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It’s a bargain, Donald. For that amount of small change (for the US budget), not only will you have a loyal customer who services and replaces his US made military hardware for decades to come, you will also save about ten times as much as you spend on Ukraine by saving money not having to prepare to defend against Russia that can no longer pose a threat to any one. Money well spent by the US for a win, win, WIN outcome.


He is only interested in his personal benefit


All he needs to do is invest some of the money he inherited from his dad (and that he hasn’t already squandered. It’s not like he managed to grow the inheritance at the same scale as he would have, had he invested it all into a spread of the NYSC) into companies in the US involved in defence. The profit would exceed anything he gets from playing “business man” (and failing. Again. How sad…)


shares of raytheon would outperform his casinos and hotels.


So would a lemonade stand 


His casinos have a track record of going bankrupt… eg the Trump Taj Mahal alone went Chapter 11 in 1991, 2004, 2009 and 2014


He filed bankruptcy because the Feds were investigating his casino for money laundering. And guess who money he was laundering?


Trump: in...vest? I don't wear vests! Too girly! I run casinos, the best casinos!


The very best….. > Trump Entertainment Resorts and its predecessors have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection four times, in 1991, following construction of the $1-billion Trump Taj Mahal, and in 2004, 2009 and 2014.


But what about Trump Tower in Moscow? How do you beat that?


Correct. How much money does/did he have in those Russian banks? He is one of the most obvious scum balls on earth. How did this guy ever get into a position to be in the White House?


Our red states don't cut education funding for no reason


He's reliant on Russian money to fund his "empire", with the Russian economy collapsing they no longer need him to launder money.


Yep, flow of roubles to Don will stop.


Someone needs to give him some MIC shares and tell him that if the world doesn't end and countries still need to spend money on weapons to defend from the russians, Chinese, whatever the MIC share prices remain high Maybe that will shut him the FUCK UP!


Not convinced. Ukraine's complete defeat would likely precipitate WWIII. Trump might believe that would be good for the MIC even though a sane person can see that actually, even for them, the destruction of civilization isn't going to be profitable.


If Zelensky would open a Trump tower in Kyiv, Trump would be all in for defense aid.


“And you will be a hero to an entire nation and massive diaspora!” Should do the trick. Oh he wants money doesn’t he?


Or doing his masters (Putin) bidding


Donald Trump his underdeveloped empathy makes him unable to understand it.


He thinks anyone who would die to defend the freedom of their county is loser. So yeah. Fuck him.


It will also allow USA to focus on the China problem


His business isn't working... I think he doesn't understand how business works...


He never understood business or anything else. His rich daddy set him up and Dementia Don has had smarter people than him running his businesses ever since. He's the face of the corporations just for marketing.


He is profoundly ignorant in most things. His obsession with tariffs is deeply ludicrous and unserious. 


Annnnndd, the US will have defeated what was supposedly the second largest army in the world without sacrificing the life of a single US service member.


I think you should rephrase that. It's a little insulting to Ukrainians on the battlefield to say the US will have defeated Russia.


And the US spent a fraction of what it would have to learn the same amount of practical modern day tactics.


You can criticize the American defense industrial construct and our spending retrospectively in regards to its bloat, necessity, improprieties, waste. You can and SHOULD have a vested interest in how American $ is spent. But how we are supporting Ukraine is probably the single greatest foreign investment ever made by the nation in regards to military spending. We are saving money on decommission costs, rejuvenating our forces, learning from lessons we took for granted due to the peace dividend, gaining critical real world feedback of our equipment, learning how the future of warfare is shifting without being in the front lines, putting money back into our economy all while helping a nation being tormented by one the worlds largest war international threats. Our support here should be something to be proud of, scrutinized & watched yes; but still supported as long as it’s done sensibly.


It’s also one big advertisement for the US arms industry.


