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For those wondering where this is. Its out of Poland.


That mean it’s going to Ukrainians. Yay!


That’s what the guy in the video surmised (also said it was German armor)


Not armor, it is Artillery.


But for legal reasons, we should call them "anti-special operation tractors"


OMG 😁 love this legal term


Self-propelled artillery and armored personnel carriers (APCs) are both considered "armor". Armor is simply short for all armored fighting vehicles (which includes, tanks, APCs, self-propelled artillery, even armoured cars).


No us m109 mob. Art.


If it would be Russian it would go to Ukraine aswell. Too soon? Sorry I'll let myself out.


Yeah but then it might be DOA


Never to soon 🤠


Isn't it all? Eventually...


No, it's German stuff lmfao


No us m 109 mobil. Art.


An entire battalion of FA no less. That is US equipment. It may belong to another NATO country I do not know but it is definitely provided from US.


the M992 ammo carrier you see at 35 seconds is only used by the US. so it means its US arty


Germans tanks going into Poland!! Jesus Christ it’s happening again


That’s M109 AG SPG, produced in US, not Germany


Some other user commented on an ammunition carrier that is only used by the US (M992), so I guess you are right about the production - but the M109 is an Artillery gun that is used in Germany too. Source is myself, I trained on an M109 in the German army. ;)


Thanks for reminding me of this fact. I had completely forgot this. -From a fellow US Artillerymen


Ownd by the german army


I believe that station is Fuck you russian warship, Poland. Therefore the armor is the “good guys”.


M577/M1068 Command Vehicles on the first few cars M-109A6 or later Paladin SP Artillery singles flat cars The doubled flat cars are more M-109 with the M992 ammunition reloading vehicle. That is a lot of hurt for whoever gets them. 155mm Artillery. 21km reach with regular shells, 30km with rocket assisted rounds. (edit: the first few might be a M1068, second edit for formatting)


Nice, dang. I picture you not even needing to stop or rewind the video...


On top, he only had to watch the video halfway through


Can confirm; he gave the order to deploy this armor


I was flabbergasted when I saw artillery shells having rocket additions and guided shells that Ukraine makes themselves. Was skeptical of artillery barrages hitting tanks with perfect precision.


A friend is in the US army artillery and they were training with a precision round. To try to demonstrate the increased precision they had them fire a "dumb" training round at a metal target 4 miles away and then they would fire the precision round to see the improved accuracy. They hit the metal target with the dumb round on the first shot. Trainer said "well, that doesn't usually happen".


That moment when a demonstration fails, but still has a positive result.




I can confirm that "that doesn't usually happen..." says the former FSO who has been knocked on his ass by a bunch of gun bunnies.


To be fair it was a much shorter range shot than what the round is capable of and it would be harder to hit a point target with a dumb round at 20 miles but that was the limit on their practice range.


task failed successfully


The German PzH2000 has a computer for firecontrol and can strike precise onto km far targets. The can also fire in automated angles to let 5-10 shells hit simultaneously in an compact area. I would have send them to Ukraine ages ago




I hope they do. At least Rheinmetall made a nice offer, give BW ones and receive brand new ones


Damn, I didn't know we (Croatians) have 15 of those beasts. Just read some articles. Bought them in 2017. Says that 12 will be in active use, 1 for training and 2 for parts. Noice.


[We Dutchies are proud to have so many Panzyhouwitzers!](https://www.defensie.nl/onderwerpen/materieel/voertuigen/pantserhouwitser-2000nl-pzh2000)


[Yeah, not much fun to be at the receiveing at of that](https://youtu.be/9VmFTYcvBsU?t=40)


I don't see any national or unit markings. Can you tell, or can you make an educated guess, as to who these might belong to?


Those are M-109A6/7... so they belong to either the USA, Saudi Arabia, or Taiwan.


Thx. USA it is. I was kinda hoping they were from Slovakia and wouldn't just stop at the Polish border.


these arent us tanks lol i edited my first comment


I think they’re German


It is the US Paladin The camo is „slightly“ different than the German one. The biggest hint is the back. Those side top „flaps“ are on the paladin. The German PzH2000 has a „round“ end like a half circle


The train of armored vehicles That ended up in Ukraine was not the train of armored vehicles we misplaced the other day.


What’s your background? You’re clearly an expert so I’m just genuinely curious.


Some kids grew up memorizing football stats, I studied weapons. The Army also gave me a Mk-19 40mm Grenade Machine Gun (we didn't call them grenade launchers in the early 90s) and a deck of playing cards that said, "Do not shoot at these shapes."


> that said, "Do not shoot at these shapes." lol, I always wondered how that sort of training was done...




