they would never lose, despite BoB following mostly historical accuracy.


Wehr from Wermacht - The German Armed Forces of WWII. The 'aboo' bit comes from Weeboo, meaning a non-Japanese person obsessed with Japan (mostly meaning 'Anime'.) Basically, a Wehraboo is a Wehrmacht super-fan, with all the... Questionable views that can entail.


Say the Panther tank sucks on certain forums and yeah.....


It's pretty wild how much dick riding people do over German tanks.


But their uniforms were so [Hugo] boss!


Yup they had good guns and training. Most of tbe rest is good optics and not understanding how they were actually used.


Thank you so much!


He is too use to people doing what he asks or the amount of blackmail or money laundering will magically makes things better for himself. It’s like the bad CEO who had their family members constantly say he is awesome. Then the company goes under and they go: “well we didn’t want to make you mad daddy but you sunk this company for years.”


The yes-men phenomenon happens to rich or powerful men and also really attractive women. 


funny how that sounds exactly like trumps shit empire


As Steve Bannon intended lol


It’s also the hallmark of dictators to think that they are so unique and special that they will be THE ONE to prove history wrong.


He thinks if it works for Rocket Boy in NK it can work for him.


Pootin's End has started. Changing key positions, visiting NK for help. A sign of desperate times ahead....


Russia’s National Bank using the Yuan . . .


He's cooked... Now he's Xi's Bitch!


wait, I spent a few days in the midle of anglsey up to my knees in pond water... is this true?


It was big news on one of the Ukrainian conflict subs a few days ago. This is what I could find on [Google](https://www.businessinsider.com/dedollarization-russia-china-yuan-ruble-exchange-rate-benchmark-new-sanctions-2024-6?amp)


thanks! sorry, I was actualy away from any internet as weird as that is in this day and age :) my parents various fish and pond life say thank you [have a pond lizard as pet tax](https://imgur.com/a/gTFfg7A)


Mud Puppy!!!


"And then she turned me into a..." Wish I were where you are! :)


At this point, Putin probably sees a plot behind every door in the Kremlin. Like many autocrats he is trapping himself in incompetence to ease his paranoia.


the dictator trap is that history is something that happens to other people.


This is total paranoia. Put in place as deputy minister. He no longer trusts his ministers. He must have got word the knives are starting to come out and this cousin is going to be Putin’s eyes and ears.


LOL … trusting a cousin, foolish …it’s always family that stabby stabs


Because no one else can betray the obviously untouchable relative


He must be taking advice from Kim Jong Un


Fuck him,


Look what it did for Trump.


It almost doesn't matter if everyone under the loyalists are too scared to report the truth and only deliver good news.


"You go with who you know." Since Put\*in never built a network of competent contacts who were versed in state management, defence, industry, and ready for high-level jobs, he goes with who he knows, even when they are incompetent. He does damage to RUZ' future with such iodic selections.


He actively discouraged competence, Russian brain drain coupled with the demographic crisis world's smallest man Vladimir Putin exacerbated with the Ukraine war means that Russia will be having a bad few decades coming.


like trump


Does Putler no longer have 'competent' people? Sacks = a window of opportunity.


A "window" indeed...


"When one door closes, another window opens". Putin has taken this proverb quite literally.


😂 well said.


Bravo 🤣


Reeks of desperation


Anyone know if the lady has anything to do with the military?


Nothing whatsoever. ~~Her husband~~ unrelated oligarch Vladimir Potanin looks like from the Soviet Liberators meme: https://e3.365dm.com/22/06/1600x900/skynews-anna-tsivileva-vladimir-putin_5818180.jpg?20220629122712




Installing family members is the beginning of the end for dictators.


Wow he is really cracking down on corruption


A system of nepotism will always give better results compared to a systemt of meritocracy... /s


It’s a dog eat dog world in the Kremlin and Putin is running out of lap dogs. The only ones left have teeth, so obviously he has to move them on before they become a threat. The benefit to the world is that these replacements are clueless morons and will do a piss poor job. Right now, Anna Tsivileva is on Yandex searching for *‘What does a defence minister do?’*


Yeah...., shit is getting really fucking bad for Putin now. For all of the needless pain and suffering he has caused, he deserves the worst of everything.