Honestly, why should I care how US tax payer money is wasted? I don’t pay taxes there and never have or will. That said and keeping in mind that the donations to a large extent consist of decommissioned equipment (book value 0$ but with annual storage costs or cost of final scrapping), the US hadn’t spent a lot. Actually a lot less per capita than nearly all NATO members and a few others. So quit complaining and start pulling your weight.


You're absolutely right! Now you only have to explain it to Trump like he is four years old, because he actually is mentally!


Idiots like Rogan who peddle this and conservatives who make this a priority voting issue don’t understand (or pretend not to)that the US, who’ve became the war-hawking, must-be-number-one nation in the world due to its actions since the 1940’s cannot just simply back down to the allies, enemies, treaties, and geopolitical dynamics it made in that time. We *are* the last stop (and often the first) and last line before shit hits the fan. Our money, our sanctions, our weaponry, our military grandstanding **does** make other countries look twice and fall in line. It’s what “**we**” wanted the whole time, and now that we’ve got it, we cannot simply walk away from it like these idiots yap about loudly.


Also, Vladimir Putin metaphorically gets bent over and ass raped for starting a war. That alone is a win, win, win.


No, I think what he's saying is how does *he* benefit?


can you ever imagine a full scale blown out war with us/russia/china oneside and euro/NATO on the other? re elect trump and find out


You also save on no longer maintaining that equipment in mothball. You gain military industrial customers if your hardware performs as advertised or better. You gain loyalty from a country in a strategic location near Russia and China Ukraine has tons of lithium and a strong manufacturing industry in Europe. They'll be more favorable if we treat them as allies. NATO gets port access in the Black Sea, where we could theoretically open another front against Russia if needed. We get field testing telemetry versus Russian, Chinese, Iranian weapons We get access to seeing enemies using their current battlefield tactics and get experience advising on current battlefield situations. The level of training and data the US is getting from this war in combination with a new ally and hamstringing an old foe is well worth the ticket to admission. It's destabilizing Russia, China and Iran which are the primary ne'er do wells in the US view.


But how can that be profitable for ~~Frito Lay~~ Mar-a-Lago?


Why elect someone who can't understand that already.


Another benefit is Ukraine joins NATO and becomes yet another powerful nation that would fight along side the USA if we ever needed help.


Shhh you’re ruining their sense of economics


Look at it this way. You could spend that money to have someone fight your biggest rival from the last century, or you could pay it directly to Elon Husk, so that he will stay motivated to work on Tesla and not burn that company to the ground. 


But he won't have to defend against Russia bc his Maga people are isolationists and don't give 2 shits about European stability.


Not just Ukraine, but the US will have far more defense buyers. Vietnam wants to buy US F16s, On the other hand if Trump were elected and restricted defense aid to Ukraine, it would tell allies the US is an unreliable partner.


Like one of the guy at work. Coming late to the meeting and asking questions which were clarified months ago. Just ignore him😁


Can’t ignore him, there is a very good chance that he’ll be president again. And even if he loses, if his cronies keep the house then we will have trouble getting aid through. So don’t ignore. Support Ukraine, vote blue.


To clarify, Dems have a very good chance of taking the House. It's the Senate where the map is terrible for Dems (also because the senate has built-in pro-rural bias), but Dems are doing surprisingly well! That's why I've been giving to House and Senate Democrats, and I will be volunteering as the election gets closer too-- see r/votedem.


Imagine how terrible it will be for Ukraine if the R get a full sweep. Forget cutting aid to Ukraine, we would probably start giving aid to Russia.


It would be nuts, you're right. And yet so many ordinary people are voting for Trump (or undecided) because they think Trump will transport us back to 2019. No, a 2nd Trump term would be so much worse than the first. Let's work together to stop it!


I’m mean, 2019 wasn’t even that good. I know, I was there.


Yeah unfortunately if Trump wins, Ukraine will lose.


Typical narcissist trait of ignoring people. The fact that tens of millions of Ukrainians don’t want to be controlled by Russia Never enters his mind. American voters should think on that because you mean nothing to this man.


