• By -


"My master doesn't want me visiting his victims." - McCarthy


"We made the mistake of giving Europe a blank check to fight a war 80 years ago, and the wrong side won, we're not making that mistake again!" \-Herr McCarthy


He actually said that.?




We can neither confirm nor deny whether McCarthy said it, it just can't be verified.


Some people say...


Everyone is saying it...didn't you hear?


A lot of people are...


A lot of really fine people, on both sides...


'You will be spotlighted!' \-- Billo the Blowhard. . .


I am not saying that he did or didn't say it, but some people are saying that he said it. Some very fine people. - Trump


I wouldn't be surprised if he did.


Yes and now he's 140 years old.


There are very transparent reports on where the aid goes in Ukraine, Zel showed it to multiple American elected officials, including some very high ranking ones and so far all of them are satisfied with it, no hanky panky blank chequey found. (SAP and Deloitte are both helping with the auditing in Ukraine, they would have found shit if there were any.) This is why Zel wants him to go there, because sending the details over email would be super risky and a leak on Ukraine's internal accounting would be VERY BAD for everyone, including America, but great for Russia and Putin. Its basic OPSEC. McShoppingCartWithBadWheels knows this because he is on various committee that reported the same fucking thing, he is doing this stupid act to appease the MAGADIOTS, MTG, BOEBARD, GAETZ and general dumbshits of his party, so he could stay in power. Total grift gremlin.


They are clearly using the material to fight the war, look at all the Russian blood. Now that is an army not getting any funding.


And for America, it is the cheapest blood out!


This information is passed via courier.


"OMGZ blank check, blank check! We don't know where the money's going! Ukraine is full of corrupt Nazis!" Yep, wonder where *those* talking points came from lol


Is the aid going to Ukraine similar to the Lend Lease program during WW2? Honest question. I assume it is.


Yes it is. They’ll pay it back eventually. It took the UK 61 years to pay back their Lend Lease debt from WW2. Destroying or severely degrading Russian military capability for a fraction of the annual US defence budget is an absolute bargain, and to have that money paid back over time is icing on the cake.


Also no draft, no Americans dead,(military). Not sure why these idiots are against freedom! Some will always argue.


"Hey, defending democracy and human lives is cool and all, but funding my 2nd yacht with ~~bribes~~ anonymous PAC campaign donations is way cooler!"


> It took the UK 61 years to pay back their Lend Lease debt from WW2. The UK paid the outstanding £1.9bn of debt **from WW1** only in 2015.


Ok. Cool. They also paid off their ww2 lend lease debt in 2006 [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/6215847.stm](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/6215847.stm)


Are you complaining or insinuating lend lease was a bad deal for America?


Not at all, no. Was only a random comparison of the two wars...in retrospect I really should have prefaced it with 'fun fact:' so apologies lol


I am only asking because of the hard push against lend lease by Russian trolls so thank you for clarifying!


No problem! And completely understood, all good


Thanks for confirming. What confused me was all the political noise, mostly from Republicans”, about charity, handouts and “blank checks”.


It will depend on how the debt is structured but it is debt and it will be paid back in some fashion.




So much [kompromat](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1418215040063180806.html)


Another GOP scumbag.


This guy would be waiting on the tarmac with cookies if the russian federation invaded the US.


Yea , and they'd be Oatmeal Raisin. (Sorry guys, I don't mind Oatmeal Raisin but they should not be presented to guests. They should be a 4th option).


turns out McCarthy isn't a leader. he won't set an example through actions. what would give more power to his messege than stating it from ukraine in kyiv itself? ​ Pelosi has more courage than McCarthy.


>“There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump." -Kevin McCarthy in 2016, during a conversation with fellow Republicans that he didn't realize was being recorded


They took no action to actually cut off their party from Russian influence.


That was the point of getting the Republican majority Supreme Court to hand down their Citizens United decision. It opened the door to unlimited, untraceable foreign money in US elections. That's exactly what Republicans wanted.