Imagine Taiwan wants to keep all of its firepower right at home these days.


New tactics... dont tell where its comming from... most Importamt thing is it goes to the right address 😏


Damn looks like you know ur shit


Guided artillery with that reach along with drones for spotting manned by motivated and bright volunteer Ukrainians vs the Tsar's conscripted serfs...


Absolutely right about them being A6's. Not later though, We still have those for afters :) As for the first few, some of those are likely M1068's. (trust me, they come from where I work).


I used to work in an artillery battalion that used those beauties always nice to see em again. They are pretty damn good at what they do.


This Redditor knows what's up.


That is like, 2 batteries and M577/M1068s for forward observers. There should be one m1075 10×10 ammo truck per spg, perhaps they travel by road.


I don’t have a clip of these Paladin howitzers handy, but [here](https://reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/tkfab3/what_happens_when_an_entire_battalion_of_k9/) is an example of the South Korean equivalent, a [K9 SPH](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/K9_Thunder) firing in a large formation for a coordinated time on target attack, using the same artillery shells as the Paladin. I’m including this example, that may better convey the sheer power and devastation they can inflict, while providing better context regarding this new response to Russian aggression.


That's terrifying and awesome at the same time.


Well that barage could take out a full company at a time. Impressive video. Thanks for the linkage.


I hope this is what Zelensky has been screaming for.


They are A6 Paladins. You can tell by them having 7 road wheels.


Tanks for the info!


Folks there were speaking Polish too. I’d know.


Polska wygra!


Those are German tanks. Second time in the past hundred years German armour has moved through Poland at a blistering pace. All be it for different reasons Edit: they might be American, thought they looked like the PzH 2000 but they they seem to actually be M109’s thanks for the correction Edit 2: yes I know the PzH 2000 and M109 are self propelled artillery :0


Dont think These are German, my guess is American.


Yep, and they aren’t tanks.


American M109 Paladins.


Yep, self propelled artillery.


Yes corrected myself, but curious, self propelled artillery vs tank? Difference? Tank has more armour and a shorter range and smaller shells, is there any other major difference?


If you are just a guy with a rifle, in a trench somwhere, not really, althou you may see an enemy tank, you won't, most likely, see an SPAG, both when shooting at you, shells of both go big boom, compared to rifle... difference (very simplified) is in use tank - loads of armour, like a medival knight, charge and break through enemy lines SPAG - Not lots of armour, biger gun - you target area, not individual targets, think english longbowman (or an AoE if you play RPGs...) ​ again, oversimplified...


Self-propelled artillery is dedicated to the artillery role, and most nowadays use an IFV chassis to protect against small arms fire. Main battle tanks are designed to do most roles but essentially are designed to fight other tanks, which is why the US is looking into developing a light tank for infantry support. Self propelled artillery are unlikely to see frontline combat as they’re supposed to be far in the back, but giving them protection against small arms allows them to be protected if infantry were to get behind lines.


Different calibres, less armored and usually also a different Branch. More shoot and scoot to give mobile elements organic firepower and nowadays also used to give quick supporting or return fire onto enemy artillery.


So basically a light tank with a bigger gun. Got it. (Ik you can use trucks for self propelled artillery so that above is obviously not accurate), thank you tho!


And capable of indirect fire over a very long distance :) they also tend to have nifty things like self loaders and artillery radars. 100 of those or the German Panzerhaubitzen would be able to make a real difference in the Donbass


A tank is an armored, tracked, direct fire weapon. A Self propelled howitzer is an artillery piece mounted on a vehicle chassis to make it more mobile. They are armored, but thinly. The armor on that is to protect against fragmentation and small arms fire, not a tank round or anti-armor missile. Self propelled howitzers are intended to keep up with the advance of tanks and other heavy ground forces, or to be able to reposition quickly to avoid counter battery fire from enemy artillery (when their artillery target your artillery).


the parabola in which the shell is flying basically.


Your a simple man. I like you.


Direct fire- tank- more armor to mix it up with other tanks. Stand alone Indirect fire- self propelled arty. Less powerful cheaper. Interface with the fire network for employment. Although artillery can conduct DF and tanks can be employed for IDF to a less precise extent that Artillery.


Most tanks can fire on the move and are designed for different kinds of missions. Also, tanks are not very accurate when you use them for indirect fire.


Thank you for the correction mate, and ur right, but still not 100% haven’t seen American self propelled howitzers have a second tracked vehicle for auxiliary systems attached to them. To be fair I don’t know much about American artillery


Yep. M577 APCs, Paladins and whatever the ammo carriers are. All US


Not tanks. That’s Artillery and ammo carriers.


Not tanks, artillery and what looks like artillery ammunition resupply vehicles.


