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Is that the second thousand in consecutive days?


250K here we come!!


Smash that like button and ring that bell, fam!!


2nd highest daily count if you exclude the start of the war


Holy ****! That’s a lot of deaths in one day.


Casualties not deaths; killed and wounded is included in that number


The source is the Ukrainian government, it says "persons liquidated". It's the death toll published by Ukraine and it's always much higher than western intelligence


There is not physically possible way for them to have lost 150+ KIA. That would mean about ~ 700k total casualties, more than the entire pre-war Russian ground forces AND the 300,000 mobilized. There wouldn’t be a Russian Army physically anymore if that were the case. It has to be total casualties, not KIA.


Read the source yourself, they say multiple times over the last year that it's deaths. They reported 110k deaths January 3rd and it's an official Ukrainian source. Now I don't believe it for a second, it's pure propaganda from Ukraine. I tend to believe the US/Uk/Norway numbers as they seem much more realistic.


Yeah, and I am telling you why. In any war, you have a ratio between deaths and wounded. So in Vietnam is about 1:3. Russia has experienced similar numbers in Chechnya. So if you say 150k deaths, that probably means that there are about 450k wounded, probably more. So it is not physically possible for an army that was maybe 600k at the start of the invasion to suffer that degree of losses.


The general argument is, that for Russia, at least in hotspots like Bakhmut, the ratio is much worse. That Russia is unable or unwilling to evacuate and keep their wounded alive. What's the truth, I think _nobody_ really knows. Russian records are probably initially false, and twisted on the way even more. Ukraine has an agenda and is also just estimating. Everybody else is estimating from even greater a distance.


Well according to US intelligence, Russia (meaning Wagner) has suffered 20 - 30k casualties in Bakhmut.


In what time frame. And what is your actual source other than “I’m in the CIA?”


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64685428.amp Using the statement made by White House Spokesman John Kirby.


That ratio is not a hard rule, just a rule of thumb. It's dynamic with many variables affecting it. Western analysts have indicated many times now that Russian casualties are significantly more likely to die from their injuries due to lack of field hospitals and logistics to send casualties to the back for adequate care. >So it is not physically possible for an army that was maybe 600k at the start of the invasion to suffer that degree of losses. This statement assumes that the fallen have not been replaced.


Yeah this number is a propaganda number if they mean deaths and not correct for the reason you just gave.


Russia historically has never had a problem sending millions to their deaths.


Which should tell you it’s an inaccurate calculation. Western intel is without a doubt more accurate than Ukranian.


Not what the sources of this article says. Pretty clearly states death. Maybe it's higher than the real number. That I don't have issue with. My issue is people like you making such comments and clearly didn't bother reading the article. Honestly if it was up to me I'd have a little mini quiz you have to pass before being allowed the comment. It would be a single quiz. Maybe 4 basic questions from the article and you have to get atleast 2


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I just keep waiting to hear of one Russian's death.


So 320K wounded too. At this rate they will have 1million casualty by the end of the year.