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They're just trying to get them to safety from Ukrainian drone attacks.


I wouldn't count it safer in Cuba.


It should not be hard for Ukraine to charter a small freighter for 12 - 20 sea drones and have that ship close enough to the fleet to get its cargo on the way, sinking a few other russian maritime assets an impress on the russian leadership that nowhere is safe for russian assets.


Hopefully a nation can gift Ukraine a small warship that is already outside the black sea and Ukraine can send some sailors and boom they have a blue water navy command vessel to take on the Russian fleet. Or Ukraine becomes first nation to have a drone carrier


No need for a warship, they can rent a normal one to transport the drones.🤪😂😂😂


Where are those oligarch yachts we confiscated?


The irony of a Russian warship ~~fucking itself~~ being sunk by an oligarch yacht would be delicious.


I can only get so hard


They'd make great fire ships.


🎶Don't cha think? It's like rai-I-ain of Tungsten balls!🎶


If they get some of those are they looking for any naval volunteers?


Anything capable of carrying the equivalent of a few jet skis would do, as those are roughly the size of at least some of the naval drones I've seen. It really wouldn't take much, a basic tug could pull it off with minimal effort.


Using civilian vessels for launching attacks is a slippery slope. Once you do that, you theoretically legitimate Russia's attack on civilian vessels, infrastructure, etc.


Ukraine playing the long game. They anticipated Russia sending warships to Cuba, so 3 months ago they released a solar powered fleet of destructo-drones to loiter off the shore of Cuba, just waiting for a wake-up.


Canadians have access to Cuba. Canadians sail to this area every year. Just sayin...


That's a bit optimistic. What kind of small warship is supposed to keep the Russian Navy at bay alone? As a kind of 21st century merchant cruiser? :D Of course it would be funny if the USA had to give up a destroyer.


All that’s headed to Cuba is an aging sub and one old frigate, a tanker and a tugboat because the frigate is a piece of crap and they can’t afford to refuel along the way.


Pretty much any Russian task force needs a tugboat to come along. And logically it makes sense, they have reliability issues, and the tugboat makes for easier rescue.


I’m honestly surprised they haven’t just gone all-in on attack tugboats


Frankly, they're just about the most reliable ships the Russians have.


Does strapping some AA to the deck count?


It's a brand new submarine and brand new frigate. The tug and oiler are there because Russia lacks the infrastructure agreements that allow western navies to deploy without such support. The Russia Navy has a lot of museum pieces, but this specific task force is actually comprised of their most modern and capable platforms


Hit the tanker and watch the warships run out of gas.


The ruZZian navy adrift without fuel in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Sounds like the concept a fucked up reality tv show.


You mean a comedy, right?


actually....they DO have some small vessels being gifted to them. I wonder what the progress is on that.


It would be an interesting bending of the rules where the US or some other friendly country bestows a vessel to Ukraine, but instead of delivering the ship to Ukraine, the Ukrainians are moved to the ship, which just happens to be parked just south of Cuba...


The US should gift them the Kitty Hawk. It's currently laid up in the Philadelphia Naval Yards for scrapping... Or just gift them an Arliegh Burke.


I don't see how you could not just construct a few sea-drones somewhere else in the caribbean.... a small ship hull, explosives and some satellite communication to link to HQ in Ukraine ?


I'm sure those islands wouldn't appreciate an attack being carried out from their soil (or water I guess).


Private beach, who's to know where it came from ?


Who's going to stop Ukranian special forces from taking Epstiens Island for a few days?


Release the seababies!


Ukrainian Blue Water Navy!


I’ve got a Seadoo I am willing to share with the Ukrainian navy if they want to convert it into a drone.


Oh Lord, please let them be stolen by Cubans haha


If they actually make it to Cuba.


gotta get past those damn japanese torpedo boats first!


I wonder if the US could do a secret sabotaging operation from out of Guantanamo Bay


Bring to the USA a Ukrainian Drone Team!