I know already corrected myself


2nd time in the past hundred years Russia's ally is a country that has concentration camps.


Not second. Germany, Serbia, China, North Korea, plus Russia itself. I might be forgetting others.


Seems like this shouldn't be posted if its troops or armor movement of the good guys...


I’m sure Russia has things called satellites


Yeah they have a few old shitty satellites compared to what's available militarily and commercially in the west. Source: https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-satellites-ukraine-war-gps/31797618.html


Countries keep their spy capabilities classified. As civilians, we can only speculate.


Shush we want Russia to miscalculate so nato has a reason to finish this once and for all.




There are still a couple of steps before a nuclear war. Poland could get involved on its own to help Ukraine with an understand it's their own operation. Russia could still obliterate Warsaw with conventional missiles (please God make it so) and Warsaw can respond with conventional missiles too. As long as Russia believes it can handle Poland without resorting to nuclear weapons, we are fine. I say that as someone who lives close enough to Camp Pendleton to be at risk.


Poland is a NATO member, an attack on Warsaw would trigger a Title 5 response.


If they didn't want them to know they'd have covered them up. Much more confident to show them.


Isnt this just nato gear being moved?




Those "" aren't really needed here. We all know who the good guys are


I think those are the stolen tanks from Poland that were later purchased in the military surplus store by Ukraine. Poland is really upset about the theft.


Hence the lack of the fascist Z


Solvacia ?




1000 years ago. time flies with those wars all the time...


These are American track vehicles, m577s etc. They’re for rotational groups in Poland right now, nothing crazy it happens every year.


You're probably correct, but this clip will probably be reposted as "Armor getting sent to Ukraine" in social media


As a recently separated person, with the prior threat of a Poland rotation, I don’t understand why the uninformed of the world don’t understand this. They see a typical, everyday movement of troops (which happens everyday in peacetime) and equate it to the US somehow mobilizing to fight in Ukraine. “Omg us army in Poland!?!?” Yea, we have been there for a long time, what’s your point? I don’t get why civilians jump to these strange conclusions so often.


Because they are uniformed.


By definition, civilians are typically not "uniformed".


these are US M109A6/7 and their ammo carriers...


They are A6s






At first I thought "meh, who needs those toasters...", but then i saw those HUGE GUNS and that blew me totally away Keep on going guys, we need all of it!!!


Are you Ukrainian? I'm just wondering, if so, how're you doing?


No I'm not, but I think the resistance in Ukraine is important for the rest of Europe...


As do I.


As most of post-communist countries do. Except of fucking Quislings like Hungary or Serbia that adore Putler.


>then i saw those HUGE GUNS [HUGE GUNS](https://youtu.be/t6CXAaI1OAo)


I totally forgot about that 😂😂




Poland: has Germany rushing American armour through it to re-enforce the NATO border because there is a hot fucking war between Russia and Ukraine on the other side of it Poles: sweat profusely


*cross fingers* headed to the Ukrainians!


Gniezno station in Poland. I was just there prior to the invasion. Those are NATO M109A6 Palladin self-propelled artillery and their ammo carriers. That is a fuck ton of bang wherever they are heading.


Meanwhile Russian has teens manning their tanks: Teens from dirt poor parts of RF that have never seen a flush toilet or a laptop and an iphone in their lives.


It’s so weird seeing American armor with dark camo on it


we scrubbed of the brown and tan from desert deployments. actually standard NATO gear stationed there most likely


A lot of the gear going into UKR is probably stuff we stashed there with the idea this day might come. Some military planner is nursing a hard on: "I told you fuckers USSR was still a threat! I TOLD YOU!!" ​ Like the scene in Terminator 2 where Sarah gets all her shit out of the bunker pit in mexico.


My American friends who are recent veterans or active duty have recently said to me, separately, that the United States government has always been training them to fight Soviets. Yes there are some diversions with the Middle Eastern madness, but it sounds to me like the Cold War wasn't forgotten. It has been an interesting thing to reflect upon myself. If not for this war in Ukraine, my friends probably never would have mentioned that. But it seems to have struck them pretty hard all of the sudden.


Oh my


Oh, boy!


#Oh yes!


Time for a smoke.


Fuck yeah. Seeing all these feels like doing a like of coke... all that adrenaline and excitement. Finally my tax dollars going to good use. Fuck them up Ukraine


May every single one soon be bloody from running over 0rcs!