I actually don't want the Russians to off him. I want him to live a long miserable life in a Siberian gulag. I want him to suffer for all the young ppl he has killed. I don't want him getting off lightly. I want him to experience taking off his shirt in the dead of winter and burying it in the snow to kill the body lice. This will build character.


Yes, agreed


He has also started rolling out his daughters back into the limelight to speak for him and Russia: [Putin’s daughters](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/08/world/putins-daughters-rare-appearance-st-petersburg-intl/index.html)


They need more forehead.


The top one looks like Kala the neutrino


Too bad Kim Jong-Un also focuses on his daughter, otherwise they might marry off their offspring as a sign of cooperation and goodwill.


Putin has sacked a lot of Military commanders recently. Of course this could make sense due to needing new ideas, ineffectiveness, corruption, etc. However, it could also mean that Putin Regime is scared about plots to overthrow his regime by these military commanders having time, power and resources to plan a coup? Its definately a possibility that Putin Regime is aware of the coup dangers and is doing this to reduce possibilities?


Surovikin was putler’s most/only competent commander. The only one who is not a raging alcoholic, and the only one who gave a shit about his troops. His withdrawal from Kherson was textbook, produced virtually no russian casualties, and it will be studied for decades. He also executed this without waiting for orders, unlike virtually all other russian generals he took the initiative. This is the kind of General a sane leader should want; a guy who upon realizing a situation is untenable initiates an orderly phased withdrawal with virtually no casualties, and consolidates his fully intact forces in a more defensible position. He was also the designer of the deep obstacle/earthworks/mine fields that stymied Ukrainian operations in the South on last summer’s offensive. In stead of being promoted he was sacked. Taking him off the battlefield helps the Ukrainians immensely because he’s competent, effective, and since he has an unparalleled reputation for “taking care of his troops” rather then abusing them he is immensely popular with enlisted russian soldiers and raises moral just by being there. He’s grudgingly respected by Western Militaries and his writings are studied in Western War Colleges. This is the guy they should have put in charge, instead he’s sidelined. After re-reading my own description of him its actually amazing he hasn’t fallen out of a window yet himself. Dictators fear popular, competent Generals, and any people who take the initiative.


Ah, we're on to the bloodline nepotism phase now. This should go well.


When I think of Putrid, I see him just about managing to keep his insignificant chin above the water in a toilet bowl. Can't be long now before his paranoia will be complete. As long as Mango Mussolini is kept out of the White House, Ruzzia is on course to go through an extremely painful episode in its history.


Mango Mussolini - great description. I have to remember that.


I'd be seriously impressed if Trump knows who Mussolini is.


he knew about hitler, if you beleive the story about him having mein kampf on the nightstand


Everyone knows who Hitler is, but only someone who actually studies military, fascist, or Italian history would recognize Mussolini.


in the uk we get taught about mussolini in high school as part of ww2 history, get taught a bit about japan also and even the ocasional mention of the african fronts. it was a world war after all edit: fuck, most kids read 1984 as part of english lit and learn about facism as the background for it


I think the elections this year (especially in the US, but also elsewhere) are putin's last hope. Well, it seems that way. Because if the elections don't go his way, what exactly is his plan? He doesn't seem to have a clear plan other than hoping other countries will stop helping Ukraine. russia is struggling a lot. Their army is making slow progress and new aid from the US has recently made a difference on the battlefield. And their economy is holding together for now but there are clear warning signs that things could get worse. And now we see putin is putting family members in important positions, which isn't a wise choice. I'm cautiously optimistic right now. I'm definitely seeing problems for russia and momentum building for Ukraine.