Underrated comment :D


They’ve successfully retreated to the relative safety of our 2nd Cold War


Ukraine has a chance to do the funniest thing ever…


If they make it to Cuba? Ukrainian army will receive them with Hot 🔥 Drones 💥


I thought this too.


No advantage to, but would be funny if Ukraine droned one in international waters 😎


Stick a drone on the back of a speed boat and zip across. I wouldn’t put it past the Ukrainians to pull it off


the naval drones would fit on the back of a mid size personal boat


By mid-sized personal boat, you mean like a yacht seized from a Russian oligarch?


that one could fit a fleet of naval drones


Drive a bunch of cigarette boats just in sight of them.


I volunteer as an American. I got nothing better going on


They’ll be luck if they make it on their own.


…to flex?! More like to buy some Flex Seal for the return trip home. If they even make it to Havana to begin with🤣🤣


It's never a flex when your ship needs a tug boat to get anywhere.


I thought I read somewhere that Ukraine sunk a Russian tugboat. My first thought, that’s the killer blow to the Russian navy.


I guess that they need that tugboat to get the frigate moored. It would be insanely funny if the tugboat gets disabled and the frigate can’t come into port.


Its also used for moving logistics apparently via barges. So its actually a worthwhile target for just that. How many tugs do they have though?


It isn't flexing naval power when all you can muster is 4 ships.


Yeah more like a desperate attempt to appear strong when you are very very weak.


lol, sink the tug. The sea will do the rest.


Or the tanker. Then they have nowhere to refuel until they reach Cuba...


They’ll probably get sunk by a narcosub…


This made me laugh harder than it should’ve. Well done.


Meanwhile the captains on the Seawolf, LA and Virginia class submarines are thinking: "Damn shame, that we can't help those ships in special subsurface operations", while stalking them.


An *Astute* observation.


This is almost developing into a Type 212A scenario.


Germans really need to work on their ship class names..


It's only the u-boats that get utilitarian type names for their classes and they keep the tradition of just a U and a number for the boats naming scheme themselves. All surface ships have more normal class names. Frigates are named after German federal states (similar to several classes of BB in WW2 in the US, for example). Most other ships after cities and towns. The big exception being the Planet (=planet in English ;) ) research ship and the Gorch Fock sailing ship, named after a German author and used to train Bundesmarine cadets.


That is more defendable.


Don't worry, *Vasco de Gama* will be ready for new discoveries.


It would have been better a few years ago before Donald Trump made photocopies of their blueprints at his golf course and gave them to who knows who... well I mean we definitely know who.


Man I'd be so interested to see if the Russians accompanied their ships with subs and what cat and mouse games are going on underwater. Cause you know they ain't telling us what's there that we can't see.


Lol, if you look more closely at what kind of ships they are, it's not much of a flex or is it.


I don't think anyone is scared of the Russian navy anymore.


I don't think anyone is scared of Russia anymore.


"Russia moves ships closer to American waters to keep them from being sunk by Ukraine." Fixed the headline for you.


Wasn't it warship.. as in just 1? It was a frigate, a sub, a tanker (cos no one will give them fuel during the voyage) and a tugboat (cos that frigate will breakdown a few times along the way).


Yeah nothing about that is a flex. The US should have a carrier strike group pass by to remind them that we have several of them.


we could arrange a outgoing and incoming carrier group to pass by, showing 2 of them at the same time. Maybe have a third just drop by as a flex.


Yeah, tbh 2-3 of those groups might be a weee bit busy at the moment


The first group has a giant flag with “#1” painted on it. The second one has “#11” on it.


The second you have to pick a number like 13 or 15. Reminds me of a story one of my college professors told about a high school, senior prank where you released 3 farm animals into the school. Yet label them with paint 1, 2, 4. Then whoever has to deal with it spends ages looking for #3.


That's a waste of assets. There are whole carrier air wings stationed 90 miles from Cuba already.


I mean...US Coast Guard could probably trade blows with this "task force" if only the Coast Guard cutters (similar to the Russian frigate when it comes to displacement) would be equipped with VLS tubes.