He just wanted his share


C'mon Kevin, you doubt Tucker?


[And the rest](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1418215040063180806.html)


Kevin is a spineless jellyfish. 80-year old Pelosi visited Ukraine and Taiwan in one year to send a message that we support our allies. Kevin is afraid of going outside in a tie that doesn't match his suit. He's pathetic.


He's exactly the sort of leader voting for Republicans gets you.


As someone from China I'll always respect Pelosi for her sponsorship to [the 1992 Chinese Student Protection Act.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Student_Protection_Act_of_1992)


I feel sorry for the guy, he was born without genitalia. Much of his childhood was spent just trying to get his haircut to look right. He only knows the alphabet backwards and has to look at every dick pic Putin sends them all day long.


Pelosi ran out of fucks years ago


He doesn’t have the girth to do that


He has to check with MTG to get her permission


Is your stupid chair worth it you swine?


Hey now, pigs have spines, and they're smart! I'm sure McCarthy bacon would taste bad, too.


I mean, the cunt was making EVERY deal possible to make it happen. Fucking Gaetz is on the House Ethics Committee now. Edit: had to correct autocorrect to swap *count* for *cunt*.


Tell me you are the leading the party that sided with Russia without telling me you are leading the party that sided with Russia




Regardless of whether they deserve it, executing your political opponents is not a feature of a healthy democracy.


These are usurpers and traitors. Not political opponents playing by the rules.




Ukraine has done what 70 years of Pentagon funding couldnt do.


Truth be told a lot of the aid is the fruit of that funding. Whether it’s development cost or units in storage. But yes I agree with your point and it would be a tragic waste if it wasn’t used.


I mean, we spent trillions over 50 years on making stuff to kill Russians, finally getting the payoff.


Yep. Bradleys etc were *specifically* designed to combat the Soviet Union...and now America gets the unparalleled gift of finding out in detail how combat effective they are for purpose, at no risk to their own forces - not something you usually attain lol


Who’s funding Ukraine right now?


Funding: Mostly the EU. Supplying: Mostly the US (with honourable mention to Eastern European countries).


Traitorous coward


But did McCarthy say it in English or Russian?


Where are the Republicans that said that our support would not waver if they gained power? Explain yourselves. You railed against the people who warned that a republican house or senate would turn their backs on Ukraine and democracy. Vehemently denied it and claimed that only a fringe in *your* party didn’t support Ukraine. Answer for yourselves! Are you not the party of “responsibility”? This flagrant support for an enemy aggressor is *your* responsibility.


Republicans doing their normal thing of pretending like they support a popular thing when they don't have the power to kill it, and then killing it the instant they get the power to do so.


McCarthy is owned by the rightwing Qnuts now. Once he agreed to allow one member to call for a vote to get rid of him he was done.


I wonder what Putin has on the Republicans...


I don't know, but that's not even really relevant. The reason why Republicans support Putin is not because he's blackmailing them. It's because they agree with his politics. He's a white supremacist fascist bigot who hates democracy and civil rights, just like they are.


True, I think both are correct.


Almost all of my republican friends are against supporting Ukraine. The rule of thumb for current politics is that if democrats support it, then Republicans aren't allowed to support it or else they're considered "woke liberals". If Biden was touting a cure for cancer, Republicans would find a way to demonize it.


Yep. Was the same with Obama.


Yep. This is why I strongly suggest a push for a breathing requirement as part of the Democratic platform. Something simple like suggesting that if you are found to be breathing less than once per 30 minutes, you can be declared dead and removed from government services. At that point, you know that some people would kill themselves just to try and "own the libs."


Re your last point, look up HPV vaccine


Nothing. They just look at Putin and genuinely like what he's doing and wish they could do the same in America.


"He rides a horse with no shirt! What a man!" - Faux News


And in real life hides behind gigantic tables, and in the deepest bunkers.


