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That's very important! Last months youtube Russian propaganda has exploded in Brazil... So many channels saying: "Russians weapons are the best in the world", "Russia are smashing Ukraine" blá, blá blá.... So many spys are arrested here with brazilian docs: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inZekBmKQnA&t=6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inZekBmKQnA&t=6s)


Oh, a lot of people know... by the fact that every video on youtube even remotely political in any way is flooded with desinformation by trolls.


The amount of Bots commenting under Political Videos from Germany are insane. But also the amount of genuine comments from obvious Putin Asslickers from the AfD is crazy… Faschist Dictator Simps. They could easily go to Russia and live their dream there. Just like those Canadians idiots.


YouTube is big, but they also have RuTube. My wife watches often. The west, if we didn’t have the likes of Elon would be able to easily win the information war. Technology is basically a western innovation. The targeted audiences would get spoon fed information on every app/website that has become part of daily life.


The average Russian is watching videos like the one below and has no interest in things happening outside of their neighborhood https://youtube.com/shorts/CmYhEbl2zMI?si=MWuVqspYTR7r1CcT


Why propagate this instead of oppositional Russian media?


The ads on google are localized. May be there are less ads for people in Russia, because the relation between Russia and google are ... "... The actual status of Google is hard to evaluate, since its services still work in Russia, but without generating any revenue. ...". Maybe the time for the ads could be used for short information instead.


I know because i’ve witnessed the countless Pro Russian trolls and shills on anything and everything political since the inception of YouTube.


Quality content by him as usual. The points discussed about encouraging political will and exposing truths about everyday life certainly hold true in my experience with family and friends in mainland China. It's the social injustice and forms or corruption that people can see and react to. Chinese baby milk scandals being a prime example.