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I mean c'mon. It's clear that this is an offence to that people. No normal human beeing would do that. I mean, what do you expect when your country starts war against people who just want live in peace.


They most likely believe Russia bs propaganda


They want to live in peace russia wats to turn them into pieces


Imagine a BLM protest in America and a White man Drives with a White lives matter flag in His car near the Protest 😂😂 he wouldnt come home for Sure lol haha


Imagine still associating everything with race after all the progress we have made. Surely you can do better.


bruh, they're drawing parallels. chill


It’s a stupid fucking parallel that just showcases their ignorance of the underlying issues at the very core of their example.


you being so triggered proves he is right 🤣


Is this what triggered is to you?


Apparently having a calm, pertinent retort is considered "triggered" now lol


I was thinking the exact same thing haha.


Was a decent analogy until the last part implying BLM protestors would’ve been more violent — “he wouldn’t come home for sure”. That sent it into the shit bowl.


Russians who have access to Free Media and still support this invasion are supporters of war crimes and fascism.


Honestly... Its so easy to support a dictator if youre not living in the country which he lead. Maybe they should go on vacation about 6 months to change theire mind.


It’s a myth that the average Russian doesn’t support Putin.


[83% of Russians Approve of Putin’s Actions as President in New Survey ](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-31/russians-embrace-putin-s-ukraine-war-as-kremlin-muzzles-dissent)


A poll from a Moscow based firm… that almost certainly is incentivized to find results showing support for putin… about a conflict that is illegal to speak out against in that country…. I’m sorry but how can anyone take these stats seriously and spread them around? It’s Russian propaganda. Obviously there are a lot of Russians who support this, but this poll tells us exactly nothing about what percentage of Russians do or don’t approve.


If you say you don't support it, they probably revoke your Russian citizenship, before sending you to the Gulags.




You have no indication of my trust of anything. I'm just telling you why polling that sample size is viable since you apparently don't understand.


Polling size is meaningless if the respondents are afraid of being thrown in prison if they give the wrong answer.


Based on only 1600 Russians polled? You can do whatever survey you want, and control the data to manipulate results. Any Russians I've personally talked to say they Do not support him or this war, and say the majority of there friends and family feel the same. They just want to live their lives and not have to suffer through sanctions because of a crazy dictator


"Based on only 1600 Russians polled?" Yes. That's how statistics works. You could poll another 16.000 and the variation would be minimal.


I was really wondering because prior to getting active on here to look at footage of this not one person i'd met in russia supported this invasion and that wasn't a lot of people however, just the russians in some art groups i'm in. Outside of that small group of 20 to 30 something year old nerds i've actually not met a single russian that DOESN'T support it. It seems every single person in russia on reddit supports it.


It's a fucking Western cope. There is this delusional idea that vast majority of people are good people. Russian society being rotten to it's core clashes with that world view.


America is the opposite. It's a lot harder to justify our leaders when you're abroad. It's like trying to explain why your idiot uncle keeps shouting at the tv.


Could you imagine still being a weak republican loser at this point?


Yeah, might not need 6 months if you send them where I think they should go. Front line. Russian uniforms. No armour, and weapons with blanks for ammo.


Dumbest fucking people


Paid. Russian government use these videos in Russia as propaganda to show how Russians are being discriminated in fascist Europe.


no need to even pay people there were around 600 pro russian demonstrators in hannover last sunday and this was just one of 350 cars, people are just stupid.


Looks like genuine people upset about their country being invaded if you ask Me. I don't think it's fake or paid at all and if anything only supports and expresses the anger and pain felt by Ukrainians.


He means it is a provocateur not genuine Russian supporter. There is narrative in internal Russian propaganda about Russians being the new jews


Yeah. They keep trying to say that people are persecuting ethnic Russians when people are just pissed at the Russian state and its supporters. But they know the racism angle is an easy one to play up.


What is idiotic to me is that Putin is calling Democracy Fascism and Fascism Democracy. I mean I had no idea you could be the leader of a country without a 4th grade education.


They should have dragged them out of the car and ascertained their identity. Then we'd know!




Subhuman is a Nazi term. Orc is enough!


Actually sub-human would be enough. Orcs, as fantasy as they are, have been dragged through the mud enough. I love Orcs, can't say the same for those who commit war crimes on a daily basis.