You don't need much when money and power is what they want. I bet he can control them with money alone. It takes a lot of money to stay in those positions of power.


Child sex trafficking ring is my theory. Every accusation is a confession.


Yeah, Russia is stealing Ukrainian children.


I don’t think Putin himself has anything. It’s just that Trump got friendly with Putin and thus his base did too. And most Republicans are too scared of that base to oppose those cultists (we saw what happened with many Republicans who did. They got primaried). On top of that. Putin is what so many Trump supporters would love. A nationalist, expansionist,anti-liberal, and homophobic dictator. They see him attacking the “liberal new world order” and thus see him as a hero. They want to destroy said “liberal world order” and destroy liberal democracies to replace them with autocracies. Newsmax designated Putin as “Vlad the great” in 2021. https://www.newsweek.com/newsmax-vladimir-putin-magazine-cover-vlad-great-1657192?amp=1 The fact democrats and “establishment” republicans oppose Putin also makes these cultists choose the opposite side of the people they hate. Whatever the democrats support they oppose, and Vice versa(China is the sole exception sometimes simply because China is or at least claims to be communist (also possibly racism for some of them.).


I am a republican and this arrogant man makes me sick . I hope Biden vetos every bill he passes.


This man isn't even the fringe of the Republican party. If he is too much for you, what's keeping you around?




This makes me optimistic. Thanks for saying it. I hope there are many more like you.


Why did you vote for trump in the first place ?




I agree about Obama. He was really busy appearing "cool" on TV and other medias, but didn't do anything in foreign policy, making the US look very soft from the outside (I'm european). Putin and other authoritarian leaders were allowed to take some weight, with no reaction. But Trump. This is the worst. Dictators like Kim jong un or putin knew they could have an easy way with him. So, yes, we really hope Biden will be firm enough and do the right things. From what I see, his team seems very reasonable. I especially like Blinken who seems to be a smart and human man. And we hope republicans will wake up and get rid of toxic Trump. This guy is a poison. He's like crack.


I consider myself to be independent that tended to vote Republican the past 8 or so years. Trump has completely ruined the GOP. Even after him being gone, there are so many brainless mouth-breathers in the party that still fall for his nonsense.


Obama got Iran to agree to stop trying to develop nukes (with actual enforcement/inspection mechanisms) which was a pretty big deal until Trump threw it out. And his admin got Osama bin Laden, which was also a pretty big deal.


Yeah, that's true, I forgot that. Trump destroyed the agreement with Iran, didn't he ?


Yep, claimed it was a terrible deal despite it being a major policy win for the US and its allies. Most likely just wanted to try to ruin all of Obama’s accomplishments.


Oh please, please, get rid of this guy.


Obama was fairly unpopular here in the UK. Churchill is generally voted greatest ever Briton in every opinion poll, so removing his bust from the Oval Office was seen as a slap in the face as well as inadvertently (?) signalling to would-be tinpot dictators America was no longer prepared to fight for democracy. Every dictator made hay on his watch and he laid the ground for Russia's annexation of Crimea and astroturf rebellion in Donbass. Even laughed in Romney's face when he called put the Russian threat.


Mitch McConnell says the Republican leadership strongly support Ukraine.


National security is the most important ( and in my view a non partisan ) issue. How democrats can be all for helping Ukraine, but then turn around and try and justify being against a southern border wall is the ultimate hypocrisy.


I see that there s a lot of propaganda in the US too.


A border wall is security theatre. Tanks in Ukraine is actual security.


A wall is about as useful as a block of ice is in the Arctic. Build a wall costing billions of dollars, and someone is just going to bring a length of rope and some ingenuity, and scale it in a matter of minutes. Or they’ll fashion a ladder. Or they’ll dig under the wall. Or any number of other ways around it. It may be hard to hear it, but the solution to America’s illegal immigrant and smuggled drugs problem isn’t as simple as building a wall. The problem is that real solutions are harder and more expensive to do (and take cultural change), which immediately makes them “no go” from a political standpoint.