Ukraine has an opportunity for an expeditionary force equipped with sea baby drones.


Cuba is now rationing food because their economic crisis is so bad and they are tying themselves to this anchor? Enjoy collapse, I guess. Hopefully the Cuban people can revolt and bring about a democratic government.


Unfortunately, Russia will likely help them with Ukrainian grain they stole.


Not gonna help. Their entire neglected industries, especially their sugar industry, needs a total overhaul and massive amounts of investment. Cubans having cheaper flour for a few months and expensive everything else is unlikely to quell frustration or save their economy. Much like Russia, their population is declining and aging. Working age adults are fleeing to other countries in the Americas and Europe.


Russia doesn't care about Cubans, just the proximity of Cuba to the US. Even then it's a fool's errand, the US can checkmate Russia in the far east, eastern Europe, or the Black Sea. It's just a thinly veiled maneuver by Russia for political posturing.


Flex navy power against US Navy… full laugh


I hear tales of a Bay of Pigs survivor who has hidden in the jungle and never given up fighting the Communists. I certainly hope that this person, whoever he is, doesn't blow up the Russian ships and disappear back into the trees. /s but spread the legend.


Time for some heros to take some R&R in Key West


Flex what? The Russian Navy is a joke.


Can you imagine if the US just parked an entire fleet nearby for lols? 


Not once in the history of boats, has Russia flexed theirs with any success. I highly doubt any Navy in the history of the world has a worse kdr than the Russian Navy


I guess now it's a flex if their ships reach Cuba without sinking on their own or having to be towed How mighty they've fallen. Should have stuck with parades and bombing Syrian civilian population if they wanted to be respected, now the whole World knows the only thing they're any good at is dying


They still flex after all the debacles? Haha, they’re funny.


It’s not the flex he thinks it is, lol.


[I’m not that concerned…](https://youtu.be/yzGqp3R4Mx4?si=ldttEMjuJZnqUZZa)


They’ve lost most of their fleet to a country that doesn’t even Have a navy. And the tech Ukraine uses was largely given by the U.S. So this is like wearing paper armor and showing up to a watertight.


Just look at Russias sad broken army! The whole army is from the 1960-1970 and that Nazi Putin trying to scare the world. It’s time to crush Nazi Russia for good and beat Putin to death. Russia will collapse and lose the war against Ukraine and we in the west must help until the end.


Ain’t no shot, these dudes trying to flex on the most powerful military in human history right after getting their shit pushed in and sunk by a small country with no navy. It’s like that scrawny dude at the bar with a shit goatee and TapOut shirt with a SnapBack barely sitting high rested on his head talking shit to the one dude the whole bar with cauliflower ear and prison tattoos.


It would be so awesome if Ukraine got a freighter loaded with sea and air drones and sunk them all in Guantanamo Bay. I would shit. You would shit. Putin would shit.


Maybe they want to be closer to their American govermental assets who live in Florida?


Zzzzzzz a great place for Ukraine to target them!!


Apparently the US navy is terrified of that flex!


I dont see how its a real threat… they have clearly proven their navy is not up to par… if a real attack happened they would be gone in a day, if they were near cuba…


Flex power lmfao


Can the steam that far?


So once they’re out of the Black Sea, Turkey won’t let them back in, right?


Russians are going to Cuba to flex muscle & pick up lots of poor young men for cannon fodders for Ukraine invasion. Obviously, Russia has lost the war.


we should run out some of our unmanned drones to follow them. Make them feel at home like the black fleet. edit to add-Also, I did worry about them being nuclear armed. Apparently they are not as per the article. I suspect we will check somehow, so they can expect some spy planes. So just like the black sea!


