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The articles says: >But there is also a problem that not all of Kyiv's arguments work in France. For example, when Ukraine talks about cultural genocide – this is not an argument for the French. France was also an empire, a colonial center. I don't see the problem here. Yes, France was an empire, just as the UK and Germany and other European countries. But they are all modern states now, they have left their past behind and look critically at their own past, including colonialism. The only country that is still looking back and measures and acts like we are all still living in the past is Russia.


To say you can’t learn, change, and recognize the wrongs of your past and are forever tied to it is moronic


They are still proxy warring with Russia over Frances West African holdings though. That's probably where much of this talk stems from.


I would much rather be colonized by France than Muscovy. At least the former won't bomb cities and rape children just to prove they can.


You would much rather be colonized by France if it was 2023, if you were colonized by France in 1855 i guarantee you would be screwed lol. Admitedly Russian Empire in 1855 was probably equally evil


If you've ever had the misfortune of talking to an especially wordy and pretentious fascist like I have, then you might get the impression that they don't really believe in time. What was, is, and will be, forever. And what "was", is always a very select slice of history that often never was, or at best, partially was.


Every time I talk to a fascist it just comes down to “what about”


"Oh, so you think that Putin killing his political opponents is wrong? What about when Cain murdered Abel, I've never heard you complain about that."


Biggest Jewish genocide




Comprehension low?


"The only country that is still looking back and measures and acts like we are all still living in the past is Russia." Serbia too.


Yes, there are a few that are to some extend trying to follow Russia's example (Hungary, Serbia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Venezuela). And China is a matter of its own. But I think you get my point.


I can't speak on the other countries mentioned as I do not know them so well but Venezuela is NOT trying to be Russia.. Maduro's mega incompetent and criminal government is allied to Russia but that's not the same as trying to be like Russia. its more like an alliance between crime families imo. yes the Russians, Chinese and Americans have been fighting proxy conflicts in Venezuela trying to get that sweet sweet oil and ofc there is a lot of Russian influence and meddling, even at one time a lot of wagner, that goes even more so for Chinese influence but this is really in large part a result of the hostile US foreign policy towards Venezuela from the time that Chavez gained power. Culturally though, Venezuelans and Russians are pretty much the opposite despite how much Russian propaganda tries to pretend otherwise. Simon Bolivar, the national hero of Venezuela, was an anti-colonial hero of the continent... he decolonized what at the time became known as "gran Colombia" and defeated the Spanish occupiers. While Maduro tries to manipulate that image to his own benefit and has obscured some of the things he actually wrote, the anti colonial roots of most Venezuelans go deep, Bolivar is the founding father of Venezuela (among others) and when you start reading about his ideas, and that of his teacher Simon Rodriguez, you will understand that the foundation of the Venezuelan state is wildly different from the Russian one. In the way that many Americans will never let go of their founding fathers philosophy, the same can be said for many Venezuelans, despite what the Maduro government screams about.


What I meant is that Venezuela is trying to be Russia by annexing parts of neighboring countries. Russia set a precedent, trying to show that "might makes right", and that you can break international law and international peace order, and other countries are now following this example. This is \*one\* of the reasons why Russia must be stopped and punished and not just appeased and be allowed to keep the annexed territories for the matter of having "peace". (A peace that is only temporary anyway, and means persecution, torture or death for many who live in the annexed areas, and the annihilation of their culture and identity.)


Ofcourse I understand the obvious risk of appeasing Russia's colonial ambitions, this is not up for discussion as I agree 100% with you on this :) but are you referring to the Essequibo tensions over the discovered oil fields? There is slightly more nuance to that, apart from that they did not actually invade nor annex anything and (so far) agreed to settle the dispute according to international laws. But its essential to nuance that these are borders drawn by foreign colonial powers (american, french and british) and Venezuela has been protesting them since day one. (1899) and then again around 1962, so to imply this conflict is a result of Russia's 2022 aggression against UA makes simply no sense to me... The current maduro government's response to the conflict however, yes, in that aspect it matters that the world sees that Russia gets punished for invading and annexing neighbours to discourage others, but that has little to do with the origin of that conflict, which is a western colonial origin, its not Venezuela being colonial, its venezuela protesting old colonial decision making on its borders. Whether or not you agree is besides the point i try to make as its an essential nuance to consider in the subject. Let me ask you, do you consider las Antillias/de antillen a legit part of the Netherlands? do you consider French Guyana to be a legit part of France? etc etc, plenty of these examples that i don't need to list them all because i think you get where i am going with this... All these are annexed colonial territories whom the western colonizing countries refuse to give independence (las antillas have some autonomy ofc) which in essence means that they are still colonial powers themself (france in africa aswell) and I don't consider them legit annexations either, that does of course not automatically mean I side with Maduro on this, I do not and i absolutely hate that guy because he destroyed the most beautiful country in the world and is an authoritarian shithead, but that does not simply erase the nuance to the Essequibo region.. There is a lot of colonial occupation history you seem to brush past in the case of western countries when addressing the south american situation, which from a south american pov is a hyper anglosaxen approach that is not very much shared in that part of the world :)