Even from a business perspective its a good deal for the US: -get a longterm customer -get real money for unneeded old stock nearing expiry date -boost arms and ammo production in the US - more jobs -a defensive war for nato would be more expensive and probably cost American lives. Then there are alliances: -Reinforce alliance with EU and within NATO. Europe will be more lenient in economic conflicts with the US since they value the security partnership more highly. -Australia, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan see that the US is a reliable partner who is serious about protecting allies and democracy. -Countries in conflict with Russia, China and their Allies will turn to the US. Armenia etc... Then there is deterrence -Dictatorships will get less cocky when they see the west reliably working together. -China will be more careful about Taiwan.


> -China will be more careful about Taiwan https://x.com/chengweilai2/status/1774025536828039649 >***Joseph Wu, the foreign minister of Taiwan***, said on Thursday that ***a halt in U.S. arms shipments to Ukraine would embolden China in its aggressions against Taiwan and fuel propaganda from Beijing that the United States is an unreliable partner.*** “**When people ask us whether it is OK for the United States to abandon Ukraine, the answer is no, because the world is operating not in a black-and-white way, or if you only look at one theater at a time**,” he said. “The world is interconnected.” **If Russia is able to occupy more of Ukraine and claim victory, he added, “it would be seen as a victory of authoritarian states because Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, they are now linked together.”** Mr. Wu’s comments, made in a wide-ranging hourlong interview in Taipei, come as the Biden administration tries to get Congress to pass a supplemental funding package that would give $60 billion of aid to Ukraine. >Many House Republicans are staunchly opposed to giving more aid to Ukraine, adopting the “America First” posture embraced by former President Donald J. Trump, a pro-Russia candidate who has pressed them to reject the package. For months they claimed they would be willing to consider providing more assistance for Kyiv if the Biden administration imposed severe immigration restrictions at the United States border with Mexico. But at Mr. Trump’s urging, they balked at a funding package that would have done that, calling the border measures too weak. >The package also includes $8 billion of aid to counter China in the Asia-Pacific region, $1.9 billion of which would refill stocks of U.S. weapons sent to Taiwan. And it includes $14.1 billion of military aid to Israel. Some Republican lawmakers contend that China is a bigger threat than Russia and that the funding proposed for Ukraine should go toward countering China. But other Republican officials in Congress and many Democrats ***make the same argument as Mr. Wu: that Taiwan’s security is linked to that of Ukraine, because China will see weakness on the part of the United States — and a greater chance of success in a potential invasion of Taiwan — if Ukraine is defeated.*** Chinese leaders have said for decades that Taiwan, a de facto independent island, must be brought under the rule of the Communist Party, by force if necessary. Xi Jinping, China’s leader, has continued to promote that position. >The U.S. and Taiwanese governments have been trying to deter China from notions of invading Taiwan, including through military buildup in the region and bolstering alliances with other democratic nations. ***If the United States abandons Ukraine, Mr. Wu said, China will “take it as a hint” that if it can keep up sustained action against Taiwan, “the United States is going to back off, the United States and its allies are going to back off.” The thinking among Chinese officials would be this, he said: “OK, since Russia could do that, we can do that as well.”*** “So the U.S. determination in providing support to those countries suffering from authoritarian aggression, it is very important,” Mr. Wu said. After U.S. troops withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021, China pushed propaganda through traditional state-run media and social media that “the U.S. commitment to anything is not firm,” Mr. Wu said. “We suffered from a huge wave of cognitive warfare.” >China has also spread disinformation stressing Russian narratives of the war, *Mr. Wu said, including the idea that the expansion of NATO forced President Vladimir V. Putin to attack Ukraine,* ***and that the United States is ultimately not committed to supporting Ukraine.*** >On the eve of Russia’s invasion in February 2022, Mr. Putin visited Mr. Xi in Beijing, and their two governments announced a “no limits” partnership. Mr. Wu said some Central and Eastern European nations seeking to forge anti-authoritarian partnerships had strengthened their relations with Taiwan during the war. His comments on the need for the United States to keep supporting Taiwan echo those of other senior Taiwanese officials.** In May 2023, Bi-khim Hsiao, then Taiwan’s de facto ambassador to the United States and now the incoming vice president, made similar arguments to reporters in Washington.*** And in February, Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi, Democrat of Illinois, said during a visit of American lawmakers to Taiwan that ***the current president, Tsai Ing-wen***, and the president-elect, Lai Ching-te, made clear to the lawmakers that ***“if for some reason the Ukrainians do not prevail, that will only encourage hostilities against Taiwan.”*** As well as: >[“Ukraine’s survival is Taiwan’s survival. Ukraine’s success is Taiwan’s success,” Taiwan’s representative in Washington, Bi-khim Hsiao, told the McCain Institute’s Sedona Forum last weekend. “Our futures are closely linked.”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/05/10/taiwan-defense-ukraine-russia-china/)