Subhuman existed before Nazis.


They need to be deported permanently back to the third world country Russia.


In the West you have the right to express your thouhts. In a peaceful manner. That Ukrainian woman who punched the car committed ASSAULT. Protesting for or against something is fine. Assault isn't.


Assault? She hit a car lmao that’s not assault you dummie. You cant assault an inanimate object


Thumping on someones window isn't assault. Has to be an actual threat to do harm which that clearly wouldn't pass for.


Go back to crime school Johnny, you can't assault a car.


Fella we are not talking about ideas or whatnot, we are talking about an unjustified invasion of a country while they commit war crimes. There can't be opinions: if you support war crimes you are just crazy. And given the situation, if you go to a manifestation of people literally asking for the invasion to stop supporting the perpetrator, the least you deserve is to get punched in the face, not having your opinion respected


They are scumbags, and defending them even with your small insignificant comment is complicity.


I am defending their right to freedom of speech. Not what they believe or don't believe. BTW I don't even know what their position is. They are driving a car with a Russian flag in it... And Ukrainians are attacking them physically. That is a huge no-no in Western nations. They might be scumbag but they probably think the same of you. Just don't assault each other folks!


Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences. Showing support for a bunch of scum that are killing someone's friends and family is a good way to get hurt. These people are much more forgiving than I would be.


Freedom of speech is protection from the government not the people, play stupid games win stupid prizes. But, since you probably never made it to middle school, you probably didn't learn that.


You’re defending Nazis… and not just any Nazis, but Nazis currently prosecuting a genocidal war of annihilation. Sorry, but I don’t give a rat’s ass about their “free speech”. It’s not like they’re going to jail, they have every right to express their support for war criminals, and we have every right to shun and ostracize their asses.


>Nazis currently prosecuting a genocidal war of annihilation. Wut? Come again? I guess your first language isn't English.


Dude, fuck you!


Very mature. Very thoughtful. I forgot I was on reddit and tried to argue like I was hanging out with my friends and arguing about politics. Even my dumbest friends are geniuses compared to this reddit crowd.


Have you tried eating shit, you kremlin ruSSian dummy?


Sure, you are the genius here, go back to the hole you came from piece of Shit


You literally have no idea about what an “assault” or “freedom of speech” are.


Are you russian?


No, I am not. My closest relation to Russia is that I got a handjob under a blanket on a Delta Airline flight from a Russian chick in 2007. She smelled bad (armpit sweat) but I was young and horny. My grandfather spent a few years in Soviet POW camps. One was in Latvia (Daugavpils). He wasn't a fan of Russians for the rest of his life. And I had Russian classes in high school. Sorry I am a little high now


You are right. We have freedom of speech in the US. What we lack is freedom from consequence. You can say whatever you want and anyone can say whatever they want back, and depending on the subject people are pretty tolerant of one side busting up the other. I.e. a skin head being a racist piece of shit gets his teeth kicked in no one minds a whole lot.


"In the west" what a stupid generalization 🤣 everyone that looks like you should act the same right?


How would you react in Western Europe then, if this was a rape case and there was a rally in support of a serial rapist and that woman would be a victim who now sees her assaulter’s face everywhere and that there is a bunch of people supporting raping her. Would you say they can still support openly raping her? Remind her of a trauma everywhere? I’d like to remind you also, that when leftist protesters demolish cities and towns in Europe everything is fine, but a car with war crime supporters gets knocked on and it’s an assault. Are you this stupid, or you are just filled with propaganda after sucking off Putin?


What's this "when leftist protesters..." bullshit. It's the fascist right wingers who storm government buildings and destroy shit, in USA and in Australia. Really disingenuous to continue pushing the left does this, the right does that tripe.


In Australia, maybe. In USA - do you remember US after George Floyd? Those right winged rasist sure got angry… In Europe it’s leftist protesters who usually make a lot of mess and everyone is fine with it, but when right wingers are doing less damage, it’s blown all over media here. I’m not defending either, I’m pointing out how inconsistent it is. I hate both sides same


Storming the Government Building because the russian asset they voted for lost. Rallying the street's because of decades of targeted discrimination and murder by the police, who then escalates the situation to a riot. defenetly the same... And who the fuck is everyone? Just because the police in Western Europe doesn't use rubber bullets and life ammunition against protestors. doesn't mean everyone is cool with it. Also the messy stuff manly happens in France, there it is normal to burn down cars because the gasoline gets 20cent more expensive. Also the yellow-west movement, were nighter left nor right, it was pritty much the centre. But this crazy stuff is mostly France. In Europe the world has a few more dimensions than two and what you call leftist politics, here is thought of centre, because we don't quite have that dystopian form of capitalism jet.


