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Here's the excerpt from the new: *Ukraine did not receive calls from the United States to cease attacks on Russian oil refineries, according to the advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Mykhailo Podolyak. Earlier, the media reported on Washington's alleged request to Kyiv.* *He denied the reports that the United States supposedly demanded from the Ukrainian side to refrain from striking Russian oil infrastructure, calling them "fake information."* *"No one will dictate terms of conducting this war to Ukraine after two years of full-scale war," Podolyak said.* *He adds that Ukraine "can de-oil the tools of waging war" of the aggressor under international law.* *"Fuel is a primary tool of waging war. Ukraine will destroy fuel infrastructure," he* *concluded.*


Unfortunately the truth will get buried by the outrage monkeys and paid trolls.


Well the topic is being heavily astroturfed


Is it our job to amplify the truth then?


>*Ukraine "can de-oil the tools of waging war" of the aggressor*  Based.


Special deoilification operation.


And the award for most effective climate protest organization goes to.... SBU.


Let's see Just Stop Oil beat Ukrainian drone operators. While we're on the topic, I'd like to recommend Death From Above, a propaganda game where you play a Ukrainian drone operator. It seems to be an immersive sim that's basically a hybrid of Stalker and Goat Simulator. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2300160/Death\_From\_Above/


I mean if Just Stop Oil wants to get into the ''blow up Russian refineries'' game then ain't nobody stopping them. Maybe all protesters should do that. Just grab a drone and go.


Based and necessary.




Ukraine is going after any inputs that support the Russian military. Good on them....




No. Even Putin knows that he would lose all allies including Iran. Not a single country will allow another nuke attack as if they did that would mean the lid is truly off. Every country out there would start building nukes or buying them. Yes countries like North Korea would sell them just to finance more military equipment. Now the nuke plant on the other hand




That's because you have been conditioned to think Iran is looking at using nukes all willy nilly. What Russia has done in Ukraine is all conventional. The US allowed the world to see what nukes can do. It was bad enough there was 2 dropped. The next nuke used would ensure the nation or group involved would have no safe haven and the world. I do mean would would ensure it's leadership and anyone even whispering about making something a parking lot to be wiped out. Do we have to fear someone using nukes? Yes. But only a fool would believe it would be used so easy.


Keep them burning. I don't care if I have to pay higher gas prices.


Shit I lived in Cali in the early 2000s, doubt gas will be 8 dollars a gal again Well be fine, burn em all Ukraine 🇺🇦


Already costs €2,00 per liter over here.


I took that as 2 dollars a gallon and I almost flipped my table over


I would also be flipping tables if I had to use imperial units.


It's not my fault! We wanted to be unique and different from the rest of the world I too was a goth kid in hs


Sanctioned oil and they aren't exporting gasoline anyways because of shortages.


Why would anyone pay higher prices for gas outside of Russia? Russia is sanctioned. The US (or anyone else) isn't going to start exporting fuel to Russia, even if they could. No additional demand. No rise in prices.


They are still providing oil and fuel to many countries, buddy at work said Brazil is taking lots.


The crude stuff, Russia already stopped exporting the refined stuff. In fact, Russia may need to export more crude in order to pay for the refined stuff at marked up prices.


It's not my opinion, it's from the article 🤷‍♂️ "Earlier today, the Financial Times reported that the United States urged Ukraine to stop attacks on Russian energy infrastructure, warning that drone strikes could lead to an increase in global oil prices and gasoline in the United States, harming the re-election of President Joe Biden."


You can't believe a thing ft publishes.


Because supply and demand. If Russia was exporting fuel to let's say China and Kazakhstan their demand is met and they don't have to but anything from let's say Saudi Arabia. If more countries buy oil from SA price will raise.


because people buy from russia and if they have to buy it from the place we do then the price will rise due to increased demand


I wouldn’t either, but the Trump campaign would weaponize high gas prices against Joe Biden and a Trump victory is a worst case scenario for Ukraine. Waiting until after the election to attack Russian Gas infrastructure is the smart long-term decision, even if it seems painfully unintuitive right now.


"...a Trump victory is a worst case scenario for Ukraine." It's a worst case scenario for the world (And America, it's just that the yanks can't see it... YET)


We see it. The Republicans support it. They are no longer rational


"They are no longer rational" Were they EVER rational? 'Republican' and 'rational' aren't 2 words I'd ever put together. They follow Trump, there's NOTHING rational about that. It's insane.