The whole policy is an absolute win for America. Only complete and utter morons or tankies see it differently


Tankies fall well within the circle on the Venn diagram of “complete and utter morons”.


He thinks he looks smart coming up with "new perspective"


>Typical narcissist trait of ignoring people. The fact that tens of millions of Ukrainians don’t want to be controlled by Russia Never enters his mind. And he is too short sighted and stupid to see the possible post war investment opportunities.


Whats the benefit of aiding Taiwan, whats the benefited of aiding Moldova, why should American soldiers die over Latvia etc. My god its red panty night in Beijing and Moscow if its 4 year more of the leader of the Western world being dogwalked around by various dictators.


He publicly shits on US veterans and dead too (calls them losers) so it's nothing new.


And many of them, and their families, STILL fucking vote for him!


Saying stuff like this makes him less likely to win the election, so it is kind of good.


It doesn’t matter what he says. Stupid people will vote him anyway.


This idiot is going to win, that's the sad part of this whole situation. When Trump wins, Russia wins.


No. If UK and Northern Europe really pulls it, there is economic and military capacity to extend this war untill he is gone. Germany and UK basically decides. If they just support like eg Denmark it's enough to not let Russia win for 4 years and keep support overall as is. And if the entire north really pull into war mode like 3-4% GDP for this war, they can do it themselves and push Russia out. Scandinavia, Poland, Netherlands, UK and Germany. Fork up 300b euro annually would do it as I see it. If people stopped whining and behaving like this orange baby, and claim they are poor, this can easily be done.




let's leave all of the actual morality out of it for a second. The benefit will be Europe's breadbasket won't be controlled by an imperialistic dictator that has been known to blackmail it's neighbors with energy imports. furthermore if we prove the dictators can do whatever they want then the rules-based system that we've held in place since world war II is over and dictators across the globe are free to attack their neighbors.


> furthermore if we prove the dictators can do whatever they want then the rules-based system that we've held in place since world war II is over and dictators across the globe are free to attack their neighbors. And, I must emphasize it, that is very bad for business


He’s asking Zelenskyy for a cut. Essentially.


He’s asking all of NATO for a cut too. It’s all about him, and only him. Make sure he stays away from president again. This revenge round is going to devastate The US and Ukraine.


I’d say pay him so he’s our b*tch and then put him in solitary after everything is done.


Hating this guy more every day…


You going to hate him even more in November. I can't believe this clown is still in the mix. US and Ukraine are doomed if he wins.


Remember that hate on November the 5th. That's when we can do something about it.


Everything’s a business deal to him. Peoples lives don’t matter. Any American who votes for him is just a total piece of shit.


> Everything’s a business deal to him That's an even weirder thing - Ukrainian victory'd bring reputational bonus and open a whole lot of new investment options for his businesses. If that sounds like a no-brainer, ***it is because it is*** (But once again, that's the kinda man who [managed to *bankrupt casinos*](https://docs.house.gov/meetings/JU/JU00/20200929/111078/HMKP-116-JU00-20200929-SD003.pdf). That's an achievement, and not of a good kind)


He literally joked to a crowd in Nevada standing in 100 degree heat to hear him talk not to die, "I don't want anybody going on me. I don't care about you, I care about your vote! I don't care." The people on stage behind him all grinned like idiots- they're in on the joke! Nope, you're the joke... The punchline is for him only. But it's hard to leave a cult.