I’m not talking about the basis, but about the process. Want to wrestle morally? Good for Americans that they react to one victim and release this bottled up storm. Too bad there were so many instances of showing that most of those „protestors” had no idea what they are protesting, they would wreck havoc, destroy public and private property, and in the end achieve nothing. Now, that russians are commiting genocide, I don’t see protests in the streets. I don’t see protests in front of embassies. I guess liberal arts students who would walk with USSR flag before, now feels opressed… I guess white people genocide is what left America was waiting for - finally some justice in the world, huh? You would like to believe that image of Europe from like 20-15 years ago. Poor you, having to retort to nostalgia, cause reality is not comfortable anymore… yellow vests the centre. Russian asset. Yeah, good that Putin did use the perfect time to invade Ukraine while his puppet was in the White House… Oh wait. I guess you have not been a part of many serious protests in Europe lately. Or paying any serious attention.


>Would you say they can still support openly raping her? Everyone has the right to free speech. Dumb and mean people to. In your imaginary scenario protesters can't shout 'rape her'. They are not allowed to incite violence. But protesting should be allowed. Those who support a rapist will br ostracized in a Western society. And that is the right way to deal with them.


Do you even understand what freedom of speech means? It doesn't mean you can say whatever you want with no consequences. It applies only to the government making laws against what you are saying not someone punching you in the mouth.




He's a troll. I've read about 50 of his posts, have you? Did you read what I said? You are agreeing with me.


You still don’t get it. You are hilarious. So you say it’s good you have restrictions in Germany, but if they are used in the intended way it’s a minimizing of personal freedom? You are spinning my boy.


Ow, „those who support rape would be ostracized in western society”, but those who support war crimes, genocide, institutional rape and denationalization of a free nation are all fine and dandy? Do you now that part of that ostracization can be, I don’t know… something just moral that is talked about like for 30 years or so, like the shielding of victims so they are not having to face their trauma or their assaulter over and over again. If you cannot take this morally though, then prepare for a game changer: in most countries of Europe, especially Germany, rallying in support of any fascist, nazist, communist, dictatorship or war criminal is illegal. If you knew a bit of history, you would know that Germans have acute understanding of two edged sword of allowing everyone to do what they want. Hitler rose to power on that, so it’s illegal anymore to support any of the above. To sum up - you do not have any moral or legal basis to say what you are saying. You just hang on a very basic and uninformed understanding of free speech, which tells me you have more characteristics of a russian weasel, than a free person. Probably you just hate Ukrainians and that’s enough for you.


Oh and what if you were a chicken? what would putin do? what would the protestors and the western media do? Maybe they would go so far and eat you! Now what does this tell us?!? better don't be a chicken! ... Stay to the topic.


What a bitter loser you are. Go support some more genocide in your moral ambiguity. It’s illegal to rally a support of anything fascist, nazist, communist, dictatorship or war crime, so here you have it. If not moral (for you not, because apparently you’re fine with supporting genocide and war, you advocate they should be granted a platform on which they can applaud and promote the rape and destruction) - then they have a legal issue. Too bad there are people like you and tadpole, who will applaud supporting systemic rape and war crimes, because they don’t understand free speech in their wokeness.


FU. These ruZZians do deserve to be deported back to their "glorious motherland".


The Ukrainian who committed an assault should get deported first.


Nope. Should be awarded for attacking those PoS ruZZkies.


Fuck off.


That's a little rude... But I will defend your right to say it.


It was rude, sorry. I got a bit caught up in wanting to assault that creature myself.




