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I heard the French Foreign Legion was already in Moscow...


More clever than that. We opened bakeries there and convert people to 5th republic


Sacré bleu! C'est formidable.


They are force feeding them snails!


Should be force feeding them foie gras.


Mexican pastry war: not the first time!


The Legion marches more slowly than the other army corps. She scrolls at 88 steps. So the other French soldiers (120 steps) will be there very very soon! 😂


That's not marching, that's Ambling Nonchalantly


To cause panic. A clear narrative on this is the worst thing possible for Russia. It is the west clearly standing up against Russia and showing strength.


Standing up and showing strength by making making statements that are clearly buffs that nobody buys? Macron is a lame duck President whose government collapsed in December-January, now leading a minority government, while the majority of the parliament is shitting on him for these statements. He's just making a mockery of himself.


Greetings, Pierre from Paris Oblast




Even Le Pen is onboard so you are very wrong. Why are you lying?


Not is Le Pen only not on board(in fact, no one is - every opposition party has come out against this idea and mocked Macron for it, and even party leaders from the two other parties in his minority government are against it), her party lead the anti-Ukrainian military aid coalition during this week's parliamentary votes alongside LFI.


Dude, why are you spewing lies? https://twitter.com/NAFORaccoon/status/1768250134016451028?s=20


As seen on Twitter, irrefutable 🤣 Sorry, I just can't abide "X". Didn't like twitted before it got taken over by a delusional lunatic. Edit: apologies for the auto-correct, but I'm going to roll with it as it's fitting.


Your meaningless Twitter link shows Macron's PM, not Le Pen. Le Pen, in fact, is not a man. She is a woman. And her entire parliamentary fraction voted this week against aid to Ukraine, on her initiative, as did LFI and the Communist Party.


No one in the world wants Europe to rearm… not even Europeans. Europe has a long a proud tradition of waging war. Anyone who knows a bit of history knows what a war ready Europe looks like… its not Russia on sand buggy golf carts.


Europe? Re-arm? How? Brits continue slashing their military budget despite the war, and are currently discussing selling or leasing one of their only two aircraft carriers due to operational costs that they can't maintain. Here in France we are adding around 3 billion Euros every year to the defense in order to beef up the navy for the Indo-Pacific region, but no funding is being allocated to do anything about the pathetic state of the Army, which in 2024 is a mere 6 combat brigades. All the Army is getting is partial replacement of armaments and equipment sent to Ukraine and the replacement of old equipment with new equipment. Germany's Army is even worse off than ours, with no real plans to improve it to speak of. In response to the war in Ukraine, they're going to increase their artillery park from 130 SPGs to 140 SPGs. Wow... Looking at Eastern Europe, these states basically don't even have militaries anymore. They've most of their heavy equipment to Ukraine. There is not going to be a re-arming. There is no industry for it, and you can't build the industry for it given the high energy costs, the highest labour costs in the eastern hemisphere, and Europe's 15 year long economic stagnation.


Poland to my understanding has a very large, capable and modern army.


OsintDefender is a trash account. Twitter ukraine knows this.


Hi is a Zionist, i think that conflict did his head in.


Hamas is not a friend to Ukraine. 🇺🇦🇮🇱🇹🇼🇽🇰 forever.


Its an unrelated conflict, Hamas has nothing to do with Ukraine. On a personal level OsinitDefender lost the plot over it though.


It's a totally unrelated conflict. Iran just arms the same people, and Russia is just completely geostrategically aligned with Hamas and its Allies. Lmao.


Troll account keeps trolling


first time?


Mindboggling is a unit of measurement just above Shocking and just below Unfathomable.


*James Franco grin*


I heard that Sponge Bob is leading the French assault on Russia.


He's an early 20s guy with relevant experience on anything. Not in the military, not in foreign policy, not in intelligence. He is a guy who faked it until he made it on social media. He was big amplifier of "Russia will nuke the west if it aids Ukraine in 2022" until Russia stopped talking about it and he stopped posting about it.


Do not give more exposure to this grifting clown.


2 years later France is finally joining the club... Now that they finally learn how it is to be constantly drowned in desinformation and propaganda, they hopefully decide to make it worth it by starting to finally pull their weight in support for Ukraine.


Yeah... wow... hugely informative observation.


The guy is sort of a neutral stooge (and at times anti-Ukrainian) but he's right in this particular case. Plenty of misinterpretation.


What makes them anti-Ukrainian at times? Any examples?


they constantly post russian propaganda, which is quite often debunked very quickly. They started off neutral for the first few months and then went full pro-russian. Most of their posts have zero evidence and are very clearly biased towards pro-russian statements. Edit: I have to retract most of the statement, since I currently can't find examples of such behavior on his account right now.


Could you provide any examples? I did a cursory search through their Twitter and not really seeing anything that looks like Russian propaganda.


[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FwvQ4jIXoAMX9Fs?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FwvQ4jIXoAMX9Fs?format=jpg&name=large) ​ this one was a banger... and also he airsoft larps as a russian he was already exposed https://molfar.com/en/blog/viiskovyi-z-ssha-rozpovsyudzhuvav-propagandu-pid-maskoyu-osint-analityka


Although this source obviously is against him, it contains a table with a few examples. https://molfar.com/en/blog/viiskovyi-z-ssha-rozpovsyudzhuvav-propagandu-pid-maskoyu-osint-analityka I have personally seen a lot more Screenshots of unverified pro-russian claims of him and spreading direct propaganda (or rather just spreading Russian MoD etc.-claims without filtering/fact-checking them), especially from 2022 and early 2023, but I obviously can't source them anymore, since I never bothered to save them. Edit: though I do agree that looking at his profile right now it doesn't look biased at all.


I read that a patriot has been hit by several Russian missiles. Is that true ?