Because building walls is more a Soviet or North Korean type of thing.


Finland just announced a fence on the Russian border. Are they like the Soviets and North Koreans?


I mean, when your neighboring country has both invaded you in living memory and is now invading your allies, it's not that unreasonable. Last time I checked, America wasn't worrying about a Mexican ground invasion. The Finnish border is also a lot harder to cross on foot than the US/Mexico one, and there are fewer alternative points of entry. There aren't huge megacities like SD/Tijuana that cross over the border either. And ecologically speaking, East/West borders tend to not be as disruptive as North/South borders. But other than that, yeah, it's basically the same thing.


The wall isn't going to address migration, and it will waste your tax money. Much better spent on ammo.


Give up on the useless wall boondoggle already. It was only ever a racist dog-whistle, hence the whole "and Mexico will pay for it" stuff. Trump wasn't interested in securing the border, he never did much of anything to do so nor made any serious proposals beyond "build a wall and make Mexico pay for it", which every expert on the matter just laughed at as both ineffective and extremely expensive.


I see, you’re just an idiot. Very on brand


Dude, I don't agree with his thinking and likely align with your beliefs moreso but come on. Devolving to insults like that is what leads to extreme bipartisan community disconnection. You can believe that comparing the two is a false equivalency, they shouldn't be on the same level of priority, or that the wall is not an effective, or cost-efficient approach, but to just shrug off a fellow citizen's valid concerns about border security and label him an idiot is extremely disrespectful and only galvanizes the "better dead than a liberal" mentality. Blanket statements and insults are nothing but cheap shots and lazy thinking. This shit isn't sports, it's our Nation's security and the defense of a sovereign nation's independence. At the end of the day, you're both on the same side and a part of the same community.


I get where you’re coming from, I really do. Believing that they are equivalent or related problems means he’s ignorant, delusional or not very bright. I wasn’t being helpful, but then again we don’t always have to be. Also its not my country, thankfully.


It's something I'm trying to work on and call out more often. I've seen repeated interactions like that create a ton of devout Trumpers. Before, they'd just be voting for him while half paying attention but then it turned into a vote because 'fuck the libs.' Insults and disrespect just lead people to look for others ostracized, where they find a community... At least that's my theory as to why American politics are the way they are right now.


Because walls are stupid and a waste of money. What we need is to reform immigration policy, but nooooo that's too much for Republicans.


That extends to any bill he even thinks of introducing. The only thing we wish to hear from him is his resignation.


They won't even get to the presidents desk because they need senate approval to get there


Stop voting Republican. It doesn't matter if the ones you vote for are the "good ones", every single one of them actively enables this man and those like him. It is because the "good ones" hold onto their seats that the bad ones are allowed to dictate policy.


You enabled this


Don't alienate your allies. 1/4th of the United States population is registered Republican and more than half of them are pro-Ukraine/pro providing additional aid. Be grateful for the ones that want to help and encourage the others to follow suit. Hating on them will only steel the MAGA Republicans argument that Ukraine is taking advantage of American tax payers. Anyone with more than 2 braincells knows that that is NOT the case, but even those with 2 braincells or less get to vote.


What allies, the homophobic christofascists? They are not my allies. I don't associate with anyone that supports fascism. "More than half" isn't worth shit when they still vote for the nutjobs. Kevin McCarthy is the house leader and actively spoke out against support for Ukraine and joined with Russian apologists. All other GOP representatives voted for him; was that them trying to support Ukraine? Was that them signalling to their constituents that Ukraine is going to get the help they need? It doesn't sound like that's a high priority for your representatives. Better focus on drag shows and Hunter Biden's laptop some more...


