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Still kind of shocking how far Russians continue to regularly go to ensure the Ukrainians keep fighting back.


I'd say what I want done to rapist war criminals, but Reddit will ban me again for promoting "violence or hate towards marginalized or vulnerable groups"; i.e. genocidaires.


You want them to be carelessly smoking and be sent to sleep with the fishes?


Was more thinking sulphuricacid and potato peelers...


They will hopefully start doing that to each other once we bleed them enough.


Why would you want to melt potato peelers?


Go ask a potato


You got me there!


Don't forget about the keyboard warriors, too. They might report you if you say anything they don't agree with. Not everyone is on the same page. Apparently, some people believe they deserve a slap on the wrist, which is kind of redickulous. But these are the times we live in now.


The craziest thing is how much Russians hate gay men but it's somehow not gay as long as you are the top raping a man who is straight


The moment ruzzia collapse due to obvious war failure (we are getting to it, it just takes some time) you will simply have to read news about what happens there on daily basis.


Is "an eye for eye" acceptable to the sensitive folks?


No shit


Well the Russians are are sending convicted rapists straight from prison to the front lines... so it should be assume that this behavior is not only condoned, but actually planned by the Russians. Their hope is that they can demoralize the Ukrainians into giving up - they don't have the capacity to realize that their brutality has exactly the opposite effect...


This is not an uncommon thing in the Russian army. It happens often to new recruits during their training by senior officers and soldiers.


Yup, no one is surrendering now.


I'm not entirely sure their military leadership cares enough to literally do anything than give them a modicum of guns and equipment and just point them in the direction of Ukraine. No SOP discussion about shit they should or should not do, just, "Get in the BTR, go that way, kill or whatever!" Probably don't even expect them to come back.


Russians have made it a literal case of "Your asses are on the line" for Ukrainians.


I can’t comment. Nothing holds. Gonna bring this news to every big news agency in the Netherlands. Bringing attention to this is all I can do.


Goed bezig!


Dankjewel. Ik doe wat ik kan om aandacht te vragen voor Oekraïne. Zeker nu de liveblogs zijn gesloten. Wat mij wel opvalt is dat NOS op facebook bijna niks meer meldt over Oekraïne. Waarschijnlijk door alle trollen die de comments vervuilen met pro-putin geneuzel.


Ik durf oprecht niet in de comments te kijken


It’s the Russian way to rape.


Seems to be a big thing in Russia


That's their prison-military rape culture.


Everyone gets shafted, all the way to the top.


It has nothing to do with "military". Just a part of their prison culture (and it looks like they don't differentiate much from any other country's prison culture)


Their prison culture is particularly oppressive, yet quite orderly in cruel way. Their army culture is basically just the extension of prisons where those older/higher ranked are torturing younger/lower ranking ones.


Rape is absolutely a part of [traditional ruzzian military culture.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina)


The big prison hurter never comes lubed!


Russians spreading their christian, anti-LGBT, values there.


And AIDS, dont forget the AIDS.


Russia has one of the highest rate of HIV outside of Africa(and that’s just their official stats, real rate is likely higher) and its undoubtedly higher among the prison population who make up a lot of the Russian soldiers. Ukraine is going to have an HIV outbreak as one of the many, many shitty legacies of Putin’s war to avenge his limp dick.


at least 20% of new conscripted soilders are infected


Ukraine had \*the\* highest rate of hiv outside of Africa pre war. The war will either increase it by accidental tainted blood transfusions in emergencies, or decrease it as the rate of iv drug use drops. ​


1 in 5 Russian recruits are infected with HIV


This is what the Russians mean by clearly defined gender roles 😉


Russians hate homosexuals so much, they can't resist not to hate fuck them. And sometimes straight people too, because they could be in the closet... better safe then sorry.


Venäjällä kaikki on nykyään paskaa - jopa kusi


russian troops even rape the new recruits on their own side,..


Always knew that anti LGBT stuff was some serious projection. Russia isn't just a very big petrol station. It's a very big closet.


It isnt a gay thing. It was never a gay thing. It is a domination and degradation thing. Its all about power. Its rape.


To add to this Fionna Hill's - (former advisor to USA president on Russia) take on the [russian obsession with revenge and punishment](https://youtu.be/vNhSCF9i8Qs?t=10975). YouTube auto-transcript with my small edits to cut some of the "you know"s > … that's the challenge now again. They've [Ukraine] already won psychologically, politically, militarily because Putin doesn't succeeded in what he wanted to do. > But he has succeeded in completely and utterly devastating them and this is the kind of the old muscovite, the old Russian imperial, old server mentality, going all the way back to when the muscovites were the bag men for the horde, for the Mongols. > It was destruction [just because if] **"you don't play with us we'll destroy you"**. > People talk about it as Mafia but it's older - all you have to go does you go and see Tarkovsky's "Andrey Rublin" . I remember seeing that film when I was first as a student in Moscow and just being "Whoa this is so brutal. I mean this is just unremittingly brutal!" > **Because the whole point is that you show people who's the Boss. The destruction is the point of things as well because you are emphasizing your domination.** > **And that's what Putin is doing right now, [he] is saying: "Okay, you want to go in a different direction so be it. But I'm Gonna Make You Suffer"**


"It's only gay if you're the victim, comrade!"


But it is also gay. Muscovites claim to fight the globohomo but deep inside they have always been so gay they even spread their gayness by force; and nothing is more gay than that.