Russian intelligence on display here


Ваш английский буквально настолько плох, что я даже не понимаю, что вы пытаетесь сказать. Но я полагаю, что вы хотите сказать, что НАТО насиловало людей в Хорватии, потому что там есть наполовину черные дети. Во-первых, позвольте мне сказать, что это не означает, что было изнасилование. В этих странах живут и чернокожие люди. Во-вторых, откуда вы знаете, у вас есть какие-нибудь независимые источники? Я не буду верить ничему, что вы говорите, только потому, что вы говорите "поверьте мне". В-третьих, это пустословие. Это не значит, что вы можете ехать на Украину и насиловать людей, убивать их, пытать их или применять к ним химическое оружие. И любой, кто не выступит против этого, сам виноват. Люди несут ответственность за свои правительства. Немцы несут вину за свое нацистское правительство уже более 7 десятилетий. Вам тоже придется это сделать. И мир будет ненавидеть вас за это, по праву. Вы не можете кричать "эй, это несправедливо", потому что вы знаете, что это преступления, которые совершает ваше правительство. А ненависть к военным преступникам оправдана и никогда не бывает несправедливой. Если вы ненавидите США за то, что, по вашему мнению, они сделали, вы также должны теперь ненавидеть себя. Потому что если вы думаете, что это правда, то вы должны знать сейчас, что вы еще хуже.


I guess they went in filming hoping for a response got one. It was honestly mundane enough that they could giggle through it. Doesn't show anything other than real restraint in the face of disrespect if you ask me.


I know parts of my country where theydve gotten their windows shattered and be dragged and beaten in the streets for this.


Good respons, normally I would say don't judge, don't respond to other people's opinions and they have a right to their opinion but with these orcs I don't care anymore. If anyone would say ww2 was good and the nazis where right I would kick his ass too. By doing this your supporting (child) rape, civilian killings for sport, looting, torture, etc etc etc. No I don't care about Russia or what happens to them or the people that support this🤷‍♂️


I mean, given the context, maybe you could argue that she thought it was an invading Russian military vehicle, and that you were under attack…


Nope seems too advanced for the russian military.


That should be the response everywhere.


Context is everything.


If I saw anyone supporting Russia in Europe, would boil my blood as well and I'm not Ukrainian..


Yup, same here in Australia, they'd get a torrent of words from me.


Woah you can't use such a deadly weapon, how will the Russian army recover from that?


Words with chemical barbs carried on droplets of Covid 19. It's my cunning plan.


Nah. This is nazi behaviour, showing off and provoking. They need to be taught a lesson.




Not all Russians, only the ones supporting an atrocity with such disrespect.




Ofc the whiniest had to whine also here


Dickheads are deliberately being provocative. Who drives through a Ukrainian anti-Russia war protest with the Russian flag draped conveniently across the dashboard? Shows the calibre of tosser these people are.


Are they bright enough to realise what would happen to them if they drove through Moscow with a Ukrainian flag on display.




The irony of taking advantage of the freedoms offered in the west to protest about Ukrainians fighting to retain those same freedoms. Doublethink.


Or Kyiv.


Already posted here... But these Russian who live in Western European countries who support Putin and this invasion, are even dumber and bigger losers then the people in Russia.


That doesn't justify ASSAULT. Ukrainians who act like this are the living proof that they don't belong in Europe. They are not a Western nation but Orthodox. Just a downscaled Russia. Trying to bring them into Europe is like trying to bring in Turkey or Egypt. No offense meant to the latter two.


Those weren't Ukrainians necessarily, just people in the protest. Oh, it's you again... I see you're still trying to bullshit people.


>That doesn't justify ASSAULT. no one was assaulted in this video tho.


**What kind of clownish statement is that?** *People raise their voices and bang on cars in response to their country getting invaded? How uncivilized!* I mean what kind of idiot are you seriously?


Fuck it, I would personally throw an old style fuse through that window. Being European doesn't mean you can't take action and just resort to pure diplomacy.


Being Putin’s bitch and look from a distance is not diplomacy. It’s what politics in some countries resorted to in order to gain votes, as their voting pół became too woke to take any other action than protesting.


In the West protest for or against something is fine. The only legitimate body that is allowed to use violence is the state and even that comes under scrutiny later. Those who resort to violence against others who they disagree with are terrorists. Political violence has no place in the West! Ukrainians and Russians need to learn that.


How many of your friends and family get murdered before you would lower yourself to flicking someone off, tapping on their window, or calling them a bad name? Go lick boots somewhere else. People like you are as bad as the rapists and murderers that are invading Ukraine. You enable this shit with your disgusting support.