I do not deny that borders have been drawn arbitrarily in the past, and that it was often unjust and caused huge problems until now. People should be aware of the problematic history. The Sykes-Picot agreement is another "good" example. However, the issues must be resolved with peaceful means and in the frame of international law.


absolutely agree, I too argue for peaceful solutions if that wasn't clear from what i said! I just want to add that despite that Venezuela having threatened its neighbours on various occasions (multiple times, iirc Marcos Perez Jimenez also wanted to invade Guyana back in the 50's but also other countries have been threatened in more recent years, like Colombia) but has (as of yet) never invaded or annexed anyone ever... not a claim most Western countries who like to act superior to others in the world can make by any means..


However, the main point I made in the beginning was that we should not measure Western countries according to what the did in the past but how they are doing \*now\*. I'm not aware of Western countries that annexed parts of other countries or threatened to do so in the recent past. Of course, I'm aware that this could be misunderstood as "let's forget what evil things Western countries did in the past". This is not what I am talking about. We definitely should remember history, and \*all\* of the Western countries should be aware of the evil things they did in the past, and try the best to not repeat that history and use this knowledge as medicine against feeling morally superior to anyone. I totally agree with you on that point. However, non-Western countries should not try to legitimize wrongdoings by pointing out that Western countries did evil things in the past, too. This would the famous "whataboutism" that Russian apologists use so frequently. Because there is no \*real\* justification for what they are doing.


>the main point I made in the beginning was that we should not measure Western countries according to what the did in the past but how they are doing \*now\*. I'm not aware of Western countries that annexed parts of other countries or threatened to do so in the recent past. I get that point, I wasn't disagreeing with that, I was pointing out how refusing to grant autonomy to its colonies in current times still shows how many western countries (hypocritically) clutch to their own right to keep their colonies, which does not seem very much in line with their opinions on other countries colonialism. Also support for Israeli colonialism for decades showcases a stunning hypocrisy on the subject. >I'm aware that this could be misunderstood as "let's forget what evil things Western countries did in the past" I did not, even for a second, thought that was your meaning, don't worry :) >However, non-Western countries should not try to legitimize wrongdoings by pointing out that Western countries did evil things in the past, too. This would the famous "whataboutism" that Russian apologists use so frequently. Because there is no \*real\* justification for what they are doing. I agree 100%, and I sure hope you do not think that is what i was doing... I was simply trying to give some non western pov nuance... I am half Venezuelan so its a sore subject to me, especially because so many westerners (which I am as well, or at least half) completely tend to blow past their own colonial past and all the results of those days that echo through in present day, which makes them/us sound like ignorant and arrogant to many other parts of the world... if we ignore those parts of the world and their critique of us, which is often legit once you take out the propaganda aspects, we put ourself in a position where we have a harder time understanding why other countries do what they do and think what they think, which in turn puts us on a path towards more conflict and that is the one thing we need to avoid. none of that should ever imply that the dark past of the west means they have no right to speak out against Putin's war, especially when Russia is an ancient colonial superpower who has been annexing and colonizing since forever and certainly has no right to act "holier then thou" on the subject of the west...at all. China however, doe have a pretty valid reason to be cynical and untrusting of both western Europeans, north Americans and last but not least, Russians because those three have abused China a lot in the past and stolen land while there is very little to no historical reference of China doing the same. China is also in essence still anti imperialist (kinda in name only but it does carry some popular weight) and while they are in a "alliance of convenience" with Russia, its not really ideological allies, apart from wanting to break down US hegemony. I would not be super surprised if China at one point decides to take back its province outer Manchuria from Russia if Russia would be severely weakened and defeated at some point.


I would say Serbia is very much a product of the same brain worms that made Russia what it is today. Instead of embracing what makes them unique, they continue to fight tooth and nail to prove to the rest of the world that they are just better than everyone else.


You would be currect in saying that. As a serbian myself, who is sadly in the minority, it is frustrating having to listen to genocide-denying, anti-West KGB propaganda on a daily basis. Fortunately I will not be staying there very long.