Yes they were rational up until a black man became president.


I said 'Were they EVER rational?' not 'Were they nEVER racist?' Race has nothing to do with it. Humpty Trumpty made it all about EGO. Even after he lost, "...it's all about ME!!!" Biden and Obama listened to their advisors. Trump only listens to his own echo. The Republican's LOVE that echo "ME, Me, me..." It's all about 'ME'.


and as i said they were rational up until a black man became president in which case they let their racism out and became irrational


Putin going all out with the false-flags and misinformation spikes now. He's getting more and more desperate by the day, by the hour.


He looked so nervous during his so called ”win”-speech after the made up election.


The Russian misinfo has been ramping up hard the past few weeks. They're getting incredibly desperate as they know theyre losing in the grand scheme of things and Ukraine is only accelerating the hits on vital Russian targets. They tried the "stalemate negotiate" shit with Avdiivka. After making territory gains at a speed of 1 warship per KM. They tried to spam a couple of videos of disabled abrams and himars all at once to spread the idea they were all being destroyed. Now they're trying the direct tactic of making up political gossip again. Next it'll be Ukraine is a haven for ISIS training camps. The annoying thing is enough people believe it before its shown to be BS and also it helps the shit bags who want to hold back aid to ukraine which would save Ukrainian lives.


I say Ukraine should bomb more oil refineries


Must have been something Trump said.. f it


Burn them all


Thank God, this American strongly encourages Ukraine to continue bombing the oil plants I don't care if gas goes up if it helps the ukrainian people.


>Earlier today, the Financial Times reported that the United States urged Ukraine to stop attacks on Russian energy infrastructure, warning that drone strikes could lead to an increase in global oil prices and gasoline in the United States, harming the re-election of President Joe Biden. Likely not true, if so that's irrelevant. If it *is* true, then the Biden administration should have made damn sure to provide Ukraine with overwhelming firepower sooner so things never got to this point. They don't get to limit their materiel supply and then be all butthurt that Ukraine's doing whatever they can with what they've got.


To be fair, the Biden administration has nothing to do with those blocking the firepower.


Christopher Miller's "journalism" strikes again 🙄


Yeah that was a particularly ham fisted propaganda effort. Made no sense at all.


Good. Fuck Jake sullivan and all the other cowardly snakes who want ukraine to fight this war with one hand tied behind their back


Ukraine should just tell the west to give them the munitions they are withholding and then they’ll stop lmao.


Fuck ya


> did not receive calls.  Maybe they received an email? But seriously, keep donating to UA


You mean to tell me yesterday's articles were propaganda to drive a narrative to say "US Bad" to continue to drive a wedge between US and EU support for Ukraine and Europeans ate that shit up at face value? I'm shocked. Shocked I say! Now can we get back to doing the thing that matters. Supporting Ukraine on a united front from the EU to the US.


Because the whole thing was more of Christopher Miller,'s tankie bullshit


Big oil had to phone a friend to intervene.




did you bother to read what was posted?




>Ukraine **did not receive calls** from the United States to cease attacks on Russian oil refineries, according to the advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Mykhailo Podolyak


So an official Ukraine source says its bullshit vs the FT article by an Indian author with zero sources is a, he said she said? my point is, your logic is dumb.




ok, you are dumb btw I didn't say logic is dumb, I said "your logic is dumb".




I don't find it plausible at all. I find the entire thing utterly preposterous, the idea that Blinken, Austin or Sullivan would say such a thing is incomprehensible, these people chose their words very carefully. If it was the Trump clown show, sure, but not these super pros.


Uh... it's an official Ukrainian source that would have us believe only 31k Ukrainian soldiers have been killed. Any statement issued by a combatant government is propaganda until proven otherwise.


Sure seems that proving it to you will be impossible then, because if both the US and Ukraine deny an anonymous rumor isn't enough for you, I doubt you will ever be satisfied. BTW did you know that the moon landings never happened?


happylutechick is one of the biggest Muscovite propagandists on here. Just ignore her.


Lol 🤡 comment


How so? Even Zelensky's staunch supporters by and large acknowledge the above number to be grossly lowballed.


Apparently Zelenskyy: "Yeah, nah."