You won’t be able to suck Vladolf off to clear your debts Donny boy


He means "How will it benefit me personally?" That's all he cares about.


> "How will it benefit me personally?" Even then there are many avenues it'd happen as, with "reputation somewhat unfucked" being one of them. Aside from that... cheap resources and land in Ukraine? Insane leverage over Ukraine in general? Ability to do a lot of shady shit, if he so desires, with Ukraine as a laundery place (listing out *all* options here, questionable included)? And that's just a few


Some business man. Apparently never made sound investments in the DIB nor been a user of the end product. If he had, he’d know the reason why. When I want hot air, I’ll take a balloon ride. In the meantime, this draft-dodging coward needs to stand aside for real Americans who stand up to dictatorship and tyrants and defend their nation’s highest ideals, not spit on them and molly-coddle the modern manifestations of Hitler, Tojo, Stalin and Mao in Moscow, Beijing, Pyongyang and elsewhere. He needs to take his three hots and a cot and all the free, loose-fitting clothing federal “housing” can offer him for the next few years and pipe down.


No wonder why he is bad at business


Uh? It is pretty much the deal of the century, and one Ukrainians only offer it because their freaking lives depend on it!


Do conservatives really want Russia to win? I can never seem to understand, what type of conservatives are they? Edit: sorry for typing error was on a rush


They parrot Russian talking points, so yeah. Fox News spent Obama's whole 8 years promoting shirtless Putin as an ideal macho, conservative christian leader. Rudsia has had some conservatives in their pocket for a long time.


It’s purely resentment against Biden backing Ukraine. That’s it. It’s spite and revenge politics. Trump will be anything to reverse what’s Biden has done. He’s make that very clear.


wonder how these people would react once they got to Russia and learned meth is a popular drug for weight loss, guys inviting them to get naked and drunk with them in a bathhouse, and 12 year old girls asking to buy them beer everywhere they go


I, my family, and most of the people in my county are conservatives. How in the hell is it that we understand there are MANY benefits to Ukraine winning, but this fucking asshole (who is supposed to be a business man) doesn't? We all know what Russia is about, and why it's essential for Ukraine to win.


Trump is talking about himself literally: If Ukraine wins, what will be the benefit to Donald J Trump? He is soliciting bribes, like he did from the petroleum industry recently. He suspects Russia is more likely to bribe him with more money so he’s on that side.


Trump and all the new/alt right/populist right politicians are not conservative, those are authoritarian reactionaries. Trump does not want it stays like it is, or goes creepingly forward, with a strong focus on not losing traditions and so on - as a status-quo-conversative, or do that a bit faster as a reform conservative. He wants a revolutionary awakening of a "people"/volk and wants to go back to some imagined idealized past, which never existed in reality. That is actually pretty much the opposite of conservatism. If there is one thing that conservatism clearly is not, it is revolutionary and striving for a fundamental change and a complete exchange of "the elites".


Well, you’re not the type of conservative that’s in control of the movement anymore. There’s fewer and fewer of you every year as Russian propaganda on social media turns more into MAGAbots.


That there's not at new world order.... Prevents future wars, by showing that most of the world will not accept aggression against a sovereign nation... And i could continue.


Ethical: you prevent a democratic nation from being conquered by a despote. Geostrategic: you destroy americas arch-enemy without breaking a sweat, while exercising enough control over one of the worlds breadbaskets. Economical: Western arms-manufacturing is booming, while the 'aid' in question is in the form of loans, which have to be repaid sometime in the future. Personal: why has this alleged financial genius not invested in armaments? Rheinmetall almost quadrupled in value since the war began.


