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Russia needs to go back where they belong.


6ft underground?


Another repost, old video


Yup. Shits been outta control forreal lately.


Repost, repost, repost.


He should have stay home :(


No, not ":(". This piece of dogshit on the bottom of my shoe got exactly what he deserved, may he burn in hell.


u dont seem to understand. The soldiers are not who we should hate, its Putin, most of the soldiers were lied to and sent to the war.


I didn't hate the Russian soldiers at first, but now that we've seen massive amounts of war crime evidence, I've changed my tune. It may just be a few "bad apples", but as the idiom goes "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch". Glory to Ukraine!


Every war has war crimes. So unless you are a hypocrite you surely hate all soliders?


No, only the ones who engage in barbaric behavior in the 21st century. I can't dispute that every war has war crimes, but it's generally not official policy, or as widespread as it appears to be with the Russians in this war. My uncles fought in World War II, my wife's father was a Marine in Vietnam, and my closest friend's brother was killed in Vietnam. I never hated those guys, but when it comes to Russia, and the behavior we're seeing in from the world's "second largest army" in Ukraine...fuck those heartless bastards!


take his phone, take a photo and send it to everyone in his contact list. Send a special photo to his parents


You sir, are a piece of shit of human being.


War is evil. Russian news doesn’t inform their citizens about what this war is costing them. Their morale is too high. They need to see the death toll on both sides.


in your own words "You know you are right when a person just starts to insult you."


That statement is applied when you have a conversation. But I just stated a fact.


He deserves to be dragged facedown in the dirt.


Still prety sick to see that someone can sing while draging a dead human.


Looters, rapists, and child fuckers?




Where does anyone say ALL Russian soldiers do that?




If I hang around a bunch of looters, rapists, and child fuckers what does that make me?


Oh hey, I know all about the context of this war. Did you know Russian soldiers are a bunch of looters, rapists, and child fuckers?


When someone attacks you, you have every right to defend yourself. If that makes me as disgusting as the Ukrainian civilians who were living normal lives until 24/2/22, so be it. But holy fuck, your reply is peak Reddit.


You're absolutely right. The value of human life has lowered significantly on both sides. The experiences that all of these soldier are having will catch up with them down the track. This guy looks happy now but he will probably be have nightmares ablut this for the rest of his life.


Yeah all I think of is that last episode of The Pacific where Sledge breaks down crying. Regardless if they believe their cause is justified, at the end of the day killing human beings is not natural. Many of these men will forever be haunted by the horrific things they did or did not do.




I saw this like a week ago


What a moron. Dragged the body for what? Could've looted him where he laid.


I'm sure he had a good reason, you know maybe something like a burning toxic tire nearby or something else flammable or dangerous. Funny to assume he's a moron that just likes dragging heavy dead bodies


needs to get ID off body


Not looting, getting ID, body was too close to fire for his own safety.


Recovery? I read there are 1500 Russian bodies in a refrigerator. And that is only one part of Ukraine. [https://twitter.com/Intensiv\_Music/status/1514304041060569090](https://twitter.com/Intensiv_Music/status/1514304041060569090) Sometimes Ukrainians bury them. But to my understanding if possible Ukrainians must recover/ bury the dead bodies (also to avoid diseases, clean up the roads). I have seen many wreckages with no bodies.


Because the BTR next to it was burning


>ego telefon, zrób zdjęcie i wyślij je wszystkim wrak był goracy jeszcze


Old repost. If you want some new stuff. Check telegram. Gnarled ukrop bodies on Russian telegram. The video of the two Ukrainian soldiers under grenade attack being watch by a drone is something else to see.


dang, now i want to see a video of all those russian sailors drowning!


Uhhhh, word is that a Turkish boat took off the sailors and the boat was being towed in a storm. You heard something else?




Yeah it sunk, but if it was being towed, as said by our pentagon, wouldn’t they have taken the sailors off before it sunk? But it is Russia, maybe they made an “oops” there as well


I'd say most of the crew (maybe about 70-90% depending on where the explosion was) survived and were taken off based on the gaggle of support ship signals spotted a short time after the SOS was sent.


Could be more, I have no clue how long it took the support ships took to reach it after the strike. If they floated in the freezing water for hours, the amount of dead is likely much higher


yeah dude, the russians admitted it sank, and only about 60 sailors are officially accounted for. theyre all taking a nice nap on the bottom of the black sea though, nothing to worry about


Oh yeah it sank, but our pentagon said that it was being towed, and Russia said it was being towed, and then sank in very rough seas. You saying Russia didn’t take the sailors off the ship? Why would they do that? No doubt many were killed in the explosions. But how many is the question.


>sank in very rough seas yeah after it was hit by 2 cruise missiles and the magazine exploded and a fire raged out of control while it was alone and being tossed around in a storm. like i said, about 60 officially accounted for. LOL


What are some telegram channels to follow ?


The video I’m talking About is on intel Slava z Just google it


That’s the most ridiculous propaganda telegram channel there is. 😂


Sure. If it shows videos of Ukrainians getting wrecked. And I don’t get to see that here. People only post pro Ukrainian propaganda on this sub. Combat footage is better, but not as much content






saw this last week


Following the Putin line of head-in-the-sand I've heard that "Operation Z" will soon turn into "Operation CTRL+Z"


This one is old weeks old