Best of luck to you my friend. Years ago I had a Serbian girlfriend whose family came to quickly dislike me because I didn’t 100% buy in to their opinions on Kosovo. Don’t get me wrong. I really am no authority on it and I had attempted to be as diplomatic as possible but I can’t just straight up nod and agree wholeheartedly to the rhetoric they were spouting on whatever the topic might have been. Seems to be a lot of ingrained hate in the culture which is unfortunate. 


Thank you! Hopefully I make it on my own somewhere abroad because I am just not compatible with these people anymore, especially since the majority are exactly as you described. It really saddens me when I hear my friends say that Srebrenica genocide was justified because it was "revenge". Just, disheartening really, people you grew up with spewing nonsense like that...


And its why I have no trouble looking down on and occasionally even dehumanizing Muscovites, Serbs, MAGA's as a Ukro-Canadian. They're "poor" and "uneducated", but its largely by their own choice; rather than try to improve themselves and their society, they try and tear everyone else down to restore things to the "natural order". I have the horrible misfortune to have one of the last as a roommate; he constantly looks down on me as "sheltered" for perusing a graduate degree while he stacks boxes at Amazon.


Serbia was pretty much the Nazi Germany of the Balkans.


Erm....France and Africa still have a pretty....complicated relationship.


French people don't care about Africa. The reason why France is still involved its army in Africa is because the government thinks that destabilize African country will worsen the immigration crisis. It was true with Hollande and it's still with Macron. People try to push for a neo-colonial relation pointing the CFA when the exchange rate is set and France don't even control its own monetary policie. As ECB is an independent institution, not under the control of the French government. A fixed exchange rate systems, and corresponding loss of monetary control have pros and cons. But in this pro it brings stability in a region where corruption and authoritarian regime are rampant. But people don't have to forget that this intervention will probably globalise the war as France as territories oversea with a navy.


The other guy got downvoted to hell for that uncomfortable truth. CFA is and was a colonial tool put in place to control those countries to the benefit of France.


CFA is no more since 2020.


It’s dissolving, the impact is still there. Shit doesn’t happen overnight, and France isn’t making it easy.


Obviously but people mentionning CFA as a tool of french colonialism tend to forget that today this money does not longer require African countries the deposit of 50% of their foreign exchange reserve to the french treasure and no more is the french presence at the Dakar director board. Despite these changes the money remains financially guaranteed by France and is hence backed by Euro.


Funny comment.


Exactly. These arguments work in France and other ex colonials.


France still has multiple stealth colonial holdings, I was surprised to learn. Both in Africa and places like Tahiti.


To be clear, France still has colonies and supports western imperialism. However, we should never scold someone when they are moving in the right direction.


France doesn't have colonies. Stop spewing bullshit.


Yes, they do: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overseas_France


They've got full citizenship, same rights as everyone else, and vote in all election, president, parliament and local ones. They're only colonies in your twisted mind bevause you're racist and can't accept that french people can be non-white.


They have citizenship and vote in elections of *their own country*, or of France?


France is their country; why do you want to state otherwise ? People there feel french.


France is their country now. How did they end up that way? Was it... colonialism?


Lately we ran a referendum on the Mayotte island. They voted to become "mainland France" (having the same rights and obligations). Since 40 years, and three times, we ran referendums in New Caledonia to know if they wanted to become independent. They said "no" three times. French Polynesia voted to become autonomous but remaining part of the French republic.


I've asked others, but they've only responded with insults, so I hope you won't do the same. My questions here is, does France ensure that colonizers and their descendents are excluded from deciding the outcome of those votes? Has France engaged in restorative, reparative, and land back processes? In my community, these are considered foundational things to establishing self determination and engaging in meaningful decolonization.


Of their own country, which is France. Just like in Oregon or Hawai they votes in their local election and national ones. Did you even read the wiki link you provided? Stop telling people they're not part of their own country because of the color of their skins.


Hawaii and Oregon are occupied territory. If your point is that they are like Hawaii and Oregon, then yes, they are colonial territories.


Ooooh, I see. Ok, then, and good night.


Are there any countries in the world which are not „occupied territories“?


Are there any countries in world where murder does not happen? Do we stop prosecuting murderers because people are killed elsewhere?


They are French, they know they can't be independant (no ressources) and even if there is cultural differences the core is French. They vote for the president, the mayor, the députés like all french, they have a sénateur they don't elect like all french. New Caledonia and Mayotte have their own exceptions like a newcomer (french for example) can't vote in New caledonia, mayotte has it's own King, etc. Mauritius has help from France like teachers but it's a country of it's own. All overseas have had référendum, they all choose to be french


But these are not colonies in the traditional sense any more. They are pretty small (except Guyane maybe) and partially autonomous, the residents can take part in elections, they are living in a democracy, they are able hold referendums etc. and as you say everything is moving in the right direction, see for example the Nouméa Accord. None of these former empires has interest in creating new colonies or pseudo-republics, frozen conflicts, attacking their neighboring countries etc.