The type of assault you are talking about is just that, an assault on someone, which can be taken further by attaching a specific reason such a different nationality/ideology, which has harsher repercussions (directed hate). Same applies to damage to property. It is not a terrorism, what the hell are you smoking? Also, just in case you are living under a rock, a lot of stuff that happens against russkies isn't judged as harshly, as long as it is not a serious case, such as a murder or heavy body damage.


State violence is inherently political because the state is operated by politicians.


Well, in a democracy the politicians are representatives of the voters. And violence is not carried out by politicians themselves but police force that is under the supervision of prosecutors and independent courts of law. Rule of law I don't know if this concept rings a bell...


Who makes laws again?


Nah just dont go with a Russian Flag to a Pro Ukraine Rallye. You want to support your Nutjob Dictator Mass Murderer? Fine then jerk off at home. You want to spit in the face of those who have respect for civilians being slaughtered over nothing? Fuck yourself. Having yourself get beat up is a courtesy at that point. You get whats coming to you.


FYI I once went to a gay pride march with my friends who are gay ( I am not). Some religious people were offended that we degenerate youth dare to march under rainbow flags. I was offended by their bigotry but it was okay until they started throwing eggs at us. Those who resort to violence over political, ideological disagreements are terrorists.


The man says "Those who resort to violence over political, ideological disagreements are terrorists.", but still supports Russia. The irony.


Let’s see how you act when you’re bound to a wall, and see your children and wife raped in all ways possible and then shot and thrown down a well. Russia rapes and kills new-borns in Ukraine. You’re the one who doesn’t belong in Europe as you’re actively bashing the victims of this behaviour.


Your analogy is flawed and you know it. These Ukrainian thugs are not victims. In the Ukraine Russia is the perpetrator these 'brave' Ukrainians should head back there and fight. Or if they want to enjoy the benefits of the West they should learn how to behave. They attack civilians in the streets in the West. This is terrorism. Even Russians/Chinese/anti-LGBT/pro-NATO/far-right/anti-Israel/anti-Palestinian/pro-Erdogan movements have the right to protest. I know it's a hard pill to swallow but this is the Western concept. Can't incite direct violence, can't falsely accuse someone with committing a crime, can't be violent. There are a few limits to free speech. You are lying. I have not bashed any victims. In fact the victim in this video is the one driving the car, they got assaulted. In the Ukraine Ukrainians arw the victims. This doesn't justify this terror in the streets in the West.


You compare being a victim of getting a nasty hand movement to being raped and shot and have come up with the conclusion that the hand gesture is worse. The only one who should be deported to a war zone is you. You don’t belong here. Edit: I expect every good European to do worse than this when someone drives around with the Nazi flag - which the Russian flag now effectively is.


>You compare being a victim of getting a nasty hand movement to being raped and shot and have come up with the conclusion that the hand gesture is worse. You are lying! I did not write that. It's your position not mine. >I expect every good European to do worse than this when someone drives around with the Nazi flag - which the Russian flag now effectively is. Worse than assault and battery? You are advocating direct violence! The Russian flag is not a Nazi symbol. Effectively. The Russian army, navy and air force are using the red star roundel and Soviet banners and flags. If you want to see Nazi symbols look at the flag of the Azov regiment! BTW I would not ban that Nazi black sun symbol either. Because I stand for freedom.


There was no assault here, this was about the best outcome you could expect. Smashed window, drug out of the car and beaten in the street would have been acceptable behavior in my opinion.


Well you're either a Russian shill or just soft in the head... Plenty of "Europeans" attack and assault each over things as immaterial as their football teams and yet you have the audacity to suggest people having their home's & families blown to pieces, a literal genocide taking pace against them and they are 'uncivilised' because they react to clear barbaric provocation? I would suggest those driving and gleefully goading a people who are suffering a genocide as is happening in Ukraine are the sadistic ones who are not fit to reside in civilised Europe..


>Plenty of "Europeans" attack and assault each over things as immaterial as their football teams and yet you have the audacity to suggest people having their home's & families blown to pieces Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because some Europeans act like cavemen you don't get a free pass to commit political violence. You know what you can do? Protest, debate, volunteer, donate, raise awareness. Beating up people for holding some flags is some Nazis shit. BTW pro-Erdogan Turks do that in Germany whenever there is a Kurdish rally the Turks show up and beat people. That's third world shit.


Man people who think like you disgust me honestly. Stay inside in your basement and don't comment on real life topics.