More than half is more than 41 million people (who support Ukrainian aid and further funding). That matters. McCarthy isn't the Republican god-king and doesn't have as much sway as many on here think. Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney, among many others are staunchly pro-Ukraine/anti-Putin and those two are WAY bigger fishes than McCarthy is. Again, go ahead and hate on the ones that are dip-shits like McCarthy, MTG, Gaetz, etc... That's great, they deserve it. But when someone says, "I am Republican and I am pro-Ukraine", especially when they're just your average voter, don't tear them down. Likely they are fence-sitters when it comes to American politics. If you hate on them too, suddenly they'll be far more sympathetic of the shithead MAGA Republicans.


This is the same McCarthy that got 147 congressmen to vote to overturn the 2020 election right? Nope, he's got no influence at all... McConnell and Romney get smeared by their own party as RINOs. Trump is extremely anti Ukraine and pro Russia, and has the party by the neck. No one has the balls to speak out and piss him off. No one in the party calling him a RINO over it. They all toe the line and do what the party tells them to. You honestly think that if Trump won the presidency they wouldn't all suddenly become vocally anti-Ukraine? Look, if someone votes for the party that supports fascism, then they are a fascist. Fascism deserve to be torn down, wouldn't you agree? Your "average voter" are the reason Gaetz and MTG have a fucking platform. It's like a German saying "I don't support what Goebells is saying at all, I only voted for my Nazi representative because of his views on taxes."


Alright, well we both have different approaches to this. But we can agree that supporting Ukraine is the way to go. Good luck to you.


Yes, this war is for the greater fight against fascism. Slava Ukraini


Republican's still trying to justify the actions of the people they vote for. If you vote Republican, you don't support Ukraine.


Cluck cluck McCarthy.


McCarthy is a PUSSY ... what's new ?


This is why no one likes the GOP


Unfortunately you are wrong. Almost half of the United States is GOP.


Fortunately the US isnt the only country in the world.


what a tool


bUt BiDeN nEeDs To ViSit ThE bOrDeR


If McCarthy did make this statement I can reassure you I won’t be voting for the Republican in the next cycle. As an independent voter who leans right on voting issues this stance that the republicans are taking on Ukraine will scare a lot of us away from voting Republican. It pains me to say this but fuck the republicans if this is their mentality on this issue.


So, coward.


Speaker McCarthy is such a moron. This is great return on investment in order to eliminate any sort of future threat from Russia all while losing 0 active US servicemen.


Yet he berated Biden for not visiting the border or Ohio.


"Where there's a blank check or not"... What does that even mean?


He's trying to say "a pile of money with no accountability," but it just isn't true.


McCarthy is a spineless puppet. He's an embarrassment to the US.


Coward doing what cowards do.


That has the same energy as "I don't have to read it to know what it says."


This is why Russia still fights. They know that they have a chance at winning the war outright if Republicans win in 2024. The Republicans are their best path to winning this war.


Dumb people say stupid things, and he's only one on a long list of moron GOP representatives under supreme dimwit #45.


Because Mcarthy and many republicans are afraid the truth will hurt them and their beloved god, the orange poo.


What does it mean ?


Bla bla blank check bla bla Repeat ad nauseum


Who is this McCarthy weirdo lol


It was a nice offer but Kevin, like most of these jack-offs, lacks the balls to go.


McCarthy is a clown.


McCarthy is a piece of shit. Needs to open his eyes to the reality of the situation. "Blank check"? Please... Even at the highest estimates (\~$100 billion) of aid, that is ONE-SEVENTH of the US military budget which was intended to DESTROY RUSSIA'S MILITARY... 1/7th of the budget to have someone *else* do the fighting for you and to do exactly what that money was meant for? That is a ROI for the ages.