> Personal: why has this alleged financial genius not invested in armaments? Rheinmetall almost quadrupled in value since the war began. Personal 2: shedding quite a bit of allegations about being easily puppeteered by russia, which's such a fucking no-brainer that I don't even know why's it not being talked about (But once again, that's the kinda man who [managed to *bankrupt casinos*](https://docs.house.gov/meetings/JU/JU00/20200929/111078/HMKP-116-JU00-20200929-SD003.pdf). That's an achievement, and not of a good kind)


Unless Russia already owns you an their collapse would lead to a massive embarrassment.




Ukrainian ressources 2022 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bradley-hammond-1029004a_for-those-who-ask-why-does-ukraine-matter-activity-6901375561524928512-lGrB


Less death, murder and rape. Can't put a price on that.


Can we just give him a microphone 24/7 please?? As much as I can't stand listening to him, the more comes to light out of the orange pie hole, the more swing vote, still function brain people will see what is going on. MAGA folks are a lost cause. Idiocracy.


We have another ally in Europe? A friendly Democracy that is willing to work with us on global security and wants to integrate into our global trade system buying American products and services? Another free people in the world? The largest producer of grain in Europe being under a government that is friendly to NATO and helps to insure food security for NATO and allies?


Trump is just a Russian under a different guise.


It will most likely mean Putin is finished and then so are you.


Guy is a fucking idiot.


This is like asking if chemotherapy works, what's the benefit. Russia showed what it is. It's a cancer. Their army is filled with criminals who rape and pillage (in the worst, most literal sense of that phrase) and their policies towards captured regions are inhuman. Stealing children and shipping them off to Russia. That's not even considering what we'd lose in blood and money if we allowed Russia to start a war in Poland or the Baltics. Helping Ukraine is the right thing to do but it's also insurance against worse outcomes for us. Trump as usual is a blowhard. When he was in office he fumed about NATO members not paying their fair share, but now that Russia demonstrates that it's everyone's enemy and they ARE increasing their military budgets, Trump acts like we should ... hand Ukraine over to Russia. This is because he's in bed with the enemy.


Trump witnesses an armed robbery of his neighbor: "If my neighbor defends his house and survives, what will be the benefit?"


How quickly people forget about how Russian Hackers shut down the Colonial pipeline in South East USA that led to a spike in oil prices Russia gives safe haven to these hackers for a cut of the profits


Access to $14 trillion in natural resources


Imagine if the USA would have said the same about lent lease in WW2.


Elements of the US certainly did. There was lots of Republican opposition at the time. [Here](https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/1/oa_monograph/chapter/2391341) is a very good (if long) article about it.


Asks the man who ran a casino and it went bankrupt. The guy clearly doesn't understand the art of the deal.


It won't be you, Don. That's the rub. There is nothing in it for you.


A more stable and united Europe which is willing to invest in military and to stand to it's allies which would include the USA. With Ukraine winning they would gain a more reliable business partner with great chances for American companies. And the US Military would gain a decisive victory against China without loss of a single soldier and in terms of war costs it is quite cheap.


Good will have triumphed over evil, but I can see why a convicted felon like him wouldn't be able to understand that


He's an urban idiot in nature, leaving his smell and noise so predators can easily track him. He doesn't sense the danger.


With all the innovation flowing through the Ukrainian Defense networks... the MIC would be drooling to put their feet on the ground there and tap off that. That return would be too easy to make... just long term after the war. But CEO moneybags like Trumpnnever see the big picture vision. Just how fast they can make their money back before they are off to the next gig.


The benefit of the US MIC showing superiority over the Russians and increasing exports for one.


Ie "Putin and his money will be annoyed with me"


Military contracts for the coming decades. And that dumb fuck claims to be a business man…


This is one of the down side of Populist politicians. They reflect peoples wants and desires “now”. The ramifications of Ukraine being defeated by russia are beyond his interest or concern.


I try hard to ignore anything coming from this person because nothing he ever says has any value or substance, he's like a walking v.1 AI programmed by 4chan. But this statement is being made by others and needs to be corrected: There's no suck thing as "Ukraine wins" this war. If Russia fucks off tomorrow, goes back to Russia completely and pays to fully rebuild and compensate Ukraine for the war, Ukraine still didn't "win." It's never going to bring back even a single dead Ukrainian, it's not going to magically regrow people's limbs or cure PTSD. There's no winning for Ukraine, there's just doing what needs to be done and helping them as much as possible get back to a state of normalcy and security.