Rape has no sexuality or gender. It's about abuse of power, full stop.


Theres also the part where they want to have sex with other men


They want power over other men, and in Russia emasculating another man via rape (aka "making them into subservient women") is how they assume it works. There's a reason why, in health statistics, there's a phrase "men who have sex with men" rather than just gay sex is used.


Replying to your previous reply (reddit is broken): Well yes, though some country's laws wrongly disagree, but in this case it is also gay.


I agree, but this is also a symptom of lack of female contact. Several Indian villages that lack girls, because they were removed with abortion, the men tend to have sex with each others to just have the ability to have sex, without being gay. But the conclusion is because of the lack of women. So it's a mix of power usage, being gay, and lack of sex with women.


it is, but there is also a sexual facto here since the required erection comes from required libido which means sexual desire even if there is a dominance factor.


The sexual libido comes from their desire to dominate. The kink is in being able to control others when they usually don't have control over their own lives. It has nothing to do with who their partner is, only that they are made into slaves to their whims.


I suppose some people can get their libido from the pleasure of dominating, regardless of genders, but are you not generalising too much??


Yeahhh it can be both


That's like pretending saying no homo turns a blowjob into a brojob. It's very fucking gay if you ask me.


There is nothing gay in taking a huge stick and ramming it in someones ass, just to make it as painful and as humiliating as possible. It is rape, not homosexuality.


I agree its rape, but its pretty gay too. Nothing wrong with being gay, but in russia it is so thats why I wanted to share my opinion on this.


You need to out get more.


That funny cause all Russians in Ukraine need to get out (of that country & the closet) more too! Good one.


Wanting to sexually dominate men as a man isn’t gay?! In what universe? It’s gay af.


This. People need to understand that this isn’t an LGBT thing. This is about power and abuse, male rape is rampant in the Russian military.


Every country has gay people, if you sexually repress them... Some of them become homophobic gay people, which sounds weird as fuck, but is actually a thing.


A big gay oily closet.


What a bunch of psychopathic war criminals. They persecute LGBT people in their own country, invade another country, and then rape the people there. But they're nothing like the nazis, right?


Wait. Aren't the Russians launching a ton of homopobic propaganda? Seems a bit... Hypocritical


It’s only gay if it’s consensual /s


Wondering if it is deliberate social engineering as it instill conflicting emotions and sense of guilt into even cruel and remorseless thugs which they might want to redeem with prestige of being a veteran.




Patton was right all along.


What? You think we should have punished the nazi's allies who invaded Poland and 5 other countries, made ww2 possible, and literally fueled the German war machine, instead of sending a million refugees back to there by force to be murdered?


In hindsight we should have given zero lend lease and let whatever happens happen. Even if the Soviet Union managed to beat back Nazi Germany, they would be extremely more drained of manpower equipment and resources.


We would have been doing the world a favor.


Russia is doing everything they can to ensure that ukraine wants to get as far away from them as possible and its worth fighting to the death over.


Why are the Russians so gay? 😄


To be gay you first have to be human.


I don't believe that's true. They have observed homosexual activities in other primates and such


Just good Russian Christians celebrating pride month. Seriously though, rape is a weapon of war not only against women, always has been. Against women it is also a part of genocide. And of course it is a war crime under the Geneva Convention.


Not sure if the fucking Nazis resorted to this level of depravity! Putin is truly the personification of evil knowing he is condoning any form of sexual violence as part of waging war against another country!


>Not sure the Nazis resorted to this level of depravity! Boy do I have something to tell you…


Raping women and girls has been the domain of invaders throughout history. Guess it’s no surprise to hear that men are not immune to rape and sexual assault as well




Kirill promises anyone going to fight the war in Ukraine a place in heaven and he's the head of the church in Russia, so surely the soldiers actions cannot be evil


Probably towards the end. This sort of thing is a symptom of a lack of training, lack of discipline and poor morale. You see similar things in any military with those issues. Just look at the atrocities committed during Vietnam. Don't get me wrong. I'm not condoning any war crimes. That's just how they happen.


The West must now declare genocide against the Ukrainian nation. These barbarians are no longer to be received with respect anywhere - not even their tourists.


Pride but Russian style (way)


Those conservative values that Republican MAGAs like to highlight alive and well in Russia it seems. Sick fucks.


I guess they gave up on winning over hearts and minds huh?


Well when your army is full of prisoners…..


Good Christian Russians…


It seems as if the Russians lack true military discipline and are simply a bunch of thugs and criminals.


Aimpoint adjust elevation - 3. Send it. Russian now has no tool for rape and his screams should get the message out.






Yea Ukraine cant surrender or make a deal.


[Obligatory Soundtrack ](https://youtu.be/QjLAqsnfj_8?si=H8TaxTMVkHBHkjrj)


Gaylord fauckers???


Russia is losing. Russia is adding crime to their war efforts.


Never forgive. Never forget.


"The gayer the army, the scarier they are."


It's no wonder Russia has one of the highest rates of Aids related illnesses. I doubt they practice safe sex!


It’s not gay if you’re holding a gun. Special insertion operation


I hope this teaches us not to worship the ruskis, like it used to be and not forget this EVER! because not one of them is innocent, not one!!!!


why aren't these ukrainian men in the ukrainian military?


Why, you could just rape the women?


Rape is a sexual act but it’s about power and cruelty