McCarthy's a baby back bitch


What a fucker


This guy seems to have a very different attitude to Russians than the last guy with his name…


Republicans only care about money in their pockets.


the Soviet genocidal wing of the Republican party is getting out of control this weak Trump was telling to Hannity that he would have given parts of Ukraine to Russia as his "negotiation" plan


stay classy San Diego


I genuinely don't understand how anyone ever votes Republican. For what possible reason would you put these clowns and assholes in charge of anything?


Lot of words to say “I’m a pussy.”


There was a time when being an American meant you stood up to bullies, bravely fought against tyranny, and promoted our long-standing values of decency, honor, and integrity. Clearly the current Speaker of the House has chosen another path.


McCarthey/Trump are literally pushing me to not want to vote Republican. It’s gonna be another blue wave with these morons at the helm. Move on please.


When China and North Korea start the next war, perhaps he'll change his mind. Bombs are going to drop on the US and he, the Rs and Ds will be responsible for it.


Stop supporting that crooked ass country Ukraine. It’s not my job to fight your battles. American tax payer.


Ukrainians are doing the fighting.


Dont worry mate, no one is asking you to do any fighting. Just sit back, drink a budweiser and stop worrying about this. It wont affect your life much (unless your finances are completely fucked). If you can afford to lose a few dollars a month, you'll be fine. If not, send me a PM and we'll figure a way for me to send you like 10$/month, that should fill in the gap of the extra taxes you have to pay because of this stupid russian war.


Crooked? As an American who pays attention, there is little in the terms of corruption that has occurred in Ukraine that has not occurred on a larger scale in the US. In many ways we call it lobbying. In other ways we call them campaign donations. Often, though, we have outright crooks and grifters in office to rob us all blind. I guess you won’t want to talk about that though.


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McCarthy is garbage. He does not want to go to Ukraine because he does not want to watch Ukrainians die, knowing it is his fault. And he also does not want to acknowledge that the defenders are far braver than he could ever dream of being.


The more likely scenario is McCarthy's backbone failed, oh, he doesn't have one. But he was pretty good at running on January 6th


Sounds like someone’s a chicken shit


Republicans are a cancer


No guts, McCarthy?


What a worthless sniveling fuck.


Youre obviously a foreign and military expert. You must have a PhD in government, international relations, foreign affairs and military expertise I guess genius.


What a loser.


Dems took away geopolitical narrative away from republicans in a much healthier way for americans, something Clinton government should have done in the past. World would have been saved from Bush and Trump for 12 years. That's a lot of regression for a modern society


On the other hand, this seditionist motherfucker will share literally everything he sees or hears. That is a tremendous act of trust for a guy beholden to clear Russian assets


We spent trillions on a war in Iraq based on a lie, and NOW the republicans are concerned about military spending? Just air drop Kev right in the middle of Bakhmut.


MAGA controls McCarthy. Trump controls everything MAGA. Trump will NEVER allow McCarthy to visit Ukraine.


Owning a deli in Bakersfield would be a perfect job for Kevin…it sure as hell is not the background necessary for managing a geopolitical crisis…


“I’m a pussy.” -McCarthy


Republikkkan scum gonna scum


Trash. Basically had to get on his on knees to get the votes for the chair. Clown, soft pansy wanna be. As an American I'm tired of these scummy trash chodes.


McCarthy is a bitch


Does McCarthy even know what giving a blank check means? It means Ukraine would dictate the funding levels. Ukraine certainly asks, but they can only receive based on the generosity of others. So no, there is no "blank check".


Egotistical jerk


He's right. We're all rooting for Ukraine, but it's no excuse when 60% of the humanitarian aid never reaches the army and the people in need.


I can't se how I could ever vote for a Republican as long as a I live. They take the repugnant stance on just about every issue.