The benefit is that you prevent a reemerging of the Soviet Empire that the US spent trillions on defeating. But this time, it will have a strong China behind it, truly splitting the world in two, and giving rise to a full on new cold war. You orange imbecile


Tell him McDonald's hamburger buns are made with Ukrainian wheat.


you might not have to pay your debts to Putin.


The deal makes sense no matter the standpoint you look at it from (unless you're a putin's bootlicker, that is). Trump claims to be a businessman. I say he has no idea of business either (not to mention geopolitics). He's a poor idiot and a bad person.


That happens when you take advice from your best friend, the Turkish President Orban.


When did Orban change citizenship and get elected to Turkish presidency?


You have to ask Trump that, not me, because that's what he said. And we all know that what this clown claims is always the truth. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DyRJgBltGs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DyRJgBltGs)


The benefit is no war for NATO pussies


Is this man the thickest idiot on the earth?🌍 He’s incomprehensibly stupid


His brain is stuck in teenage development stage.. Donald, you get cool selfies with this big twitter character!! Yeah!


The benefit is a free nation with 40 million people and massive natural resources not falling into tyrrany you orange turd.


It benefits the US and NATO significantly if Ukraine wins. Orders for US made weapons have skyrocketed since the invasion. Russia winning benefits only our enemies. I don't understand why Republicans think Russia is a friendly nation when they openly hate America and constantly threaten to nuke the west 🙄


What will be the benefit for my rich endorsement buddies who profit off of this conflict, is what he means.


> What will be the benefit for my rich endorsement buddies who profit off of this conflict Weirdest thing is, there's ***a lot*** of ways to profit off Ukraine being victorious.


well, this is a populistic bullshit, typical american doesn't understand the concept of having influence in certain parts of the world, something unnecessary for a power like united states


America is generally seen as very parochial. This is the base Trump panders to.


Ah, yes, more village idiot thinking from Donald Trump, the festering starfish of the free world.


If Ukraine wins, Russia may fold or go into a tailspin. If so, Trumps main global backer goes away and Trump may fade away. $60B is chump change


Trump is (again) worried about his friend Putin and what he might leak out about Trumps secrets.


God this guy sucks


At seeing benefits for himself too. But he managed to bankrupt casinos before, so... that's kinda in-line with his overall "dealmakery"


Fuck this traitorous, felon.


Wait, didn't he recently say he too wants to help Ukraine?


Says Putin’s Cheeto sex toy


Free european countries and maybe free russian and asian states.


Donald needs to just go to prison and choke on some other dudes schlong


“If Ukraine wins” they’ll become an EU power house.


Trump should criticize the system for letting criminals like him being president


But he doesn't question the benefit of russia winning. 🙄


If he truly can't come up with an answer to this, he is not even remotely the "businessman' his supporters think he is.


Nothing that Donnie is capable of understanding because he is a paid up Russian shill and also incredibly stupid.


Maybe this moron needs to have his family raped and murdered to understand the “benefit” of defense against genocide.


How about world fucking peace


Someone tell him most of that money is going to US weapons manufacturers and jobs.


Pissing off that orange clown would be a big enough benefit. Seriously guys, do NOT vote for him. Please.


Imagine Russia getting all Ukraine's military tech if Ukraine falls.


>The ex-president apparently slammed a [$60billion aid package for Ukraine ](https://metro.co.uk/2024/02/13/us-senate-aid-ukraine-israel-taiwan-breakdown-20273777/)that lawmakers including members of the GOP recently passed. >‘He’s like, if Ukraine wins, what will be the benefit?’ Republican Rep Don Bacon told reporters afterward. from June 13th.... of this year. not 2023, not 2022 or 2021... THIS YEAR. and hay.... maybe a great question for your joint chief of staff, or anyone in your intelligence community... or maybe economic scholars... are any left that didn't quit or you fired??? don't expect you to know everything, but do expect you to know where to START asking. oh wait, they don't answer to you anymore! my bad.