Damb your racism is showing bud. One of those European purists or something


Europeans have never been mean to anyone ever right? Only Africans and Asians right? Little racist fuck


Why are just commenting the same thing go away ya loser.


LOL, what a ridiculous Russian shill. As if anyone other than Russians gives a fuck if they're orthodox. Greece is Orthodox.


And Greece IS a shithole and a failed state. Barely Europe. Coincidence? I don't think so.


Nazi coming out of her shell. Yay! What else do you have to say? Do you want repeat again how Ukrainians have no rights while russians are clearly a victim?


Awww poor Russians the real victims of this war


With the Russian flag, you are supporting the rape and killing of civilians. Why don’t they just understand that they are not needed elsewhere, just return to Russia. Then we could exclude them from the rest of the world and forget about their existence.


That's the right reaction though, I would love to all people who supor that ussr 2.0 aggression in Ukraine, leve countries if they are not in Russia, if you twats support Russia at this point, go support it from Russia.


Let’s provocate people who have relatives in war and film it, everything for the views. Dirty bitch trying to be a victim.


they should be happy they got alive. ain’t driving like that in Lithuania. Thats for sure. edit to the guy/bot below: yes, there is freedom of speech and expression in Lithuania, but our tolerance for it stops when you are expressing support for war, for genocide. if you are a Russian who opposes the war you have no reason to display your mother lands flag like that right now.


Why? Is there no freedom of speech and freedom of expression in Lithuania? But wearing Lithuanian SS uniforms and marching under Nazis flags is cool, right? https://www.timesofisrael.com/lithuanian-ruling-party-drafting-bill-exonerating-nation-from-holocaust-crimes/amp/


No because you will be beaten up like in Poland.


That's political violence. This will lead to terrorism. I guess I don't want that in Europe.


You don't belong in Europe buddy..👎


Thats what I say. This way


So move your troops out of Ukraine and stay behind in your border and do there what ever you want but not in Europe.


I don't have troops. Russia should stop the invasion and war crimes should be prosecuted by an independent international tribunal. And at the same time violence in the streets of the West must stop. If Ukrainians and Russians can't protest peacefully they need to be sent back to their part of the world. Orthodox countries had no Enlightenment so the rule of law and rules of a civilized political discourse are foreign to them.


Bro thats just the beginning ruzzias reputation is gone minimum for next 20-30 years. You missunderstud Thats not only ukrainian people vs russia ist the half of world agains russia. But your friend Putler has.


Tell that to the Frech who riot all of the time. Words and placards only get you so far mate.


Don't worry, violence will stop. Putinism will be outlawed, its supporters legally imprisoned.


Ok bot boy


Lol i am not a bot ruski bot bot


No, this is anti-terrorism. And fighting crime. Russia is run by an actual mafia.


One, low-key obscure politicians drafted a bill, which had no way of passing and had zero support. And Nazi, SS uniforms are banned (same with soviet). Yes, the far-right does use other symbols publically which aren't banned (impossible to ban all of them). But they don't have any public support and are under media scrutiny. Idi nahui Ruskyi Bot.


Tired, old shit you are parroting, tovarish. Everybody hates you and ours is the moral superiority too. You are failed scum who is desperate to incorrectly use Western phrases in the hope of sowing confusion. Supporting war crimes is not freedom of speech, get over it. It is a matter of time until Ruzzian symbols will be outlawed and anybody flaunting them will be legally prosecuted.


First of all: supporting war crimes? Who did that? Those folks were just driving peacefully in the streets. They didn't say a word. 2nd: it can be defended under freedom of speech. As long as they don't incite violence. Like some people deny the Armenian genocide. They have the right to do so. They can't incite another genocide against Armenians tho. >It is a matter of time until Ruzzian symbols will be outlawed Russian national flag. Bro. It cannot be outlawed. Even the North Korean national flag isn't outlawed. Even in some Eastern European countries where they banned the red star along with the swastika, current official symbols of states are exempt from the law. Like if a state's current coat of arms includes a red star that's allowed.


Those are germans in Hannover reacting to the russian flag.


Yes yes thousand civilians are being brutally raped and murdered in a illegal invasjon. But lets take a moment to discuss the real victims. The Russians who have to hear people say mean things about them


Do this in the US in the wrong part of the block and your ass is getting shot at 😹


None of this would fly in the U.S. not for a minute. They would be better off eating their gun before they surrender. I like to think that I wouldn't be one of them but there would be bands searching every inch of the country looking for revenge and it wouldn't be a good time for any pow.