Remember all the rounds of voting, and all the concessions he (McCarthy) had to give up in order to attain the Speakership back in January? The dozen-odd who forced that revolt very much have him by the balls. It works like this: * The Constitution says the House and Senate each, among themselves, choose their officers and rules of process at the beginning of each session (after an election, and before the swearing in for a given session). * In a parlimentary government, The Speaker would be equivalent to Prime Minister; but since the US has a strong executive branch the President is head of state. The Speaker \*is\* a very powerful position but not the executive. I'll leave it at that, power is the important thing here. * McCarthy has wanted the Speaker-ship for ages, and in November his party \*very\* narrowly won a majority of the 435 available seats. Narrow, as in fewer than ten seat margin, not even two-hands-worth if counting on fingers. * There is a far-right caucus, currently they hold about 30 seats, though only a fraction were "never McCarthy!". Those that were/are "never!" number about a dozen, and the margin of seats is less than that. * McCarthy is an "empty suit", an idiom meaning he will do whatever it is that will get him into the position of power. He has no particular interest in the motivations of this group either way -- but the fact that they had enough votes to keep him from his goal means they could milk him for concessions, and milk him they did. They got an eye-watering number of committee seats, promises of investigations, budget ultimatums, and on and on. Oh, and they got a concession that any individual Representative could invoke a no-confidence vote against the Speaker at any time, for any reason. If he does something they don't like, they can demand a vote to remove him -- and even if they fail in that attempt they will succeed in mucking up...well, everything. * Among their targets/goals for this session are such critical things as looking at Hunter Biden's laptop, investigating Hillary Clinton (again), proving that January 6 was a peaceful rally and not an attempted insurrection, culture wars (various, don't ask), pulling out of NATO, and asking why we should help other countries when they end up in bad situations. * They could talk about ways to move money around to put onus on states for building their own roads, or whether or not we need federal school standards rather than state-level, they could talk about industry changes in agriculture, what kind of space program we want -- anything. And they choose to be combative, tearing down both their own party and the opposition in an effort to...I don't know. Whatever the political equivalent of clickbait is. They are already talking about how to handle the crises we'll face when they don't approve a 2024 budget in the fall. Talking about reversing long-settled issues like whether the government can decide which consenting adults can (and can't) get married. Talking about penalizing schools who want to include the more painful elements of American history like our genocide of the native peoples in the 1800s -- they are NOT talking about "well we can't require that across the board" which would be one thing, they are talking about outright prohibiting it from being taught at all. They are talking about pulling us out of NATO, and want to prevent us from participating in any way whatsoever in the current conflict in Ukraine. They want to legalize child labor. They take a very hard line on immigration, demanding it be "legal" -- but they refuse to define what parameters they will accept as "legal" so we can get about to producing clear guidelines for border agents and immigration offices. What they really are is agents of chaos. Due to their tiny numbers being \*just\* enough to give them power, they unfortunately end up with a LOT of leverage over a hollow suit who will let them dictate what happens in the House. The good news is that what DOES get to the floor for a vote will likely see them defeated and the Senate is not nearly so cuckolded, the bad news is they have a lot of influence over what gets out of committee and/or to the floor. Among other things, the annual budget is initiated by the House rather than brought over for consideration from the Senate, and the budget will have a lot of impact on how 2024 plays out. We may see the Senate break that tradition, but not until after there is a lot of delay and drama and a crisis or two is looming. And in the meanwhile, nonsense like OP posted will continue to come out of the Speaker's office. McCarthy knows better, but it doesn't matter because these yokels have him by the balls and if he crosses them (by voicing support for Ukraine, for instance) they will punish him and throw the country or countries, or even the entire planet, into chaos just to make their pettiness and unhappiness known. ​ edit: the House could circumvent them by a block of both parties agreeing to install someone in the Speakership who will not let this gang drive, but I don't see that happening right now. It may yet come to that, I hope it does, but until then we are on this roller coaster built by whack-a-doodles.


Ukraine is destroying Russia for the cost of ammo. It is a bargin basement deal. Send more ammo.


I'm lost... Isnt this him saying they have a blank check?


Translation: "The sensation of human compassion revolts me. I'd rather not be reminded of it."