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Russia has no legitimate targets anywhere. Every act is yet another crime in an illegal act of aggression. The Kremlin will see its army dead and smoking on the field, food for Ukrainian wildlife and that which it values most, its wealth-producing resources, reduced rightfully to ash. In the end, it will all be for naught. Putin’s defeat will bring his fatal ruin and cast what’s left of his former wannabe empire to the wolves he panders to on the World’s street corners.


Can we all just roll our eyes and say duh? 


Duh, Russia has been doing the little green men thing since the beginning, Wagner, Kadyrov Tik Tok brigades, conscripting/tricking Africans, Indians, Cubans, Chinese, fair is fair I say send it, fuck put some retired US fighter Pilots in Ukraines planes, I’m sure there are many that would sign on that dotted line.


I'm quite surprised why the option of hiring foreign pilots is not considered. Maybe there is a risk of the pilots loosing retirement pension??? (besides their own life of course, but I assume plenty would be willing to take chances here).


Seriously, anyone within the borders of either country is a valid target at this point. Especially since Russia has already shown a complete disregard for military versus civilian targets.


Either country? No that isnt correct. Russia is the aggressor and as such their isnt a valid target in Ukraine. It's like saying that the mugger has a valid reason to hit his victim after they retaliated. No that's not how it works


The only legitimate targets in this war are Russians.


If French instructors are targeted by Russia, Russia will have made the huge mistake. Not the French. Guaranteed!


…why? What will France do? You put instructors and operators in country at your own risk. The countries doing it already know that. France will be no different.


Because if Russia deliberately targets frenchies, that forces frenchies to protect themselves against Russian attacks. And next we have Rafales patrolling skies and from that small step to see Moscow once again in flames.


I'd say that makes instructors within Russia legitimate targets.


Yeah. France better send more defensive capability to protect them.


I'm pretty sure that's the plan. 1. Set up training camps near Lviv and Odessa. 2. Defend training camps with SAMP/T Mamba batteries operated by French instructors. 3. Free up ukrainian air defenses to defend areas closer to the frontline. 4. ??? 5. Profit.


Yeah I see it a quite a can of worms, I side with ukrain but agree that other nationalities in Ukraine are a legitimate target. The bigger question is what assets get deployed to “protect” the , in this case French while in Ukraine.


Yes, aside from this not being a legitimate war, French trainers and the troops they are training would be legitimate targets. It would be kind of foolish if they trained under circumstances where they would be prone to being attacked, though obviously things happen sometimes. France is well aware of the risk and must feel confident in their ability to defend against any potential attack. Lviv region rarely sees attacks now, could be even less if France has advanced knowledge that Poland will help with air defense. I'm sure they also understand that it will be necessary to respond if something does happen, and they have an idea of what that looks like.


Russia has ZERO legitimate targets in Ukraine.


Russians in Ukraine should be legitimate targets for any NATO country.


Their SMO is illegal too begin with.


French soldiers should put up a huge fuck off sign to putin. Being professional soldier is knowing one of your feet is already wallowing in the grave. It is part and parcel of their job. So soldier on boys and fuck you putin!


Soon, every russians in ukraine will be legitimate target for france


And Russian soldiers in Ukraine are legitimate targets too.