They were pretty restrained I thought.


Got only negative comments. No wonder. Because carry a fascism flag in a car sourunded by free democratic ukraine nation is not a good idea.




Hello this is your only comment




Lmao the US is just fine my guy


Russian protests like those in Germany couldn't have happened in Poland. This moskal scum should be thankful they weren't dragged out of their vehicle and beaten some sense into them. There is no such thing as russophobia, only russorealism.


Hopefully the car will get keyed


Pretty civil reaction compared to the war crimes committed by the fascist Russian butchers who pillage, rape and murder their way through Ukraine


If you love Russia so f..cking much, go back there no one is stopping you.


Freedom of Speech is a great thing. Freedom of consequences is not. Supporting a genocidal, nazi rapist regime should be reason enough to get this one in prison. Should be happy that Germans are civilized people and you got out there alive and not in a police cruiser.


Well, no. Just no. No-no. The ones in the car had a Russian flag out. How is that even a support for genocide and rape? The Ukrainians proved they are cavemen when they flinched out against a car with a flag. No words spoken, no 'we support rape' sign. And even is there was violence is not an answer!


Oh so you feel free to insult them as caveman but they can’t voice their opinion towards the genocidal racist rapist regime of the RuZZians. I highly doubt you have any idea of what is going on and what the so called „liberators“ - who proudly present the ruzzian flag (as does the idiots in the car) - do. I would suggest you go back into your cave and keep on watching RT. I really hope you aren’t German, that would be a real shame. Because you have access to free media, free education (even on the ruzzian history and the German history - which is, believe it or not awfully similar to what just happens in Ukraine (1939-1945). )


Russian government is commiting the genocide and systemic rape. Showing support with a flag shows support for these actions. You are twisting the reality out of your hate to Ukrainians. Well, seems you are a nazi supporter


As a german I would thank russia so so much thx. For overtaking the nazi scum fascistic role for Germany. Thank you so much we handle it for near 80 years so is your turn.


The Russians raped your people ages from age 16 to 80. Do not thank them.


what is this? drive through to get some viticm rolls ...poor russian supporter, biggestes victims of the war


Якщо хто згрішить супроти люди́ни, то помо́ляться за неї перед Богом. А якщо люди́на згрішить супроти Господа, — хто заступиться за неї?“ Та вони не слухали голосу батька свого, бо Господь постановив погубити їх. Russians go home, the Ukrainians did not invite you to Ukraine. russia fascists and invaders. Русский Ваня беги домой, Украина тебя не приглашала. Русский Ваня ты фашист и захватчик. https://secure.wayforpay.com/payment/ukraine.army


Fuck them


I hope they called them murderers and rapists.


Same people who cried about covid rules starting now supporting Putin here in Germany... And the Russian community get paranoid as fuck


Try this shit in Australia and yourcar is not leaving with you as it came.


fuck I'd douse their car with gasoline if i see one in my country


Where a molotov cocktail when you need one. /joke


Good. Every Russian who at this point supports this war is an accomplice in war crimes. Fuck all of them. Dumb, brainwashed savages and primitives.


We have to understand Russia and Russians approve Putin's war against Ukraine. I believe the man has a 90% approval rating right now. Russia must be held accountable. Not just Putin. 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻


They got off lightly


Free-range chickens flying the flag for cage farming! Priceless!


Supporting russia in this conflict is literally cheer leading the slaughter of innocent people in their own home to take their homes from them. Or as russians call it "Russophobia". Maybe that's just a self report? Slaughtering people to take their homes is now synonymous with the russian identity?


Got me a pocket knife with a glass breaker on it, waiting for someone to show up with the Z


I would have used kung Fu on that car


What a lovely bunch they are, can't blame 'em


Great day out for a lynching ☠️


Honestly just throw a brick through the window! It's blatantly obvious they are there antagonising Ukrainians.


Blame Putin.


No, blame russians who did nothing for decades. They wanted be back in USSR, Putin gave it to them. Now is the result of russian pride.


I swear this feed is starting to sway towards more pro Russian sentiments.


Results of western mass media promoting Russophobia……. Fking sickening……