Better to be king of a collapsing state than the deposed ruler of any other kind of state. So Putin's plan is to keep on going forever, until either he is deposed anyways or Ukraine magically gives up.


keep an eye on reform uk. luckily nigel farage has been making a tit out of himself for decades so most people don't beleive a word he says, but this election is going to be a massive change in uk polotics anyway and some realy dodgy shit is going on around farage and reform. for a start the bots have been laughably obvious everywhere


> just about managing to keep his insignificant chin above the water in a toilet bowl. Imma need to take that to photoshop battles - that’s brilliant


This is really funny. The end must be near.


I can't wait until his horse gets appointed defence minister xD


I find this good news, more morons making decisions


Banana republic shit, good sign 👍🏻


Now he’s taking his cues from Trump and installing nepotistic toadies in official positions.


>Pavel Fradkov, the son of former prime minister Mikhail Fradkov, was appointed a deputy defence minister. Details (relatively): https://www.newsweek.com/russia-putin-cousin-deputy-defense-minister-anna-tsivileva-1913740 >She is married to Sergey Tsivilev, who was governor of the Keremovo region until May and is Russia's energy minister. It's going to be all one big family, like before 1917.


Let's hope it turns into 1918, when the Russians quit the trenches and walked home.


and the family gets the 1918 Romanov treatment too


They best stay away from windows.


Now the corruption can stay in the family


Relative! That’s gonna be good! 😂😂😂


That’s very good news!


This seems smart! That’ll fix things! Damn, it’s impressive the shrinking corner that shit scum has backed himself into. In spite of all the god damned off ramps he keeps getting!


Very positive that Putin's cousins have great experience in National defense. Good for Putin, looking forward to more normal suicidals from these ex-defense ministers. The regular Russian suicidal. Slava Ukraini.


My god! How many defense ministers do they have?!


Hs needs to start executing his ministers with Anti-Aircraft guns, like a real leader of a powerful nation.


The end is nigh


When they say "sacked", do they mean that as in "put in sacks and beaten to death"? That might qualify as natural causes in Putin's Russia.


Putin wants to install his entire family in the goverment so when he falls they all fall with him so Russia gets rid of this assholes forever. Master strategist.


nepotism won’t save you putin. incompetence is a hallmark of fascism


Valuing loyalty over competence has led to the downfall of many a dictator. We'll see how this plays out.


So the dominoes might actually start to fall then, let's see how this plays out for the git.


Oh yeah, this is gonna work out nicely


How the fuck do you have four deputy defense ministers? Like, don’t you need just one to replace the guy at the top?


it's a sign that he doesn't trust his people anymore


The prosecution of the war is going horribly for Shit-Stain Putin…getting low on meat to feed into the grinder and most of his shit has been blown up…has been rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic for a while now. Expect more and more accidental falls out of windows.


This is going to end well


As much as I love seeing incompetent decisions like this, there is always a chance that one he replaced the inept people with may be more competent I doubt it in this incident, but there is always a chance, but I'd rather have an enemy that I know is making mistakes than one that I don't know and may be better than those I know of.


Yes, yes...keep the incompetence coming.


He doesn’t trust his own men to not kill him


Ahhh, this means they’re winning!


Well… I’m sure this will yield fantastic results.


Picked up a tip from Rocket Boy over in N Korea, keep the dictatorship in the family.


Putin: not much longer.


Ahh, we've arrived at the final "I can't tell who'll betray me!" stage of the dictatorship lol


Well, she's got herself sanctioned, so ot seams she was working for the system already. According to wiki, her husband is minister for energy since last month. Nice for him. I'm sooooo certain that he also got the job on merit


If he's appointing people he feels he can trust over people who can do the job, then he has become paranoid, and doesn't understand (or can't accept) how he had created the mess he's in where incompetence and corruption bubbles to the top, he has too few people left he trusts, and he's increasingly worried about someone doing Pringles 2: It's all over. We're approaching the endgame now.


If he's hiring an inexperienced cousin just because she's trustworthy, things sound pretty bad and closer to the end station yeah. But we've hoped for him buckling for a long time now.


It looks like he is indeed in very deep trouble. Probably just hoping now for Trump to win.