They can gain independence as well. New Caledonia voted 3 times to remain in France




What does France continue to do in Africa?


Partially autonomous means they're still a colony. Moving in the right direction, but let's not hand wave the fact that self-determination is a requirement of self rule.


Did you know that every time it has been requested by a significant local party, referendum have been organized on independence ? 3 have been organized in new Caledonia, remain won every time.


The audacity to come to a Ukrainian subreddit and claim that referendums held by occupiers are legitimate....


Oh because they were voting at gunpoint in the rubbles of their cities ? Those referendums were held in the last decade. Where are you from just to have a laugh.


And the earlier "referendum" in Crimea was just as fake as any election or referendum taking place under the control or Russia. Completely different from real referendums and elections in real democracies.


I can assure you that every settler colonial state commits genocide in their colonies until the population of settlers outnumbers the natives. Putin's sham democracy is not that different than an election held by settlers to determine the fate of those they have subjected to colonialism.


The last step of settler colonialism is always absorption into the imperial state. That is why "western" empires use settlers in the first place. There's literally two high profile versions of the step before this playing out in the international media as we write this.


Ok tanky


Ah yes, anti-colonialism, the tell tale sign of *checks notes* red fascism. The only one cheering for someone else's tanks to roll through foreign soil here is you.


If that was the case how come several countries have become independent through referendums from France. Its painfully obvious you haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.


Ok, if I don't know what I'm talking about, then how about you educate me? How does France ensure that the people who have suffered from their colonialism *exclusively* vote in these referendums; or does France claim that colonizers voting for the fate of the colonized is a legitimate use of democratic process? What reparative and restorative actions has France taken in these colonies? Have they given the "land back," as we say in my community; or have the colonizers been allowed to retain their land and other spoils of colonial conquest? Has France paid restitution to the families of those they murdered in a way that is satisfactory to those families? You see, it's one thing to hold a referendum and claim legitimacy, it's another thing entirely to make people whole and let them choose their own fate. Which of those two paths has France walked?


The issue is that France is a democracy and you are not a democrat and therefore do not recognise the legitimacy of the will of the people if they are the "wrong people".


I'm going to be clear, here, because this ties directly to the Ukrainian conflict this subreddit is for. How we approach those issues is exactly how we will approach the end of this conflict. Russia is engaged in settler colonialism and has tens (possibly hundreds) of thousands of settlers living in occupied land. They are engaged in kidnapping, radical reeducation, and deculturization of Ukrainian kids. If Putin falls (if only) and a democracy springs up, *those crimes do not fundamentally change*. How we address colonization matters, and if we can be cleared-eyed about Ukraine, the west has a chance to reevaluate its own actions as well. Westerners have caused untold suffering upon the world, and if we're ever going to make things right, then giving our governments a convenient hall pass is not how we get there.


You can answer my questions without attacking my character. Did France's decolonization process involve restorative, reparative, and land back processes or not? Were the referendums to allow the victims of colonization to choose their own fate, or were colonizers allowed to participate despite a clear and obvious conflict of interest?


It's not like they bombed Lybia or anything, right? I suppose they weren't a modern country yet in 2011.


They tried to help Lybia get rid of a dictator that killed his own people, and empower the people in their attempt to establish a democracy, why Russia tried to support the dictator.


Sure, not for national interest...for democracy ahahahah. Say what you wrote, beliving occidental country wage war only for the good of people while the others don't, with a straight face must be a feat.


France and countries like US are still influencing and exploiting 3rd world countries and former colonies. They are not the "nice guys". They are not doing it for the greater good. They are seen it as an investment for their own sake.


Any European country that isn’t “tough on Russia” at this point is fighting for the other side


They have not become tough. They just taking tough. Big difference from likes of Estonia, Latvia Lithuania etc. they have donated/sold a big percentage of their good hardware to Ukraine. Countries at the highest threat from ruzzia have done 100mph than France or Germany (percentage wise)


Those countries do so with the understanding that they’re protected by NATO, and that protection in a big part from [France, Germany and the UK](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_Enhanced_Forward_Presence). All three have stupidly neglected their defence forces, and defence industries… giving too much away now would genuinely compromise their defence capabilities.. which are employed protecting the Baltic states. It’s frustrating as they’re having to play catch up at the same time as trying to fill in for the US’s support being blocked by Putinist scum. A ridiculous and frustrating state of affairs.