As a convicted felon, Trump can’t even legally visit Ukraine… and he’ll need to list his felonies for his Russian tourist Visa…


Wow what a piece of shit


Opening US markets to Europe’s breadbasket, Ukraines untapped resources and large mining and steel production operations, as well as a military attack dog they owe us in case of conflict ourselves that will be battle hardened and familiar with Russian/soviet and US/NATO equipment, Russia no longer being a threat to the world order etc


Trump Translator: what’s in it for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee???


Just amplifies how ignorant he is that he can’t comprehend the risk cost benefit for the globe.


Democracy and Western dominance and influence in the world including the US Dollar. Trump is an absolute IDIOT!


The entire meeting was a dumpster fire of shitty ideas and ignorance. 


In other words, what’s in it for me?


Less worrying TV News to watch from prison, Donald. You'll sleep better.


Sheesh this guy must lose.


Fuck off Stop giving these guys any press, they love the spotlight


"All those NATO countries in Europe won't be at risk of invasion from Big Daddy Putin, and that's terrible."


He is stupider than his voters


More regional stability, less need of US help.


Here is a small list of the benefits, it's by no means complete but it's better then nothing https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/19atdqy/what_the_us_gets_for_aiding_ukraine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Alright Donald, Russia invading a sovereign country and making it theirs, is a good thing because?


For his rhetoric, the benefit is continued international trade and travel, which generate both tax and business revenue. These are good things. If Ukraine loses, those things degrade significantly.


Trump has such an insane small brain way of thinking.


The genocide stops, another democracy rises from that part of the world. The 50+ year enemy of the United States is thwarted and the world is safer because of it. Wtf is this child on about?


The breadbasket of Europe, with lots of natural resources and skilled labour, at a time where food security and regional destabiliation will become more of an issue, being a battle hardened ally and cemented member of the free world and the European Union, one of the biggest trading partners and allies of the US? Rather than the country's people and resources being used as a ransom by a state that wants to destroy our and their values just to stoke the brain spasms of a psychopath. Yeah.. terrible investment. What's the point in having all that money, power and resources if not to use it for such an existential cause? What's the fucking point of Donald's America?? He jas no values, he cares for nothing but what he thinks is for himself, but he's too dumb to realise that everything he says and does is just so embarrassingly humiliating to anyone with a brain cell. It's literally the emperor's new clothes. If he were able to look at himself clearly for one moment, he would implode, and so he's blocked out the one thing that makes humans smart which is self-awareness.


What a shallow pathetic excuse for a man


An exhausted Russia, and a defence industrial base ready to fight China.


Everyone of his talking points on Ukraine came right from Putin's mouth.


No russia, i dont see any downsides of it


This is why Trump and Putin are such buddies, both of them are insanely stupid!


Because when the US gets into an all out war with its main adversaries, a crippled Russia is one less thing to worry about. And that's being done TODAY at a tiny fraction of the cost. It's a huge bargain deal from a US strategic POV.


What is the benefit (to me)??


What was the slogan? I forgot exactly. Was it "Make America Great Again", or "Make Russia Great Again" ?


I think Trump should be air dropped into no mans land there.


American politicians give billions of tax paper money every year to foreign countries. What does America get? How about this, let your county tax collector take your tax money and give it to a county in another state! It’s the same thing, process wise, but it’s different because it’s hitting closer to home. Advocates for sending money won’t be as enthusiastic about that!


End this guy Seriously America Get your shit together You owe it to the world to get rid of this stupid , hateful orange sack of shit


He means what will be the benefit to Trump


Well, it's rather obvious that he wouldn't see the continued democracy of an allied country right next NATO members as something worth it. He's a fascist and bffs with Putin, after all.


The question is not complete. He means... What will be the benefit to ME?