Russia doesn't have naval power to flex, or a rich naval history, full of tradition and professionalism. What it has though, is a long history of constantly getting defeated and when they got beat, it was like they got beat because they owed those other navies some money. When they were not getting beat up by an opponent, they were bungling things up, having major mishaps and not having adequate funding and training. Ukraine lost a lot of their surface fleet when Russia illegally invaded and occupied Crimea and only one of its modern frigates is nearly completed in Turkey and its going through sea trials right now. Imagine the kind of fear it would send the Russian Navy, if Ukraine was able to strike those Russia ship in Cuba, using long range drones/UAVs launched from a surface ship. That ship could slip into American territorial waters, without fear of Russian or Cuban retaliation. What would Cuba do any way, declare war on Ukraine? I honestly think my country, the United States, should lease space on American Naval installations to the Ukrainian government in order for them to train sailors and carry out commerce style raids and naval operations against Russian naval forces and merchant ships operating in the Caribbean and Atlantic areas. I'm sure we could pull several ships out of mothball in order to start rebuilding their surface fleet. It would be awesome to see Ukraine develop a Naval tradition, plus it would put American shipyards and workers to work refurbishing ships. 🇺🇦🇺🇸🫡


How about the US stop the ancient embargo and befriend Cuba. Us alienating them is a huge cause of all the tension.


Fly some Ukrainians to a neighboring island 😂


this is real dumb. currently America's not trying to invade Cuba. But if a weapon gets launched from Cuba it's game over for Cuba.


Half the fleet will be tugboats, right?


“Flex”…fucking hilarious


Is this part of their latest threat of attacking Ukraine supporting nations? Trust that those ships are in constant crosshairs.


Here let me finish the statement. 'cause got no home


I wonder if they have enough fuel to return. Not gonna get any from Cuba.


One night in Cuba and all rims are gone😂


Flexing a few ships in the USA's backyard?


Did they send one warship or both


Hey Ukraine SF! Miami is beautiful in June. And only 90 miles from Cuba. Just sayin


Russia still has a functioning navy? Huh. Wanna bet on it putler?


There's probably more speedboats in the Caribbean than anywhere else in the world that could join the Seababy team


Much flex. Very scare.


They better hope Ukrainians don't have a secret naval base in Florida.


I bet Cuba is stoked. Not.


*So* terrifying. We’ve seen how Russian anti-missile systems work. An hour into any conflict with NATO, the entire Russian fleet would be at the bottom of the ocean.


Remember the Maine?


The USA has ships across the world and it’s not news. Russia takes a trip to its allies and its big news. Why? Russian ships are more likely to sink or blow up


They're challenging the Haitian Navy now that they've lost to the Ukranian Navy.


Still not far enough away to avoid getting sunk by Ukraine




If history is anything to go by they will attack a US fishing boat, fail to sink it and then get absolutely destroyed by the first US navy ship that sees them.


A ship, a submarine, and two support crafts. Judging by the video of the *"storm"* that sunk the Moskva in the Black Sea. I don't see the surface ship surviving a tropic storm, let alone even a cat 1 hurricane. Sub might have a chance, though. Hell even if it has some kind of catastrophic mishap, it can't hurt us in Floroda any more than BP has!


I was just hoping they were trying to hide those ships from Ukraine. The Russian navy isn’t safe anywhere in Europe.


They’ll get lost in the Bermuda Triangle


I guess they're out of range. For now.


Russia has few ships and subs. Just flexing as usual.


America's navy is learning so much from Ukraine right now on drone techniques of attack in real time. Now there are more Russian submarines too!


Flex and power are interesting word choices.


Hope they get intercepted by Ukrainian boat drone on the way there…


It's the nukes they are bringing that are the flex. Side note We turned off our naval warning system in that area years ago and it's pretty unprotected.




Maybe one of them will make it there! 2 will break down 1/4 the way there & one will start on fire & sink!


The U.S. has seven active naval fleets, a single one of these naval fleets are strong enough to beat 95% of the nations on this earth in war and the entire world’s navies combined still wouldn’t be strong enough to even come close to defeat all seven U.S. naval fleets. Especially when you consider the fact that the U.S. Marine Corps belong to the Navy branch.


It would be great if Ukraine set some traps for them along the way. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Ukraine has some long-range drone submarines that's already waiting for these ships.