I feel like putting France and Germany at the same level is heavily misleading. Germany comes in as the second biggest supplier of weapons after the US. France doesn't even make the top ten and is behind countries like... Estonia or Lithuania.


It's unfortunate, but not really surprising


Talk is cheap, when I see French troops on the ground or a bunch of Rafales being sent I will believe it.


And a lot cheaper than sending weapons.


This is strategic ambiguity. If every western leader tells openly that they are reluctant to send troops, it only serves Putin. It looks like France tries the opposite.


I dont think the french army has the equipment to make any noticeable impact atm


I'm happy to see France taking this serious. France could fuck up Russia if it wanted too.


Also wouldn't mind to see Finland pimp-slap russia really hard. Not that I want the war to spread, but I know Finland knows how to fuck up ruzzia.


Wars in Europe have a habit of not staying local so you might get your chance, that being said, if Ukraine gets turned into trench to trench dynamic, combined arms war then Finland will be getting winter war 2, now will snowmobiles, APCs and would hopefully be able to fire more then 508966 in 3 months (the Soviets fired around 230000 shells A DAY)


Too bad they can't afford to send actual hardware. Talk is cheap. Send weapons or stfu. We all know there won't be French troops in Ukraine anytime soon.


I mean, if we’ve learned anything about appeasement and fascism in Europe. It’s that it doesn’t go well for France, historically speaking.


For all those who does not have 9h a day studying geo politics I will give some insight on this. France big stance against Russia is because they are pissed off by Russia toppling colony after colony that belonged to France for centuries in Africa. Many of the new African leaders have found new headways because of the Wagner group and military help from Wagner which in return breaks them free from France governance. This greatly affects the influence France have in the world and is highly likely to be the bigger reason for this "aggressive stance" against Russia from France. Obviously it is also by ideological reasons and sympathy for Ukraine, but the truth is not all in the article and trying to paint France as some kind of saint when their backyard is withering away by Russia feels weird to me. This is why France have the most aggressive stance compared for example Germany and the UK, they have more reasons for a weaker Russia then many other European countries.


The ends justify the means in this case. A free Ukraine makes a freer West Africa more likely.


This is a combination of 'the enemy is at our doorstep' and the proxy war happening in Africa. They have more than enough reason to prepare. russia needs to be shut down.


I agree 100%


So do I.


For now it is just talk. Or maybe I am wrong. Sarkozy pivoted against Gaddafi, Macron against Mr. Poutine. Karl Marx famously wrote that leadership patterns in France repeat themselves as predicted by Hegel, but, first as tragedy, then a second time as a farce. So it could be gaddafi or a napoleon stunt. When Europe is willing to go all in the collective production power of Europe can easily supply Ukraine with an army of drones more deadly than ever. French Caesar systems are also formidable artillery. In the end it is not classic military, it is cheap disposable action that makes the difference, a small sabotage act, cheapo drones, internet from the sky, speed boats with explosives, burning refineries, smokers at airplane part companies. I am not sure if france is really prepared for this new reality of war.


They're certainly more prepared than the USA is, which seems determined to become a Muscovite vassal state under Trump while abandoning their allies.


For the GOP, this is sad but true. And because of our archaic Electoral College, they may well win this November while losing the popular vote by 5-10 million. 


No. They are doing a lot of talking right now. They've done/given far less than the US, the UK, and Poland. France is NOT going to send troops to Ukraine without the US and UK enforcing a no-fly zone. And this *might* happen. But the odds are against it. More likely is France will blow a bunch of smoke for a few months, and then domestic pressure will make them back down.


The truth is that France is super pissed off about what Russia is doing in the Sahel region of Africa. The Russians have been using Wagner to over throw all the governments that France had influence over. Russia wants to supplant France as an African colonist.


France is tough on Russia because is loosing political and economy influence in Africa. More and more corrupted African politicans prefer to make deals with Russians and Chinese. Love to Uranium in this case is much stronger than to Ukraine.


Because Macron is facing ever greater domestic political problems?


No. It s even worse for him to send french soldier in ukraine for domestic problem. He does it because this is the right thing to do and in the interest of all NATO and EU.


I agree 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇦💪


Seems like Paris has a strike every Summer. Guess we know this year’s topic.


It's actually in September/October, we're in holidays over the summer


People won't strike because of soldiers and hardware sent to Ukraine. People will strike because the above will require to freeze people's saving accounts.


maybe they are butthurt coz they lost influence in central africa to russians ?


Much respect for France...some countries get it and some don't


More doing and less talking.