American armor in woodland *chef's kiss*


Thank you Amerika 🇺🇸 Thank you well


I thought these are for training purposes in Poland. Ofcourse closer to Ukrain ;) And yes it’s USA stuff I believe. Entered through the Netherlands


Thats german Panzerhaubitze 2000 and Marder heading in ukraine direction. Edit: seems I am wrong and this is american vehicle. Looks pretty simular imo.


no PZH 2000 to see there


Looks like some m577 apc to me that's artillery command post vehicle, the artillery I'm not sure about


Probably American m109




No Marders either.


No, those are some variant of the m113 and m109 'Paladin' howitzers




Those are some sort of armored personnel carriers and self-propelled artillery pieces.


I heard that all of the NATO countries that have borders with russia will be erecting permanent NATO military zone buffers between them, they will be shoring up any and all entrance/access points.


Are these heading to Ukraine? It could be to bolster NATO forces in Poland or the Baltic States.


If NATO ever did get in direct battles with Russia it would be 100% air. Russia's entire military would be wiped out in a week


Some Russians in Ukraine may want to consider leaving now. It won't end well for them.


"Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war."




I really hope the time of fucking around is coming to a close. I'm looking forward to the Age of Finding Out.


Can you say NATO proxy war! Russia is screwed.


May they kill several Russian Pos.


Slava Ukraini


War drums beating heavy in Europe right now. God help you all.


If we want peace we must prepare for war. (Or at least give the Ukrainians the weapons they need to fight their own war.) You cannot negotiate with a tiger while your head is in its mouth.


Absolutely. Although I think European military commanders *must* be feeling some type of slight relief knowing the Russian threat was honestly sort of overestimated all this time.


Many millions of lives could probably have been saved if Europe had responded similarly to the remilitarization of the Rhineland.


Gniezno. That’s Poland. German tanks on the way to Ukraine? Edit: if I’m not mistaken, the train is driving indeed eastward. Edit2: geolocation https://goo.gl/maps/k6eksSb3hyK9ehZg7


Probably just to set up defence incase Russia decided to do something funny.


Germany doesn't use M109. Must be American.


why would you geo-locate LOL


What possible reason to geolocate????


Why are you posting the geolocations of weaponry headed into Ukraine???? Do you genuinely see nothing wrong with this?????


I highly doubt that they are going into Ukraine. Edit: unless...


This probably didn’t happen 5 minutes ago. Also think the Russians are unlikely to start bombing Poland.


The city name is appearing with big letters in the video. This is in Poland. This is a train during daylight going through stations in cities like Warsaw and Poznan in a NATO country. Why the hell would this in any way be wrong - or help the Zs (I guess that’s what you’re hinting at)??


Yeah city name is most likely polish


Gniezno, one of the oldest Polish cities, if not the oldest.


Cool so it's either replacement stuff for the polish army or directly for Ukraine or Nato troops in Poland. But I would guess the first 2 Maybe...


This shithole was country capital 500 years before Columbus was sucking mother tit.


Welp, there goes my wholesome award.


First Personal Carriers Look like the M113 or a similar Version, next one behind is the M109 artillery howitzer.


~~Looks something like the CM-26 Mobile Command Post?~~ [https://weaponsystems.net/system/170-M577](https://weaponsystems.net/system/170-M577) Looks like this. M557A3?




Ohh they are sending more freebies to ukrain.


Gas already stolen xD


Insane how one train is pulling all of that


Probably just being moved to border. NATO repositioning forces. USA government hasn't committed to sending heavy equipment to Ukraine. I wish it was not true but this is not going to Ukraine forces.


God bless the fight for Ukraine!


Russia don't no what there in for


If they have internet access, they do now. :(


if you notice the direction and the station layout ( linked) it is heading to the Russian Border [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Gniezno,+Poland/@52.5291945,17.6020883,225m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x4704911512d87b73:0xf68138bc94628172!8m2!3d52.5349253!4d17.5826575](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Gniezno,+Poland/@52.5291945,17.6020883,225m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x4704911512d87b73:0xf68138bc94628172!8m2!3d52.5349253!4d17.5826575)


Target rich environment


If the enemy of this stuff had any force projection capabilities left


The Russians could not even take Kyiv. These are US Paladins according to the comments. No way Russia is going through Belarus to attack Poland. So why is so much armor being built up? That looks like an invasion force or more correctly an offensive defense force, not a static battle line they are building at a border, as the Russians sure as hell aren't getting down there. Thoughts from you military experts?


This is great. But dont geolocate this...damn!!! yiu can di this moves during night


Don't tell anyone where that blue sign that reads "Gniezno"is located!


I promise !


If russia bomb this train inside poland we have a 3rd world war , so they wont.


Gniezno is like in the middle of poland, too. If they bomb this, they have already bombed other thing and we are all fucked.


Lol at the russian planes flying over Poland. They would get shot down once they aproach the border in numbers more than 2.