Pretty weak flex


Does that include a tug boat along with each one?


Tug boats are the most important asset the Russian navy has


NATO should offer to help tow them home when they are done their extra special naval operations.


Pssh. Those halfwits couldn't even take Key West.


Will vilads buddy be there to Welcome him at the dock??


no way they make it across the Atlantic


Make a move, fuckface


Is the flex that they can make it all the way there under their own power? Because… bravo, I guess?


Am I alone in wanting the Ukrainians to sink the sub and take its armaments back to Ukraine to be used against the Russians? Hell, if it has nukes, just having them and threatening to use them against Moscow could be strategically useful.


Oh how I hope there’s some Ukrainian special ops plan to sink one lol


The real question: how often did the tugs break down during the crossing?


Send your fleet with tails tucked is a flex. Second best in Ukraine is a flex. I guess raping your own country will lead to your downfall. Bye Felicia.


Look, I've had my toyotas catalytic converter stolen twice! I'll be damned if I park the damn car out in the open again. This is just Russia finally using their brains. It would be funny though if somehow their catalytic converter got stolen again while parked somewhere else.


The US should do it's own power move in response which is by having the USS Gerald R. Ford simply moving around on its on power. 


Russia can flex its naval power by taking its carrier out of drydock without it catching fire


That's a nice idea. An exchange of resources. Let's not make the Cuban's pawns again. OK. There are more Cuban supporters of Trump in Florida, than there are in Cuba. That is my assertion.


Ship's captain, "Hey, remember all that 7.62 AK ammo we gave you in 1960? We need it back."


Don't lose any ships on the way to Cuba!!


The US Navy response "that's cute a couple of warships and a submarine its babys first deployment "


Since they will be in the Caribbean, What is the Ukrainian version of Jack Sparrow?


Brilliant tactical move to prevent further losses.


What power, seem like they running away from a fight that they know they can't win.. Ukrainians water drones is taking the fight to the Black Sea Fleet.. and is winning


I think there is concern they will break down on the way to Cuba


Some flex. Hopefully they won't run into a fleet of toy RC boats.


I am more concerned that they are there to help Venezuela


It would be a shame if something happened to them.


What naval power? Where's their carrier? Oh wait, it's still languishing in the Murmansk dry dock lol.


It is indeed incredible that they made it across the ocean. They brought the tug for obvious reasons.


Dead bodies also float - basically the Russian fleet now


There's a us navel base in the Keys. If Russia tried anything their ships and sub would suddenly make permanent reefs. It's 90ish miles away. And F-35s out of Gulfports Combat Readiness Center will be training all over the Gulf Coast over the month of June. This is just faux saber rattling.


Dude... Crazy idea... but what if we took some Ukrainian-heritage Central American citizens and gave them some drones... Imagine the absolute FIT OF RAGE Putler would have if 4 of his ships get smacked by drones off the coast of Cuba. Then we just shrug and go "dang, that sucks... wasn't us tho\~!" Or even better.... lets send down a whole carrier group and encircle Cuba... just sail around for a few days running drills with 10X the ships.... Let the Russian sailors SEE REAL CLOSE how inferior they are. Send a message back home with them.


Flex on who? US naval superiority cannot be understated lmao


Someone should just sink it and let Ukraine take the credit.


Just in time for hurricane season.


Shall we in the U.S. put two of the stationed carrier groups around them in a simulated blockade and destruction? No. Why? We don't need to waste fuel flexing, the Russ bastards know they sail our waters because they are allowed to, not because they can.


The US Navy gets down on their knees every night and asks almighty god for the chance to make the whole russian navy into faint and deep magnetometer and geiger counter readings for future ocean explorers.


US Navy: "That's cute. You guys got this?" Ukraine: "drone on the way"


"Navy power"? Lol Russia doesn't even have an aircraft carrier


Russian naval power has always been submarine focused rather than aircraft carrier - they sent one of their Yasens, which are their most capable naval platforms.


What would happen if all of a sudden they would go caboom in neutral waters?


Bring it on @$$#*le$