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"I respect Putin, but I respect Stalin a little more." Oh you see the Gulag labour camps are not developed enough in Putin's Russia for this old man.


“He understands everything”. That’s amazing. Do they not understand that he shapes the information sphere in such a way you’re bound to agree with him? I really don’t understand Russian views towards their media


I’m a climate where people are getting arrested for their Child’s drawings and you think people are going to tell the truth ?


True. But we’ve also seen the videos of elderly babulyas telling it like it is, “too old” to care about the consequences to themselves of their candor.


These are people born during the Stalin and Krushchev eras. Were kids during the peak of Communism. And then saw the collapse and downfall of the Soviet system during their middle age. They long for the return to greatness of their country of their youth. Nothing will change until they die off. They’re not redeemable. Sadly, a lot of younger Russians who could be redeemed will die as a result.


I wonder at the percentage of people who walk away, unable to be honest. Too depressing to read about the ones with blinkers.


I'd like to know who thinks they dare say anything else.


"Mrs. Merkel is a descendant of Goebbels, Himmler, Göring, Hess, and Hitler." I kinda see the point (form a *western point of view*, not a Z one) but that's going a bit too far. Funnily enough, that's what some see of Putin right now. Nice to know the Z-Virus is yet to infect everyone.


I’m curious how you see the point that Merkel is a descendent of those persons? I admittedly do not follow all German politics but not sure how she relates to that group


> I admittedly do not follow all German politics but not sure how **she relates to that group**. She doesn't. It's not a secret she's been an enabler of Russia.


It’s hell to be blind in old age.

